Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome back REd and it sounds you are making tremendous progress.

    Jo, great job on the squats!!

    Pudding I hope you got some rest.

    I went to the gym yesterday to get in one last lift before vacation. It went very well. 2x12@75 on my squat. Slowly but surely regaining momentum...to go and take a week off. My hamstrings were crying for mercy. I then spent the rest of the day walking in platform sandals, and running around like a maniac trying to get everything done. I'll be around. I booked campsites with electric :)

    Happy lifting ladies!!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Well, I've finally caught up on some rest, although it meant skipping my third lift session this week (I never skip lifting!). But oh well. Stage 7-6 tomorrow and I will still get through workouts 7-12 before school starts next month, which is perfect. Then a week off before Supercharged. Even if I haven't lost any weight or many inches through NROLFW, totally my own doing due to diet, I'm still much stronger, sonehow still a bit tighter, and have conquered my fear of the big weight room.

    My sister is being induced with her first baby tomorrow and she lives an hour away. I am hoping to get out to see her on Tuesday and Friday, keeping all my scheduled workouts. I can't wait to have a wee babe to snuggle! :)
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Good Monday all :flowerforyou:

    I'm a 3/3 for last week.

    1. Lift 3x a week - check
    2. Cardio min 2x week - done twice, all good.
    3. Meal plan & healthy snacks - on track, a couple of extra cupcakes, but who's counting lol

    Upped the weights again for 6A this morning, my backside is starting to hurt lol
    I'm doing t-pushups with 2kg dumbbells at the moment. Did the 3 sets of 6 reps, thought I'd try one little more rep and my arms gave out - I think that means I worked hard :laugh:

    Pulldowns are up to 55kg (121pds?) Split squats are still light-ish at 18kg (39pds) - my poor legs were complaining :wink: ok, ok... will admit that's just under half my bodyweight anyway, so I guess that's still pretty good! I'll be upping the dumbbell weights for 6B on Wednesday and I'm a little scared lol

    Off for my walk/jog this afternoon even though it's cold, windy and generally miserable. It's not raining, so there will be no excuse today. Have a slight dodgy sore-ish throat but I'll keep an eye on it. Stupid winter :tongue:
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    sunshine, keeping fingers crossed that only 1 week till you can start lifting again. I understand how frustrating it must be.

    redlips, thanks so much for your post. Its so motivating to read about someone who had great results. You should TOTALLY post pics, that would REALLY push me to try harder, and I know you'll do whatever it takes to help right??? LOL

    jo, YAY for that amazing squat #!

    sam, have a great vacay!

    Ok, so I attempted to eat at maintenance this past week without tracking my food and without exercise. Did pretty well I think. Lost about 0.2 lbs and I'm ok with that. And my body fat went down just a bit too, hmmm.

    This week I'll be starting Hyp I in Supercharged and will continue eating at maintenance for the rest of the week. Also, I resume work tomorrow so I'm not sure about cardio days. I may just do 1 day instead of 2. As a matter of fact, this week I'm going to cut down on the goals and see how work treats me first before I decide on weekly goals going forward.

    Today I went to the beach for the first time in 5 years, and I actually wore a bikini. It was terrifying. But I wore it with as much confidence as I could muster. My BF kept staring at me and eventually told me I looked good. So, WIN. He wants us to go back in another few weeks. I hope I'll look even better by then.

    So, plan for the week:
    1. 3 days of lifting.
    2. 1 day of HIIT cardio.
    3. Eat at maintenance which I calculated at around 2006 cals. I won't be aiming for any specific amount of protein.
    4. 20 mins of stretching
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Everyone is progressing so well.

    Jamaica post some pics you deserve to have the best body ever.

    Dna you are kicking it.

    Sam hope you have fun camping.

    I had some confusion about hypertrophy 1. In the end I decided I was too tired to understand it .
    How do I pick a starting weight for the exercise? Something that seems challenging for the first workout?

    So I did a simple workout - I picked five exercises- deads, hip thrusts, squats, bench press and leg lifts.
    I did a bodyweight warm up then a fifty % of Max x10. Then I did 3 sets of 8-10reps at 75%.
    It was fun and I could have done it in a half hour.
    Except that work kept interfering.

    So I am sick and tired of work. I have worked thirty hours in the past 2.5 days. I have a vacation coming but it will put me further behind.
  • leahfrederiksen
    leahfrederiksen Posts: 23 Member
    Hi guys,

    Newbie here. I bought the book last week, spent all week reading it and taking it in and am going to start my journey today. As stupid as it sounds I'm actually quite worried, more worried about going into the 'mens room' at the gym to use the weights! and also worried that I won't be able to do any of the exercises and look a fool!

    Are there any people here who started this workout as a complete newbie to strength training? if so how are you finding it.

    Wish me luck! x
  • AMW47
    AMW47 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi guys,

    Newbie here. I bought the book last week, spent all week reading it and taking it in and am going to start my journey today. As stupid as it sounds I'm actually quite worried, more worried about going into the 'mens room' at the gym to use the weights! and also worried that I won't be able to do any of the exercises and look a fool!

    Are there any people here who started this workout as a complete newbie to strength training? if so how are you finding it.

    Wish me luck! x

    Hi! I did my first workout on Friday and I'm 100% a total newbie to strength training. I actually went to they gym a little later on Friday than I normally would just because I thought there would be less people there. And it was actually completely fine. I had a question about the squat rack that I asked a very nice man who looked like he knew what he was doing to explain to me and then no one paid any attention to me. And I'm sure I looked dumb (doing squats with the just the bar was actually way harder than I expected and I'm sure after my first one I had a very surprised look on my face - LOL!). I was actually going to wake up super early today to go to the gym and do workout B before a lot of people got there and after Friday I decided that I'd be fine going at the busy time even though I'm not going to have any idea what I'm doing. So don't worry! You'll be fine!

    But I do have a question that I'm hoping one of the program "masters" can answer for me. My workout on Friday called for 15 step ups. So I did 15 with one leg and then 15 with the other leg and then switched to my prone jack knife and then repeated. Is this correct? Or should I do 15 with one leg, prone jack knife and then 15 with the other leg followed by prone jack knife? I'm doing workout two tonight and I'm assuming the answer to the step up question will be the same answer to how I do lunges?

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member

    did ya miss me?!?!?

    I get NO STAR for last week! I didn't even log....I just ate and drank and got bloated....

    Nevermind. Back to square 1. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, this looks/feels familiar....

    I have to get in SOME lifting, today....eeeeeekkkkkkkkkk!!!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    AMW47, do all the step ups first, then move on. So 15 reps on one leg, then the other, then the jackknives or whatever is next.

    Looks like my workout today has been changed to walking the hospital halls with my sister who went into labour on her own. NR tomorrow!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Welcome back Beeps, and RedLipsticky! Missed you both. Welcome 808, Leah and AMW. Like my biker gf said, you're gonna love it here! Congrats on all the successes to everyone!!

    I totally wimped out on myself this weekend and crap it feels awful! I didn't go to the gym, I ate horribly and today it just sux to be me! I have some serious work this week, to get myself back on track! I had PT today, and yea my shoulder is feeling much better. This is the last week, I think, so on Wednesday I'm going to ask for a plan of action for me when I'm away from PT, and find out when I can do overhead lifts again etc. Tomorrow morning, I am going to the gym. It won't be pretty I know but I'm going!

    Sam have a blast on vacay

    Pmag, I think you did exactly what I would have done. My understanding is that it's compound lifts as heavy as possible for 8-12 reps. Those were great lifts to choose.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    And I'm sure I looked dumb (doing squats with the just the bar was actually way harder than I expected and I'm sure after my first one I had a very surprised look on my face - LOL!).

    We have all been there. I'm always nervous trying a new move in public - but it gets better, trust me. Congrats on choosing a great program to follow :-)

    And yes 15 lunges ON EACH LEG, then your prone jack knife , then another 15 on each leg. So 60 lunges in total if your workout calls for 2 sets of 15 reps
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    welcome new people! I'm also new, halfway through stage one. This is so fun =) I have been logging all the weights for my workout and its been fun to see how much I've upped my strength.

    My most exciting thing thus far: started with 45 degree pushups (hands on a bench) and today I did 2 sets of 10 pushups WITH MY HANDS ON THE GROUND. I put an upright dumbbell on the ground and touched it every time with my chest. Felt pretty stinking awesome!

    as for eating, i've been having a protein shake with banana for breakfast, yogurt with fruit for midmorning, salad with chicken for lunch, ad a protein and veggie based dinner. (theoretically... the weekends are a whole different story!)

    I love reading your posts and can't wait to post pictures at the end of stage one. I can already see and feel a difference.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Welcome newbies :flowerforyou:

    Sorry, feeling sorry for myself today. You know that cold I was hoping would just be a headache last week?

    Yeah. It is so totally here today. :sad:

    I have about an hour or two worth of work to do and then I'm going back to bed until school pickup.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    A fortnight of hiatus, and I am back!!!

    Lifting yester was okay - I am easing slowly back into it...and checking in at 2/3 (are we still checking in?)

    Today is TRX Training class followed by Core Class, then topped off by Zumba!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I think I am going to have to seek out a PT to figure out if I have something goin' on in my right elbow/forearm.

    I am having some pain in certain positions (i.e. think about lifting a jar of pickles out of the fridge when using your fingers wrapped around the lid)....but, for some reason, I can still do weight-lifting in all the positions (I think). Still, when away, the "thing" didn't really get better (I was hoping 1 week of rest was enough to do it!).

    It is totally weird because there's nothing wrong with my left elbow/forearm....and, I don't do one-armed sports (like tennis, for example), so what the hey?!?!?

    I thought it might be carpel-tunnel developing (cause I mouse with my right hand), but hubby says "no". He also says, "go see a PT". Who the *kitten* has that kinda time?!??!?!?!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi everyone, just checking in.
    Welcome all newbies & welcome back vacationers :smile:
    I missed my first lifting session on Friday because I was baking & playing with my little guy, but it was totally worth it. My Saturday hike upstate turned into a lets find a room & spend the night up here, then a where the heck are we and why is the gps telling us to drive through a lake lol but it was a family adventure and for the most part we had a good time.

    I've also decided that I don't like the D exercises in Stage 2 B workout. they do nothing for me, I know what muscles they are suppose to work out & they don't challenge me like I would like and that leteral flexion I just feel stupid doing so I'm going to find alternatives that I can feel challenging me.
    Well we are finally getting some much needed rain here and the temps have cooled off ( suppose to be high of only 99 :bigsmile: ) So I will take the humidty & enjoy the rain, now if ppl could just learn to drive in it.
    Great progression girls & I hope those of you not well feel better soon :flowerforyou:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm still around. I didn't lift for 10 days and yesterday I finally made it back to the gym. It felt great.

    I'm just hanging in there, trying to survive until things slow down. The good news is despite not being very careful with my diet, I'm still maintaining.
    Keep lifting heavy things!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Beeps, is there a tingling feeling, like a limb that's gone to sleep? That's how my carpal tunnel felt in both hands when I had it during my first pregnancy. Horrible.

    I had the last three days off from working out; the first two due to laziness and yesterday because my sister gave birth to my nephew and i was at the hospital all day and until very late. But the combo of little sleep and three days rest from the gym made for a surprisingly great stage 7-6 session today: upped all my weights and even got a PR for my deadlifts :)

    Welcome to all the new ladies...love seeing new names and avatars :)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hi all
    I'm soo lazy today.
    I lifted Sunday, got my rear end kicked in physical therapy on Monday am . Monday pm I did a fun triathalon with my friend and our kids. So we biked two miles, ran a half mile then played in the pool. It was fun but I am still tired so today is a rest day.
    And I ate at least a thousand calories over.
    I am taking a break from supercharged and am doing fun workouts for the rest of the summer.

    Beeps please go to physical therapy. Get it fixed it is worth the time .

    Beepejaye you are back with a bang.
    Nice job pudding
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hey everyone. I was feeling guilty that I haven't lifted in so long but it looks like I am no the only one. Sunshine you don't have to worry about being left in the dust, we were at exactly the same stage of the programme and I also haven't worked out for over a week. We moved house last week and with the stress of that along with the stress of the thesis I just haven't had time for exercising (or eating properly, or tracking properly! oops!).
    I am hoping to get to the gym today but our new landlord just left a voicemail saying that he is calling over later to fix the shower so I should probably wait till he is gone. I have only one stage 5 workout left but I think i will repeat the last few workouts that I did because I'm not sure if moving onto stage 6 after so long off is a good idea.

    Pudding, congratulations on the birth of your nephew! I hope mammy and baby are doing well!

    Ali, I also hated the lateral flexion exercises so, after some input from the lovely ladies here, I substituted them for side bends. They actually feel like I am working some muscles and I don't feel so stupid doing them in the gym!

    Welcome to all the new people. Good luck with the programme. It is awesome and if you have any problems this is a great source of support.