Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Sue - Get well soon cause that's yuck.
    Steph - Have fun and happy anniversary!
    Julie - It's on the consideration block, actually. Though I'd like to go watch something first and there aren't too many in the area. But I'll have to look up the closest one again as there was one in spring. Then I can see if I want to try and compete, so if I do make that call can gear training towards it with sufficient time to work on my numbers.

    Well, rest day and by that I mean, I went to the gym. I checked out the gym by work and with the special sale right now, it was more feasible. It's about same price per month in the end, after 30 days I'll be able to go to any of their locations, and far less people but still 24 hours. So, I signed up there and sadly broke up with my current gym. I really do like the 24 Hour Fitness and recommend it as a gym as the equipment and everything was great. If I lived closer then I'd stick with that one. The cancel was even easy and I have a whole month aside from the current one to keep using it cause you pay first and last month when joining, which makes for easy end when that's necessary.

    New gym (Anytime Fitness) is much smaller but has pretty much all the equipment I need. Only struggle will be bench press cause they don't have a regular bench with rack. I will have to learn how to bench in the squat rack. They also are against weight dropping (as most are) with some concern of that intimidating others, but I don't drop my deadlifts and I work out after 11 pm. Considering not many people are there at 11 am, doubt I have to worry about bothering anyone when I go. I did mention a concern on no steps being available on the main gym floor, aside from the stackable aerobic step, because I can't reach the top of the cable machine to lower it for curls or face pulls or anything. The owner was nice and said she'd talk to her husband (they own gyms together) about looking into getting something. I even have to step on the seat to reach the lat pull bar cause yeah, short.

    So, I did elliptical for 30 minutes then messed around with some weights. Tried upright rows to see how that felt, a little bit of dumbbell shrugs, seated row, bent row and tricep extension plus one set of back extension without weight.

    The fun part will be that they have new equipment. So, fancy cardio machine with touch screens and food network (very important for steady state cardio). Plus, they have a room for fitness class but it's more like the home video version with a big screen. Can pick whatever class you want if the room is available, no schedules to follow or instructors. Not helpful if you need tips and form checks, but great to get in a little zumba while going around the sometimes changing work schedule. Plus, my coworker can go there too cause she's a member of the gym near where we live and has been long enough to go to any of the locations.

    It's an adjustment and different but think it will be good.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    That sounds great, Dawn! And I am sure that a step will be forthcoming soon!

    Just back from the gym. Loved it. SQ at 62.5kg again and increased bench press to 40kgs for 5x5 B) had to squeeze them out but good form and dead chuffed with myself!

    Ravenous now, though....corned beef hash and a fried egg on the cards for dinner.....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    @suelegal feel better.
    @Beeps2011 glad to hear it
    @kimiuzzell nice job
    @DawnEmbers glad to hear you found something that'll work for you
    @stephaniewilcox367 happy anniversary. That is a Damn good reason to enjoy a good meal. No guilt allowed.

    I did indeed skip the gym. My hips are impossibly tight. I can't lift my leg more than six inches. Didn't think step ups were going to happen today. Tomorrow is another day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Good Dawn.

    Sue!! Blech at infection.

    Hi to all!

    I lifted today. And had a good interview.....i will find out if job offer is going to happen on Tuesday.

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @Beeps2011 fingers crossed for that job!

    TGI Friday - I am sooo looking forward to not having to set the alarm tomorrow. Weekend is almost here!
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good luck Beeps!
    Congrats on the first 4 Stephanie!

    7a done but I didn't go over it first so I did 10 reps of everything instead of the 8 I was supposed to do, oops. I felt super tired so I am thinkng this sore throat I have is maybe a bug after all, crap! I will dose myself with elderberry tincture and see if I can skip getting ill.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Keeping my fingers crossed as well Beeps.

    Before work cardio. I might lift at 10 am tomorrow with coworker so didn't want to do both upper power and cardio tonight after work. So, I spent a little time in new gym jogging on the treadmill (30 minutes) while watching cake wars. Fun times.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Dawn-it'd be worth looking into for sure. Keep us posted. Glad the new gym is working out.
    Beeps-great job on the interview! Hope it pans out :).
    Sam-sorry for the tight hips. Hope you can stretch and rest today.
    Kim-great job!! Impressive girl!!

    Rest days for me. Lots of watching volleyball and cheering. Painted some wine glasses with some girlfriends last night and had a fun dinner too. Needed that GNO. Home chill in' now and heading back for more volleyball tomorrow. 3-day MLK tournament. Whew! Long weekend.

    Take care all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Cardio today. ZOOM!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Long time no see! I swear things get busier week after week. I am helping out at my boys' school every Monday, cleaning someone's house every Wednesday, and trying to work in gym/running/errands/cooking/cleaning my house/life in between!

    Beeps, good luck with the job!
    Sue, hope you're feeling better soon!
    Mmebouchon, sorry for your losses :(
    Julie, enjoy your weekend!
    Dawn, did you say cake?!?! Mmmmm.....
    Sam, try some good deep stretching after a hot shower. My hips can be so tight too.

    I am almost done my redo of Strong S1 P1. I've moved it back to four workouts instead of six of each. This week I finally got all my weights and my running back to where I was in early December before I got injured and sick, so yay! I have one more of each workout, A and B, then be special workout and it's on to P2.

    I am trying to remember where I am at for everything:

    Planks: been doing 30 seconds with feet on a bench, one leg raised up. This is what I was doing before hurting my back but it is definitely harder since having that injury.

    Side planks: both feet on a bench. I think this week I will move from that to feet on a bench, top leg raised. Again, it's where I was pre-injury and it was doable, but I'm sure now it will feel a bit more difficult.

    Cable half kneeling anti rotation press: 15 pounds last week

    Bird dog: before injury I was at 15 second holds from the toes. This week I got back to about ten seconds. Getting there!

    Single leg RDL: 25#

    Step ups: 14-16" or so step (aerobic step with five risers) and 55# barbell. I can't do dumbells over 20# or so because my grip sucks

    Goblet squat: 32.5#

    Split squat: I think it was 55# barbell as well

    Three point dumbell row: 37.5#

    Inverted row: I do them in the squat rack and have the bar seven notches down. Not sure how high that is on my body? Anyway, I find them very hard because my grip gives out before my strength does :(

    Push-ups: I've been doing them on a bench, then down to a lower wall. I think I am almost ready to go back down to the floor for a few. I just hate people being able to see me doing these! I do the pike push-ups for the second workout and have been doing them with my feet up on an aerobic step on the floor.

    No weight change in months, but my clothes have felt looser this week. No bingeing for over two weeks now too :)

  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Jo, I can't remember the last time I ironed, impressive. I steam...

    I posted on the strong post. I will start the strong program this Monday. Finally feeling I can take it on and I know I will feel better.

    Best wishes to everyone to get thru the rest of winter.

    Just back from the gym. Loved it. SQ at 62.5kg again and increased bench press to 40kgs for 5x5 B) had to squeeze them out but good form and dead chuffed with myself!

    Ravenous now, though....corned beef hash and a fried egg on the cards for dinner.....[/quote]
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    So some part of me decided that despite 2 workouts yesterday (on 2 hrs sleep), getting up at 5.30am to lift would be a good idea. Getting up (after 6 hours sleep) was ok, so got to the gym. Whereby my body totally refused to cooperate. Or more specifically, my shoulders, which though OHP was freakin' impossible and even my usual accessories were a struggle. Didn't even contemplate pull ups. Sigh. Feeling emotionally worn out too - work is hard, our pet guinea pigs died in the heat yesterday and the kids were devastated. Feeling crap for not bringing them inside :( And then to add to that, my sister rang to let me know she had a miscarriage :'(

    Went back home and slept for 2 hours.

    So now having a bit of a lazy day - kids got friends over in the pool and I'm sat around trying to finish a scholarship proposal. I have vacuumed and mopped. Will leisurely iron this afternoon. Not that this can be considered a leisure activity but it's nice not to have to do it in a rush the night before everyone needs clothes ready. Also got to drive kids to the city to meet hubby after work - they are going to watch cricket while I go to combat. That means a quiet dinner to myself (unfortunately I still have to cook it).

    My shoulders are probably not going to function after combat so it's a good job tomorrow is squat day. Really it should be rest day but my work shifts make rest day later in the week. I hope everyone has a more fun/ successful day than me!! Go kill it for me :D

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - nice zoom there.
    Pudding - great workout. Wish I'd gotten to eat some cake instead of just watch it but was still fun as they had a star wars themed challenge.

    Gym last night was interesting. Went to 24 (not the new one) and since I did the cancel, every time I sign in the thing is going to say see receptionist. That's going to be a long month if I have to explain every time. The guy working last night was nice though, so that helped. Should have asked the one when I did the cancel as to exactly how long I have left at the place but it's at least until the 14th (should be until the 28th but eh, oh well).

    During the first lift, bench press, I had a woman come up and ask me if I would mind showing her sumo deadlifts. I haven't done them often so it was interesting for a few reasons including that she not only remembered me enough on that one lift but also approached me in a different part of the gym about it. So, I showed her them and did pendlay rows in that area instead of doing bent over rows. She was nice. New to lifting so we did a minimal weight and I showed the stacking of plates to help with any deadlift when first learning, while also made sure to emphasis that I'm not a trainer, that is how I approached the lift and some sources to look into in order to learn more. Good lifting session overall fueled by a couple of macaroons consumed pre-workout. mmm

    58 - Upper Power

    bench 1x4, 2x3 @ 110 - Yay! This was my 1rm when I tested in beginning of November. Wasn't sure how it'd go and the last reps were a push, but I made it so maybe that means I can get 115 for 1 now.
    db incline bench 3x10 @ 35 - feeling a little easier
    OHP - 3x4 @ 80 - moved it up and like putting it ahead of lat pull and rows.
    Pendlay rows 1x3 @ 115 and 2x5 @ 95 - first set was blech so dropped weight. I like this version but set up can be a hassle with stacking plates and everything. Did them after showing how I do sumo deadlifts, which involved 65 lbs with three plates for stacking to get a decent bar height.
    lat pulldown 3x10 @ 80 - still feels heavy, maybe either go for 90 just cause, drop down or maybe mix up a little with type of pull. Right now I do more of a wide grip type but could do underhand and closer grip for a little while to spice things up.
    overhead tri ext 3x10 @ 40 - not bad

    That is all. Finished after midnight and now I'm sipping on some pre-workout and snacking a tiny bit as I'm going to do lower body power before work at coworker's gym (the new gym but location that's closer to home than work). Never really use pre-workout but got it basically free so want to use some of it up but don't like to have any when I'm lifting at midnight in case it does make me more awake. I want sleep too, which I'm going to get tonight because tomorrow is rest day and day off from work.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Went to gym with coworker for a late morning session. Started with a little foam rolling for once since I haven't done that in months. Had a pretty good session. Chatted with her just a little but we do our own things when going together. Also had some guy chat with us some who had moved up not long ago and just started lifting again after a few years off. He complimented my form on deadlift, so that was nice to hear though still working some on the heavy sets.

    59 - Lower Power

    squat 3x3 @ 185 - Quite heavy and a bit of a challenge but pushed through.
    deadlift 3x4 @ 200 and 1x3 with straps @ 225 - last set was heavy. Might up working to 205 but keep the strap one the same next time. Still need to work on the lock out.
    leg press 3x8 @ 220 - dropped the weigh a little cause right knee was a bit cranky last night and today.
    leg curls 3x8 @ 70 - the machine there is a little different but got it figured out, also did hanging leg raises in between sets for fun.

    Tried a glute isolation thing which is kind of a one leg kick back machine but knees weren't fans of it. Didn't do hip thrust because bar was in use and there weren't any calf ones besides the sit thing I don't like and even smith machine was in use (considered doing standing calf raises with it). Still a long session between a bit of a warm up, long rests and a little chatting. Now to get ready for work.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Morning all....cold and frosty here in my part of the world, so getting up to go spinning before work was a test of character! The cold morning must have deterred some of the new year's resolutioners though - the last couple of weeks it has been a full class, but today there were several bikes spare. Am guessing the 5am alarm call wasn't so appealing....

    Glad I made the effort, though...although my quads protested somewhat. The extra cardio calories will help offset some of the nibbly stuff I've mindlessly eaten over the weekend! I've got three "working" weeks before going skiing, so the plan is to focus on food intake for those three weeks, before enjoying whatever is presented to me to eat when I am away. That means No. Mindless. Eating.

    Other news...my preferred brand of protein shake is being discontinued. I've managed to source a couple of tubs of it, but it's getting harder so I have bought the recommended alternative. It's got 30g compared with my previous 20g and is made by the same people, so hopefully the transition will be a good one. Had my first shake after spinning - didn't feel the need to hold my nose and swallow quickly, so first signs are encouraging.....!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Kimi - frost?? We hit 38 degrees C I think!

    Dawn - my body is cranky too lately, annoying!! Star Wars themed cake sounds fun though lol

    Today I did leg day. I was the only female in the weights area which was packed (20 dudes - I counted!). I was the only one working legs......shame my grip was *kitten* on DLs

    Anyways, today was crazy - worked an early shift, handed up my graduate portfolio assessment, completed first part of training package and handed it in for marking, accepted offer for Uni to do my Masters and got a job.

    Now I have almost 3 weeks off! Hurrah! Time with my crazy boys. And getting our new puppy soon. Feeling much more positive today
  • nufertiri
    nufertiri Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all,

    haven't been online for quite some days, and wow, its really busy here :)
    Keep up the great work - and get well soon to the ladys being out of exercise right now!

    +1 on the frost topic: its -5 C (23F) right now. And feels colder due to stady wind...
    I don't think I can currently remember how +38C felt like :smiley:

    Finished #22 of 24 of NRoL4W stage 1 today - so two more rounds this week, and then start with stage 2 next Monday. Have to dig deeper into the book again to familiarize with the new exercises. Hope they won't be too - hmmm - strange.
    Some days ago I couldn't wait to move to the next stage, and now as it is approaching I'm getting nervous. haha

    Any experiences on what to take special care of in stage 2?

  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Beeps - I have my fingers crossed!

    Strong, S1B today

    Side plank: 2 x 30 secs, 2 x 20 secs. BOOM. Improving!
    Anti-rotation press: 2 x 3 x 10sec @ 22.8kg.

    SL romanian DL: 2 x 12 @ 16kg DB - good, my bum hurts! Ha, I'm sure I could do much more weight, but I don't know if I can hold a much heavier DB!
    Push up: 2 x 12 on smith machine, height 5. Had to do 4 sets of 6, but nevermind.
    Split squat: 2 x 12 20kg barbell - easier than DB's, will use a heavier barbell next time, but have to be slightly careful as I have to OHP it and then not smack myself in the head when I lower onto my back
    Inverted row: 2 x 12 on smith machine, height 11. Back to 6 mini sets of 4 after lowing the bar!

    No cardio as I have ANOTHER cold and I already felt dead!

    Husband has started a new job which means he can't drive me and little one into work/nursery anymore so I'm back to walking - it adds about 5 miles to my daily walking which is certainly helpful from a calorie perspective - espeically when pushing a pram!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Great job, pudding! I did my 2 workout B of Ph 1 "strong" today. My side planks were 3 x 25 seconds. WHT (my add in) 165 BB. Anti-rotation 3 x 8 x 30 lbs. Tbends 30 DB'S 3 x 8. Pushups from floor 3 3 8. Bulg split sq 3 x 6 x 15 DB'S. Inverted rows 3 x 6 (6th position from bottom of smith machine). Other add-ins: shoulder press 3 x 8 22.5 DB'S. Bis/tris 3 x 8 x 15 DBs.

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wow, I went away on retreat this weekend and y'all blew the place up! Finally, the kidney infection is gone! Needed 2 rounds of antibiotics tho. I hate them! I haven't lifted since it came on, and on Saturday any routine goes out the window as I move to Philly for trial. Keep my seat warm, I promise I'll be back!

    Keep lifting y'all!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    @suelegal I got a TRX for Christmas. I highly recommend it for at home, or in your case, hotel room workouts. I believe it can fit over a doorway.
    @DawnEmbers way to get it done!
    @Beeps2011 great job, hope the offer comes through.

    It's getting late so I will post about my weekend tomorrow. Happy lifting ladies.