Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    samntha + BBGirl - please report in with your calories!! It's time to get SERIOUS and I want to know that I have COMPANY over on the deficit-bench over there....

    My Tuesday was a decent fast. My Wednesday was a decent calorie-deficit day. I am hoping my Thursday will be a deficit day (but more slight) and then tomorrow (Friday) will be a decent calorie-deficit day (similar to Wednesday).


    Alright, I'm going to keep my total weekly calories under 14000 and see what happens. May need to go lower- we will see.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Got my lifting in today and an older gentleman using the cable machine next me pops out his ear bud, "You're doing some advance stuff there, I see you supersetting, you get on with your bad self." Why thank you kind sir. I still feel weak though. This 10 rep light stuff isn't doing much for my ego and seems to hurting my waistline. I have some real gentlemen at my gym. There's a few loud mouth douches from Staten Island (you know the Jersey Shore type people that are really from New York) but they are few. Another very kind gentleman shared his 25s with me.

    Where are you from? I grew up on Long Island and miss NY. I love the compliment from the older guy :smile:
    Middlesex county NJ :)

    TOM is creeping up on me. Today was a rest day...literally, I slept really late and ended up taking a two hour nap on top of it. ANd my shoulder hurts. Hubby went riding, Older son went to lunch and movie with friend for friend's birthday, so little man and I went o McDonalds (it's raining and he was able to play with other little kids indoors. I know they are the scourge of Satan.) Now waiting for everyone to come home so we can mark our territory at the local fireworks.

    Happy 4th my fellow Americans.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I am going to LIFT, today!

    The end.

    I got mine done nice and early.

    Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans. I'm hoping I can manage going to the festivals without eating too much junk. There is nothing healthy to eat or drink at these things and all they left you bring in is a gallon of water each, because that what I want to carry for 5 people. You know I'm the one with a purse so they all ask me to carry their stuff. I got liter bottles and they can carry their own, Will is too big for the stroller this year ( 3 :cry: ) so putting on the bottom is not an option. Besides my older son & nephew are way to weak for 11 yrs old. Andy complained that water in the shopping basket was too heavy to carry last night at the store. 5 liters is not heavy, time to put down the video games & get some exercise. I'm also going to try to get them all to eat before we go. $5 for a little greasy hot dog does not sound appealing.
    Sounds like the playground and monkey bars are calling their name. BEst of luck and enjoy the festival. The Jersey City one sounds awesome and now I'm sorry I didn't go though we usually hit the beach.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    22.5" thighs don't need to be any bigger!

    Seriously?? I'm like 24.5" and I want to cry every damn day to get to 22.5, lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Yesterday i drank booze and that then lead to bad food choices. Meaning; I made GOOD food choices, was full and within my calorie deficit, and then suddenly thought, 'wth, I'll eat some more!'

    Gawd - that = DUMB.

    Soooooooooo, I am gonna be cool to the booze, too, for awhile. I don't drink much all winter, and come summer, while I still don't drink much, on 2 drinks, I just start to eat for NO GAWD-DAMMMM REASON.

    Anyway, I will hit my calories for this week, but it's gonna be dicey! I stepped on the scale yesterday, so I have my benchmark. I don't plan on stepping on it again until end-of-July.

    PS - today was a low-calorie day. In a good way. And, I have a feeling I can keep controlled this weekend as we have zero drinking events and by my next drinking event (Tuesday), I am just gonna be firmly on the "no" bench.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Stage 4 just wasn't interesting. I saw no changes in weight, measurements and whatnot. I did increase 20 lbs on my deadlift. I also changed my pushups from elbows out to elbows in. When I started Stage 4 with this change, I could barely do 2 pushups on the floor. Now, I can do all 8 with elbows in.

    That's it. I've been eating too much :grumble:

    The last few nights, I'll have a perfectly fine day and then snack like he!! at 11 pm. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Advice?

    I took a look at Drop 2 Sizes today. It pumped me up. Until 11 pm. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    HI! Random check in. I'm taking a mental health break from lifting this week. I went to do my second round of stage 7 and my mind and body just couldn't get with it. Lou says that if you really don't want to do a particular workout....don't. Of course he meant added cardio but I think it applies to lifting too. Stage 7 is just really intense so I'm totally forgiving myself for taking this week off. I've been running on the days that I would normally lift. Just 2 miles nothing serious but I am still getting in some kind of exercise which keeps me from feeling like a total slob. I'll start stage 7 round 2 next week and when I finish take another mental health break. The end of my mental health break will be trip number two to the beach and I'm going to try really hard to actually take pictures this time around. I'm really proud of myself and my body. I find less and less to complain about everyday and when I do find something to nit pick about I don't want to. My body has already done so many positive and amazing things for me. I find myself just wanting to be grateful for my progress.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Happy fourth !!!
  • VeLisaraptor13
    VeLisaraptor13 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm still on stage 1 and too scared to go to a gym at the moment. Bought a new barbell as my one was so cheap and rubbish - i accidentally ordered the 6ft one. I'm only 5'4" haha this thing is huge!! But it's a seriously sturdy bit of equipment hehe.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    22.5" thighs don't need to be any bigger!

    Seriously?? I'm like 24.5" and I want to cry every damn day to get to 22.5, lol
    Me too Beeps, Me too (I actually just measured.)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm still on stage 1 and too scared to go to a gym at the moment. Bought a new barbell as my one was so cheap and rubbish - i accidentally ordered the 6ft one. I'm only 5'4" haha this thing is huge!! But it's a seriously sturdy bit of equipment hehe.
    Well done that is the official Olympic BB. You will lift young grasshopper, oh yes you will lift.
    ROBINSTL67 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm still on stage 1 and too scared to go to a gym at the moment. Bought a new barbell as my one was so cheap and rubbish - i accidentally ordered the 6ft one. I'm only 5'4" haha this thing is huge!! But it's a seriously sturdy bit of equipment hehe.

    I completely understand your fear, as I think a lot of us had it. I'm only on day 4, but it has gotten easier each day to walk into the free weights area and feel like I know what I'm doing. I go as soon as the YMCA opens so that there won't be many people around, but the few who are there have proven to be friendly and not nearly as intimidating as expected. Good luck, you can do this!
  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Hope all my fellow American ladies had a wonderful July 4th!

    I lifted and it was surprisingly crowded at the gym:-(

    Etiquette question: is it okay to ask someone if you can work in with them, or should you wait to be asked? Normally if it's not clear whether someone is using something, and I ask, they'll say, "Oh, work on in!" But yesterday there was this woman who was totally spread out all over several areas (yes this was as annoying as it sounds.) She was wearing headphones turned up loud and when I gestured toward her bag set down in the squat rack area, she gestured back like, "Yes, I'm using that." She didn't say anything and proceeded to monopolize several different areas and I was wondering if I should have taken the initiative to ask to work in.

    (She was doing some type of quick circuit but she was lifting VERY heavy weights like for instance she was squatting with 180# loaded onto the bar (plus the bar itself is 45#.) But fast, moving from area to area.)

    She was taking so long and I had to get back home to family 4th of July so I just did my squat alternative (holding a barbell in each hand with my feet on 10# plates) but I was disappointed in myself later that I didn't speak up.

    I only barely learned to use a squat bar in the squat rack. My gym has one squat rack and two Smith machines but I don't know how to do squats from a Smith machine. I was checking it out and it looked kind of complicated...
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Jdgro, using clear language is always a good idea. We can't always hope someone will get a clue :ohwell: There's a thread somewhere that discourages use of the Smith machine.

    I'm so glad I'm not alone with my 24 inch thighs! *group hug* :flowerforyou:

    I rolled out of bed and hit the road for a 2 mile run this morning. I feel like I'm back in control. I changed my calorie goals a few days ago to 1800, no exercise calories and whatnot. I need to give myself time to adjust. I was looking at my calorie trends over the last 30 days and consistently eating 1800 would be an improvement :blushing: . Whatever I burn is icing on the cake. The idea is that the 1800 gives me wiggle room for sweets and wine. This should work if I don't &*$^ it up. Today, my protein is 100+ and I have room for brownies. I'm going to make Dark Chocolate Strawberry (Liqueur) Velvet Brownies. :drinker:

    I can do this.
  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks, Runz. I remember reading something about people getting hurt using a Smith machine. At the level I'm lifting now that's unlikely but I will get stronger and be lifting more so will just stick to regular squat rack. I think I just need to get in the gym at less crowded times.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    22.5" thighs don't need to be any bigger!

    Seriously?? I'm like 24.5" and I want to cry every damn day to get to 22.5, lol
    Me too Beeps, Me too (I actually just measured.)

    But you are both taller than me! You both look awesome.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jdgro, I rarely have that problem at my gym, but usually I make it very clear that I need to use the equipment too. Sounds like she was the type who thought her stuff was more important than everyone else. Can't fix that. Using dumbbells is just as effective as the barbell until your grip limits you, so that's perfectly fine. Lately I've been at the gym as the same time as two very young girls. They hog the squat rack for 30+ mins and they have no clue what they're doing. Next time I see them, I'm going to start a friendly conversation with them and see if I can give them some pointers. Nothing they're doing is going to get them any results(squatting a few inches with a empty barbell, etc).

    runz, I've been eating too much too. I think I'm less focused in the Summer- just want to enjoy my life and not stress over food.

    Hopefully I can regain some control this week. This past week wasn't awful, but there were too many "excuses" and festivities. This week will be easier.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    22.5" thighs don't need to be any bigger!

    Seriously?? I'm like 24.5" and I want to cry every damn day to get to 22.5, lol
    Me too Beeps, Me too (I actually just measured.)

    But you are both taller than me! You both look awesome.

    I measured yesterday and my thighs are 25" so there :P But honestly, I don't much care because my legs are strong. I'm more concerned about getting my stomach into shape.

    Wheeee! Stage 4 right now has me trying 120 second planks, two sets. The first time through the routine I only managed 90 seconds for each set. Second time I got 120 seconds for the first set, then 90 for the second. And finally this morning I managed the two minutes for both sets. A spin instructor I know walked in while I was in the midst of the first one and she cheered me on. I am so proud of myself :)
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    I'm still on stage 1 and too scared to go to a gym at the moment. Bought a new barbell as my one was so cheap and rubbish - i accidentally ordered the 6ft one. I'm only 5'4" haha this thing is huge!! But it's a seriously sturdy bit of equipment hehe.

    I'm 5'2 and I have the 6ft. I love it. I Immediately was able to lift a lot heavier than I had with my shorter bar. Probably has something to do with the distribution of the weight. I've done all of new rules and seen results working out from home. I love the convenience of working out in my underwear and not having to worry about if I stink

    Pudding: I'm so proud of your 2 minute planks! You're doing so well with the program!
    Everyone: I just measured my thigh thinking that I'd be in the 24"-25" range for sure....... 20.75" :blushing: further proof that I really have no idea what my body really looks like.:laugh:
    jdgro: I used to have that problem alot when I was at planet fitness. I say politely ask to use the equipment and if she wants to hog it go grab a gym employee so they can explain to her the finer points of sharing :wink:
    Barbell: but........just.........if you're going to hog a piece of equipment at least use it right.........teach the young girls barbell teach them
    Runz: Good luck with the calorie changes and those brownies sound amazing

    Fitness wise I actually accomplished everything I said I was going to. We'll ignore the clothes I haven't folded yet for the time being. I just walked all over the world getting groceries and running errands (no car). I was contemplating another run because the masochistic side of me is actually starting to enjoy them but after all that walking I'm not really sure I want to. Fun night out with my best friend and his girlfriend to celebrate his birthday. Lazy day tomorrow reading books. Hope you guys have a great weekend
  • RGreenthumb
    RGreenthumb Posts: 22 Member
    Hello! I'm new here and have yet to start, but I've just set up all my equipment ready to start Stage one tomorrow. I'm slightly concerned everything is going to be too heavy for me since I'm so puny, but everyone's got to start somewhere right? At least I'm going to be at home so no need to worry about the beefy men at the gym. The only spectators I'll have will be my nosey cats!