Daily Chat Thread



  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Beeps - Glad you're feeling better!
    Dou - Fathead pizza link here:


    Dawn - Your sumo deadlifts were excellent. Didn't look like you struggled at all with them! If you do go for the meet we would all love to follow your progress I'm sure - you'll have to video everything (or somehow stream it?!)

    Workout A again today, I'm really feeling like I'm finally nailing pushups - took the smith down one peg (number 6 now) and still got 3x10. Perhaps I have reached that point that I kept reading about where you get over a certain degree and then it all becomes easier!

    Plank with pull down - 4x12 @ 13.6kg - I should really look up in the book if I'm supposed to be doing 12 with each arm each set, or if it's supposed to be 2x12.

    Reverse lunge - 3x10/10 @ 20kg barbell

    Inverted row - smith machine level 11 - 10, 8, 8 - 10!!! GLORIOUS 10!!! I expect this means I have to lower it next time :(

    Romanian DL - 3x10 @ a 45kg - this was ok. My forearms were giving up during this (I was using double overhand grip) so I switched to mixed grip for the final set and it was much easier. I think I will use mixed grip and try a higher weight next time.

    Pushup - 3x10 on smith # 6

    Diet is also going well - I've been around 20-30g net carbs each day this week and the scale has dropped (obviously water weight but it's still the first drop I've seen in a long time). Just have to keep it up now.

    Have a good weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Bike rides, julie? Awesome! We still have three feet of snow on the ground, here.

    I lifted, today. BOOM!

    I will try cardio, tomorrow.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Well, I was going to do cardio after work but forgot my stuff at work and didn't remember until got to my car so the doors were locked by then. I did hatha yoga before work at least.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am so jealous of your bike rides, Julie! It feels like about -45C here today. I haven't run since Monday because it's been extremely cold all week, and likely won't for another few days at least. Extreme cold warning still on :neutral:

    Beeps, glad you're finally feeling better!

    My house will be empty in a few minutes (my husband and two boys are going away) and I am SO tempted to stay home instead of hitting the gym. I will go though. I have round 5 of Strong Phase 1 Level 2 to do.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Awwwww, my lungs are still too mucus-filled to try cardio, after all. Rest day. Will lift sunday or monday. BOOM!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aww, Beeps. It's okay, who needs that pesky cardio. ;-)

    I signed up for the April powerlifting meet cause yeah, we knew that was going to happen. lol Well, it went up a tiny bit too and was going to run out of time if I didn't decide asap. But recent payday and such, meant I could manage it. April 17th is the lifting day for women and teens, men are on the 16th. I'll request off the 17th and then when it's closer make sure I don't work when I need to go for the weigh in and test cause all natural here. :wink: Already have a general idea for bench numbers on first two lifts, so just need to figure out the others. Most worried about lifting to cues and having somone up near me "spotting" since I've never done that before. Awkward favor time from someone at gym, probably coworker.

    As for filming it. Unless a family member feels like coming all the way to the state to visit, slim chances cause I'll probably be going to the event alone. Only friends I have are coworkers (that live in the state anyways) and if I don't work then most likely they will be. But never know. Maybe one will have that day off too and feel like spending it in a warehouse gym. We'll have to wait and see.

    Now to figure out my 6 weeks of training. I will get back to PHUL after but going to split up so that I'm not doing heavy deadlifts and heavy squats on the same day anymore.

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    That's exciting Dawn! Woohoo! Tbh, I'd prob be so nervous I'd prefer to travel on my own :D
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Way to go Dawn! That's something I'd love to do one day but don't feel brave enough. I'm amazed by you! Please keep us updated.

    Beeps, you gotta listen to your body. I'm glad you're taking the rest. Focus on the bigger picture, right? Feel better soon!

    So I went to the gym despite the allure of a peaceful, tidy, male-free house. It went pretty well, although I have to drop my weight on my RDLs a bit due to my crappy grip. Annoying. I would much rather drop the weight because my muscles can't take it, not my small hands :wink: Anyway, on the upside, the farmer carries that I've been doing with 25# plates for the Strong intervals were no longer very difficult, so I moved up to the 35# plates. I believe I got the full 60 seconds for the first 3/7 intervals, and 45-55 seconds for the last 4. Not too bad! Then I took myself shopping and bought my first size 8 pair of pants ever: I have never been in the single digits before :smiley: And now I am celebrating in my still male-free home with some food tv, pizza, wine, and a cupcake!

    Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Home from skiing.....so much to read back and catch up on!! Hope everyone is doing ok.

    And happy valentines!!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    So.....I think I've caught up! Hope everyone who has been feeling under the weather for whatever reason, is feeling a little better now.

    Skiing was great...challenging at times because the weather was not so good, and much of the time we couldn't see a darned thing! But the constant snowing made the pistes lovely.

    I'm not such an aggressive skier these days...I've been skiing for 30 years and consider myself reasonably good but hubby has only been skiing for 3 years and still sees himself as a beginner in comparison. So in order for him to get the most out of his week, I take it a lot easier than I used to. It's still several hours a day of movement though, and the altitude makes it more of a challenge. I still worked muscles!!

    The gym work definitely showed though, so that was pleasing in terms of my overall strength and fitness.

    Also, hubby commented on the definition in my shoulders when he saw me drying my hair one morning... That made me smile especially as he is a weights guy and has dreamy shoulders himself!

    I'll get back into a routine this week. Hubby has a new job starting Tuesday so once I know his daily hours I can work out my own schedule.

    We've also signed up to a "run 2 remember" challenge with a friend of ours who is a serving police officer, starts Saturday.... Run 2 miles a day for 100 days....quite looking forward to the challenge and also hoping the cardio will burn some of this blubber off!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    kimi - Welcome back!

    Pudding - I'll keep ya'll posted for sure. And mmm pizza and cupcakes? #greenwithenvy hehe

    Jo - Thanks. And I'd probably be okay alone too, or if anyone went they would be on a no yelling lots of stuff restriction. I never cared for lots of loud cheering or anything. Though a quiet camera person would be handy to have.

    Left work so late last night as manager had some struggles with the final numbers and we had to wait until it got figured out. Normally scheduled until 10:30 pm as we're often done even a little before that. Got in my car at 11:20 pm instead. Still went to the gym but skipped a little bit and only did very short bits of cardio. Last day at the big gym. Tad sad as it's a good gym. Guy at the desk said I could come in some time and told me the nights he works. He was friendly at least and joked about me getting in before midnight on the maybe deadline cause I still have no idea if the 14th was when it ended or if should have gotten the whole month since I paid all of january before I cancelled so technically it should be a month based on that schedule and not when cancelled but eh, whatevs. Also, probably last regular power as I'm switching things up a little to work on this lifting at percentages and attempting to peak for the meet.

    74 - Upper Power

    bench press 3x4 @ 110 - still a struggle on the last reps
    decline bench 3x10 @ 65 - just for fun since new locations don't have a decline bench
    overhead press 3x3 @ 85 - still hard but a tiny bit better than last time
    overhead tri ext 3x10 @ 40 - dropped it down a little
    pull up attempts 3x1 - almost there. Can't get my chin over the bar yet but close.
    chin-up 1x1 - Turns out I can do one. Though my elbow isn't a fan of underhand grip.

    5 minutes on stairmaster because... stairs. 15 minutes on rower. 10+ minutes in dry sauna.

    I have video of a pull up attempt that I'll put up on instagram one of these days. I only had to use the short step and not the taller ones to reach the bar, lol. I am thinking of having pull ups as part of the upper body days. May actually be able to do one soon, which isn't bad since I haven't really done negatives or anything to train it except on the rare occasion.

    Happy Valentine's Day and Singles' Awareness Day to everyone. :sunglasses:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I would love to do a pullup! You go, girl!

    Tomorrow, I lift!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Thanks. I had never really done one before as I just look at the bar and my first thought is usually "wow, I'm short". lol Will be nice to do a full one some day. Have fun lifting!

    Long day. Had work which included wearing makeup cause Valentine's Day and such, so an excuse to wear fake eyelashes I had that had little red bows on them. Also have on fake nails, which is harder to use for typing and on my phone but didn't affect lifting at all. Decided to try and test again on squat before switching to this peak cycle. Filmed too, which made for a very long session in the gym with rest and all the stuff involved. Getting the numbers together to start training in attempt to peak for the meet.

    75 - Lower Power

    high bar squat - 1x3 @ 165, 1x1 @ 185, 1x1 @ 195, fail @ 205, 1x1 barely @ 200. The last attempt is still a new PR for me. It was also the slowest, grind of a rep that I've ever had in squats. Barely made it up.

    deadlift 3x3 @ 215 - heavy but managed

    leg press 3x8 @ 180 - just did 2 45's on each side. I tried pushing the base up with my hands to test the weight and the one at new gym is definitely heavier than 15.

    cable kick backs 3x8 @ 30 per leg - just for fun

    So far basing my numbers off a 3 rep range. Bench would be 110, then 190 for squats and 215 for deadlift. This gives me an esitmated 1 rep max to aim for of around 122 (probably go for 125), 211 (round down to 210 on that one) and 238 (240 maybe) as numbers I'd be working towards.

    Looking up APA rules and such. One interesting aspect is the uniform as there is a requirement to wear singlets (basically similar to what wrestlers wear). Something I've never worn before, so that will be different. X.x
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Your lifting numbers are soooo awesome, Dawn!

    I have been lifting many years, now, am significantly taller than you, and ALL of your numbers put mine to shame. BOOM!

    Anyway....it is going to be a week of regular lifting, for me. And maybe deficit-eating, if I am able to manage that! BOOM!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Trying to get my post holiday work/life/exercise/food balance back on track!! Having worked reasonably hard on the slopes, I have been encouraged by the trainer at the gym to have a few proper rest days - my idea of a rest day was skiing, but he says otherwise! So, no lifting or anything yesterday or today, but planning on getting back to it tomorrow as I am missing it bigtime!!

    Hubby starts a new job today, so hoping I get to know his typical rota fairly soon, and then I can start planning meals and gym sessions etc around it! At the moment, I feel very much up in the air generally!!

    I did take my measurements today, first thing - I think they are ok, but frustratingly I have lost the handwritten sheet that I put my previous measurements on, so I can't tell. Ho hum, I have put them into MFP instead now, so next time it won't matter if I can't find them.

  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    edited February 2016
    Dawn exciting that you are entered in the competition. I hope you find a camera person so we can all watch.
    Kim Welcome back.
    Beeps glad you are feeling better and back in the gym.
    Julie WHT Ah I never would have guessed but I might give it a try.

    I only made it to the gym once last week. Not good, but I made it this morning so it's going to be a good week. I have yet to get started on level 2 of NROLFW. I need to sit down and write out the program. Kck myself in the butt and get on it.
    Leg press
    OH press
    Triceps skull crusher
    Bicep curls
    Pec fly
    Delt fly

    I skipped the squats because my lower back was hurting and I wanted to give it a rest.

  • 7yearbitch
    7yearbitch Posts: 30 Member
    I'm hoping you ladies can help me. Maybe I'm just over thinking things.

    Doing NROL4W. I now have wide grip deadlifts from a box as part of my routine. I've done these from a plate before, but never a box. I know that once I've got it up, I don't actually bring it all the way to the ground, just below the edge of the box to gain that extra range of movement.

    However, what is the barbell path supposed to be like when I first pull the weight off of the ground? The barbell can't be midway over my foot and against my shins if I'm up on a box/step. The official video doesn't discuss this.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Good question, 7year! I don't know the answer, but I expect someone on here will!

    I did lift, today. BOOM! And am aiming for calorie-deficit this week....hopefully!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Aww thanks. I see so many on bodybuilding.com who lift way more than me. Always someone who lifts more and some who lift less. One of the ones that inspired me from the meet I watched was only squatting the bar and failed. Took her the three attempts to get a green light but she still went up and did it. In the oh so fashionable singlet, lifting belt and all. I need to work on that deficit eating too. Been far too snacky lately. Weight just fluctuates around the same numbers instead of decreasing.

    mme - thanks and we'll see. Maybe a family member will want to come visit. If not we'll see when the schedule is posted if anyone is free for a whole day. The meets are quite long.

    7year - I'm not sure with the box set up but I remember them being kind of like romanian deadlifts in feel since you don't set them off the ground. You do want the bar lose to regular set up though because if it's too far out in front of you then that's not going to be good for your back. I used an aerobic step which was almost too wide for the bar but it wasn't as tall as the not wide steps since I didn't use any risers. Most deadlifts tend to go for a straight bar path when possible, from what I've seen so far and make sense if you're doing heavy in particular on the lift with how much having it further in front would affect the muscles used and the risks it increases injury wise.

    Lifted weights earlier today. Makeshift first start of the Peak Cycle attempt as I need to get a notebook and figure out the exact lifts and days since I have just under 9 weeks. Tuesday is OHP and shoulder focused. Saturday is going to be bench press. Wednesday is squats (though will include sumo deadlift) while Sunday is deadlift with low bar squat warm up. I did ask at the gym about the bar in the rack and it is confirmed as 45, as is the leg press. Good to know.

    Upper 1 - Shoulders

    Band pulls for warm up, between 45 (bar) warm up in OHP for 2 sets and one set at 55, then just another warm up ohp at 55 but no band pulls
    OHP 3x8 @ 65 - more reps than I'm used to, need to figure out the numbers for this lift for the next few weeks ahead of time.
    Pull up attempts bodyweight 3x1 and by one I mean almost not a full one as I can't get my chin over the bar yet. chin ups 1x2 as I couldn't get in a third rep
    Tricep extension 3x12 @ 70 - between pull up attempts
    Seated row 3x10 @ 80

    30 minute run on treadmill while watching Food Network.

    Had a me day since I am single and worked Sunday. I got dressed nice and wore the heels I bought for stepsister's wedding. Went to French bakery place and got food. I ended up there at happy hour, which worked well. Got a kobe slider, parmesan fries, sipping chocolate with fruit, marshmallows made there and a little brie. I purchased 2 little chocolates, 2 macaroons, a pineapple brioche and a croissant for snacks a few days over the next week. mmm Then I went to the mall since I had a giftcard for Victoria's Secret to use. Also got some high waisted black pants for work from H&M. Tried on a couple of things at VS. One was a shirt that said "no flex zone" that I tried on just to take a picture of myself flexing in it, hehe. Also, tried on swim suit top and two bottoms. Bikini, which is still tough for me with my extra body weight being in my stomach and the excess skin but I'm trying to get the courage to one day get a suit. Hopefully for this summer but we'll see.

    Tomorrow is squat day and laundry time. Woot! ;-)
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I hope you enjoyed your day, Dawn, it sounds just perfect to me! Enjoy the laundry today haha!!

    Today was my first visit to the gym for a couple of weeks and boy could I tell. I have to say, that I had never given skiing enough credit for the work it entails. I've been doing it for 30 years and so no longer really think about it, I just love it and do it, but I don't ever really feel that I am working, if that makes sense, and the way that MFP says I've burned 3000 extra calories a day just doesn't compute with me really.

    Anyway, after 4 days rest, my legs clearly still have the mountains in them....I deloaded as per the 5x5 app due to the couple of weeks away, so 10% off where I ended and I struggled through my squats. I really did feel as though my legs didn't belong to me by the time I had also walked into work. Honestly, it has taken me by surprise completely! (and it shouldn't have done, really). Anyway, I'm back in it and am learning to respect my body and its efforts and limitations!


    Squats - 5/5/4/5/5 @60kgs. I suppose I could count the middle set as a full one, but I just wasn't happy with the last rep, so this way I will have to stick with this weight next time and build from there.

    BP - 5x5@35kgs. Harder than I expected.

    BR - 5x5@37.5kgs - This was fine - the only thing I felt I could have done more with!

    Also did some dumbbell lunges, goblet squats and some inverted rows while I was in between sets or waiting for the right bit of kit.

    I've got three more weeks before I go skiing again, so it will be Easter before I can probably get properly back into the swing of my gym routine. Do or die, is how it feels at the moment. And I am determined to "do"!!!