Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Eating in deficit, increased my exercise and guess what? Gained weight. Yup, the scales SUCK
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre & sam - I love rear foot elevated split squats. LOVE THEM. I think they are so hard and the DOMS I get is INSANE. I mean they feel like hell when I'm doing them, but I really think they are effective.

    Dawn - Good to see you back

    Jo - and that is why I don't weigh myself! I'm sorry the scale went up, I'm sure it will be water from the increased exercise

    Beeps - glad you're easing back into it. You're doing awesome

    Today's session:

    Squats: 5 x 5 @ 65kg - HARD. But I mean, I have to fail one soon right?! No matter, KEEP ADDING WEIGHT

    Bench: 5 x 5 @ 42.5kg - this was pretty tough but I wasn't THAT close to bailing. I suspect I won't get all 5 at 45, but this is the most I have ever benched so I'm pretty pleased really

    Rows: 5 x 5 @ 35kg - I deloaded, I just don't understand pendlay rows, I don't feel my back working at all. Supposedly they are included in Stronglifts for the explosive power, Starting Strength uses power cleans instead. I'm tempted to try to learn how to clean, but seems a bit involved.

    Have a good day all
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Stephie - you are making great progress with your squats! I also love RFESS. And single leg Romanian deadlifts. I may be a heretic but sometimes I feel like I make so much more progress on these than the traditional compound lifts and achieve much more muscle strain because the form is so much simpler.

    Samntha - very cool to have someone adjusting your macros! How did they change them?

    Jo - boo on the stupid scale.

    Strong, Stage 7, Workout A, #3 today
    Suspended body saw - 2x8
    Squat - 1x5@60 lbs, 2x5@65 lbs (I did 2 sets cause I took a video of the first set and wasn't getting down deep enough), 1x5@71 lbs, and 1x2@83 lbs. Wanted to try the 83 cause it would have been a PR. But my form was really awful and I decided it wasn't doing me any good if I couldn't maintain the form.
    SL RDL - 2x10@35 lbs
    Inverted row - 2x10 on TRX
    Pushups - 2x8 off bench
    Supine hamstring curl - 2x10

    Sort of frustrated today. Interrupted workout due to daughter having tantrum. Frustrated with squat form. Feel like I'm not progressing and will never get this. And already work stuff is a nightmare and decisions that I fought for weeks ago are willfully not being adhered to. I can't wait for Friday.

    This is a video of my 4th squat set (71 lbs). Seems like in the 4th and 5th rep when I get tired I lean forward and end up too far on my toes. I don't know how to fix it though. I have watched this Mark Ripptoe video like 10 times and he says to drive up through the hips, but my back stays behind. I feel like I'm taking advange of Eat, train, progress so I'll leave them alone, but if anyone has any tips I'd be grateful.


  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre - firstly, don't worry about annoying Eat, Train, Progress. I post form videos all the time and they're happy to help.

    Now, I am hardly an expert on squats so here are my thoughts:

    1) You don't seem to have any preparation for your squat? You need to make your core super super solid before you squat down or everything is going to get loose and you will fail your rep.

    I struggled with this A LOT - I have eventually sorted it (well as much as anything is ever sorted) by taking a big belly breath and then pulling my bellybutton in and squeezing my glutes. Then I start the descent. If you look back at the second squat video I posted recently you can see this.

    This should also sort out the wobbly bar that is happening in between squats (although are your shoulders stable? You need to kind of pull your shoulder blades back to keep the bar solid into your back)

    2) Don't look down at the top!! Where you end up looking is fine, it would be best to keep looking in the same general direction throughout. I appreciate that Rippetoe talks about a neutral head, but I think yours is too down at the top.

    3) Your forward lean when you get tired is not bad AT ALL. It probably feels worse than it looks. I think if you focus on tightening up this will lessen, but a bit of forward lean on later reps is to be expected

    4) Depth looks good :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I agree, depth is great. I think this is more about this weight exposing your area of weakness which seems to be tightening the glutes as you come up. You start in an already bent over position - try engaging the glutes before you start and keeping them on all the way down - then clenching them like rocks on the way up! Hopefull that'll give you some driving force to power up, rather than that wobble that's happening now xxx
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    After a day of not much, well did laundry and we got both internet set up plus a fridge delivered to the new apartment. Just didn't do much in way of work or moving around, so I went to the gym. Meandering a little but will start peak cycle in the near future. Even if I don't get to compete, I can use it to work towards some PRs. Focused on legs today sorta.

    Squat - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x5 @ 135 and 3x3 @ 145

    Deadlift - 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185 and 2x3 @ 205

    Probably should have brought in my belt for the deadlifts but oh well. Shins ached a little. Wasn't too bad though. Then I did 5 minute warm up, 20 minute jog and 5 minute cool down on the treadmill.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    edited July 2016
    Didn't want to go to the gym today... went anyways... nailed it

    Squats: 5x5 @ 67.5kg

    OHP: 5,5,5,4,4 @ 30kg - clearly i had eaten my spinach when I got all 5 of thesea couple of weeks ago!!

    Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 85kg, did single, single, triple (this is also over BW for first time ever)

    I videoed everything today, am debating uploading to youtube or instagram but need a depth check on squats and a form check on OHP and deadlift. Aigre's post reminded me that no one has checked either of those lifts for a REAAAAAAAAAAALLY long time!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Happy Friday! Has been a long week for me with work stuff. Looking forward to the weekend so much. It's my husband's first weekend not working in I think 3 weeks, and it's my birthday on Monday so looking forward to doing some celebrating as well!

    Out for a quick run this morning, 2.6 miles, 70 degrees, 96% humidity. It is oppressively hot and humid here lately. My glasses were fogging up at 5 am! I know it isn't the focus of this group, but some days it is so nice to just run and not have to worry about form, etc. I like variety.

    Stephie and Jo - thank you so much!! I don't think I have the greatest balance, so that is part of why I wobble. But will definitely work on getting the core and glutes tight before I squat.

    Stephie I hope you post your videos, I always feel like I learn from others watching and critiquing them. Sometimes I play "guess what the experts will say" so that I can learn how to critique myself later. Congrats on the BW deadlifts!

    Dawn - glad you are getting more settled in. Fridge and internet are very important!

    Anyway, I'm jealous of you all in UK since you're so much closer to Friday night than me. Wine and sushi in about 9 hours here ;-)
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Happy Friday Aigre - videos are up on Eat, Train, Progess for your viewing and critiquing pleasure!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Well, I am unqualified to critique, but holy smokes, you look really strong! Those weights are no joke, either. I am looking forward to seeing what others have to say.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    <3 If only I could have as much dedication to my nutrition as my training!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    @AigreDoux The coaches brought my overall goals since I wasn't hitting them. The goals also change according to what kind of work you are doing that day. Very individualised.

    Yesterday, I spent seven hours at the theme park with the kids. We had no lines to speak and it was just constant walking outside with the heat index at 100 degrees. We had a great time, but I'm retaining water like crazy today after being dehydrated yesterday. I must have drunk a gallon of water.
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    @stephie Your OHP impresses me! I can't imagine lifting that much. I tried 65 on monday and it was HARD!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Nailed my cals and macros today. BOOM!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Yeah, BOOM!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Strong Stage 1 WO A2:
    Plank 2/60 sec.
    Bird dog 2x4x15 sec
    Goblet squat 30db 3x12
    Three-point row 30db 3x12
    Step up (6 risers) 20dbs 3x12
    Push up (military) 3x12, nailed the form, felt powerful.

    Awesome high energy workout after nailing my macros yesterday and fueling right this morning.
    My mom, whom I haven't seen in two weeks, said I looked like I've lost weight. I haven't really lost on the scale after two weeks (1 lb. on average, but I'm really at maintenance.) All of the water I was retaining last week is gone. I'll take it. Something's working.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So 7 workouts so far for me this week, deadlifts due today. Have made a conscious effort to not 'sit' for so long at work and also added core training into my 'rest' periods between lifts. I actually did a 2 min plank straight off the bat which I was impressed with having not bothered with plank for about 2 years :D

    Diet has been pretty consistent with macros and have eaten on average 1500 - 1600 cals which is way less than previous (1950). Glad that the holiday bloat is gone but not impressed at the scales still!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hey ladies!! Long time no see! Sorry I dropped off there for a while. I was away for a week and reduced my workouts and wasn't making any lifting progress, so not much to agre with you all.

    You're all doing great! Hitting it hard, getting stronger, reshaping your bodies!! So proud of you!!
    I will try to check in more often!

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome Back Julie
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    welcome back! I think it's great that people can dip in and out of this thread - everyone makes everyone feel so welcome that you don't feel *compelled* to check in every day, which so many other places can't seem to manage. I've been on forums before where if you don't post for a day, people seem to assume there is a problem!

    I worked out both days at the weekend - did a kettlebell HIIT session on Saturday - that was short but tough. 5 rounds of 10x kettlebell swings, pushups, kettlebell squats to upright rows, burpees, shoulder presses. By the end of round 4 I thought I was going to be sick, but I pushed through and was very pleased that my pushups remained strong and I didn't have to revert to partial pushups, which I expected!

    Yesterday I did 25 mins on the crosstrainer, then a 30 minute circuit class, then as hubby was still in the weights room, I joined him and did some kettlebells stuff - 10 rounds of swings and 10 rounds of push presses with some "round the world" stuff. Both days I finished with an abs workout - am really pleased at my rotating side planks nowadays - I'm sure they're making a difference!

    After my "I'm so fat and lardy" wobbly hissyfit last week, the scales put me back down to where I would like to be, so today they are my friend. Foodwise, I'm making good choices most of the time - still following "The Bodycoach" meals although the occasional ice-cream bowl is consumed. Well, it is summer after all!

    So, Happy Monday everyone - the sun is shining here as we embark on a mini heatwave. Shame I have to be in the office!