Daily Chat Thread



  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hey everyone. Just a quick check in while taking a break from visiting family and eating and drinking everything around me. I haven't been to the gym in ages, just haven't had time. I did manage to go for a run today but I don't think it was enough to make up for all the food. Ugh, I am afraid to see how much I will gain over chrismas!

    If I don't make it back in here again, Happy Christmas everyone!! I hope you all have a relaxing holiday with lots of yummy foods! :smiley:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps-it's really fun, and just a fluke I got hurt. Really annoying actually, but trying not to get agitated. Hope you're feeling better! Don't overdo it or you could have relapse. :). You'll tackle that scale in 2015!! We both will! :)

    Jo-thx. I miss it, lifting, even though it's the weekend and I don't usually workout on the weekend! Lol! Just the thought I suppose ;). I do love squats-feels like I'm actually improving! OHP-as I was failing at that set I thought about those prefab barbells and wished I'd started there. The stupid app starts you really high, IMHO, which lead me to believe it'd be easier than it is. I will try the bar again next time, whenever that is, and see how it goes. I think finding the right place to start so you make progress is the hard part of SL? Also, how far can I go? I have a feeling I'll top out pretty quickly with a lot of my lifts. Hoping I gain strength at the same rate the app says I will :smile:

    Dou-just enjoy yourself. It's hard this time of year, but do what you can and join the masses in January undoing the holiday damage ;). Merry Christmas to you too!

    I miss working out, or at least the idea of it ;). I'm not sure how bad my knee is? It stiff more than painful, and straightening it hurts more than bending it. Really hurt last night in bed moving it around :(. I know, give it time, sigh. I'll be "Good" this week and rest it. But don't want to lose my momentum. I have quit too many times in the past. Not this time!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hope you all had a good weekend. We went to the ice skating rink, but there was a performance of frozen on ice. So no physical activity but we had some fun.
  • I haven't been to the gym all week. First, my daughter was sick (strep again!) and then the whole house was sick (minus daughter who was already on meds for strep). I thought I had caught the same thing but when all was said and done my symptoms ended up being different. I think my not-feeling-well came from over training. I think I have been trying to do too much too quickly. My plan is to start again tomorrow with my focus being on NROL4W and C25K only. I will try the other things that I think sound cool when I am done with these two plans.

    I am so behind in reading that I know I am missing responses but I have to go get ready for the start of the Cardinals game. It is a very big deal in my house. :smile:

    Julie--I hope your knee feels better soon. If it doesn't, I encourage you to see a doctor. I had a friend who thought his knee was just a little sore from playing a game (don't remember what now) but it turned out he torn his ACL. He didn't catch it for over a week because he didn't think it was bad enough to see a doctor and ended up making it worse. So I am always super cautious about knees now.

    Also I agree that figuring out where to start is the hardest part of starting a new program (all programs not just SL). I hate when I get done and think I could have done more because it feels like such a waste. But then if I start too high, I feel so weak. Such a balancing act. :smile:

    Ellie--I like Mark Lauren's Body Weight app for the iphone when I need something that can be done away from the gym. It has videos and everything I need right there--and my phone is almost always with me so I can't use that as an excuse. :smile: Although, I do have Jillian Michael's 30 day shred on my Amazon library and that also kicks my butt when I need it. :smile:
  • elliebellie78
    elliebellie78 Posts: 41 Member
    thanks all!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. I am sitting at work so bored that sadly I've painted my nails at my desk because there is nothing else to do. I think I am one of maybe 20 people here on this campus. You'd think working at American Express during the holidays they'd be more people at work, but nope its empty here and only going to get worse.
    My eating overthe weekend was awful, but I'll try to control it better when I'm off. Maybe I'll dust off the eliptical.

    Julie I hope your knee isn't serious. Be really careful and rest it a lot. I know easier said than done especially at the holidays.

    Phoenix, sorry everyone is the house got sick, it always seems like a domino effect when one brings it home & "shares". Hope you all feel better by Christmas. That was a harsh game last night. I was really hoping they'd win :( Where in the valley are you? I'm in Tolleson.

    Pmag, glad you still had fun even if you couldn't skate.

    Beeps, I really hope you get over this virus soon, you've been sick for too long. I'll join you with getting of the extra lbs next year, this season it a killer already.

    Dou, good to hear from you, hope you're having lots of fun with the family, enjoy your Christmas.
  • I made it to the gym and seriously felt like I kicked *kitten*. It was one of the best workouts I can remember and just made me want to run back and do another. I am so pumped--and am completely convinced I needed that week off. :smile: And luckily now everyone seems to be getting over their colds. So it has been good all around.

    That game was painful to watch. I live in north Phoenix. :smile: I was also one of the lucky ones that got to take off these two weeks. My daughter and I went to the science center today and ran errands. Tomorrow we are going to pick up a couple of final presents and get ready for the celebrations. We have one family gathering on Wednesday and one on Thursday. :smile:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Holy cow, I didn't realize how long it has been since I've checked this thread. I've been busy!
    I hope everyone's families are better. We've had a round of viruses too.
    Those of you doing pure strength programs make me jealous. I'm doing a 4-week stint of higher reps (15-20) and then I will rotate to a lower rep program. Hoping to do a 5/3/1 or SLs type of thing.

  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Wow! It has been a while since I checked in...I am still reading the thread :)

    Beeps - are you feeling any better?

    It turns out that my fav Zumba teacher teaches the Monday - Wednesday, then on Sundays so yay! Class was great tonight but, against my better judgement, I had a little 84g serving of waffle fries two hours afore class...that messed up my workout at Zumba - whew! Lesson learnt...and my legs were as heavy as lead, partly because I went rather heavy on the Squats and DD's when I lifted yester (SL 5x5)!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    SL for me today - no good on the squats. Can't get the depth. Will repeat same weight.
    Got my bench which surprised me. So good and bad overall.

    I am going to buy some fractional plates..... going to crash and burn with OHP and bench otherwise.

    So.... 4.5 hours until Christmas Day here! Have a great day everyone :D<3 (*)
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Merry Christmas eve everyone or just merry Christmas Jo & Dna :)

    I'm done with Stage 6 and I'm happy with my improvement. I added some squats and DLs at the end of the workout just because I felt like it and I got my Dl up to 155lbs. I'm quite happy with that but I'm still feeling the DOMS from that workout on Monday. I may do some cardio stuff later if they don't let me go home early, but I'm not lifting tonight. I'm so eager for Christmas to get here and have a lovely time with my family.
    I realized last night I'm we're almost out of night time diapers & dog food so I will have to brave walmart on my lunch, I am not looking forward to that. I hope you all have a great Christmas and enjoy your families.
    Has anyone heard from Jamaican? Did she have the wedding already? I hope it went really good for her and all the worrying was for nothing.
  • PhoenixRisingFromAshes
    edited December 2014
    Hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday (or just an wonderful day in general if you don't celebrate Christmas).

    My daughter had an excellent day and said Santa brought her everything she wanted. I call that a win. My brother in law bought his wife and I an overnight trip to Vegas and is taking the kids with. Best gift ever! I can't wait.

    I got a new ipod and bluetooth headphones which will be awesome when I get back to my routine. :smile:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Merry Christmas
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    We're home! Hope everyone had a lovely day (Christmas Day is almost officially over everywhere isn't it? lol I should get a world clock on my desktop)

    One last 'Christmas' to attend - IL's turn tomorrow... that should be... fun :wink:

    Had a nice time down at my parent's place. Ate yummy food and drank more than I usually drink in a month (oops), but it's all good :smile:

    Will be back on track on Monday!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited December 2014
    Merry Christmas all! I see I am about to lose my 160-something day streak on MFP but it's going to have to restart because I can't possibly log everything from today. Too much, and too many unknowns. And that's just fine by me. I think I will actually just take a break from logging food until the new year; it feels like time for a little break to just eat according to my
    body. Even just today, one day of eating whatever I'd like and way less produce and protein than I'm used to, and boy do I feel it. I'm going to try to hop on the elliptical quickly tomorrow morning before I head out Boxing Day shopping, just cause I know I will feel better for doing so.

    My boys were super happy although exhausted today. "Wow, I can't believe I got exactly what I wanted!" said the six year-old. Isn't it amazing how that works? ;)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey all, I too ate too much - mostly Christmas cake, lol. Workout today was a mixed bag - got my reps on squats but not feeling good. Not sure what the issue is. OHP was 4,5,5,4,5 at 22.5kg.... I really need to buy the fractional plates. I am hoping somewhere is open here tomorrow which sells them!! DLs still feeling crappy after the squats, though got my 70kg. Will go up in 2.5kgs rather than 5kgs now.

    Not feeling 100% in this new program and think my January holiday might help break the bad mental state. Few weeks to go yet though!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I also ate way too much jo, but for me it was mostly turkey, ham, and potatoes. I still feel full this morning!
    I hope everyone had a lovely christmas. I had a great day. got spoiled rotten and got to spend hours playing with very excited nieces and nephews so that was lots of fun, but also exhausting.
    I think I am going to stop logging food until the new year. I know I will over eat because we still have lots of family to go and visit and then new years celebrations to attend but I have been so lax with my logging lately that I think a break might help me to be stricter when I get back to it.
    No workouts for me for the next few days, I am too busy working and visiting so don't have time.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey ladies! I know I've been MIA on here. I can't keep up with yall (in various ways ie. eating, working out, reading, chatting. LOL)

    I'll try to be more active once the NY is here. We will be out of the town for the next 7 days.

    Keep up the awesome work.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Merry belated Christmas all! God to see you're all doing great! Hope those who are sick are feeling better!

    Saw a dr for my knee. It's not torn, but a sprain. I miss the gym, but I'm trying to be good and rest it. Gonna go Monday to at least lift upper body. I wonder if I can do DLs carefully? Maybe rack pulled...gonna try. Squats will probably be too much bending I fear. But, man, it really makes me appreciate how good it felt to lift often.

    Enjoyed all the goodies I could get...the scale is reflecting it. But, no regrets. It was a fun few days :).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    My cold sticks around, but no matter! I cardio-d today....will cardio tomorrow.

    Am joining a weight loss challenge here at mfp that runs for twelve weeks starting 01/05. I aim to be 6 lbs lighter when it's done! BOOM!

    (I will return to weightlifting on monday....)