Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Ummmmmmmmmmm, it's "diner en blanc".........yes, the WHOLE event is ALL WHITE!

    It is a "secret" event, so nobody knows where we are all going. You show up at an appointed time with your ticket, to various locations around the city (I have to go to the science centre to catch my bus!).

    Then, the bus-es take all the attendants to the secret location. You have to pack in:

    - all white square (folding) table
    - all white folding chairs
    - all white picnic china (no plastic), cutlery, linen napkins (no paper), linen table cloth, wine glasses, votive candle

    You have to wear ALL WHITE - no cream, no ivory, no stripes, nothing. This explains why my husband has to rent all-white formal wear....

    I have a dramatic white hat that I will wear! You can wear white gloves, white mask, white wig!!!


    Lucky for me, I will bring my dress to work and will put it on MOMENTs before I head out to the bus-muster-point.

    The wine is red....I expect I will have to visit a drycleaner when I am done.

    (At the end of the event, everybody packs their stuff back up and off to the bus-es we go!)

    If you go to dinerenblanc.info, you can see all the BEAUTIFUL events that diner en blanc has held around the WORLD.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    ...I had to buy ALL-WHITE dress because I don't own one.

    ....I had to buy ALL-WHITE flats because heels aren't recommended (you can walk up to 500 m just to get to the 'secret venue', often through grass....)

    ....I have lovely nude-SPANX undergarments, so I should be FINE!

  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    My parents are visiting and I'm having a hard time keeping up.

    Lift on!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    runzalot...that was my June. I have done WAY better with regular lifting in July!!

    I haven't done NEARLY as much walking as i said I would, though.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    REst DAy! Mammo went great didn't hurt. uncomfortable, but I was just excited that I have boobs to out in the machine. They really are bigger. VS wasn't full of it. How do I know? My good sports bra was not wearable last night after the soaking from Zumba wednesday, so I went with a tank with built in support. I still had boobs and didn't looks like a prepubescent child. :)The big question is why? Where the hell did they come from? PS: clean bill of health.

    Beeps, a friend of mine is an "eastern Star Sister", the ladies auxiliary of the freemasons, and she has to wear all white from panties out to her meetings. no thanks.

    Next week, The kids and I will be mobile and we will get the summer party started, and just maybe I'll wear a damn bathing suit. Too the pool, the ocean is too cold.

    BB, you keep making Strong curves sound great. Most people at my gym do splits.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    ...I had to buy ALL-WHITE dress because I don't own one.

    ....I had to buy ALL-WHITE flats because heels aren't recommended (you can walk up to 500 m just to get to the 'secret venue', often through grass....)

    ....I have lovely nude-SPANX undergarments, so I should be FINE!


    Far out, this dinner has become far too hard, lol. I like the idea of these things but the moment I'm required to spend more money on preparing for it than the actual meal is worth..... I'm happy to stay home. Plus, with 3 boys in my house, I haven't worn anything white for the past decade. Saying that, I wouldn't wear white anyway as it is just is NOT my colour - makes me look ill as my skin is so pale - I wore gold at my wedding for that exact reason.

    Can you tell I'm just not someone who is into dressing up? lol

    I'm sure you'll have a fab time Beeps - hope your dress stays perfect!

    No workouts for me today but 3 hours geocaching and visiting playgrounds/ parks with the kids. It was cold/ rainy at times so we all came home with runny noses and watched a movie. Only managed NROL once this week but did Pump instead (got to gym and had forgotten workout plan and ipod). Combat tomorrow. Next week I will get both lifting session in....they are scheduled in the diary. On the plus side, I upped my weights in pump and was one of two in the whole class who could do 32 pushups on their toes.... mini win for NROL :happy:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    REst DAy! Mammo went great didn't hurt. uncomfortable, but I was just excited that I have boobs to out in the machine. They really are bigger. VS wasn't full of it. How do I know? My good sports bra was not wearable last night after the soaking from Zumba wednesday, so I went with a tank with built in support. I still had boobs and didn't looks like a prepubescent child. :)The big question is why? Where the hell did they come from? PS: clean bill of health.

    Glad it went well. I've already been told my boobs are too small for a mammogram...... I'd need an ultrasound. Now that's pathetic. LOL
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I am related to some extremely flat-chested folks and we all have had no problem with a mammo. Then again living in the north-east, we have some seriously top notch hospitals with the best equipment. My aunt is a AAA, no problem, though she said they had to pinch rather hard.

    NSV: the tech said, wow, you have a lot of muscle in your chest. Why thank you. Maybe that's why they seem bigger.

    most likely will not make it to the gym today. I'm babysitting for my cousin and I now have four very energetic kids running amuck in my house. I did all of my Saturday errands this morning, so I missed my time slot.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Just realized that I haven't been checking in for the challenge. I've been 3/3 the past three weeks! Thank GOD for this challenge it's what motivates me to get up off my butt and work out. Okay I'm going to go back and read what's been going on with you lovely ladies lately.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    marieann: I’ve done a whole 30, 60, and 90 and the thing that made all of those possible was planning. When I had to think about what I was going to eat everything went downhill. Also I reminded myself that not having grains which is my major temptation was not that big a deal and there are plenty recipes and foods I can enjoy without them. Let me know if you need any recipes! I have tons especially for the crock pot.

    Jamaican: according to your ticker you’re 127 pounds right now. YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!!!!!!!! well unless you’re 3 feet tall in which case…..

    Barbell: it’s crazy how our goals change and aren’t dependent on a number isn’t it?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, that sounds so fun! I love getting dressed up and going out- hubby hates it. So it almost never happens.

    Sam, I'm glad it went well. Enjoy babysitting, lol.

    Red, planning is my biggest challenge for any diet. Seems like that is the hardest part of eating healthier.

    Got my lifting in today. I also talked to the owner of my gym again about several different lifting-related topics. I started asking him questions about bulking. The main thing he told me was accepting my body now is the first place to start. While he didn't discourage a bulk, he said women get too caught up in always trying to look different than they do. Being healthy and strong should be top priority. His words struck a cord with me. While it's good to have goals, I need to appreciate my body as it is.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Here Here
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Bb you always have good things to say
    I have to say ditto

    Sam and runza I also have no boobs. Maybe your pecs grew under your breast tissue??
    I wish that could happen to me- most of time I am happy to be (almost) boobless because they don't get in my way running
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    So I am still feeling badly- lots if nausea, pain and "neurocognitive symptoms "- so anxiety forgetfulness indecision dizziness irritability etc.
    I went to accupuncture which helps me to feel calm so helps but I'm still feeling sick.
    My lifting sucked again yesterday. I couldn't shoulder press the 8 lb db which are less than I started on 1.5 years ago.
    I hope my md can figure this out .

    It's really hot here - hope y'all are staying cool.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    And I've been eating high calorie food and starting to gain weight... So I am back to logging
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Pmag, I am sorry to hear you're still feeling bad. I admire you for sticking with the exercise. You're doing a great job of trying to take care of your body in spite of illness. I hope you get it all figured out very soon! Hugs!

    Sam, pecs! Yay!

    Hubby picked a Vietnamese restaurant to eat out today. I didn't go crazy, but the cals were such a guessing game. Regardless, I'm on track to meet all my goals this week. Hopefully I'm under enough on cals and over enough on protein that any inaccuracies will be accounted for.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    Sam and runza I also have no boobs.

    Either you have an impeccable memory of this thread or you just made a lucky guess about my boobies :laugh:

    My check in tomorrow is gonna be sad :embarassed:
  • RGreenthumb
    RGreenthumb Posts: 22 Member
    Wow you guys sure can talk! So much to catch up on since I've been away.

    Runzalot-your tea party looked amazing! Such cute china, and your dress was perfect. I hope you had a fab time.

    Pmag-I'm just impressed that you're still managing to get some exercise in despite being poorly! I hope you feel better soon.

    I'm back to logging my food as of today. I ate quite a lot whilst in London, including the most amazing salted caramel brownie from Harrods. It was definitely worth every single calorie! I'm also going to do my second round of NROLFW stage one workout A today. Having done workout B, I definitely think I prefer that one!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Pmag - Take it easy and rest up. I too am eating more lately - I do feel like I need it though. I'm cold here and have recently been unwell - I often think being unwell burns a lot of energy. I'd be inclined to ignore the weight gain until you're well again. Listen to your body xxx
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    samntha, glad to hear the mamogram went ok. and congrats on the increase in boob size! :smile:

    Barbell: I love that attitude. I keep wondering if I should be thinking about bulking or continuing to cut but its nice to have someone point out that its perfectly ok to just accept your body as it is.

    Pmag, sorry to hear you are still feeling so awful. Take it easy and don't worry about putting on a little weight, just focus on getting better. Hopefully the docs can figure out what is going on.

    Im going out for dinner tonight and then going to the pub to watch the last world cup match. I'll try not to go too mad but I will definitely be going over, just like yesterday and the day before.... Tomorrow i am developing willpower and I'm going to be strict about staying within my calories again! Last week I got 1/3. I went way over on calories and yet did not not manage to hit my protein goals. All the extra calories came from fat or carbs (or booze).