Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks everyone - I am more positive today post epic back-fat-annihilating workout :D
    My shoulder held out too. In fact, my weak back is probably why I hurt it. If I fix my back, I should fix my shoulder AND get my 2xbodyweight DL lol.

    Manic - thanks for the perspective!! Can't even imagine how frustrated you must be..... honestly I'd need a white coat and a padded cell if I couldn't lift for that long. Big hugs to you.

    Still haven't sat down to totally re write my workouts. Must get on to that. They will consist of some big leg work and hypertrophy upper I think. Plus some interval training. Going to ditch some isolation exercises to keep them about an hour long.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-sounds like a good plan!
    Dawn-that's a lot of weight and reps on your front squat! My wrists don't like it and I'm not that heavy on them. They are good for working on my upright posture though. I need to try the crossed arms technique.

    Just did upper body hypertrophy. Added reps to most but not weight. Lateral raises are hard! 12 reps is a lot! My DB curls are kinda lame too, but I am being careful to not fully extend my arm as my elbows complain when I do. Working on form counts as progress, doesn't it? :) DB rows are showing good progress though! Up to 35lbs for 12 reps. :)

    I even did a bit of cardio today. I can feel it in my chest still though, so I don't want to push it. Stupid cold is still hanging on a bit :(.

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - Hope you kick that cold to the curb soon. My wrists ache every single time I front squat, it's just a little more bearable now. The cross arm form does help some but it has its own challenges with finding the right balance and such. Once I got above 100, it has been a challenge and I haven't increased much in the last months on that. At some point, the regular ones might catch up just because I find it easier to balance with my hands helping more under than over the bar.

    Rest day for me. Also known as freight day at work but for now, enjoying coffee as cat naps on my lap.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm up to 100lb on my front squats and wrists ok but not for long. I hate the crossed arms - feels so off balance! I guess it's practice but I hate doing that in front of people. And lately, it seems like I'm the only girl lifting at my gym - wtf???
  • 7yearbitch
    7yearbitch Posts: 30 Member
    edited February 2016
    Eek! Between my elbow injury, the three tests I had this week and studying for LSAT I haven't checked in in a bit.

    Thanks everyone for your kind words. I had a mild strain in my elbows, but my self-prescribed week of RICE was exactly what I needed according to my doctor. I was told that I had to remember I wasn't Superman and that while my enthusiasm was commendable, I needed to exercise common sense and restraint. lol Point taken, doc.

    Finished my last day of stage one today. And, to celebrate, I added in some deadhangs with twists, bench press tri extensions, hip thrusts, weighted hyperextensions, stationary bike and stair climbers. Burned 783 cals according to my HRM, so that was nice. With the twenty minutes of mobility work I add in to every workout my sessions was just over two hours. And I'm making gym buddies, so that's fun.

    My fractional plates came in this week, so that's why I was doing bench press today. Had to test them out. I love 'em.

    I've also started to go to a conditioning class on Thursday evenings, because my conditioning is pretty poor. It really activated my glutes last night. The booty pump was pretty fantastic, I have to say.

    And now I have to go and read three pages of posts!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yay fractionals!

    I bought a trial membership with the yoga studio. Can go to any class I want, and as many, for 30 days. Normally the go to as many as you want is like 79$ a month, but the trial is 30$, so it was a little more reasonable. Figure it's enough time to give yoga a fair assessment. Did basic hatha today before work.

    Then went to gym after work. Used the rower for 45 minutes then went in the steam room. I hadn't been in one of those in so long, I really didn't remember what it was like. Almost didn't make it past the first 5 minutes when it was steaming up cause the heat was a struggle but then things settled and it became easier to withstand. Still probably wasn't in there much more than 10 minutes but felt nice. Though I wanted to sleep afterward but had to drive home. Will sleep soon though. mmm sleep
  • 7yearbitch
    7yearbitch Posts: 30 Member
    I love saunas. I use the one at my gym a lot in the winter.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    So something weird happened in the gym last night. I'm going through my workout and super setting Single leg Romanian Deadlifts and push ups. My push-ups are hella weak at the moment, coming off a 4 month hiatus. Dude approaches me. This alone is weird because after five years in the free weight section I have perfected my "Do not talk to me *kitten* face." I'm expecting some "advice" on my push-ups because they really did suck out loud last night. Nope, he says, "I was watching you do your push up and I think you's be great for a PT video we're making for folks who feel they don't have time to work out. You'd be awesome." Thanks but no thanks. Thoughts?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Dawn interesting about the wraps and belts at the meet. Trainer I worked with recently said it's more of a safety thing than assistance thing. I told him the belt wa cheating and if I can't lift something safely I shouldn't be lifting it. He said it's just meant to protect your back for the time you're pushing your limits and want to avoid accidental injury.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jo, I know you'll get it back, you'll come up with creative way to work the same area to avoid pissing off the injury. Not for nothing but 22% body fat is nothing to sneeze at.
    Dawn, beast mode as always. Great advice for improving weights.
    Manic, this too shall pass. Take care and heal well.
    7year, great job healing the injury and keeping it moving.

    Some posts about missing the gym for whatever reason. Stop beating yourselves up when you take a rest day or have to rest an injury. Clearly your body is telling you something. Without proper recovery, you cannot make proper progress. Especially in cases where you're putting in maximum effort (like hitting the gym more than four times a week)

    And ladies don't forget to fuel your workouts. I know we so desperately want that scale to move, but at what cost. Eat less move more is great for short term goals, but you will not build muscle that way. If you under eat too much, you will sacrifice your lean muscle mass. More muscle means more fat burning your body can do at REST. I'm currently eating at maintenance and still managed to lose 2 pounds in one month. Those with big weight loss goals will say, "gah, that's too slow." Ask yourself, do you want to weigh less or actually be healthy?

    The scale is liar. Last time I weighed over 160 at 5'6, I was a size 14(American). While I was out of gym for over four months, and really doing a crap job in the gym for the six months before that to be honest, I gained back the 15 I lost. That weight gain took almost a year to come to fruition. However, my size did not change, still a size 8 at the higher weight. Don't let the scale determine your victories or your failures.
    (Stepping off soapbox)

    Got to the gym twice this week and finished STRONG Stage 1 B3. I'm not sure if it's the B workout that destroys me or the fact I usually do it on Fridays since I've been getting in twice a week. I just have nothing in the tank for intervals. My new thing now is finishing my reps. If I can t do 12 push-ups, I split into sets of six. If cAnt do all of my inverted rows, I decrease my angle and keep going. On the plus side, I've increased weight every workout. I think for the second half of the stage, I will increase the sets.

    Happy lifting ladies!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Samntha - Nice work. Kinda weird but neat on the video offer. I'm with you but I don't like having pictures taken of any type, I prefer to be behind the camera. I found the belts interesting for sure. Though never considered it as cheating or anything. One wouldn't want to spend all of their time using the belts because developing core strength is helpful, but it seems common enough to use a belt for a really heavy squat or deadlift, at least from what I've seen online and with some lifters I've seen on youtube. Did find it different the one who did the bar for the squat part of the competition had a belt too but she probably had reasons for everything, including why she wanted to compete, so even with fails, she pushed herself and in front of a crowd. I liked the purple belts that a couple of the boys had cause purple. I wouldn't want a pink one either, hehe. Then again, I would struggle just with having the spotter there. I've never done that with squats so all of a sudden having a person up behind me, that would be weird.

    I'm looking at things for now. There is an APA meet in spring and an APF meet in August. Just have to think things over and maybe figure out training if I decide to take part in such. We'll see. Tonight will be upper power after work. Fun times.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks Sam :-)

    I have a friend (who is really annoying because after literally 4 months of lifting she can squat 220lbs!!!!) who is talking about getting knee supports to prevent injury. I can see the logic of trying to protect your body with a strap/ wrap/ belt when pushing it to the limit. It's an injury prevention, not a band aid fix. Though not everyone will use them that way.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm baaaack... My trial was postponed. The Cir court approved the oppositions last minute desperation move to stop the trial until an appeal is decided - that means trial is now on hold for most likely 18 months and we just threw away close to $100K for hotel rooms, office space and temporary networking that will have to be done again the next time this comes on the trial schedule.

    I quite frankly, have fallen off the proverbial wagon and been run over by the wheels. I have been eating crap, too much, not good foods, too many snacks, sweets etc. I start out the week with all sorts of resolve, wake up each day with a good attitude but by mid-day, mid-week, I've basically just tossed it all out the window and am shoveling garbage into my mouth. I've put on most of what I'd taken off and it's horrifying to me how little resolve I can muster on a day to day basis. Add to that the fact that I am not sleeping well plus the stress and worry about upcoming appt to try to figure out what's going on with my kidneys, I'm a hot mess.

    I did get to the gym last week 3x, but my lifting buddy starts with a trainer and I'm off on my own again. She's training for a fitness model show next year, something I have no desire to do, plus I just don't have $700 to give to a trainer right now - tho the deal is decent, breaks down to $35 per session.

    I really need a kick in the butt! I figure if I can't be accountable to myself, then I better try and be accountable to you, and hopefully that will get me moving in the right direction again! So I'm posting goals - they are little goals right now, ones that I can accomplish daily.

    1. Log everything that goes into my mouth - EVERYTHING!
    2. Get to the gym 3-4 days each week.
    3. Work on a routine from STRONG and implement it within the next 2 weeks
    4. Walk more!

    I promise myself and you that I will post here each day and let you know what my previous day was like!

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You can do it Sue. Sometimes life just bets in the way. You were always the most consistent and dedicated. You'll get it back as soon as you get started. Strong is awesome. It'll be what you need to relaunch your success.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Sue - you can do it! And we're here to encourage when needed. :smile:

    Went to gym after work last night. Decided to go to the big gym since membership ends in around a week. Upper body day went much better there with the regular flat bench and all. Going to do lower body tonight after 10 hour shift, wee.

    70 - Upper Power

    bench 3x4 @ 110 - The very last sets last rep was a grind but it went much better this time.
    db incline bench 3x10 @ 35
    ohp 3x3 @ 85 - last reps were hard but managed it at last as working set
    lat pull 3x10 @ 80
    overhead tri ext 2x10 and 1x8 @ 50 - challenging so didn't count the last couple attempts on the last set
    t-bar row 3x8 @ 50 - Just counting the plates added to the bar. It was interesting to try.

    30 minute run on treadmill
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Welcome back Sue! Baby steps. Strong is awesome!

    Dawn, I dream of being able to get your numbers on bench. Maybe one day!

    I'm not usually one to toot my own horn but THIS is why I love heavy lifting. Bought these pants in late October. They fit snugly. Didn't work out almost all of December because of an injury and illness, but still ate many treats. The pants are now uncomfortably loose, sagging in the bum, and way too big in the waist. Total pounds lost in the four months since buying the pants? Two pounds. Two "measly" pounds. And I still get to eat 2000 calories a day. The scale is a liar. I'll take it!
  • 7yearbitch
    7yearbitch Posts: 30 Member
    Sue - You've got this! Look forward to seeing your posts.

    Pudding - It's not tooting your own horn. It's celebrating success. You're allowed. Don't apologize for having victories!

    I start Stage 2 today, and I'm excited, because I enjoy back squats and OHP, so why not do them both at the same time? And I'm glad deadlifts are still in the program. I've done wide gripped deadlifts at a deficit before, though only using 25lbs plates, not a box, so we'll see how this goes. I have a feeling the weight I'm gunning for is going to have to wait. I had set a personal goal to DL 200 lbs by the end of the month, but DL at a deficit are harder. . . We'll see. I may work regular DLs in, because I really wanna hit 200.

  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Dawn - great job on the yoga. I am forever saying I need to get back to yoga, it would be great for my general flexibility I'm sure (as you saw on your instagram post I am having some serious issues squatting all of a sudden so something is tight and not behaving)
    Sue - we all have stuff to work on :) especially me!! I should probably write a few goals of my own to work on, I get so busy that things just get lost in my head!
    Pudding - that's awesome! Congratulations :)

    Checking in today ladies - my little girl was sick last week so I had to leave work on Thursday and Friday to look after her, poor sausage. It was horrible seeing her so upset (she had an ear infection), she literally never cries but her eyes were all puffy from wailing so much :(

    She's on the mend now so I am back to it.

    Doctor said PCOS was very likely. I'm having tests this week, but esentially he told me to do things to help PCOS as it is likely things will improve.

    As of today I have gone "low carb" - managed to make my breakfasts and lunches for the week last night so at least I have started well. Hubs is on board as far as dinners are concerned so I'll only be making one dinner each night too which is helpful.

    Strong Phase 1 Stage 2 starts this week too which is great - I bought some wrist wraps in order to do front squats without crossing arms - you put them in the right position and then wrap the bar with the wraps so you don't have to bend your wrists (I think, I actually haven't quite figured out the logistics yet). Looks good in the book, but who knows what will happen when I try!

    I have way too much forward lean in my squats at the moment, so I'm going back to putting plates under my heels until I can figure out what the F is going on. Very frustrating.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Thank you everyone! Your support and encouragement males a huge difference in how I feel about this. I have been beating myself up even though I know if someone else said the same thing I would be totally supportive. Why do I do that to myself? Yesterday was a day of attitude adjustment. I cleaned,the house and the fridge, I planned meals and thawed what I would need for a few days, and I ate well. This morning I was up early and felt strong and committed during my workout. I did chest back and shoulders.

    I have an appointment for bloodwork and an ultrasound this afternoon. I just ate the only food I am allowed until after the tests. 6 hours seems like forever! I will be fine I know.

    Thanks again everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    You are awesome, suel, BOOM!