Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Just checking in to let you know I'm still here. Been quiet as busy at home. Still getting my workouts done, nursing these injuries of mine. Am not goal focused at the moment - trying to figure out what my goals are! Then will sort a plan to achieve them. Will be getting another DEXA soon as that will help me direct my training. I do keep reading posts so keep it up girls - loving the amount of effort going in!

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    It's all looking good, ladies (other than injuries - 7year, I hope your elbows are better?)!

    So, I have been starting out with kettlebells - I need something that I can defer to if I really can't get on the squat rack at the gym - These last few weeks have been so so so busy, and although I know it will quieten down, I also know that my working hours are inflexible so there is only so much I can do to go at different times myself. So, rather than get frustrated with it, if I know I have plan B in existance everytime I walk in the door, I will be far more relaxed about seeing other people daring to use *my* precious squat rack.

    Also, to get a bit of cardio in on non lifting days, doing 20 mins at home of kettle bell swings etc seems to appeal to me quite nicely.

    Anyway, I'm two whole days into this haha.....and today I woke up with arms that won't work, and hamstrings that don't like stairs! Sooo......it seems that even though it's *only* an 8kg weight, it really is going to be a useful addition to my workouts!

    Hubby has just booked us a fortnight in Florida in September (the two of us, and my children who will be 21 and 22) and we're like a bunch of kiddies getting excited already. Hubby has been before but for the rest of us, it's our first trip to the US. We (me and my children) never really did sun holidays because skiing is their life and the budgets would never allow both. So for him to do this for us is huuuuuge.

    So, anyway, I fully intend to use the next 7.5 months getting ready to show off my shoulders in strappy sun tops. I refuse to have bingo wings on display in our photos!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Tried out the gym before work for the lower body hypertrophy day at the small gym. Then after work went and used the rower for a little cardio at big gym. Only a couple of people mid-day at small one but fair amount a the night time session in the big gym. Would have used the sauna too but forgot swimsuit at home.

    65 - Lower Hyper

    front squat 3x8 @ 95 and 1x8 @ 110 - 95 went well, 110 a tiny bit better, back twinged just a tad on last reps
    curtsy lunge 3x8 @ 90 - slight increase and a challenge but getting better at these
    good morning 3x10 @ 90
    leg extension 3x9 @ 90 - different with the extension/curl machine
    rdl 140 3x8 - calluses ached
    sumo deadlift 3x5 @ 175

    Gym owner was showing a woman how to use the lat pulldown part of the cable system when I was near the end of the workout doing the sumo deadlifts. I've seen him a couple of times so far but not much interaction, which is fine. I do my stuff and that's what I expect to get out of going.

    Late night cardio was just 35 minutes on the rower.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    mmebouchon, I mostly just get to the lifting. All the research I have ever read suggest there is no benefit to a "warm up". My time is always crunched at the gym.....so, stretching after a workout, for me, is more important than time doing a warmup?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Hi jo, kimi and dawn.

    Rest day, today.

  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    Interesting Beeps. I don't care for doing ant cardio before weights but I am usually working out in the mornng a still pretty stiff. I might just try it your way though and see how it goes.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Re: warm ups and cardio.

    I have read/ heard/ been told not to do cardio on the same day as lifting if the goal is to gain lean muscle and strength. If the goal is fat loss, best to cardio after lifting.

    I used to run for 10 mins prior to lifting - now I don't and I don't miss it. I warm up with light sets of the lift I'm about to do.

    I'm like you though mme - if I lift early, I am stiff and it doesn't feel right. My optimum time is between 9 and 11am lol. My body needs a couple of hours of moving about in regular life first.
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    Hum, maybe the cardio has been holding me back. I am kinda disappointed that I am not making any real progress on squats. I feel like I have less energy in my legs after a ten minute cycle warm up. Plus I have been doing 45 minute cardio after strength training. Perhaps I should just skip the cardio and see if it helps.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    mmebouchon wrote: »
    I feel like I have less energy in my legs after a ten minute cycle warm up.

    Of course! You've already fatigued them. I'd skip the cycle on squat day for sure. And probably DL day (if you are on a program that splits them). Even if your legs feel fine after, they wouldn't have their maximum power. It takes a lot of practice to work out your fatigue levels.

    I have gradually got to know mine a bit more. Take when I got my max DL for example. Previous max was 95kg. Didn't even try that as I knew if I lifted 95kg, I wouldn't get any higher as my body wouldn't have the energy. So I went straight from 90kg to 100kg, which was a jump but the only way I knew I'd have any hope of doing it. And it worked!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I feel like I can't start my lifting unless I've had a bit of a RAMP-type warmup/stretch. It gets me ready physically and mentally.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    If I'm lifting after work, I don't do cardio of any type before lifting. However, on occasion when I lift on days off and I've done nothing but sit for hours at the computer, I might do 10 minutes walking or use the elliptical just to get moving. For the most part, I consider the first sets the warm up, starting with the bar and working my way up on whatever main lift I do first. I do cardio after sometimes because it's nice to just do all the things in one session, at least while not as ideal to run outside. I'll be moving running outside in the future though and I do it more to meet my cardio goals what with the 10k obstacle course and future half-marathon.

    Beeps - forgot to mention earlier. Nice adjustments, :wink: I remember in NROLFW at once point I was adding in things like squat and bench press, cause seriously no flat bench press? Craziness.

    I went to gym after work even though it was rest day just for fun. Tried different things. Attempted to do a pull up. Almost got a full one using the handles that stick straight out. Then I tried with the regular ones and could get up to eye level for 1 rep each set. So getting closer. Also tried the thigh machine (adductor or whatever it's called), leg press/calves machine, seated dip machine and kickbacks using the cables. Did back extensions, tricep extensions and bicep curls too. Fun little bit of random. Ended with attempting to pose (figure type after looking up stuff on youtube for examples) in the fitness class room, which I might post on instagram but it's all kinds of special. lol
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Today should have been Strong 1A again (for almost the last time!) but I had a serious migraine last night and didn't want it to reappear, so another rest day for me!

    I do the Strong workout's as shown - so with the RAMP and the cardio intervals at the end. I figure I don't know any better so I should do what they tell me :)

    I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday to discuss whatever is going on with me. I think I have PCOS, certainly something serious is going on. Since coming off birth control in December 2013 I gained 20lbs in 6 months, then got pregnant, gained 30lbs, in the 3 months after birth I lost 25lbs, and since July last year I have gained another 20lbs despite tracking calories and working out consistently.

    Hopefully he can run some tests and come up with something to help me - if it does turn out to be PCOS then I'll be following the keto diet as I have read many good things about that in combination with birth control to help PCOS.

    Kinda worried to be honest. But maybe it will give me a solid diagnosis so at least I know what to research.

    Dawn - I have missed bench press in the first stage of Strong, I think it makes an appearance in stage 2, along with front squats which I have never done! Should be interesting :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Stephie - I hope things get worked out for you. I like the front squat, despite issues with my wrists, though it's definitely better alone than combined with push press like they had in NROLFW.

    Rest day for me. Just going to work then come home. Will have a long day tomorrow as there is a powerlifting meet not that far from here and lifting starts in morning so I'll be able to watch a while before work.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I lifted today. Workout B of phase 2 stage 1 of "strong".

    Added in WHT, should press, t-bends, bis/tris. Plus , really good stretch after.


    Tomorrow is cardio. Blech.
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    So I did light weight, form practice and I skipped the cardio. I had planned on doing some after the weights but my car wouldn't start this morning so I was an hour late getting to the gym. I help a friend move yesterday and apparently they don't know how to close a door properly.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am loving the workouts in phase 1, stage 2 of Strong. Love!
  • eaweide
    eaweide Posts: 6 Member
    :) Happy to have found more friends who are doing NROL4W! I started it in November 2014 and go to Stage 3 before the workouts were just too long. I switched over to Stronglifts but go bored. Then I let family *kitten* derail me. But I'm back and have been consistent since the beginning of the year and am almost through Stage 1 again!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »

    Hubby has just booked us a fortnight in Florida in September (the two of us, and my children who will be 21 and 22) and we're like a bunch of kiddies getting excited already. Hubby has been before but for the rest of us, it's our first trip to the US. We (me and my children) never really did sun holidays because skiing is their life and the budgets would never allow both. So for him to do this for us is huuuuuge.

    So, anyway, I fully intend to use the next 7.5 months getting ready to show off my shoulders in strappy sun tops. I refuse to have bingo wings on display in our photos!

    Very nice Kim. Are you coming in the summer or other season? There is so much to do in Florida. You are all going to have a great time.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I feel like I can't start my lifting unless I've had a bit of a RAMP-type warmup/stretch. It gets me ready physically and mentally.

    ME TOO!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Getting back on track with eating this week and will get tot the gym at least twice. I'm down 2 lbs and my pants don't cut off my air any more though still tight. Time to just keep on trucking. Keep up the good work ladies.