Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    I'm with Jo, haven't done core specific work in a long time. Don't miss it either ;). Good job on the side planks ladies!

    Jo-you can use a break! Hope you get caught up on sleep in there somewhere!

    Sam-yes, they have the 2.5, and I use them all the time. I added the 5's cause that's the weight I was SUPPOSED to be lifitng, and thought I was killing. No wonder it seems easy! You're doing great! Great job fitting it back into your routine. I like that you understand where you are in life and what you want to get t of your workouts. I get distracted by other people's goals sometimes and get what you are saying. Kutgw!

    Good job beeps!
    Stephie-keep up that lifting, going good!
    Mme-bummer! That is a fear of mine, and why I haven't worked with any trainers at my gym :(. They seem too enamored with the machines.

    Lower body today. Added weight or reps to every lift, yay! Squats went well, DLs improving, felt good doing them, added a bit more weight, and stopped at 3 sets recognizing my back was starting to get sore. That's a big victory for me! Calves (which I don't care about, just happen to be in this routine) are evidently a strength of mine? Doubled what the ripped guy next to me was doing. Won't lie, felt good to be stronger in some lift, even lame calf raises! Ha!

    I like this routine. I feel good, I see and feel progress, and I'm enjoying my sessions. B)
    I added more carbs yesterday, and dropped cals a bit further. Feeling good and already down a bit. Hope this'll be my season to shed some fat!

    Hope you're all doing well!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Lifted today. Have had two protein bars (each 150 cals and 18g of protein) and that is it, so far, today. Hope to have a regular supper and then lull myself to sleep WITHOUT LATE-NIGHT SNACKING. BOOM!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So some part of me decided that despite 2 workouts yesterday (on 2 hrs sleep), getting up at 5.30am to lift would be a good idea. Getting up (after 6 hours sleep) was ok, so got to the gym. Whereby my body totally refused to cooperate. Or more specifically, my shoulders, which though OHP was freakin' impossible and even my usual accessories were a struggle. Didn't even contemplate pull ups. Sigh. Feeling emotionally worn out too - work is hard, our pet guinea pigs died in the heat yesterday and the kids were devastated. Feeling crap for not bringing them inside :( And then to add to that, my sister rang to let me know she had a miscarriage :'(

    Went back home and slept for 2 hours.

    So now having a bit of a lazy day - kids got friends over in the pool and I'm sat around trying to finish a scholarship proposal. I have vacuumed and mopped. Will leisurely iron this afternoon. Not that this can be considered a leisure activity but it's nice not to have to do it in a rush the night before everyone needs clothes ready. Also got to drive kids to the city to meet hubby after work - they are going to watch cricket while I go to combat. That means a quiet dinner to myself (unfortunately I still have to cook it).

    My shoulders are probably not going to function after combat so it's a good job tomorrow is squat day. Really it should be rest day but my work shifts make rest day later in the week. I hope everyone has a more fun/ successful day than me!! Go kill it for me :D
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Just got back from gym. I had my session with one of trainers tonight. Young guy and very positive. I showed him what I've been working on. He was super excited to work with a girl who likes to like. He wanted to do a powerlifting program with me. I think that would be great in the future. He started me with some ab work, more because the racks were being used. At first he walked me to the smith, and without being a B, said I'm not a fan. He got excited and walked me over to the rack. So he had me do some basic ab work, leg lifts, ballet lifts, reverse crunches. The he had me do some sit up and I couldn't do them. It was the craziest thing. I could five no problem, but then my hips locked out. My abs didn't give out, my legs and back didn't give out, my hips did. He said he wasn't surprised. It's a hip flexor thing especially since I haven't done a regular sit up in two years.

    Then we got to work in the squat rack:
    Bar 1/20, 65/15, 85/8, 105/4 couldn't eke out that last one.
    Dead lift 105/8, 135/3 That's right, the big girl plates.
    I couldn't believe it. I really didn't think I had it in me, let alone with good form and he said my form was spot on.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Stephie - Thanks. :blush: I did get some sleep and I'll sleep in tomorrow too cause I don't have work until 4:30 as it's a short cashier shift.

    Beeps - Good job lifting and hope you had a great dinner. I don't think I could even do a side plank. The regular were tough enough and I quit doing them after NROLFW.

    samntha - Woot for the big girl plates. I should probably do some ab work. Female trainer recommended doing core work more but I haven't been. Sit ups (or well crunches cause we weren't doing the full sit up) are weird cause I don't push my back down against the ground, so I have to concentrate on pushing my lower back down first each time. Oh, and we'll see on the 200 squat. I tried that in my max tests and failed but maybe soon that will change.

    Very long day today but I managed to accomplish a few things off my list. I went to a running store up in Portland and ended up getting two pairs of shoes to go between as I get training for the half marathon. One pair was 50% off, which is why I went with both. Two brands but they are similar in style with one being a lesser known brand. Got the Altra pair on clearance cause a new model came out. The other running shoe I got was a brand called Topo. Both have a bit of a wider toe box but are still on the minimal side as far as cushion is concerned. Shoe guy was pretty nice and gave me some stretch tips to work on my hip issue cause I need to do some mobility and foam rolling one of these days... Then I went to the Nike Factory store and found a pair of cross bionic on sale, so now I have shoes for lifting too. Yay shoes! :wink:

    Gym was packed too cause I went after 6 pm but after the drive and 5pm Portland traffic X.X there wasn't a desire to drive home then turn around later to get to the gym. Very long session with the cardio after lifting but glad I got it all done.

    56 - Upper Hypertrophy

    incline bench 4x10 @ 75 - decent and might try 80 next time.
    seated row 4x8 @ 90 - decided to try increase as I've done 80 for long time, challenging but managed to do it.
    lat raise 4x10 @ 12.5 - still a challenge by the end
    db fly 4x9 @ 22.5 - a little harder now but still not too bad
    one db row 4x9 @ 35 - still feels heavy but make it through
    cable bicep curl 4x8 @ 60 - finally tried to increase
    tricep ext 4x10 @ 80 - tough but not bad
    face pull 4x 10 @ 50 - although got them all, really feel them during the reps.

    Then 5 minute warm up, 60 minute jog though paused part way to reset treadmill cause 60 was all it was going to allow total and about 10 minute walk cool down.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @jo_marnes it sounds like you had a tough day - be kind to yourself through all this. As you say, it is not just physical tiredness but emotional tiredness too.

    @samntha14 you sound as though you're making superb progress. As long as the form is there, the weight will increase nicely.

    @Beeps2011 I hope you got some sleep!

    @DawnEmbers What can I say - new shoes.....always a good start (or end) to a day! I'll be interested to see how you find the lifting shoes - it is something I have been considering (or, more realistically looking out for on special offer!).

    After my gym session last night where I pushed myself to the max and managed to increase my weights to my highest levels, to the point of feeling nauseous, I ache today! Not surprising, and a good sign of work well done, imho, but boy am I glad it is a rest day today. The half hour walk to work was a nice way to keep things moving, but now I am sat behind my desk, I will have to make a real effort to do *something* to stop myself from seizing up!

    Only other thing to report is that my scales say my BF% has reduced a little more. A way to go, but I'm down about 5% since the summer, so all heading in the right direction. Plus, I think I have got a better handle on the food side of things now, so hoping that will all help. Not really sure what I am aiming for, or even if my goal has a number attached to it, but it was interesting (and satisfying) to see.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Sam, having done both, I actually prefer the splits. That's one of the reasons I haven't started STRONG yet, although I do intend to do it.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    mmebouchon wrote: »
    My new strength training coach sucks! After the 60 minute session with her insisting I do her workout, which was totall lame, I did 4W level 1 6a .

    She probably can't do your program! Can you get your money back?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Bad day, jo....hope today is better.
    samntha14 wrote: »
    Just got back from gym. I had my session with one of trainers tonight. Young guy and very positive. I showed him what I've been working on. He was super excited to work with a girl who likes to like. He wanted to do a powerlifting program with me. I think that would be great in the future. He started me with some ab work, more because the racks were being used. At first he walked me to the smith, and without being a B, said I'm not a fan. He got excited and walked me over to the rack. So he had me do some basic ab work, leg lifts, ballet lifts, reverse crunches. The he had me do some sit up and I couldn't do them. It was the craziest thing. I could five no problem, but then my hips locked out. My abs didn't give out, my legs and back didn't give out, my hips did. He said he wasn't surprised. It's a hip flexor thing especially since I haven't done a regular sit up in two years.

    Then we got to work in the squat rack:
    Bar 1/20, 65/15, 85/8, 105/4 couldn't eke out that last one.
    Dead lift 105/8, 135/3 That's right, the big girl plates.
    I couldn't believe it. I really didn't think I had it in me, let alone with good form and he said my form was spot on.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    No workout for me, today. Rest day. Am struggling with headaches....weird since I don't normally get them, but they are interfering with sleep. And, for me, sleep is always, always paramount....I feel like the headaches are work-stress related. (Meaning: I am out of work and desperately stressed about it....)
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    edited January 2016
    @samntha14 sounds like you got a good trainer. Good work on the lifts.
    @DawnEmbers good deal on the shoes! Good for you working on the half marathon. Learning to run is on my bucket list.
    @suelegal I don't think I can get my money back but if next Monday is just as lame I am going to try.
    @kimiuzzell congrats on the pr! Celebrate it!
    @Beeps2011 sorry you are struggling with headaches. Stress can bring them on for sure.
    @jo_marnes how terrible that your kids and you lost your guinea pig from the heat.

    Todays trainer was way better than Mondays and seemed much more knowledgeable about strength training. I did NR 6b before I met with her just to make sure I got it done. She put me through an hour of super sets of 3 exercises doing 12 reps per exercise and 3 sets. It was fun and a good way to work on endurance. No rest breaks until all 3 sets of 3 were done. Then 3 to 5 minutes while she explained the next super set.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sounds interesting @mmebouchon. I think the no rests with sets of 12 would explode my lungs.
    @Beeps2011 stress is a killer, literally. The lack of sleep can definitely be causing the headaches.
    @suelegal the trainer said the same thing I did. Total body is good for overall conditioning and health while splits are for pure strength development, like power lifting. I think I will finish STRONG then decide if I want to do something different. I think Leo would be a good guy to hire if I want to get serious about it.
    as for today, at exactly the 24 hour mark, the DOMS set in as I knew they would. Pleasantly sore I'd say since I can still walk. No workout today and I had to take a personal day and got some errands done as well as a meeting at my sons school. It went well. The plan is three trips to the gym this week. I'll see how it goes if it's going to be Thursday or Friday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I like Strong. The end.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Sweet. Hope that also means you got some sleep and your head is feeling better.
    Mme - Thanks. Starting to run was last year's accomplishment, so ramping it up a little this year.
    Kim - so far liking the shoes. They aren't lift specific, like for squats or anything, and not cushioned. They are flexible, almost not much to them overall, which is nice but will take a little time getting used to when doing certain movements.

    Lifted after a short cashier shift. Rather boring night at work and slow. My knees got a bit more achy than usual during lifting and wonder if it's because the short shift wasn't one where I moved around more other than out of boredom when didn't have customers. Hard to say. I also didn't eat a whole lot before gym since I didn't take a lunch break, but did get some gummy bears on the way after work. mmm

    57 - Lower Hypertrophy

    front squat 3x10 @ 90 and 1x10 @ 110 - not bad, wrists bit achy and balance gets a slight challenge by the end on the crossed arm set.
    curtsy lunge 4x10 @ 85 - same weight and knees were a bit cranky tonight
    good morning 4x12 @ 85
    leg extension 4x9 @ 95
    seat calf 4x12 @ 120
    rdl 3x8 @ 140 - hands struggled a little on the last reps
    sumo 3x5 @ 170 - first set was a bit off, got a little better on the other ones

    Tomorrow is rest and freight, but if I can get myself up early enough (as in not 11 am) then I might go check out the gym by work. It's the one I've considered that has a location near my home as well but they are having a short, new year deal so if that price was accurate, might really be something to consider. We'll see.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Dawn - hope the gym by work and home is suitable!
    Beeps - I like strong too :)
    Sam - Overall conditioning is why I picked strong in the first place, I felt like stronglifts 5x5 was backing me into a corner, and not making me well rounded. Especially true as I have weight to lose and I think an overall programme works better for that. I would eventually love to work towards some serious strength goals, but I can accept that right now isn't the time for that.

    My little girl (10.5 months) is teething really badly and has just learnt how to walk, so nighttime has become interesting :|

    On top of that I am studying for my final professional exam in April, and cooking all mine and my husband's meals from scratch to both save money and to make better nutritional choices. It's all a bit too much right now!

    Got S1A done today though:

    Plank 2 x 30 secs, I need to find something to focus on during these, today I was looking at the clock the whole time which was completely rubbish
    Bird dog 4 x 15 secs

    Squat 2 x 12 @ 40kg
    DB 3 point row 2 x 12 each side @ 10kg - I actually wanted to use 12's here, but someone else had them. Choice of 10's or 14's... I picked 10's :)
    Step up 2 x 12 on 18" box - no weight again, pushed off with bottom leg. Needs work and I need the 12" box!
    Push up on 18" box - 10, 6, 5 - smith machine was broken, gah, so did these on the box. Clearly the box is lower than the smith machine setting I used on Monday!

    Then finished off with 5 rounds of "intervals":
    60 sec: gentle jog at 9kph
    120 sec: slow walk at 4kph while texting hubster

    It's my 4 year wedding anniversary today, so will be a lazy evening of poor food choices - never mind, at least I actually did some intervals to make up for it slightly.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @StephieWillcox happy anniversary!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Bleh.... I have a kidney infection - that is all
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    edited January 2016
    suelegal wrote: »
    Bleh.... I have a kidney infection - that is all

    Bleh indeed. Get well soon.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    @StephieWillcox - happy anniversary!! I remember that boredom from nrfow and I all reading the care instructions on my workout towel! Boring! But good job on the workout!
    @Beeps2011 - glad you're liking strong! Hope the right job comes along soon. Hang in there!
    @DawnEmbers -you are a lifting machine! You really should consider a competition of some kind :). Hope the gym deal works out!
    @suelegal - ouch! I've had those before, years ago. They're rough! Rest and hopefully you'll be feeling better soon!
    @samntha14 - ah, doms, the painful reminder that you did something good! Youre doing great getting back into the routine! Kutgw!
    @mmebouchon - glad you liked this trainer better! That's quite a workout! Back to back? Are you beat? Good job!
    @kimiuzzell - rest day when you ache is great! And good job dialing in the food side and dropping some BF!

    I'm doing great, I changed my macros around this week and love it! My workouts are better, I feel great and the scale is finally heading down a bit! Slowly, but I'm good with that. :) did upper body hypertrophy today and it went well. Added weight to my DB flyes, finally. Felt good :)

    Have a good day all! I've got a friend coming to stay with us tonight through the weekend. So, I'm off to clean :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    suelegal wrote: »
    Bleh.... I have a kidney infection - that is all
    Get well soon - such things are awful. Big hugs to you

    Julie - loving the positivity :)

    Sam - "pleasantly sore" - love it :D

    Me? I'm just sore. Rest day it is. Well, work, but that's not a workout. Really I need a massage.