Daily Chat Thread



  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hi all - Dawn I will be very excited for your meet!

    It would appear that I am taking an unscheduled break from the gym for this week and next.

    We got asked to leave our childcare on Monday because my husband is "agressive" and everyone is scared of him. RUBBISH. We questioned why our key worker (the one that is basically in charge of your child and should be like a sister really) was being changed for the 3rd time in 7 months and they did not like that.

    So STRESS trying to find a new nursery that isn't full (impossible) on a month's notice.

    We actually found one, that my husband even gets a discount on, but it is kind of a pain for me to get to if he isn't working in that office (he doesn't work in that office very often), he's going to try to sort it out with his boss so he can be based there, but if that fails I'll have an interesting journey each morning and evening!

    Because of this I'm off from work next week so we can do settling in sessions with the new nursery, and she'll start there the week starting the 29th (the day after her 1st birthday).

    Barely eaten this week with the stress and I could go to the gym today, but I think I'm going to go to a salon for a colour consultation (my hair is dyed red right now, but I kind of want to give blonde a go).

    Will try to keep up while I'm a temporary stay at home mum, but I'll be back properly on the 29th!

    Have a good week ladies
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Stephe-(((hugs))) that sounds stressful! Hope the new place works out! Enjoy this week!!

    Kim-skiing is hard work! Glad you had fun and are settling back in!

    Beeps-glad you're feeling better! Hope the lifting keeps going ;).

    Dawn-yay! Wish I lived closer!! I'd come!! Hope the new routine comes together for you!

    Pudding-you're funny! Glad you celebrated after your workout :).

    Hi Jo!!

    7-I skipped the box part-my low back doesn't like it. Ido rack pulled DLs. You're doing great!

    Mme-good workout!!

    Sorry I've been offline. 3-day 6am-10p volleyball tournament weekend with both my girls playing! Whew! My younger one hit the stomach flu and missed Monday while home throwing up all day! Missed lifting that day :(, first miss in 4 months! No biggie.

    Did lower body power today and felt like such a bad@ss!! New PR on WHTs, calf and added weight to my squat and DL!! Back feels good!! Making progress!!! Got a compliment on my WHTs today (good looking young guy too! ;)) and waking out another "regular" said "great hobo bless today"! :) kinda validating!! :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Kim - thanks. It was a nice day. Today not so bad either.

    Stephie - Good luck. Quite the stress situation right there. I hope it all works out.

    Julie - Awesome job! I'm thinking that I'll do WHT on deadlift day since the bar will be on the ground anyways. And late night Sunday is better for that cause no other people there.

    Went to basic hatha this evening after spending most of the day not getting anything productive done online. It went okay though ended up a bit lopsided in when I could hold the poses long enough. Right foot had issues with the toes cramping. I have that issue sometimes when I'm on my knees on the ground sitting and try to have tops of feet flat against the ground as my foot and/or toes will cramp. Am signed up for a workshop since I happened to have Saturday off, which is rare. Will get to learn about everything instead of just trying to follow along. Should be helpful.

    Afterwards, went to gym for lower body workout. Some people this time for most of it and I even had to share the squat rack. I used it first for squats then let him use it to do his squats while I did a couple of things elsewhere. Then he was nice and let me have it back for sumo deadlift while he used dumbbells for OHP instead of the bar. Nice guy who I guess lifts 6 days a week but a little earlier than my late sessions.

    Chapter 1: Squats

    warm up sets 2x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95 and 1x6 @ 115
    squat 4x5 @ 140
    overload @ 210 - first time trying this. One set at 15 seconds of standing at the ready position with safeties nice and high, just in case.
    pause squats 2x6 @ 80 - holy pause squats batman, that was a challenge. Did counts to 8 per rep and it was hard figuring out the breathing during

    good morning 4x12 @ 60 - used fixed weight so much lighter since had to clean is from the floor.
    hanging abs 3x8 bodyweight between good morning sets

    leg extension 3x10 @ 100 - was waiting for power cage

    sumo deadlift 1x5 @ 135 and 3x5 @ 175

    Interesting session with the squats. The overload is interesting because the idea is just to stand there with the weight to get used to the feeling of it. So, they are going to go over my goal by a fair amount but at the start the PR should then feel manageable. The sites I saw recommended spotters but I don't lift with people so high safety bars are definitely going to be in place. Pause was interesting though didn't know how long to stay at bottom position for or if I needed to hold breath the whole time cause that was a bit hard to do. Saturday will be bench press day. :smiley:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I lifted. It was the highlight of my otherwise crappy day. That is all
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Interesting, Dawn!

    Great to see you back, jo_m!

    I lifted, today, too....and then headed to a medical walk-in clinic to get this frickin UTI taken care of....i have been suffering since Sunday and cannot do it anymore! Turns out it is a bladder infection....i have my meds and am really hoping for relief. Soon!

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Basic Hatha yoga class before work and 30 minute run after work. Tomorrow is bench day and a 2 hour long yoga workshop to learn the basics cause I'm just trying to follow along right now but the studio is holding a workshop called yoga 101, which might help.

    Hope you get that relief asap Beeps.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Hope the meds kick in quickly, beeps.

    Did my first run of 100 after lifting today. Was tough as I'm not used to it, but I did it. Just got to do it for another 99 consecutive days, now!! 2 miles may not sound a lot, but 2 miles every day....eek!

    It will be a mega challenge for me, but also interesting to see if I actually lose any lbs in the process, or whether my lifting progress stalls etc.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Interesting, Dawn!

    Great to see you back, jo_m!

    I lifted, today, too....and then headed to a medical walk-in clinic to get this frickin UTI taken care of....i have been suffering since Sunday and cannot do it anymore! Turns out it is a bladder infection....i have my meds and am really hoping for relief. Soon!


    I just got over one! I know your pain, Beeps! The meds should work if they are strong enough. Cipro didn't, had to use a stronger one for the kidney infection. Hope yours give you relief and cure quickly!!

    So, I finally got myself back to the gym on Thursday. I did some intervals and a decent upper body/chest/back workout. I have Strong ready to go and will do the first workout on Monday morning!

    Question to you doing Strong now - do you RAMP at the gym? My warm ups have always been stretching at home to limber up and a 5-20 run or elliptical warm up at the gym before lifting.

    Kim, not judging, but why are you running everyday? There are so many statistics that show many serious injuries especially for new runners?

    Dawn, I did pause squats using the hack machine. Those are um... CHALLENGING! Yea that's the word... I continue to be impressed with your numbers and your dedication. I would love to see your meet, hope someone takes loads of pictures! Good luck!

    7 year, check out this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQPCOkAJF-0 it's Schuler's from his NROL4Life - it's lower weight and full range of motion but close to the shins.

    My goals this week:
    Eat at a slight deficit
    Log daily (I've not been doing so well with that lately)
    STRONG 3xweekly +HIIT/intervals

    Today is supposed to very nice in NJ and hubs and I are planning a short ride on the bikes today. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    It's a "run to remember" challenge that local police forces are doing for fallen colleagues. A police officer friend who I used to run with roped me in.

    I'm not really a beginner.... Have done 4 full marathons and countless half marathons over the last 25 years. Since my knee op, 3 years ago though I have done maybe 3 or 4 runs of no more than 20 mins. I keep talking about wanting to get back into it so I think this is my friend's way of saying "put up or shut up" without tempting me with another marathon!!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey ladies. I am finally weight bearing on the leg but still on restrictions such as: hip flexion and any type of leg lifting. I am looking at another 5 weeks of therapy.
  • bakeralison1
    bakeralison1 Posts: 43 Member
    Just dropping by to say hello to everyone!

    I finished my 1st time through the book last November. After a winter of not really following a new program, bought Strong Curves, but couldn't get into it, and eating like crap on vacation for a few months, I've gained a lot of weight and feeling pretty weak so I'm going to restart NROL4W and work through all the programs again.

    Hopefully this time will be a little easier, now I own a adjustable step, and I'd like to try to add the cardio intervals in. Before I would always skip them since I was running every other day.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    manic - keep on healing.

    baker - Hi.

    All kinds of fun today, on my rare Saturday off from work. Sleeping in along with working out and tonight hope to get some writing done. I work tomorrow but then get Monday off so it's kind of an odd week. I'm 8 weeks from the meet, eek. Today went fine and my key thing now works at any Anytime location, so went to the one near home as it has a regular bench. Might need to bring my own resistance band for a warmup thing next time though. Peak program sheet I found recommends board press after bench but don't have that equipment available, nor the shoulder horn. This one also doesn't have a pull up bar that I can reach, even using the step they do have available and the assisted machine doesn't have a moveable padding thing, so instead I used the smith machine for my pull up attempts as I'm short enough that I just need to hang down a little first so don't have an extra help in the beginning.

    Chapter 1: Bench

    warm up on elliptical for 10 minutes

    Bench 2x10 @ 45, 2x8 @ 75 and 4x5 @ 90 - decent working set.

    pull up 3x1 almost and chin up 1x2
    db bench 3x10 @ 30

    one db row 3x10 @ 40
    db fly 3x8 @ 25

    face pull 3x10 @ 60
    cable bicep curl 3x10 @ 50

    Then went to a 2 hour introduction to yoga workshop. A fair amount of sitting as she discussed varying aspects of yoga along with some working on poses.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I have a lot of catching up to do, but thought I would share this link from Eat to Perform about repairing your metabolism.
  • 7yearbitch
    7yearbitch Posts: 30 Member
    Dawn and Julie - Yeah. I decided to just use 45lbs plates instead as the smallest step in my gym was too high. My feet were over the bar and I couldn't get a straight line against my shins on the initial pull.

    Sue - Yeah, that's the video I was talking about and unfortunately did not address my issue.

    (And sorry for taking a while to respond. I was out of town.)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey ladies. I am finally weight bearing on the leg but still on restrictions such as: hip flexion and any type of leg lifting. I am looking at another 5 weeks of therapy.

    You will be strong enough to begin lifting soon Mary! Glad you're improving. Do what they say!!!

    7year - I did/do my deficit deadlifts from a step, but the rest is like a standard DL. The difference is that I have to reach deeper than with standard DLs. My weight is slightly lower - well now, it would be a good deal lower, since my back has been achy lately.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    7yearbitch wrote: »
    I'm hoping you ladies can help me. Maybe I'm just over thinking things.

    Doing NROL4W. I now have wide grip deadlifts from a box as part of my routine. I've done these from a plate before, but never a box. I know that once I've got it up, I don't actually bring it all the way to the ground, just below the edge of the box to gain that extra range of movement.

    However, what is the barbell path supposed to be like when I first pull the weight off of the ground? The barbell can't be midway over my foot and against my shins if I'm up on a box/step. The official video doesn't discuss this.

    It's better to set the bar on blocks or on a rack so that you do not have to lift it from the floor.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Glad to see everyone lifting and getting it done. Mary, better to heal right than to heal fast. Best of luck to you.

    I got back into the gym for the first time today after a week off with an upper respiratory infection. The sinus pressure was so bad I was taking Advil and my face felt like it was hit with a 2x4. I did stage 1 b4. I did all three sets and had a very hard time breathing. It took and hour to do with long rests and a skipped out on intervals. I have since spent the rest of the day in a state of exhaustion.

    I'm hoping to rest tomorrow and go back Tuesday or Wednesday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    That video is killer!

    Looks like a serious squat and a DL at the same time. oMG. And the weight he is moving?!?!

    Good grief. Awesome if you can do it!

    I will lift, tomorrow....and might return to monday night cardio, too, to try and solve my "last five lbs" problem. BOOM-ZOOM!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    am pleased to report a slight shift in the scales this morning, both for lbs and bf%. Not much, but in the right direction!!

    Went for my 2 mile run this morning - that's 3 days done out of the 100 for the challenge I'm doing, so still very early days, but three days in succession is equal to the total I've done over the last 12 months (or more!) so really, I am actually very proud of myself. Just got to keep it up!

    Heading to the gym after work with hubby :smiley:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm here - been lifting. All good. Off for a three day break so no gym. Will be busy enough I expect. Currently watching my puppy run around backwards with a yoghurt pot stuck on her head. Best thing I've seen in ages :D