Daily Chat Thread



  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Supermel..... Look at www.fatladattheback.com I'm a proper pear shape so have problems with cycling shorts and these are really good. I'm not sure I like the name but I live what they do.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sam - I'm with Beeps here. If I'm doing lunges or step-ups at the end of a workout, especially if that workout has included squats then they are going to be at a SERIOUSLY reduced weight, or bodyweight. If you feel like lunges are something you want to get better at (so they are a "main" lift) then move them somewhere near the front. If they're more there to help with other things (like squat imbalances and things) then leave them where they are and accept that the weight is just not going to be as good.

    I did the same routine today. No problem. I focused on form and just took my time. It also helps that I've been hitting my macros this week.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    Okay - time for my rant because I need to get it off my chest...

    All week - in preparation for this out of state bike ride - I've been looking for a comfortable pair of bike shorts and a new cycling jersey. Duluth is not a huge place, I'll admit, but we have a good assortment of bike and sport shops. You'd think they would have a decent assortment of clothes. Nope. The best I found was one shop that had a small selection of women's bike clothing and I was able to grab a few things to try on. I grabbed two large size shorts, and a medium racing jersey (the biggest the they). The dressing room was TINY with no A/C on the hottest day of the year so far (95 here!) and not the slightest breeze. I was sweating so much, the shorts were sticking to me as I tried to get them on. Neither had an acceptable waistband - I HATE the ones that roll when you bend over. But then the jersey...

    I may be overweight for my height, but I don't think of myself as fat, but OMG. I am not used to the skin tight fit of racing jerseys (regular riding jerseys are looser). I looked like a balloon with a piece of string wrapped around it. I know medium isn't my size and I know having four kids has the same effect on your body that an earthquake has in California, but that shirt. HOLY BUCKETS! Which leads me to this: I get that most men and women who ride and race are willowy, but size M being the biggest? I looked like some kind of male-created video game character! Even if I had a flat stomach and was a size 4, my boobs would still probably be double-Ds. They've been big since I first got them. I never wore a training bra lol, I went straight for regular ones.

    Shopping for regular clothes REALLY sucks. Shopping for specialty clothing sucks EVEN MORE. Rant over.
    Ok, I know this feeling well. Bike stuff is super fitted. I'm glad you were able to try stuff on. If you need stuff in the future, please message me. I know people ;) My husband has contacts with many midwest shop owners, as well national reps, and brands. The Liv Team Rep, Specialized women's division, is a friend, we can find you stuff that fits, hell, he may even know what shops would have it. I hate shorts that roll too, ugh. Try bib shorts, the ones with the suspenders. They are super comfy and stay put. This stuff is not cheap, so you should at least be able to wear what fits and is actually comfortable, especially for really long rides. If your clothing starts moving around on you, that's when you get saddle sores. Highly unpleasant. I have 40 inch hips these days, and I'm a large/extra large. When I had 36 hips I was a medium. My medium top fits really snug and I have a rather tiny waist and top half if that gives you any idea.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ok finished Strong Stage 1: Final workouts:
    WOA 7/21/16
    Plank 2x60sec
    Bird dog 2x4x15
    Goblet Squat 30dbsx12, 35x12, 35x12
    3 point row 30dbsx12, 35x12, 35x12
    Step up (6 risers) 3x12@25dbs
    Push up (military) 3x12

    WOB: 7/23/16
    Side plank 2x30 sec
    Half-kneel cable row 22x10, 23.5x10
    SL RDL 3x12@30dbs
    Push up (military) 3x12
    Split Squat 3x12@20dbs
    Inverted Row (chest height) 3x12
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - Interesting. Midwife was on my list of considerations. If I'd gone full med would have wanted to do family practice. Anyways, sucks on the no sleep. I've had like 6 or so of those nights so far this year.

    Sam - Nice workout.

    Well, I didn't go to gym today. Did a little work and was trying to figure out a time early enough because I'm doing the 16+ hour drive up to Oregon tomorrow. Then I popped a tire so after waiting for help, then going to get a new tire, decided to not do anything else but be at home and get ready for tomorrow's travels. Ordered in food and will just have to workout in Oregon. July is just not my month so August had better be awesome.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Bike clothes sound best avoided. Pick another sport :D

    Two workouts done - bench day and combat. Early night for me - in case I'm called out again! Enjoy the last of your weekend everyone
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Good for you, Sam! How are you liking Strong? I am almost done stage 7. I am starting the last week, the deload week, of that stage tomorrow. When I hit my RPE10 on my deadlifts today, I hit a new PR: 5 reps at 165. Almost body weight. That's huge for me. The trainer sitting at the entrance desk to the gym noticed and commented on it on my way out. Yay!

    I am sore today though. Holy. In addition to upping the weight on the DLs increased weight on my forward lunges (50#BB, I think it was), step ups (65#BB), and lat pulldowns (90#). Push-ups still are tortuous though! :neutral:
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre - I'm sorry the chaos of my deadlift seemed to overshadow yours on eat, train, progress, FWIW I thought yours looked good - the shoulder thing is sorted and your back looks good.

    Pudding - congratulation on the PR, they feel so horrible but awesome at the same time!

    Jo - I don't know how you can be a midwife, I was so horrible to mine when both the anethesists at the hospital were in emergency surgery and couldn't get me an epidural!! I did apologise 3 hours later when the epidural was in... but even so :(

    Dawn - I'm sure August will be awesome for you. Some months are just like that, especially with your move and things

    Supermel - so sorry about the bike clothes, they are just so stupidly tight. Not everyone that cycles is like 8% bodyfat!!! That would have put me in a downward depression of icecream and cake

    Today's workout was... interesting..

    Squats: 5x5 @ 70kg - I got them all, and with solid depth!! I remembered my squat shoes so that may have had something to do with it, but we'll just pretend I've gotten stronger

    OHP: 5,5,5,4,3 @ 30kg - apparantly this is my third fail so back down to 25kg I go, see you in 2 sessions 30kg :)

    Deadlifts: I got 5 @ 80kg in warm up, and then 2 @ 90kg (200lbs). I could not do anymore!! I both nearly pee'd myself (apologies if that is TMI!) and nearly passed out which indicates that I should not try stronglifts on a protein shake and a banana. Will eat more before next session

    Recorded a load of these lifts and will put them up on IG later on (if anyone is on there and wants to follow me I just made a new one so I don't have to save all my lifting videos on my phone, my ID is steph__lifts (that's two underscores))
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Superb lifting there stephie!!

    I'm on a rest day today. Much needed after lifting both days over the weekend.

    The scales are showing another loss. I'm eating more, and eating cleaner, so I think I was probably not refuelling my body properly beforehand. I'm back to my pre-wedding weight of 18 months ago, and to be fair, would happily stick at this level. However, now it's all seemed to click into place. I shall simply carry on and see where it takes me.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I like it a lot pudding. Most people in my ETP group are cross fitters. Ta's just really not my style. I tell people I do total body and they look at me like I have four heads. Congrats on the PR. Can't wait to get there. I'm starting stage three. I'd be at the gym today, but I sliced my foot at the beach yesterday. It's not terrible, but it would definitely affect my stance and can't have that. I'm a bit of a form stickler.

    I'm doing the #22kill push-up challenge to raise awareness about the 22 veterans a day who commit suicide. While it's a very important issue, that's actually very personal for me, I've received several compliments on my push-ups. Some asked me how to do it, so I'm dropping knowledge about push-up progressions and teaching folks how to do it. I can't actually do 22 straight, but I can do them on my second step. On the floor I can do 15 straight, break and do the rest. One would think that after 22 days, I"ll be teaching folks the harder progressions.

    I"m actually a little disappointed in myself. It's my first cycle while dong ETP. After having a full week of hitting my macros and having great high energy workouts, I binged on brownies and am now taking a day off from activities. Sure, I cut my foot, but it seems more convenient excuse. Sometimes being a girl is just no fun.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone!

    Wow, a busy weekend around here.

    Kimi - awesome on the new jeans! What a great feeling! I bought the Joe Wicks Lean in 15 book you recommended. Any favorite recipes? There are a lot that look good.

    Dawn - hope your trip to Oregon goes well

    Jo - midwife sounds like an awesome but challenging job!

    Pudding - awesome deadlifts! I'm at about the same point in Strong as you. Finishing up Stage 7 tomorrow. Trying to decide what I'll do after I finish. Any ideas what is next for you?

    Stephie - ah, no worries about the video :) You get what you pay for with that sort of thing. I've gotten myself a little iphone tripod and I'm going to try to video my big sets often even if I don't post them. IG is a good idea for storage. I've been using Youtube.

    Samntha - that's pretty awesome that you can do even that many pushups! I can't do a single one from the floor.

    Saturday I did Strong, Stage 7, Workout B, #4 (deload week)
    Suspended pike - 2x8
    OHP - 2x5@33 lbs
    Reverse lunge - 2x10@55lbs
    Chin ups - 2x2 with blue band (75lb assist), 2x5 with black band (100 lbs assist)
    Front squat - 2x10@33 lbs
    DB row - 2x10@30 lbs

    Yesterday I ran 5 miles. Today is a rest day. Tomorrow I'll finish Stage 7.

    Weekend was pretty exciting around here. My brother found a house he likes. A small cape built in 1950 with only one owner. On a great lot and only a mile from my house! After he graduated college, my brother moved to Europe for 10 years and married a lovely girl from Belgium. We had so many years where we didn't see each other. I really thought that he would end up living in Europe forever, and that we would grow apart. So to think that he could be moving in so close to me is just beyond my wildest dreams. It's the same town as me, same school district, so it would really be awesome. He and his wife are expecting their first baby, too, so I am just going to keep my fingers crossed for him that his offer gets accepted :)
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    AigreDoux, there is honestly nothing in that book we dislike, but the chicken with paprika and almonds or the mighty duck noodles would be at the top of my list. Mu husband loves the prawns with noodles best. Happy eating!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre - we like all of the fried rice's, pork, curried chicken in particular. Also the sausage ragu with gnocchi (I ate the leftovers of that for lunch after the gym). And the chorizo and scrambled egg. I apologise if some of those are in the second book, I got them both at once :)
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Oh yum, thanks Stephie and Kimi! My DH will definitely LOVE those duck noodles, and that will be on the menu this weekend for sure!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Wow Stephie, great numbers. Haha, we don't care about people being mean. I don't think any of us take it personally. Anyways, the people high on gas make up for it :D And those who bring music - I was dancing to Michael Jackson the last birth I was at lol.

    Sam - if there were brownies in my house I would have been the same. No excuses, just an addiction! Don't sweat it. Brownies have definitely powered some of my PRs in the gym!

    Kimi - good effort! That's great progress. I don't know what to think about the scales at the moment - I am going 7 workouts a week, have cut my cals and have generally seen static weight or an increase. Then yesterday down 2kg overnight, which seems impossible and illogical. Will probably be up 5kg today :D
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Jo - phew :) I think I did make up for it when I eventually ended up with a spinal (24 hours after I started the meanness). I managed to go through 3 changes of shift as well!

    I'm tired today, plus hungry because I cut calories on sunday (after a month or two of being extremely lax) and I'm not over the hangry stage of a diet, but had to get to the gym as I can't go again until Friday.

    Squats: 5,5,5,3,3 @ 72.5kg - I wasn't bracing hard enough so this was more difficult than it should have been. I still haven't actually "failed" a squat, I've just reracked before attempting another. When I am feeling strong one day I am going to keep going until I actually fail one just so I know that it's ok, and so I know what it actually feels like to get totally stuck in the hole

    Bench: 5,5,5,4,4 @ 42.5kg - Videoed these for the first time ever... there is much to work on!! Was on the worst rack for bench too, the hooks are fixed and one is too low and one is too high. I went for the low one but it wasn't great.

    Rows: 5x5 @ 40kg (I'm calling it 40, it's actually 20 + smith, the smith isn't one of the counterbalanced ones but it's probably 15kg rather than 20, but meh)

    Now time for FOOOOOOOOD (aigre & kimi I have "In-a-hurry curry fried rice" for lunch)
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    ooh, in a hurry curry fried rice is great! I had a "build up bagel" for breakfast, post bodycombat, and have just devoured chicken and cashew nut curry for my lunch. Yum yum yum.

    Stephie, your weights are more or less the same as mine - I'm bouncing up and down between 70 and 75kgs for squats depending on tiredness. I've not yet managed to get above 42.5kgs for bench, but I have managed the full 5x5 several times so at some point I need to give 45kgs a go. I do need a spotter though. I feel your frustrations with the rack too - I normally go for the high one. The other day I ended up on the incline fixed rack as everything else was taken, and it completely threw me!! rows I'm on 47.5kg. I think 50kgs would be awesome to achieve, but I'm still working on making the right parts of my back work before I get anywhere near adding that extra bit of weight. It may take time, but I shall get there.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Happy Tuesday, everyone!

    Stephie - Found you on IG! Nice workout!

    Jo - stupid scales, they don't know what they are talking about.

    Finished up Stage 7 today
    Workout C, #4 (deload week)
    Standing overhead anti rotation - couldn't get this to really work, probably the resistance bands
    Deadlift - 2x5@83 lbs. Felt good. Looking forward to moving this weight up again.
    DB BP - 2x10@25 lbs
    Reverse lunges - 2x10@57.5 lbs
    Lat pulldown - 2x10@60 lbs
    Step ups - 2x10 without weight, just trying to make sure I was engaging my glutes and lifting up with my upper leg. Seemed to all be in order, but so much easier than it used to be!

    Onwards to Stage 8!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Kim and Stephie those numbers look awesome (yes, I had to look up the conversion lol)

    Menstrual Fatigue is killing me as usual. However, It is better this month. I'm able to get through the day without falling asleep. The ETP Wave method is totally working for me. You know what I love most NO RESTRICTIONS.

    Oh, Something new that I've totally fallen in love with, Kodiak Power Cakes. Protein enriched pancakes that come in a variety of flavors. They are the BOMB!

    Going to try to get in some activity today. My foot still hurts where I cut it, but I think I can handle a swim or bowling with the kids. Anything to stay out of the 96F heat.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hmmm, brownies!

    Dang Kim and Steph! Strong lifting ladies!

    Jo-glad you got a drop but I agree the scale isn't a friend. Just keep on keeping on!!

    I've been to the gym twice this week already! That's a big deal for my recently flaky self! I've deloaded my squats, 95-105lbs seems to work without hurting my back, so I'm going with that for now. My bench is holding steady, back up on my last pull downs and leg press from my March highs, so that's encouraging. :) eating more which is helping :).

    My hormones are way off, tom arrived yesterday 15 days from the last visit :(. My recent thyroid blood tests were really low too, so I'll be visiting the dr to see if she can help at all. Hormones certainly make losing any fat really hard!

    Keep on keeping on ladies!