Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Great to see you all lifting and posting!! Keep it up!

    LONG weekend of volleyball, 3-days of back to back tournament days. Ate crazy food at crazy times, so expect the scale to be up a bit tomorrow. Got a decent lifting session in this evening, upper body. The gym was crowded so I did bench at the end which is not conducive to heavy weight, but still got it done. Tired, and will sleep well.

    In November I committed to 3-4 days of lifting a week through the holidays and beyond. I'm happy to say I've been doing just that. It feels good, and I am seeing some progress in the gym. I just need to consistently hit my deficit over time and should be hitting my goals in about 4 months. Just in time for the hot, hot weather out here. Shorts and bathing suits are on their way!

    Keep up the good fight!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Glad you are better, suelegal....whew!

    Hi Sam!

    Julie...glad to read you are completing goals...I LOVE that!

    Lifted today. Have lost one more lb. which really just means last week's period bloat is gone....anyway, hope I stay on track to lose 1-2 lbs (per month) over the next 2-3 months. Good goals. Doable.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hi Beeps, lol

    It was a busy interesting weekend to say the least. I took off Friday to chaperone my older son's field trip. First time in SEVEN YEARS that I have EVER done that. We went to go see STOMP. It was indeed awesome. NExt, my cousin/brother had his second child FRiday night. Then Saturday morning my last great-aunt past-away. Now every member of my grandmother's generation is gone. Funeral is this coming Saturday so I hope we don't get snowed out.

    Saturday was also my cousin/nephew's birthday party so LOTS of pizza and ice cream.
    Sunday, I sat motionless
    Monday, Six HOURS of deep house cleaning. Scrubbing away the dirt that was neglected over five months while I was focussing on Mom. THEN I had a training session at the gym. Sweet girl, but not my kind of trainer. MAchines people, machines. I had way too much left in the tank afterwards and still did 15 minutes of intervals. Not even the least bit sore today. She was the third trainer I had who complimented me on my form, so there's that.

    Today I woke up late, got to work late, had a decent day, and am now Tuesday tired. I really hate Tuesdays and I'm glad it's a rest day. Diet was good today which makes up for a terrible weekend.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    So sleepy... I worked a coworker's morning cashier shift instead of having today off, so that meant being in at 8 am when I'm used to working closes. Made for a long day, then I went over and tried out the new gym with Upper Hypertrophy day. Not bad even at after 5:30 pm. The most people we had at one time was 5 total, most on the cardio. Saw the guy owner but didn't interact with him much other than he made a quick encouraging comment when he passed by taking a guy over to show him the cardio equipment. Didn't do cardio though because tired. I think I'm going to stop by Thursday after work to run on the treadmill. Have mid-day shift tomorrow then will do lifting maybe at new gym. Food wasn't the best today in that I forgot the jerky at home so all day I had just some snap peas, granola, peanuts and a latte (cause had my lunch break priorities so went and got one), along with a little bit of candy before gym. Had some better food when I got home, after the grocery store.

    60 - Upper Power

    incline bench 4x6 @ 80 - not enough reps as was a little too heavy but using the cage for them wasn't too bad, just different.
    db fly 4x8 @ 25 - okay. They don't have the incremental dumbbells at this one so it's either go up or down on some of these.
    one db row 4x9 @ 35
    seated row 4x8 @ 90 - challenging, feel like it could pull me forward and it's hard to get started to pull the weight and get seated in position because of the equipment and my short legs...
    lat raise 4x7 @ 15 - miss the 12.5 ones already
    bicep bar curl 4x10 @ 40 - meh, didn't have an attachment to use for the cable
    face pull 4x10 @ 50 - okay, different rope than I'm used to on it
    tricep ext 4x10 @ 80 - still a bit of a challenge
    hanging leg raises @ bw - tougher, I did straight leg then bended to bring knees up and not sure which struggled more, my stomach or forearms that were trying to hold me up. (Trying to add a tiny bit of ab work in some shape or form.)

    Now I'm going to try and write a little, then get to bed.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wow, I went away on retreat this weekend and y'all blew the place up! Finally, the kidney infection is gone! Needed 2 rounds of antibiotics tho. I hate them! I haven't lifted since it came on, and on Saturday any routine goes out the window as I move to Philly for trial. Keep my seat warm, I promise I'll be back!

    Keep lifting y'all!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    edited January 2016
    Strong, S1A today:

    Plank 40, 20, 30 secs, very proud of my first 40 seconds :) took a teeny tiny break and held on for 20 more. Second time round I just did 30.
    Bird dog 4 x 15 secs

    Squat 2 x 10 @ 45kg, man those last 2 reps are just brutal. Upped the weight because I think whatever the weight is I would struggle on the last two!
    DB 3 point row 2 x 12 each side @ 12kg - 12's mysteriously missing again but used a 12kg kettlebell (should have done that last time)
    Push up on smith, hole 8 - 2 x 12 - really wanted to see if I could do 12 in a row (at any height) so set the bar nice and high, was compeltely exhausting!
    Step up 2 x 12 on 12" box @ 15kg barbell for the first set, the second I couldn't hold the barbell because my arms were tired from pushups (mental note to do them the other way round next time - incidentally they are the other way round in the book I just can't read apparently)

    Someone else was doing step-ups at the same time as me, with a trainer, but they were completely cheating the movement. Pushing off loads with the bottom leg.

    She was using the 18" box, but no weight, couldn't help but feel I looked so weak in compairson *slowwwwwly squeeeezing* to get up there, but never mind. Hopefully it was obvious that I was concentraing on not pushing up with the bottom leg. I also looked completely psychotic because I have to focus really hard on a point waaaay across the gym so I don't fall over once I lock out at the top of the movement.

    I shall expect to turn up in the "so there was this guy at the gym" thread in the stronglifts forum :)

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Great form, Sam!

    Nice workout, Dawn!

    No cheaters, Steph (why do some people do that?!?!?)

    I am away sat/sun, so my regular cardio (saturday) won't happen. I will squish in some cardio wed/fri to make up for what I am missing this weekend. ZOOM!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ok, my body has given up. Left shoulder has knots, is weak and it's now affecting my elbow and my grip. Yesterday my ankle tendonitis came back rudely in combat. My back is aching too. I need time off. I am going to modify my way through combat today because then we are away for the weekend and I can heal. Anti inflammatory drugs will be purchased in bulk :(

    I need a massage.

    And really need to get rid of this PMS headache. My annual leave is not starting well. Sulk :(
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hi gals
    I'm getting back into the swing of things, did workout b of stage one in Strong today. I was still sore from the first workout on Monday. So far so good. Noticed at least a couple other people are using the strong program too so it will nice to check in once in awhile. Right now my plan is three sessions a week and get my protein every day (129 grams).

    I read somewhere recently that drinking alcohol after age 45 accounts for 7 pounds of body weight.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Thanks. :-)
    Jo - Ouch. Get some rest and I hope things start to feel better and cooperate more after the weekend. You push hard so deserve a little break.
    Steph - Nice on the steps. I always had to make sure I didn't push up from the back foot when had step ups as part of my program.
    Rocky - Hi. Good luck with your goals. I still struggle to get 80 grams of protein per day. Need to work on that.

    Today was a mid-shift day at work so I was at the gym at 7pm after working the 8 hour shift. Not a fan of that schedule because I'm used to working close shifts and getting my dinner break at around 7, so I was hungry by then. Had to wait a little for the cage too because a woman was using it when I first got there. On the plus side, one of the roommates cooked chicken and rice, so that was awaiting when I made it home. Mmm protein.

    61 - Lower Hypertrophy

    leg extension 4x8 @ 80 - odd with the different machine. It's a leg curl and leg extension type, so depends on how you have it set up. Seat didn't go quite far enough forward for me either.
    front squat 3x10 @ 80 then cross arms 1x7 and 1x5 @ 110 - First sets were easy enough. The crossed arms was a struggle with my arms and holding the bar. Fitbit needs to go during that cause it was pressing against my other wrist. Not comfortable. Need to work on the balance and holding the weight with it a little more.
    curtsy lunge 4x10 @ 85 - decent
    good morning 4x12 @ 85
    rdl 3x8 @ 140 - okay but grip issues by the last reps
    sumo deadlift 3x5 @ 170 - okay, calluses hurt a little during them

    Think I'll try getting in some cardio after work tomorrow to see what it's like there after 10:30 pm. It's a new location so the "busy" times have barely anyone and I imagine that means not many at all should work out later either. Should get a good run on the treadmill then since still too rainy and flooded outside to go to the park for that.
  • nufertiri
    nufertiri Posts: 25 Member
    Dawn, I'm always impressed to read what an impressive workout schedule you're maintaining. That's truely inspiring!

    Rocky, training with others using the same program can only be helpful for motivation, form and exercise checks - and of course some chats in the breaks :)

    Get well soon Jo! Sounds like your body just wants a couple of days off...

    Steph, keep up the good form - no need to feel weaker compared to a cheater :smiley:

    I'm not nearly done with stage 1, tomorrow will be the last time of 1B, and then up to stage 2 next Monday.
    Not sure if I can stick to the full plan in case the whole things take too much time - especially with the additional intervals at the end. Maybe I'll shorten the warmup (usually 10 min cardio) to make some room...
    Have to re-read the sections on warmup suggestions to get some ideas for this.

    Although I'll be occupied by the 4w program for quite some month, I've ordered 4Abs already as I'd like to do some additional core exercises at home on the off days :)
    And maybe do the full program 2nd half of the year - lets see...
    Has anyone tried the 4 abs routines?
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Jo - look after yourself! Listen to your body. (easier said than done, I know, but...)
    Sue - glad you are feeling better and hope trial all goes swimmingly for you.
    Steph - when I did stage one it took me ages to realise I was doing step ups wrong. I haven't done them for a few weeks but really should remind myself of correct form before I go back to old habits when I least need to!
    Dawn - you are certainly an inspiration, One of my goals is "no excuses" and when I see posts like yours, I realise that I really do have no excuses. If you can find time to lift, then so can I!!

    Will be heading to the gym after work this evening - looking forward to it as always. I'm still doing ICF rather than NR but do find myself doing some of the NR balancing bits as being good for my core etc. I'm sure to come back to it proper in due course though!

    Foodwise I'm doing alright too - am finally working out what I need/want/etc without saying "I can't have.....", the nutrition pie chart on MFP is invaluable - I had NO idea previously (other than when I was on Atkins or something stupidly similar) about my carb/fat/protein split and how easy it is to get right out of kilter.

    This week is 3 months since I switched from being a cardio bunny to lifting. Best three months in the gym I've ever had.

    And this week I am feeling less bloated and slightly firmer of waist.....coincidence? hmm, maybe, maybe not!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    You guys are rocking it! Great work ladies!

    Jo-listen to your body. Rest is as important as the work in the gym.
    Beeps-enjoy your weekend!
    Rocky-how much alcohol? Eek,
    Stephie-I bet you look determined and focused at the gym.
    Sam-love your Sunday ;).mlove that your form is spot on. Hang in there! Life sounds crazy! You're getting a lot fit in there! WTG!
    Sue-enjoy Philly. My old stomping grounds :). Lots of cool restaurants, great Italian and neat historic sites :)
    Dawn-dang girl! You're so freakishly strong for such a petite thing! For even a beastly size woman you're strong! Impressive!! It pushes me to try more and more weight knowing what you have accomplished is such a short time. WTG!

    I'm doing great, I feel good, am lifting well even on lowered calories. :) scale not going down yet, but hope it'll catch up soon! This 4-day split is working out well, trying to add some cardio after I lift. Hard to make the time for it, but I suspect that's what it'll take to get some fat off this old body. Sigh, hate cardio. But it won't kill me and will probably help my overall endurance and fitness. :)

    Have a good one ladies!
  • nufertiri
    nufertiri Posts: 25 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    This week is 3 months since I switched from being a cardio bunny to lifting. Best three months in the gym I've ever had.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Dawn is regular and regular and inspires me to do it. Everyday. Do it.

    "Success is not owned. It is leased. And rent is everyday."


    I lifted, today. Mediocre, at best. The AMRAP workout at the end of Stage 1, Phase 1of "Strong". But, it relieved some stress...which is a "win".

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Home from the gym...got all my squat reps at 65 kgs for the first time and a new best DL of 72.5kgs. Worked really hard to the point I finished up with side planks but couldn't even lift my body weight on my arm/ shoulder.....I was beat!!

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    *blushes* Thanks everyone.

    Went to gym after work to check it out at my usual time and I had skipped cardio on Tuesday. Can see why I don't normally do cardio after lower body days. My legs are feeling it. Freight day plus hour run on the treadmill. Gym was empty the whole time.
  • 7yearbitch
    7yearbitch Posts: 30 Member
    One more week of Stage 1 for me. Yay! I did add 3x5 negative pull ups to the end of the routine today. I want to be able to do pull ups, so I'm adding them into the As. I also did a form check video of my squats, and while I'm getting below parallel, I'm not keeping my chest up enough, so today I did squat to a box that was a couple inches above my parallel line to work on that.

    Also, I noticed today that I'VE GOT LINES ON MY STOMACH NOW! Sure, there's still quite a bit of fluff, but whatevs, THERE'S LINES! They weren't there when I started this. I even changed my profile pic to show off my new lines. Let the fluff hang out. LINES!

    I keep on looking at them and touching them. I can't help it.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    7yearbitch, hooray for lines! I feel like I'll never see that day.
    Dawn, I agree with others that you really do make it work and have no excuses. Way to go!
    Kim, congrats on the DL PR and three months of lifting!

    Beeps, what is mediocre? Haha, now I'm worried. I did the special AMRAP workout today and did:

    Plank: 90 sec
    Side planks: 60 sec
    Goblet squat: 25 reps with 25#
    DB three point row: 20 reps with 30#
    Push-ups: 20 on the bench
    Split squat: 20 reps with 45# barbell
    Inverted row: 15

    It was a quick and dirty workout. Excited to start the next part on Tuesday. Clothes have been looser all week and scale hasn't changed an ounce. Trying to get used to it and not care too much.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Yay, 7year, for "lines". Verrry cool.