Daily Chat Thread



  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    I got struck by the ailment bug and couldn't manage the weights since last Monday. So now I am miles behind on catching up with everyone. So it appears that I took not a week off between stage one and stage 2 but more like a month. Ah well so it goes. I finally stopped procrastinating and printed out NROLFW stage 2. I started on it this morning yea!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    7year - plate should work. I see people do that and believe it's often referred to as a deficit deadlift.

    Sam - hope you're feeling better.

    Beeps - Good luck with those pesky pounds. I'm having a hard time with the last 10-20 (need to figure out my end point still, pesky numbers).

    Jo - Good job and hehehe, cute pup. Youtube or instagram worthy imagery there for sure.

    Long days for me. I ended up sleeping in yesterday only to get up to a text message asking if I could go in early, which meant grab everything and go. Ended up with a 10 hour shift in total. Then, our cashier called in for this morning, while one agreed to come in earlier than scheduled (she thought she was working 8 am anyways so wasn't a big deal to do that instead of 10 am) it would have been just her and one manager for a couple of hours. So, I went in on my day off, today, which ended up being just under 3 hours total. Not bad and I'm on overtime, but still no full day off now until Tuesday next week.

    I did, however, still go lift weights last night. I was going to run today but it was foggy and cold, plus I was tired so instead I took a nap. Last night was deadlifts, so fun fun. No one ever comes in late and it was Sunday so decided to have hip thrusts on this day of my peak cycle. Right as I was getting set up... someone came in to lift. Awkward. Nice guy though as I've seen him before. He introduced himself later but I forgot his name pretty much right away. I'm not good with names. I'll probably see him again one of these weeks. Anyways... Lifting!

    Chapter 1: Deadlifts

    band pull apart warm up 3x8
    low bar squats 2x8 @ 45, 2x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 115, 3x5 @ 35

    Deadlift 1x5 @ 135 rdl, 1x5 160, 4x5 @ 170

    hip thrust 3x10 @ 115 - oww, need a pad for that bar cause hit a spot on my hip that just hurt

    leg press 3x8 @ 225

    pallof press 2x8 @ 20 - tried to see what it was like

    Just under 8 weeks now until the meet. Coming soon I'm going to be looking at belts and the singlet I'll have to wear. Fun times.

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    HI guys! I've read but won't try to comment on all at I missed!
    Dawn-yes! A pad is so needed for WHTs! You're kicking tush girl! Kutgw!
    Beeps-ugh! Feel better!
    Mary-you too! Follow the dr's orders and you'll be back in the gym soon enough.
    Kim-good job on the running! I'd die!
    Jo-good job!
    Sam-feel better!
    Mme-sorry you were delayed, but yay for starting stage 2!
    7-glad you've got options :)

    Ok, hope I got you all!

    I'm doing well, lifted all last week, missed today though :(. I did run yesterday as s a bonus ;). I'll shoot for 4 days in a row :). Still loving it and making progress, even in a deficit. Scale still stuck up too high. But working on the deficit and not letting the weekends hijack my progress ;).

    Ok, my international lifting buddies, and travelling domestic buddies, I'm finally going to Europe! in May!! My husband and 2 daughters too ;). We're visiting London, Paris, Rome and Florence all in 2 weeks! I'd love any advice or input :)

    Keep lo front ladies!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Julie, let us know a bit more about how long you will be in Europe - how old are your daughters, what sort of thing do you like etc and we will do our best to help!

    so.....As you probably know, I am doing this run2remember challenge - run 2 miles a day for 100 days. I don't want it to interfere with my lifting, although I do accept that it will impact on my speed of progression, but that is fine. So, my main thing is trying to organise my day so I can fit in a run as well as everything else. I hate treadmill running so can't just nip on the machine as a cool down after lifting type thing.

    Anyway.....got myself organised yesterday, packed a bag and brought in my work clothes and towel etc so that I could run in to the office today and shower here. Did quite well (on the organisation front) except realised before I set off that I had no hairbrush at work, so had to run with a hairbrush in the pocket of my hi-vis running jacket. May not sound an issue, but I felt every bristle of it one way or another!!

    Still, got my daily 2 miles in. And my hair doesn't look like a tangled mess. Result all round!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    haha, kimi! Keep up the good work.

    I lifted, yesterday, and will lift again, today. One more week and then I am moving onto Phase two of "strong"....which is "high volume". Blech.....might make it low-volume, high weight anyway. BOOM!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I HATE when my sleep is screwed up! I woke up this morning around 2:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I was going to skip the gym and sleep in but I was still AWAKE so I got up and went. I did my first Strong workout. I HATE step-ups! Boy can I tell I've been avoiding those babies!! Goblet squats need work - hard to keep form. RAMP exercises are fiddly but I see the benefit, and pushups need work. I have yet to get to the ground so that's one of my goals! The other is work hard on improving balance. Tomorrow I will go do intervals. I don't think I will be doing them at the end of the workouts, time and energy factor!

    I noticed Phase 2 is high volume Beeps - you and me both BLECH. I will try the high volume I suppose.

    Glad to see all the activity here!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Count me in the low volume high weight group too! Higher reps are icky! The hypertrophy days usually morph into power days for me :(.
    Sue-I hate that too! Good for you working out, hope you sleep well tonight!

    Kim-my girls are 15 and 12. We're doing 3 days London, 4 days in Paris, 3 days in Rome and 4 days in Florence (with hopefully a day trip to see
    Venice). I already know we're taking on a lot, and won't see everything. I'm hoping to be able to relax and absorb the surroundings a bit too.
    Lol at running with a brush! Good idea to set it all up at work ahead of time :).

    Added 15 min of running intervals to the end of my upper body power day today. I'm beat! Got to work on my breathing during the running, I get sore lungs and a heavy feeling afterward-worn out feeling :( I want to be more aerobically fit so I can run (literally) around Europe :). My cardio has been minimal lately.

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Julie if you message me your email address I will give you some tips and ideas. We went to Rome and Venice for our honeymoon last year. We flew my children out to meet us in Rome, and although a little older than yours (19 and 21) I guess a lot of the teen needs etc remain the same!!

    And we love London. We're 2 hours away so far enough to still be tourists when we want, yet close enough to nip there for concerts, a bit of shopping, or just "because"!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Damn I wish I hadn't checked in here, I was just looking forward to checking out the book to see what stage 2 of strong was like. I hate volume work!!! Loving Strong so far though. it is nice to go back to lighter weights and shorter workouts because the last stage of supercharged was taking me ages!!

    I don't have time to comment on everyone here but suffice to say you are all doing amazing! I don't often comment in here but I read how everyone is getting on and it is so motivating to me so thank you everyone!!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I don't love volume either but I really liked stage 2 of P1 of Strong. Way more than S1. I did workout A in stage 3 today and it was great but I can't figure it how to lift enough weight in the single arm deadlift if I'm only using one tiny hand :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I am enjoying "strong", too.....so, will stick with it. But am unafraid of "changing" the pieces of the program that I don't like (i exchanged back squats for the front squats, for example.....imcannot get my wrists properly formed for the frontsquats).
  • 7yearbitch
    7yearbitch Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks, ladies!
  • Jecka987
    Jecka987 Posts: 47 Member
    Really glad I managed to lift today (locked my car at work last night so had a public transport nightmare today that almost thwarted me).

    Had a hilarious moment when a gym instructor came running over to check if I needed his help when he saw me putting weights on the bar in the squat rack. The look on his face when I told him this was my warm up was priceless. (I am not even lifting anything impressive just go to a gym where the ladies are on the treadmills only).

    Stage 1, Workout A3 complete :D
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I've been away for a few days - no gym. Been busy but eaten lots. Looking forward to lifting some heavy *kitten* tomorrow (after work)
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Planned to lift last night but got roped in last minute to a charity event a friend was running, and was too late for the gym by the time it finished. Felt strangely antsy being there when I should have been lifting! Am heading there after work tonight and nothing will get in my way!!

    Did my 2 mile run before work yesterday though, and again today. 6 days done, 94 to go! Have got a blister but realised my running shoes are 5 years old....so have bought a new pair which I will christen tomorrow morning.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Finally, last night I slept. I turned off the alarm, didn't think about what time I woke up, and slept quite well from 9:30 to 5:30. I did wake up, but I went back to sleep pretty easily. I didn't go to the gym this morning, but I will tomorrow morning and do intervals on Saturday morning. :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Been busy at work but still plugging along.

    I'm not a fan of high reps either. If it's 8 on some lifts, then I can handle that, mostly the accessories but I could get through 8 to maybe 12 max (though I don't like going much above 8 on the main lifts). It was one thing I didn't care for in NROLFW stage 1, the 15 reps. And I don't do AMRAP much cause I don't wanna lift the weight many times in a single set.

    Great job everybody with the lifts, runs and other life things. mmm sleep, I mean, yeah, weights.

    Sunday I worked 10 hours instead of 8, then due to a call-in, I worked just under 3 hours Monday morning, which was supposed to be my day off. Follow that by Tuesday close cashier at 8 hours but not taking a lunch, just a few smaller on the clock breaks and yesterday did another 10 hour but cashier instead of my usual department.

    Still did my lifting but think I won't do squats after work on 10 hour days. Weights felt heavier last night than usual and hip was a bit cranky. The day before I did the lifting before work and cardio for 30 minutes after work. Was going to request the gym get an item but the guy during day was busy on the phone most of the time so didn't get a chance to ask about getting a pad for the barbell. Hip thrusts are gonna hurt Sunday, but oh well. Next time I get in a day lift I will make the request. The only downside to not lifting at night after work is that there are a few people around. Still, near the end in particular, will want to get done before spending 8 hours or so on my feet.

    First up is Tuesday, with upper body and OHP focus.

    Chapter 2: OHP

    band pulls for warm-up, 3x10

    OHP 2x8 @ 45, 1x6 @ 55, 4x5 @ 65 - Figured out the numbers to work on so it's following more along what I have set for bench and such. Just doing similar weights but few more sets than the reverse grip that was recommended for auxillary bench day.

    Pull-ups 3x1 where first one I got chin above bar, Chin-ups 1x2
    Seated row 3x10 @ 80

    tricep pushdown with rope 3x12 @ 70
    ab chair thing bw 3x8
    pallof press 30 3x10 on each side

    30 minute run on treadmill after work while watching Food Network.

    Chapter 2: Squats

    squat warm ups 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 115

    Squats 2x6 @ 140, 2x5 @ 150

    Overload (walk out) 1x15 count @ 210 - weight goes up from now on for these

    Pause Squats 1x6 @ 90 and 1x5 @ 100 - still counting roughly to 8 though trying to figure out breathing too

    good morning 3x12 @ 85
    cable rope crunch attempts 3x12 @ 50

    Sumo deadlift 135 1x5 and 175 3x5

    Scale has been a nuisance but coworker commented that my waist has gotten smaller lately. Measurement change in last month was only .5 inch but that was from waist, as no where else had a change. She thinks more is gone. Couple of customers commented on me getting smaller too. The scale is going back in the right direction, just slowly. Not really trying to lose for the meet, though 132 group would be better than 148, but I'm still working on getting down closer to a healthier weight for my height. Scale this morning had just below 135, as it'd gone up after reaching 134 and then hovered around 136 for a bit. If I can keep from snacking too much, things should continue in the right direction. Must limit the number of Lenny Larry cookies I keep in the apartment.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Great lifting ladies! Glad to see you guys here!!

    Doing well, adding 15 boring minutes on the stair climber after upper body lofts this morning. Really want to shed some fat, stupid efficient storage body :(. Trying to keep it in perspective, I've come very far, but still not quite "done". Slow, and steady...keeping up with the weights, but know I need the cardio for added burn. Just lifting and eating at a deficit isn't working for me. :(

    Feeling good, and liking the changes in my body. Wish my jeans fit better still, hope it'll come with more time.

    Sorry to whine, but I get frustrated with months of sacrifice and little progress. Trying to focus on health and fitness, not thinness, but tight jeans are so annoying!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I feel your pain Julie, this last week I have been really strict about what I ate, came in under my calories and did lots of exercise. This morning I weighed in at .2 of a pound more than last week!! I know it is not much but I was really looking forward to a loss this week. My body just refuses to drop lower than it is now, no matter how hard I try! So frustrating!!

    Dawn, keep up the good work!
    Sue, sounds like you needed a good sleep. I am looking forward to going to bed tonight and not setting an alarm, its been ages since I let myself just wake up naturally.
    Kimi, sounds like a great challenge. Are you managing to do it and also lift? I just wouldn't have the will power!! I can only run outside (threadmills make me want to die of boredom) so i have to choose between running and lifting. No way I would do both on the one day.

    Jecka, that is awesome about the gym instructor. I wish I could make people have that reaction. I have been on here for ages and my lifts are still all pathetic. By what matters is that I am consistent (kinda) right?

    I am almost finished stage 1 of strong so must read up on what comes next. I was a bit unmotivated last night at the gym, just wasn't feeling it so I did the bare minimum and went home. I met a friend there and he tried to convince me to do a heavy squat session with him just as I was finishing up so I said no way! Maybe next week though, I might take a short detour from the programme to work out with him and see what I can do when someone is pushing me.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    So far I am managing to run outside every morning, then lift as usual 3-4 times a week in the evening or weekend. Early days though!!

    I have found since returning from skiing that my squats are not as good as they were....I was struggling with 62.5kgs compared with 70kgs before we went away. Some of that will be because I still have the mountains in my legs, but some is undoubtedly because I have added in the running and kettlebells. So I just need to bear all that in mind and not get frustrated for the next few weeks if my lifting weights don't increase at the same rate they were before!

    Once the 100 day challenge is over, I will stick to only running a couple of times a week I expect.

    And a treadmill is last resort for me too... Too much temptation to press "stop"!!!