Daily Chat Thread



  • bschoo01
    bschoo01 Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input! I went back and looked at everything to see if I possibly missed something... but I didn't! I did all the work outs and all the reps! Maybe I just didn't rest long enough between... I didn't time it :/ but anyways... i'm super sore today! lol I guess that means it worked!

    I am worried about the amount of protein I am eating though... It's not hard for me to go a day or 2 without any meat. I have tried several different protein powders in the past and I hated them all! Are there any low cal high protein foods you ladies recommend? I do eat nuts from time to time but they are so high cal... and I am not a fan of eggs... Any tips you are willing to give me is appreciated!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Bschoo- proteins good for ^me: shrimp, salmon, EAS vanilla protein powder, veggie breakfast sausage, tofu, Greek yogurt, tuna, chicken, power bars (good mid morning snack), peanut butter (watch the w this), raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, seitan, tofurky slices, small amounts of cheese.

    Just my person list - hope it helps!
  • 1LadyKate
    1LadyKate Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input! I went back and looked at everything to see if I possibly missed something... but I didn't! I did all the work outs and all the reps! Maybe I just didn't rest long enough between... I didn't time it :/ but anyways... i'm super sore today! lol I guess that means it worked!

    I am worried about the amount of protein I am eating though... It's not hard for me to go a day or 2 without any meat. I have tried several different protein powders in the past and I hated them all! Are there any low cal high protein foods you ladies recommend? I do eat nuts from time to time but they are so high cal... and I am not a fan of eggs... Any tips you are willing to give me is appreciated!

    You may already be doing this but the Y guy (he is showing me how to use everything and where to do it) told me you should drink lots of water. I didn't drink enough on Tuesday and I got dizzy ... it took a while for the soreness to go away. I drank a lot Thursday and the soreness is going away quicker it seems. Also, sitting in a hot tub or bath seems too help.

    Fage Greek Yogurt Plain has 18 g protein-190 cal-7 oz. I don't know if that would be an option for you.
    ETA: Their 0% fat has 18g-100 cal-7 oz..
  • bschoo01
    bschoo01 Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks Sunshine! I may try a few of those :)

    Kate... yes I have been drinking tons of water! It's like my body is craving it.

    I measured myself tonight so I would have a better way of gaging my progress instead of the scale... apparently my right side is bigger than my left! My arms, thighs, and calves are all at least an inch bigger than my left :/ is this normal? My right side is my dominant side... does that have something to do with it?

    I did workout b today... I have to admit that I like workout a better... anybody else feel they like one workout better than the other in each session?
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    wow, so many new people. this is great! I love hearing how new people are getting on with the programme.
    I am finishing stage 3 today but I won't get a chance to weigh in or measure myself for a week because I am going away so I did my post stage 3 measurements today. I have lost a pound and an inch from around my belly!! I didn't enjoy stage 3 but it must have something going for it!

    bschool, yes i always like one workout more than the other, although at this stage I look back at stage 1 fondly. that was a nice stage, no horrible intervals or BWM to contend with! (actually I think i just miss doing back squats and deadlifts, I actually dreamed last night that I was in the gym and i looked around to make sure no body was looking before quickly doing some deadlifts!)

    I can't remember who asked about protein but I find fish to be great. very low in calories and gives a great protein kick. chicken is also great but if you don't eat a lot of meat then maybe things like greek yoghurt and cottage cheese? I tend to be pretty bad on the days when I don't eat meat for dinner, thats when my protein numbers plummet so I'm not the best person to advise on this!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Two words.

    Korean BBQ.

    Oh my. That was a good girl's night out. I'm going to bed now! Be good all! :drinker: :heart:
  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Re How long it takes to do a stage 1 workout -- I could see it feeling short if you are used to spending a lot of time in the gym. It is a very efficient workout. I really wanted to squeeze my workout in on Thursday and only had a short period of time so I did everything as efficiently as possible. Walked in, only warmed up for 4 min by walking on the treadmill, and had everything all lined up and ready to go eg for supersets had my barbells near the lat pull-down station. I was in and out in just about 30 min exactly. But that is purposely trying to do it quickly. I am finding that 35-40 min is more a natural length of time to do the first workouts of stage 1 when you're only doing 2 sets.

    Today is my first day moving up to 3 sets. We'll see how it goes!

    Also wanted to share this article that popped up today when I opened my Yahoo email, because the name caught my eye. This is Alwyn Cosgrove who cowrites with Lou Shuler: http://health.yahoo.net/articles/cancer/how-i-fought-stage-iv-cancer-and-won-twice
  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Re: HIIT-- when I was in HS and (very briefly!) ran track we did "fartleks" which is kind of what HIIT reminds me of. On Doctor Radio I think they were talking about folks who are "weekend warriors" going out and pushing to 105-110%+ of their max HR based on age. Also I guess some cardiac centers are now starting to use HIIT for rehab. (Hopefully under close medical supervision!)

    Every year the sports medicine academy does a survey of top fitness trends and HIIT wasn't even on the list last year, and this year it's #1. That is actually pretty amazing if you think about it.

    Personally I don't care too much if something is "trendy" or not. Yoga may be trendy now but I've been doing it since college and I'm in my mid 40s now. Ditto Pilates. I grew up in a dance family (mom owns studio) and Pilates has been in my world forever so who cares if it's the hot new thing or not. I do think it can be a downside if something is so trendy that people who are teaching it, coaching it etc just did a quickie weekend training and don't have the real knowledge behind it.

    Also in the same radio show they were talking about Cross Fit. I didn't know this but Cross Fit is considered to have HIIT compoents to it. I think it's hard to discuss both at the same time since Cross Fit isbecoming so controversial now.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    What she said and what she said in her previous post too lol. Cowgirl always taking the words out of my mouth.

    HOrmone induced fatigue so there's a couch calling my name. LAter ladies.

    Great minds think alike, LOL! Hope you got a nap.

    Protein: What Sunshine said. There's so many things that I'd never thought of before I really started looking for protein. I love cottage cheese. And so many low cal, yummy options! I think the best way to calculate how much you need it to go by the 30% rule. It usually will get you in a good range and help keep you satisfied. However, the leaner you get and/or the fewer calories you need might skew that percentage.

    dna, YUMM-O.

    bschool, yes, my right side is bigger than my left. It's very frustrating. The workouts in Stage 1 are very short. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    I'm off to lift today. Wish me luck. 10 days off means wicked DOMS!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    jdgro- Inspirational article. I love it when people kick cancer's @ss. Thanks for sharing.

    Wow--lots of new ladies continue to join. Welcome!

    I luckily was able to get to the gym on Thursday to start Phase 2. And I was able to squeeze in 10 mins of HITT yesterday morning before heading up to GS camp. Feeling pretty tired today. I will have to take into consideration getting HITT in on lifting days. Thanks to whoever suggested being careful about that.
    ROBINSTL67 Posts: 50 Member
    I was waiting when they opened the doors at the Y this morning and was able to get 20 minutes into the first workout before anybody else even showed up in the free weights area. And now that I've done the first one I feel more confident for the next time!

    It IS challenging to get enough protein, now that I've started paying attention. I don't generally enjoy Greek yogurt, but I found that the Chobani Apple Cinnamon flavor is delicious.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    What a great way to start a weekend - Gggoooo Brazil!!!!

    Am off lifting and cardio today....but lift on, ladies!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I'm lifting tonight and running tomorrow morning.

    I skipped my HIIT this week :blushing:
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning all!

    No hangover this morning (I was a good girl last night, honest!) but I've woken up with killer sinus and allergies thanks to the stupid weather. Antihistamine has been taken, but the massive nose bleed that I woke up to wasn't much fun. All that sneezing yesterday now makes perfect sense! Kinda feel like someone has punched me in the face, but it's all good.

    One cup of tea and once cup of coffee later, and I'm feeling a little better :wink:

    I can safely say I got my protein in yesterday :laugh: :drinker: The Korean place is literally about a 3-400m walk from my place, so all the girls parked here and we walked across. As much as I'm getting sick of living in the city, I absolutely LOVE living in this suburb - so many wonderful food options. Not always gluten-free unfortunately, so we don't get to taste it much these days, but I really enjoy it when I do!

    Someone left a full bottle of wine here... :glasses:

    Going to spend this week trying to clear the garage a little more to get my gym set up better and research some fun HIIT/cardio options for Stage 5.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    DNA, I hope you feel better soon. The Korean food sounds delightful! Growing up, both of our neighbors were Korean.

    I skipped HIIT again today :indifferent: Running in the morning so whatever.

    I finish Stage 4 next week and I see no changes. NONE. I gained weight in the beginning and now I'm just back to where I started :sick: No weight lost (probably gained) and no inches lost. I'm stronger :ohwell:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    dna, I hope you feel better soon! I LOVE Korean food. Really I just love any food:)

    Runz, I'm there with you. I'm gaining some strength, but I've gained some weight with it(my own fault- I've been too stressed to worry about logging). I wish recomping was a faster process- I feel like that's what would suit me best for the Summer. But it's so frustrating to see such slow changes. Have a great run tomorrow!

    Robin, good job getting your workout on a Saturday!

    Got my lifting done. It was hard to make myself go, but once I got there it felt so good! Bring on the DOMS!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Re: HIIT-- when I was in HS and (very briefly!) ran track we did "fartleks" which is kind of what HIIT reminds me of. On Doctor Radio I think they were talking about folks who are "weekend warriors" going out and pushing to 105-110%+ of their max HR based on age. Also I guess some cardiac centers are now starting to use HIIT for rehab. (Hopefully under close medical supervision!)

    Every year the sports medicine academy does a survey of top fitness trends and HIIT wasn't even on the list last year, and this year it's #1. That is actually pretty amazing if you think about it.

    Personally I don't care too much if something is "trendy" or not. Yoga may be trendy now but I've been doing it since college and I'm in my mid 40s now. Ditto Pilates. I grew up in a dance family (mom owns studio) and Pilates has been in my world forever so who cares if it's the hot new thing or not. I do think it can be a downside if something is so trendy that people who are teaching it, coaching it etc just did a quickie weekend training and don't have the real knowledge behind it.

    Also in the same radio show they were talking about Cross Fit. I didn't know this but Cross Fit is considered to have HIIT compoents to it. I think it's hard to discuss both at the same time since Cross Fit isbecoming so controversial now.

    I agree. I don't do HIIT because it's trendy- I do it because 1) it's the only form of cardio I enjoy 2) it's efficient 3) it does have the same benefits as steady state cardio. Everyone has to find what works for them. Funny you mention CrossFit- I was reading a very critical article about it today. I really don't care what other people do for fitness generally, but the author made some good points. I think people should inform themselves fully before starting ANY fitness program.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh and something funny from a conversation I had with my gyms owner today. He knows one of the main models for a popular video exercise program. This guy is lean and sculpted. The funny thing is, to maintain this physique guess what he does.....yep, he lifts heavy. Interesting how that works, eh?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    no lifting this weekend and I only got in two lifts last week, WAH!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Speaking of HIIT, I totally missed out on mine this morning while doing Stage 4B1 :( I was just about to start when my 3 year-old bonked his head pretty good in the gym daycare so I had to grab him, my older son, and leave. Ah well. I don't suppose it matters if I tack it on to my second workout of 4A on Monday?

    That Chocolate Fudge Cheesecake was damn good, and my very pregnant sister (who requested it for dessert tonight) was very happy with it. Now I've wrapped up leftovers and designated them for neighbors tomorrow. That's always key!

    Day off working out tomorrow which is good, because dh is making me a World Cup widow ;) and heading out with his friends all day to drink and watch the games, and I am alone with the wee boys. I shall have to work in some evening wine for sure once they're in bed!