Daily Chat Thread



  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited July 2016
    Firemen?!?! :smiley:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hi all, I have returned from my holiday (if you can call it that) and am ready to get back to it. I did well while I was away - got myself a gym membership and really only missed 5 days of lifting out of the full 4 weeks - mostly the travelling days. Eating was pretty tough with meals out/ people cooking for us so I know my calories were definitely up. Can't check my weight as not yet home to my normal scales - fly back from my parents to home tomorrow. I don't think there will be a massive gain but am certainly expecting some - my jeans are tight :(

    So my plan it to cut now anyway - have adjusted my calories (boo!) but have been used to eating a lot more so will probably struggle with this for a bit. Hopefully will see results quick enough to keep me motivated!

    As far as lifting goes I am waiting for my PT to get me a new plan which I'm hoping will be based on what I already did but with some variations and assistance to improve my form, particularly squats and DLs. I will find out later this week I hope.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yeah, not those kind of firemen. :-P The cowboys aren't like in the calendars either. lol

    Actually, my dad was a fireman for a little while here. Back in the 80's there was the huge fire at Yellowstone and fighter from all over the state had to go battle the flames. He had to go during that time, it was crazy.

    There is a gym though. Turns out someone opened a gym near the grocery store so after the holiday, I might check it out.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I'm impressed that you worked out so much when you were away, Jo!!

    I'm trying to trust my food intake a bit....I'm still tracking, but only at the end of each day, so trusting my instincts and then seeing how far out I am, if that makes sense! Am trying it this week before deciding whether I can trust myself a bit!!

    Scales down again this week. Am back to where I was pre-wedding more or less.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Pudding & Dawn - sorry for your losses, it's horrible losing family/friends :(

    Jo - that's really incredible how much you trained on your holiday, you should be super proud of that (regardless of what the liar liar scale says)

    Kimi - trusting your food is great. I always think that is the brave last step before truly mastering your nutrition

    Beeps - I hope you had a good holiday weekend

    And all american's - I hope you are enjoying your holiday!!

    I have fallen off the nutrition wagon completely. I literally can't even see it in the distance.
    I bought the two lean in 15 books on your recommendation Kimi and I'm hoping to gain back some control very shortly. I seriously have a sugar/carb addiction and I need to sort it out.

    I am waiting for an exam result (comes out on Thursday at 6pm, took the exam waaaaaaaaaay back in April). If I pass I will be a qualified actuary, if I fail I will have to take the damn exam AGAIN in September. It's been such a hard journey to get here (I have passed 14 out of the 15 exams now, but it's taken nearly 8 years with time off to have Kaitlyn & failures) I just want so much for it to be over. So I'm permanentely nervous and anxous and just eating everything in sight.

    Doesn't help that my birth control has started giving me serious migraines, I went to the doctor today and got my pill changed, but changing pills is never a fun time, especially going from combined to POP only. Ugh. Sometimes I very much dislike being a female.

    Anywho, sorry for the rant, no gym today for me, but I should be able to fit in some yoga tomorrow and then lifting on Wednesday.

    Have a good day!

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Stephie, you will love the books. We've had all meals, and I mean breakfast, lunch and dinner, from them every dayfor the last 6 or 7 weeks and I can't fault them one bit. The whole family loves them and I am really enjoying the prep.and cooking! Seriously, it is the best we have ever eaten. And lots of niggle ailments have gone since we've been eating cleaner.

    Plus. Most important.... The food is deeeeeelish!! Hard to believe it is healthy. Let me know how you get on.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hi all! On my phone so can't write much.

    Had one of my best days in a long time yesterday. Kids slept in until 7 am so I slept for 9.5 uninterrupted hours. Then I ran 5.8 miles circumnavigating the island where my parents have their beach house. Then after a tasty breakfast my brother arrived and announced that he and his wife are expecting their first baby! I am so excited to be an auntie! Then we went swimming in the ocean, are fresh clams we dug from the beach. I got home and my DH had made lobster rolls for dinner as a surprise!

    Unfortunately today wasn't as wonderful. Went to do stage 7 workout c (deadlifts) and pulled something in my back on the 5th rep of my first set. So angry with myself. Have been moving about gingerly and frantically googling how long it will take to heal. So pissed I could scream. All my hard work down the drain. Started concentrating on thoracic extension and keeping my chest up and let my back go I guess.

    Anyway happy Independence Day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I hope you pass, Stephie....8 years is a long haul. Good luck!

    Wow, kimi, great report on the book!

    Aigrette, I loved your report on your "great day"....the poor day (sore back) is gonna be okay. Glad you lifted!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I will lift tomorrow. Trying to figure out how to do WHT with bands....too nervous to lay a BB across my midsection just yet.

    I might try some DL's with a BB, though.

    See how the abs feel....wish me luck!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Be careful Beeps!

    And you, aigre - don't do too much too soon.

    Stephie, the joys of waiting for months for exam results, I remember it well. When I did my first batch, it was before t'internet existed and we had to get the results from the Financial Times. We used to go and wait at the main railway station for them to come off the 5am London train because invariably we'd been up all night and couldn't wait until they hit the newsagents!! Fingers crossed for you. The end is in sight.

    Did bodycombat before work this morning - my hamstrings doth protest already and it is not yet 9am!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I decided to start "strong" from the beginning, again....it is pretty lightweight at the start, perfect for me at this stage of recovery! Here is what I did:

    1. Shoulder press - 3 x 8 x 20 DBs
    2. Bodyweight goblet squats - 3 x 8
    3. Planks on elbows - 2 x 60 secs - this did not feel that great on my abs :(
    4. Bird dogs - 2 x 15 (each side)
    5. DB rows - 2 x 12 x 27.5 DB
    6. step-ups - 3 x 6 (bodyweight)
    7. push-ups - 3 x 6 (from floor)
    8. Bis/tris - 3 x 8 x 15 DBs
    9. American DL - 3 x 8 x OB (no plates)

    I did all of my accessory band work and then finished with a good- long stretch on all body parts.

  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Beeps - be careful!!! Sounds like you're doing great though.

    Kimi - Ah, the 5am financial times run was luckily before my time, that sounds terribly stressful.

    Gym today was meh. All I had eaten this morning were 5 strawberries, so I'm sure that has something to do with it!

    Squats: 5x5 @ 60kg - dear god. This was so hard. I swear the last rep of that final set took about 10 seconds, I just BARELY got past the sticking point out of the hole! Did have the safeties set up properly today just in case but didn't have to use them.

    Bench: 5x5 @ 40kg - hard, but got it done. This is the most I've done for 5, so I was pretty pleased. I actually feel like I have 5 x 42.5kg in me as well which would be excellent

    Row: 3x4 @ 40kg - these were just terrible, plus I was running out of time, so I just bailed :)

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Stephie - great progress on the squats! Good luck on the exam results!!

    Beeps - Yeay for being back to lifting!

    Out for a 3.3 mile run this morning. Supposed to be scorching out today. Back is feeling better except with deadlift-like movements, like deadlifting a 45 lbs child off the floor. Think I'm going to move on and go on to the next workout tomorrow, which should be squats and bail if it seems to be aggravating it.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Good day ladies,
    So I'm back in the saddle after a two-month hiatus. I was sick as dog including pneumonia for one of those months. Technically I finished stage 2 of Strong, but with not really doing anything for two months, I was wondering if I should start over or go with stage three. My fear is that if I start over, I won't be motivated to make progress.

    Today, I signed up with Eat to Perform. It was only $30 for two months. They coach your workouts and follow your diary and stuff. I'll see how it goes. I need something to keep me motivated. If I'm paying someone to critique my diary, I will definitely be logging.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Has been a long set of days. We had the rosary on the 4th of July at the Catholic church. Then watched fireworks at home because we live right where the small town does its holiday show. Yesterday was the funeral. Glad it's over and everyone is going back to the daily grind. Stepsisters' are both gone and we're driving back to LA tomorrow.

    I did find a gym. It wasn't there last time I was in town, so it was interesting to check out what would be available. And it's a crossfit small gym. Has more weight lifting stuff than the commercial gyms and only cost me 5$ for a day pass. I was able to squat, bench and deadlift.

    Did just a warm up with squats, doing light weights. I kept them light so it counts for the "deload" week I'm supposed to be doing. Then I did the bench and deadlift I was supposed to do over the weekend. Failed on 4th rep of the amrap in bench but tis okay. I hadn't done bench in a while. All the food and such showed with the lifting belt though. Had to use the 3rd hole instead of the 4th hole. Will be happy to get back to eating regular and less dairy too.

    2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, almost 115 (had kg plates along with lb) 3x5

    Bench Press
    1x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 55, 1x6 @ 65, 1x5 @ 80, 1x3 @ 90, 1x3 @ 100 (failed 4th rep attempt)

    face pulls 3x8 @ 40

    1x6 and 1x3 @ 135, 1x5 @ 170, 1x3 @ 190 and 1x5 @ 215 (last two with belt)
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Rest day for me today - much needed as I've had a manic week at work and I am frazzled mentally as well as physically.

    We're off for a few days for the F1Grand Prix weekend, so no logging of food, no access to a gym, but probably more walking than we expect, so not going to worry about it, just going to go with the flow and get back on it on Tuesday.

    People are starting to comment on my shape - everything seems to be starting to pay off .....just need to stay motivated and keep it all going, rather than do my usual complacency thing that then leads to being a heifer again!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hi all!

    Samntha - sorry you've been sick! I hope you let us know how Eat to Perform works out for you. I could always use a little more accountability and that price is great.

    Dawn - are you back in LA now? Sorry it was for a sad occasion but sometimes it is nice to go back home and see family again.

    Kim - you rock! Have fun at the Grand Prix!

    Got back to lifting today. All in all had about a week off between the holiday and tweaking my back.
    Strong Stage 7, Workout A, #2
    Suspended body saw - 2x8
    Squats - 1x5@55 lbs, 1x5@60 lbs, 1x5@66 lbs, 1x5@71 lbs, 1x5@77 lbs. Felt like I even had a little bit left in the tank, but a little grindy, so hopefully appropriate for RPE9 as prescribed. Next week (RPE 10) going to try to go for 83 lbs. Definite progress here though and felt like my form/depth were good.
    Cable row - 2x10 with 50 lb resistance band
    SL RDL - 2x10@37.5 lbs
    Push ups - 2x10@18 inches off floor
    Suspended hip extension + leg curl - 2x10

    So all in all a good workout! My back didn't hurt, but I can still feel it on certain movements in everyday life. Will hold off on deadlifts for another week, I think.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I failed :(

    Time to dust myself off. Stop eating s**t and get back on track (plus start studying again).

    I'm disappointed, but I'll survive
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Bummer, Stephie :( I've been there with my board exam as well.

    Hug your baby, have a big glass of wine or a stiff drink, a good cry, and start again in the morning. And throw some weights around...
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Bah, stephie, I know how pantsy you feel. I failed many of mine along the way. You'll get it next time. Stay strong girl x