Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Bad headcold.....third day in bed. Booooooo.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps I hope you feel better fast! :/
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Pudding - You'll get there. It's slow but one day. Yay on the pants too.

    7year - Nice work. I remember the box deadlifts, they were interesting. Well I used an aerobic step so it wasn't very far off the ground. I've seen some do deadlifts while standing on plates. Have fun with the front squat/push press.

    Stephie - good luck. I'm terrible at not eating foods that I shouldn't. Trying to cut back on dairy from allergy and yet still had dairy yesterday when I wasn't supposed to... ooops. I hope things get worked out for you.

    Sue - good luck to you too with the tests. Agree with Beeps, and nothing like a fresh start on things even if it means doing a little cleaning.

    Now for me. Lower body power day was done last night after work, which was a long 10 hour shift. We had a morning person call in sick so that lead to me get texted to come in 2 hours early. Ate a little more than planned but oh well. Lifting went well even though I was pretty tired most of the night. Went to big gym for the session as have just under a week left now at the location.

    71 - Lower Power

    squat 3x3 @ 190 - yay, tried to increase and managed the sets
    deadlift 1x3 and 2x4 @ 210 - went well
    deadlift with straps 1x2 @ 235 - had a slip in my set up so couldn't get it a third time
    leg press 3x8 @ 235 - decided to try increase and it went fine, deadlift is catching up to leg press though, hehe
    leg curls 2x10 and 1x8 @ 80 - my last set is always a struggle by then, poor hamstrings.

    Skipped the WHT cause I was tired, so went in dry sauna for 15 minutes then went home. Also had to start a newsletter that's due, will have to finish that tonight along with my usual writing. Work schedule shifted so now I work Mondays and will have Tuesday and Wednesday off. Can't wait for tomorrow.

    Deadlifts might be easier with the rounded plates at new gym as I've mostly used the hex 45 plates at the big gym. I like how the settle when on the flattened sides but when they do roll it's a hassle because it goes a little further and messes with the set up so it's either full pause to readjust or keep it from getting that far somehow. It hasn't been bad and I don't like the rounded plates they have at that gym cause they are deteriorating some, but the new gym with their new round plates will be better. Though I like having 35's, which it doesn't have. Oh well.
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    Eke another week flew by and it's Monday again. Dang but I just can't keep up. Sorry to here about the injury Manic and the head cold Beeps. Sue good luck at the dr. I hope it is nothing serious. Great that you are shaking off the crap week week and giving yourself a fresh start.
    Dawn amazing work in the gym as always you blow me away with your lifting.

    I missed going to the gym this morning because of a family brunch. It is a holiday here today and my daughter and her guy came for crepes.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Dawn - those are some excellent numbers!

    Beeps - hope you're feeling better

    Sue - we're both at the mercy of doctors at the moment - hope you get some good results

    Today was Strong, Phase 1, Stage 2, A

    It was fantastic.

    I am absolutely spent now!

    Plank with pull down - 1x12/12 @ 22.8kg, 1x12 @ 13.6kg - so yeah, I overestimated how much I could pull on these! I was shaking so badly while doing them, definitley working something!

    Reverse lunge - 3x10/10 @ 15kg barbell - a lady was using the 20kg barbell which is what I intended to use, I had a choice of 15 or 25, or loading the oly bar but I find that tricky to clean up and get on my shoulders. I chose the 15 :)

    Inverted row - smith machine level 11 - 5+4, 5+5, 7+3 - one day I'll manage 10 in a row :)

    Romanian DL - 3x10 @ a weight between 42kg and 45kg - I still don't know how much the shorter oly bar weighs

    Pushup - 3x10 on smith # 7 - these were brilliant. No elbow flaring, nice and straight body, really felt good. I'm excited to drop the smith next time and see what I can do

    No cardio, because yeah, done!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Nice job, Stephie....

    Still no energy for a workout, today. Will take one more day in bed. It was probably time for a "rest week", anyway....so the fact it arrived, with headcold, is sometimes a body's way of just saying, "slow it down for a week".

    I am drinking tons and tons of liquids and not eating very much, so I have the flattest tummy, which is kind of darling, too!

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Thanks. I haven't done a plank in months, since I was doing NROLFW. Should probably do that one of these days, maybe.

    Beeps - I hope you feel better soon. I've never had a flat stomach but still, good to try and see a highlight until everything else gets back on track.

    I had a long day even without work. I got to sleep in since when the alarm clock went off this morning, I just said nope then turned it off so could sleep more. Still made it to yoga but not at the time I had initially planned. I also went and bought foods, though coworker ended up napping so didn't make it over to have lunch at the asian grocery store. Instead I had starbucks, shopped then had a lenny and larry cookie when I got home for lunch. Went to yoga in the evening, then lifted weights and did cardio. Did lifting at new gym and the rack for incline bench. Would have been fine without the math fail. Figured that I'd try to do a lower weight cause the bar there feels a bit heavier, and instead of that I did more than before. Cause I can math.

    Gentle Hatha yoga class, about an hour.

    72 - Upper Hypertrophy

    incline bench 1x7, 1x5 @ 85 and 2x8 @ 75 - yeah, did not mean to try 85 at that gym. ooops
    db fly 4x10 @ 25
    one db row 4x9 @ 40
    seated row 4x9 @ 90
    lat raise 4x10 @ 12.5
    bicep curl 4x9 @ curl bar + 10
    face pull 4x10 @ 60
    tricep ext 4x10 @ 80

    45 minutes on elliptical, which was longer than planned but got to watch Chopped on Food Network.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Youve all been so busy!! I'm so happy to read all these updates!! I'll try to hit everyone!

    Stephe-i was LC for 11 years! Ive got oodles of recipes. Look up Linda sue's LC recipes. A great site with so many recipes. Hope you feel better!
    Sue-philly is NOT known for health food :) . Now that you're home and getting back into a good routine I know you'll be successful. We have all been there and are here to support you! Hope things go well at the dr.
    Beeps-good job resting when your body is telling you to. And yay for a flat belly!
    Pudding-yay on the pants!
    7year-good job on the box. I never liked those in NR.
    Dawn-I wish my DLs were anywhere near my leg press! I'm up to 553 on the leg press and only 135 on my dls. :( you go girl!
    Jo-how's the workaround going? I'd love to be anywhere in the low 20's for BF!! You're doing great!
    Mme-yum, crepes!
    Sam-how cool on the video! Good for you! And thanks for the scale vs. size encouragement! I like hearing that. I'm the same height and in a 10 at about 170, and hoping to get back down to a true 8. I was eating at maintenance, or a smaller deficit most of last year, and gained 15 lbs. not good. I was an 8 and 158 the first half of 2015, and am hoping to get back there. :)

    I hope I got you all! :)

    I'm doing well. Added more weight to my WHTs yesterday. It's my best progressing lift lately. Up to 155, and got a compliment from a lady who asked "are you going to lift that weight?". Uh, yup. I am. She hooted and cheered for me, which was a bit embarrassing! I'm loving that lift though :) doesn't hurt my low back at all and is having a nice impact on my shape :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Great job lifting, Dawn and Julie!

    Still no energy for the gym....this is an unofficial "rest week", I guess. Maybe tomorrow. I do think my appetite is kind of returning....a good sign.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Illness does that - causes unofficial rest weeks. Hope you're on the mend Beeps.

    Julie - many have a much higher leg press than deadlift. And I should probably re-mention that I'm not counting the weight of the equipment when I post leg press. I don't know how much the equipment weighs and it's not listed on either of them, though the sled does seem a little heavier at new gym as it's bigger, than the other. The trainer at old gym thought it weighed around 15 but he wasn't sure because unlike most presses, it's not listed on the actual equipment. So, 235 is just the plates I've added to it. Plus I'm doing 8 reps on deadlift and 3-4 for deadlift, so I could probably still lift more on leg press if I did less reps too. Mirin' your leg press tough. Impressive. And that hip thrust. Awesome.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Julie - thanks I will definitely check that out! Tonight I made "fathead pizza". Hubs was impressed (he loves pizza). He asked if we could eat it every night! Ha!

    Strong S2B today. Pretty useless!

    Don't have much time to write about everything that went badly, but in general:

    - suspended lunge and touch. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. ARE YOU HIGH?! I did rear foot elevated lunges with 10kg barbell. I need to reread the book in the hope I did something wrong.

    - front squats - used straps, felt very unusual though. I definitely see the need for them, if nothing else it will correct my forward lean. Only used the bar for these though which was a little depressing.

    - side plank with row. Again. Alwyn ARE YOU HIGH?!

    Ugh. Never mind. Workout A on Friday :)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    Some posts about missing the gym for whatever reason. Stop beating yourselves up when you take a rest day or have to rest an injury. Clearly your body is telling you something. Without proper recovery, you cannot make proper progress. Especially in cases where you're putting in maximum effort (like hitting the gym more than four times a week)

    And ladies don't forget to fuel your workouts. I know we so desperately want that scale to move, but at what cost. Eat less move more is great for short term goals, but you will not build muscle that way. If you under eat too much, you will sacrifice your lean muscle mass. More muscle means more fat burning your body can do at REST. I'm currently eating at maintenance and still managed to lose 2 pounds in one month. Those with big weight loss goals will say, "gah, that's too slow." Ask yourself, do you want to weigh less or actually be healthy?

    The scale is liar. Last time I weighed over 160 at 5'6, I was a size 14(American). While I was out of gym for over four months, and really doing a crap job in the gym for the six months before that to be honest, I gained back the 15 I lost. That weight gain took almost a year to come to fruition. However, my size did not change, still a size 8 at the higher weight. Don't let the scale determine your victories or your failures.
    (Stepping off soapbox)

    Happy lifting ladies!

    I love this!!

    Sue, you can do it. We all fall off the wagon now and then. The important thing is that you are aware of it and want to get back on it!

    Beeps, i hope you feel better soon. Illness sucks!

    Stephie, what is this fathead pizza you speak of? Sounds interesting!

    I finally finished Supercharged today!! I should be taking photos and measurements but I am having stomach issues lately and I am incredibly bloated so don't particularly want to record this body!
    I thought I had IBS but went back to the Doctor on Monday as I have been feeling sick for ages and she is sending me for more tests because apparently I have lots of blood in my urine. When I got home and told my BF he wondered if there are exercises I should avoid doing that might be causing it. I laughed and said that I would be happy to give up running if I had to and he got all serious and said he was referring to Deadlifts! I laughed at him but wondered if anyone could comment on any way that lifting heavy could affect your health? I'm fairly certain he is being cray!
    Im getting ready to start Strong soon. Can't wait!

  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    DouMc do take care. Good to hear that you got to the dr and that they are running tests. I can't imagine the blood in the urine is from the weights unless you are dropping them on your mid section.
    Santha I too love that quote. ( Thanks for reposting it DouMc)
    Beeps listen to your body and get well.
    Stephie I loved your description of your workout. Cracked me up with the " are you high?"
    Pudding great NSV with the pants.
    Julie I have to go look up WHT to find out what that is your doing. Sounds like it is workng for ya so thumbs up!
    Dawn 80 lbs on the tricep extensions wow, just wow. Interesting what you said about the machine weight not being included in the leg press machine. I never thought about it before and just assumed it was all included. It explains allot though, cause sometimes those machines seem way out of wack for what I thought the weight was.

    3 sets of 8 reps of each of the following as fast as we could go and then a 2 minute rest then do it all again twice more for a total of 72 reps. The bar was only 12 lbs which seemed really light until the third super set, then not so much, puff, puff. More like interval training. By the way I was breathing I think I need it.
    Overhead press
    Good mornings
    Upright rows
    Bent over Rows
    Bicep curls
    Push ups

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey everyone! I have my gyn tomorrow. Thankfully I don't have to fast for this one! This morning I did legs, the squat racks were all being used to I did decline press, curls and extensions, back extensions, oblique flexions, and abs. I'm doing walk/run/walk intervals too. It felt good, my legs are complaining tonight, and I'm about to head to bed. Food has been really good, and mostly have hit macros too.

    I'll check in tomorrow after the doc.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Yes, what is WHT? I feel like a dolt for having to ask.

    DouMc, congrats on finishing Supercharged! That one was such a long slog.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Mme-WHTs are weighted hip thrusts. Hard to describe, but the are good videos online. Great butt workout! That workout you did sounds exhausting! Good for you!

    Dou-congrats on finishing supercharged!! So sorry you're not feeling well and the blood in urine? I can't imagine deadlifts would impact that? Sounds more like kidneys to me. I hope the dr can help ((hugs))

    Stephie- :D I agree, hysterical!! That's how I felt when I tried prone Jack knives the first time. Good for you getting it done!

    Dawn-Thanks! I really like the WHTs. I wish my squats were heavier. Have you made any decisions on the meet? I think you'll rock!
    it sounds like a different kind of leg press? Mine is the upside down incline sled type...its 103 lbs empty. You load the plates on it, like a barbell.

    Did a variety of cardio today-biked outside with my girls (80 degrees today), intervals on the rowing machine, ran sprints and walked uphill on the treadmill, did some step ups and kettelbell swings too :). I get so bored doing cardio!! Looking forward to lifting tomorrow :).
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited February 2016
    Dou - Great work on finishing Supercharges. I haven't heard anything on deadlifts other than some might pee a little when over-exerting during the lift. Good luck on the results.

    Stephie - suspended lunge... sounds like trx or something. I'd go blank stare at that if it was in my program. Never tried using straps with front squat, though it does cause pain in my wrist so maybe I should try it some time.

    Mme- thanks, though I might drop the extension weight. 90 pulls me forward too much, so might be good to de-load just a bit on them.

    On the leg press: the one I use is where you load plates. There is a machine with the stacked weights at the new gym but the range of motion is a little more limited what with my having short legs (just am short in general). The sled doesn't have that much weight on it though, at least at the old gym it certainly doesn't weigh 100. The new gym one is a bit more as it's a little different but still similar enough in structure.

    I'd post the image in here but can't figure out how so here is a link instead. The basic leg press, so they look roughly like that, one is just a little bigger with a handle on top with a different structure to the base but not by much. Some will list on the equipment how much it weighs without but the ones I've used don't have any listing on them with that information.


    Workout: I went to basic hatha yoga, then to the newer gym to lift weights since I can manager lower hyper day there just fine. Only 2 guys were at the gym part of the time, mostly doing bicep curls and such. The yoga class had people but not quite as many as yesterdays. 6:45 seems a better time than 5:30 for class though I like the noon one even more cause just a few people were at that one. Basic is a little more challenging than gentle. Today we had some sumo squat type moves so my thighs were already feeling it before I got to the lunges and sumo deadlifts. Also, dropped out the set with crossed arms as it's a struggle now to improve and the regular sets are getting better so am just going to keep working the increase now with that form. I didn't do romanian deadlift tonight though and it's nice to give my hands a little break since doing those and sumo deadlift close together makes the calluses ache.

    Basic Hatha class for an hour.

    73 - Lower Hypertrophy

    front squat 4x10 @ 95
    curtsy lunge 4x8 @ 90 - still a challenge
    good morning 4x10 @ 90
    sumo deadlift 3x5 @ 185 - not bad and filmed a couple sets so put a clip up on instagram.
    leg extension 3x8 @ 100

    That is all for today.

    Editing to add: No decision yet. But almost pay day and if I do April then will be deciding in the next couple of days so can get a plan together to figure out this peak task.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks guys, I didn't think it could possibly be related in any way to lifting but thought I'd ask here before telling him he's crazy.
    I'm so glad to be finished supercharged. I loved it but it took forever, especially because at Christmas I was 3 workouts from the end but I took 2 weeks off so decided to repeat the last stage. Can't wait to start strong but think I'm going to change it slightly to keep back squats and deadlifts and I want you add in whts too.

    Mme, that workout sounds exhausting!

    Dawn I think you should do it so that we can all do it vicariously through you!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I did get to the gym, today. So, lifting done. Nothing spectacular....but am back on the horse and riding.


    Still quite lethargic. But did have lunch with a gf and reminded myself that it is good to be alive.

    Great workouts, ladies! Keep it up.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps-Glad you're back to the gym! And hopefully feeling better each day.
    Dou-sounds like a good plan. Squats and DLs are important to keep doing, I'd do the same :). Hope you're feeling well!
    Dawn-they may be short, but you've got some strong legs! :) let us know when you sign up (I think you'll do April...and maybe August too?) ;)
    Sue-hope it goes well tomorrow! Good job working out and hitting your macros! :)

    I'm doing well. It's so warm and nice here right now I've taken bike rides with both daughter's the last 2 days. Lifted today-upper hypertrophy. I'm working to add my routine to an app. Been trying strong and fitocracy. I like not carrying my notebook around and hope to use just my phone next time. :)

    Jeans are looser, scale stuck. Not worried, just keeping on keeping on :).