Daily Chat Thread



  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Stephie - Thanks! I will look up those videos. I had no idea I was shrugging at the end, ha! Now I'm excited to get back and try it again.

    Dawn - somehow I missed it, which program are you doing? And how do I find you on youtube?

    Kimi - LOL about the thin mirror! Was at the Children's museum with my daughter yesterday and they had those silly mirrors for real. But awesome how you are seeing changes!

    Beeps - have been thinking of you, isn't your surgery soon? Best of luck!!!

    Today I did Strong, Stage 6, Workout B, #5
    Suspended jackknife 2x10
    Standing cable lift 2x10@35 lbs
    Squat with pause - got tired of using the box, 3x8@50 lbs
    Chin ups - 2x5, 1x6 with 100 lbs of assist
    RFESS - did these for the first time with bar instead of dumbbells. 3x8@33 lbs
    DB neutral grip bench press - 3x8@25 lbs
    Skipped intervals again :(

    Anyway, feeling back on track nutrition-wise, hoping to get back to a short run tomorrow. I'm being very conservative, but when I complained to my DH he told me it would be stupid to be doing all this work in pursuit of health and then end up injured, and he is right. A week off won't affect me that much in the long term.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Surgery is over. Four little incisions...one needed zero stitches and one needed four stitches. I think the others needed two stitches.

    Pathology report is between 2- and 6- weeks from now.

    I am fine.

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Now, beeps....time to recover. Do as you are told :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited June 2016
    Beeps - Good its over and hope healing goes well for you.

    Aigre - I'm following Wendler's 5/3/1, for the most part. I don't have micro plates below a 2.5lb so I do the best I can with what the application recommends. Oh and my username on youtube is Dawn Embers and my channel is called Fiction & Fitness. I would link it but I struggled to do that before. But a search on youtube should bring them up. Last one was a Pre-LA physique video and before that was Bro Day of Eating.

    Today was OHP day. Didn't do much accessories as I did the lifting before work, then had to deal with an apartment situation. Almost didn't make it to work on time cause that and traffic. Luckily, OHP is one of the easier days.

    warmup - 2x8 @ 45, 1x5 @ 50
    1x3 @ 55
    1x3 @ 60
    1x7 @ 70

    seated row 3x8 @ 70
    lat pull down 3x8 @ 70
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member

    Props to every woman who C-sects ... and then has a newborn to care for!! Holy *kitten* this pain is for reals. Props, props to you all!!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Take it easy, Beeps! So glad it's over and done with, though.

    Dawn - I will look it up!

    Ran 2 miles this morning. I got new insoles for my shoes that I thought would help with pronation, but they gave me blisters. Gah. Oh well.
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    @AigreDoux What a great idea to get help with form! I agree that you have a bit of a shrug at the top of your DL. Probably isn't the worst.

    @StephieWillcox I saw your squat vid, too. I do that arch thing as well. It's hard to get rid of - at least for me because my back is so arched as it is. I also drop my right side lower than my left for some reason. How do you guys set your cams up at the gym to get a good vid?

    @kimiuzzell lol skinny mirrors! so true!

    Yesterday I did NROLFW Stage 2, Workout A - I've been so lazy, it's taking me forever to get through this one. I started it June 1, and should have finished it last week lol eh, well, at least I'm doing it right??

    Squats (instead of front squat push press) 10@85x2
    Stepups 10@70, 10@80
    DB One point rows 10@25, 10@30
    Pushups 10@-10x2
    Static Lunge 10@25x2
    Plank 4@30sec - just didn't have it in me to do 2 60s
    Horizontal Wood Chop - 5@35, then dropped to 25 because I realized it was bothering my back. Maybe I'm twisting too far?? Anyone else have this problem?

    I know I'm supposed to skip a day to rest but...I plan on hitting the gym for workout B today since I'm meeting with my trainer tomorrow to do measurements and will likely do some different stuff with her.

    Halfway through the week! Keep pushing through ladies!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    @Beeps2011 I had 3 c-secs since 2009, and a laparoscopy to remove a cyst a couple years ago. Definitely no fun. I promise kidney stones is worse tho lol. Get some rest, don't move around too much at first and be sure to take your meds when you're supposed to - they will help tremendously. Glad everything went well! You'll be back on your feet and in the gym in no time.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Supermelinator - great workout! Wasn't my idea to post the video, I just pretty much copied Stephie :) I just propped my phone on the windowsill.

    Beeps - forgot to say, I had a laparoscopic appendectomy years and years ago. While the first few days after were tough, I remember I got back to normal pretty quickly. But definitely follow your doctor's advice!

    Today I did Strong, Stage 6, Workout A, #6
    Spidermans 8 each side
    Standing cable chop 2x10@35 lbs
    Deadlifts 3x6@114 lbs. Took another video but it doesn't look any better than the first! Still shrugging my shoulders even though I tried not to. Gah.
    Bench press 3x6@50 lbs
    Suspended lunge 3x6@16 lbs
    Dumbbell dead stop 3 point row 3x6@35 lbs

    Only one more workout in Stage 6. A bit intimidated by Phase 3 and Stage 7!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Tuesday I did 40 mins combat before work then after work Did a HIIT round and 10x10 barbell curls @20kgs and 10x10 skullcrushers @10kgs.

    Before work today I went to the gym and I did 2 HIIT rounds and 10x10 squats @52.5kgs.

    Started doing 10x10 weighed lunges too but got mega cramps in my quads. Had to call it a day...I think the squats were probably enough!!

    I'm starting to notice a difference. It's been a while coming and there is a long way to go but I'm on the way!!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Off to the gym for a meetup with my trainer. We're doing measurements today!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I look like I am 5- or 6- months pregnant with this belly full of gas, but am otherwise doing okay.

    Pain was awful, yesterday.....but well-controlled with extra-strength tylenol, today.

    I am lethargic and having trouble sleeping, but enjoy standing and walking. Today is only 2-days post-surgery.....stitches come out tomorrow (3 days post-surgery?!!?!!). Yikes!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I look like I am 5- or 6- months pregnant with this belly full of gas, but am otherwise doing okay.

    Pain was awful, yesterday.....but well-controlled with extra-strength tylenol, today.

    I am lethargic and having trouble sleeping, but enjoy standing and walking. Today is only 2-days post-surgery.....stitches come out tomorrow (3 days post-surgery?!!?!!). Yikes!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    The body heals FAST -- especially when you're healthy! It's amazing isn't it?? Glad the pain isn't as bad today.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Good to hear things are improving Beeps. Nice to see all the lifting being posted too. Not much going on with me. I didn't go to the gym Wednesday, so decided to try lifting after work Thursday. Was okay but long drive after work as I got off at 11pm. They are doing construction on the highways at night, which cause slow downs even with slightly less drivers, so it wasn't until about 11:45 before I could start lifting. Some guys were at the gym and right when I was getting ready to use the squat rack, had a guy come over and query about it. He seemed a little annoyed at first but let me use the rack. So, I tried not to take long and just did squats there, not any accessories. Later he warmed up though and we chatted a little. He said I had good depth on my squats and hasn't seen anyone my size lift that heavy. His girlfriend was there, in the cardio area. The other guys had left by then but at the start there were three guys working out together, mostly doing curls and making a fair amount of noise while doing them.

    I forgot my phone in my car, so I didn't really follow the weights from 5/3/1 but got close on the last set. Think next week I'll use my belt for the top weights. It went okay today but 165 was really slow still.

    1x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x3 @ 135, 1x3 @ 155, 1x5 (amrap) @ 165

    good morning - 3x10 @ 60
    leg press 3x8 @ 225
    pallor press 3x8 @ 20

    And now it's just after 4:30 am and I haven't slept at all. Glad I don't have work but it's going to be another long day. First day of no sleep in LA. Think I'll get coffee in a few hours. mmm coffee
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Dawn - Gah on the no sleep. I unfortunately know exactly what that feels like. I've heard LA traffic is always bad, but at 11 at night? Who would have thought? Still awesome on the squats, as usual though.

    Supermelinator - how did your measurements go?

    Beeps - glad things are starting to feel better! But take it easy, lady!

    Kimi - insane squats! Awesome that you are noticing changes!

    Ran 3 miles this morning. Bumped my head pretty hard at work on Tuesday and have been having a headache since, so didn't sleep too well last night. But got out there anyway.

    Happy Friday, all!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre - still have a headache? That sounds horrible - hope it gets better soon

    Beeps - fingers crossed for the results of your pathology, and I hope you heal up soon. I didn't have a c-section but the poor woman opposite me in hospital did and she was crying just trying to move at all to see to her baby :( I felt terrible for her (so I cried too, because, you know, labour + newborn = tears for all)

    Mel - when I video I tend to put my phone on a bench, propped up with my water bottle. I felt really stupid at first, but it's so useful to see your own form that I'm over it now.

    Dawn - hope you get some sleep

    Today's workout (only got 2 in this week due to taking clients out for lunch)

    Squats: 5x5 @ 52.5kg these were ok, a couple of the 5th reps were a little grindy, but more in the tank there I'm sure

    OHP: 5x5 @ 30kg HOLY CRAP SOME OF THESE WERE SOOOOO SLOW. The 5th rep of the 4th and 5th set was the slowest thing I have ever seen in my life but I was determined to finish the damn rep! Glad I grinded it out, but it's going to be an interesting lift next time - there are some 0.5kg weights in the gym (only 2 and they can be in a multitude of places) so I'm thinking of going straight to 31 rather than 32.5

    Deadlifts: 5x1 @ 70kg still fine. Looking forward to seeing where these get to!

    Rest of my day is going to be spend dealing with Brexit. I just can't believe we voted to leave the EU. It's the most mental thing I have ever experienced.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Agreed, stephie... I'm a stockbroker and it's been a very bizarre day at work today and on no sleep!

    Still, I have a ball to go to tonight so I shall ban brexit talk from the table and leave it all behind as I concentrate on prosecco from Italy and a decent French red!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Oh jesus kimi - I'm sorry! Didn't realise you are really in the thick of it.

    I'm an actuary, working in pensions (usually buying them out), but we can't do any quotes because of the market!

    Enjoy your ball - definitely ban brexit talk!!!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hugs to the UK folks. I'm sure there will be all kinds of fall out from Brexit, hope things smooth out quickly and no one panics too much. :) resilient group :)

    Beeps-so glad things went well! I've had a few c-sections and other similar procedures, so I can remember that pain. Sneezing, coughing agony! That walking is good for passing the gas. I had it settle in my shoulders, which hurt a lot!

    You're all doing great! I've read through but not able to post to each of you. <3 You're doing great!!

    I'm kinda lifting, more like 2 days a week. I've spent days and days cleaning and reorganizing our home. Have I told you all we are becoming foster parents? I can't remember who I've told. The process is long and time consuming. That plus trying to lose more scale weight has left me with reduced lifting for now :(.

    I'll try to keep up better! Thinking of you all though and so glad to see you lifting!