Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I know you all have your own struggles too. It's inspiring to see you all working through it and achieving your goals.
    Dawn and Julie, the past several months have given me such a respect for people who deal with chronic pain. Going to bed with pain, waking up to more pain, and managing the pain all day is draining.
    Julie, you must be doing something right if everyone else thinks you're looking leaner.
    Since we've moved, I am now working out in a unisex gym. This is a new experience for me. Not sure how to react sometimes. Guys are just *different*when they work out. But I will say I feel like a weakling around them. Today a guy was busting out pull-ups, doing 250lb leg extensions, and 200lb cable rows.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    BBC, you're the only girl at your gym? That has to be a little freaky. I love that my weight room now has a higher percentage of women. The girls have been slowly taken over in the five years I've been doing this. It's awesome to see.

    Having my permanent crown cemented today. Hopefully it'll go well. My mouth has been sensitive and achy since the dentist did the prep work. Taking far too many advil these days. I'm playing the day by ear and seeing how it goes. I'm supposed to have a "high", carbs and cals over maintenance, but if my mouth is sore, that much eating just isn't going to happen. This week I had a really hard time eating everything. In two weeks, the same amount of food will leave me hungry. I'm weird like that.

    Here's some interesting reading and podcast if anybody is interested. IT can give you ideas for setting cals and macros for fat loss.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, not the only girl in the gym, but usually the only one in the weight room. It does feel odd, but thankfully I'm confident enough at this point in my life not to be bothered by it. I, too, go through ups and downs with my eating. Hormones are weird like that.

    Supposed to do upper body today. But I really want to try out the hex/trap bar for DLs- supposed to be much easier on the back.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Barbell - One of my roommates goes to a female only gym and it would be interesting but I've never been to one. I've just used commercial gyms with one that had a lot of people most of the time but more men lifted than women and now, even in LA the current gym has more people than the one of the same company in Oregon but don't see as many women. Late night, like last night, it was just guys lifting. Though I've seen more use the smith machine than the power cage.

    Julie - yep, gain was the plan. Just wanted to get the scale down so that I could do a slow gain and not get up above 140 or much above it depending on how it one. The idea before all of the moving, driving and funeral stuff got in the way was to get to 125 or just below then mid-meet prep increase my calories so that before the meet I'd still be able to stay in 132 weight class (since prep was planned at about 8-9 weeks) but start gaining a smidgen of muscle and at least getting to the heavy lifts on higher calories. Meet after a week of low calories while recovering from a cold wasn't ideal, so wanted to take a different route with the next one.

    Now I won't be doing the meet but winter is prime bulking time. Or I could just try out maintenance for a while since I haven't really done that. I need to do something other than deficit and for more than a week. Would help on a few levels, but mostly on the mental side as my body isn't near having a flat stomach or anything like that though it has come a long way.

    It's still kind of weird now, since no on here knew me before June. So, now I get the disbelief if they find out I once weighed over 200. Anyways, I did lift last night though I forgot to write down ahead of time what weights I was supposed to use. Need to get better about that.

    squat - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x5 @ 135, 4x5 @ 155 and 3 of the last sets were with belt
    walkout - 215 for 20 count
    pause squats 1x4 @ 100 and 1x5 @ 95
    sumo deadlifts - 1x6 @ 135, 3x5 @ 155 last 2 sets were with the belt

    Even though I can do without the lifting belt, it's good to practice it since I use it on the heavy sets. 155 feels awfully heavy though. Sometimes it's hard to believe I was getting up to 200 on squat before. The move proved more of a challenge in consistency than I had anticipated.

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I am frequently the only girl in my gym. I am even more often the only girl lifting. I don't mind - makes me look good hahaha. The boys tend to fall into 3 categories - those who lift well, those who show up and do random *kitten* with their mates and those who lift terribly and make a lot of noise. There are girls but they do tend to be on the cardio machines or doing PT classes/ group fitness. Thankfully the PTs are great and get the girls lifting when they are in the gym. Lots of machines and not a lot of free weights though.

    Did squat day yesterday... combat was hard today! Got it done though. Scales are not my friend again. And shoulder is tight and sore - feeling a bit despondent even though I have seen results in strength.

    Dawn - are your numbers lbs or kg?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    BBC, you're the only girl at your gym? That has to be a little freaky. I love that my weight room now has a higher percentage of women. The girls have been slowly taken over in the five years I've been doing this. It's awesome to see.

    Mine, too!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, I am sorry to hear that you're still dealing with shoulder problems. Lingering injuries can be so frustrating. The "noisy" lifters still surprise me. Other than a few muffled grunts(usually mine), there wasn't much vocalizing during exercise at my ladies only gym. These guys sound like they're dying doing bicep curls.

    Dawn, I think your numbers look great. If you take into account your body weight, your lifts are pretty impressive. I know Lyle McDonald recommends not bulking until you're closer to 20% BF. And I know your body gains more fat at a higher percentage, but I would think maintence or even a 100 cals over maintenance would give your body a nice "break" and push those weights up. That being said, I know 2 years ago I inadvertently did a very slow bulk over about 6 months. Really I was just not being careful on cals and I kept lifting. I was really happy with the results when I lost the weight later. It was only 5-10lbs, but my lifts went up and my body composition was better.

    Chest and shoulders yesterday. Going to need to modify this. All the positions that require me to lay on the bench(BP, incline BP, prone front raise, flyes) really irritated my leg pain. I see a lot of kneeling cable machine exercises in my future.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - lbs, I don't know the kg conversions and all of the plates at the gym I attend are set up in lbs.

    Barbell - Thanks. I wouldn't be doing a fast, high calorie bulk, if I did one. It would be a small extra bit of calories and slow. I just need more than a week off from the deficit and the idea of gains has its appeal. Getting the squat above 200 is challenging in a deficit. I am considering maintenance instead, so we'll see.

    Did upper body before work. Since some days I work until 11 pm and other days I work in the morning, my lifting times vary too. There are people there most of the time, though haven't had troubles using the power cage yet. Getting to the gym and leaving are the struggles more with traffic and such. That and wanting to do some food challenges on youtube but harder to balance when on the lower calories of this pesky deficit. ;-)

    bench press - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, 4x5 @ 85
    overhead press - 2x8 @ 45, 3x5 @ 65
    tricep pushdown - 3x10 @ 35
    pallor press - 3x10 @ 20

    First time showering at the gym but decided it was better than driving home then driving to work. Took a while to get near where I work, followed by trying to find a parking spot (oh hollywood).

    Sunday is fun day. Going to Warped Tour with my sister. We have an interview to conduct (not sure who it is with exactly) and then a bunch of bands to watch. It should be fun.

  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    Hi All! I started the program on Saturday, so I did my NROLFW Stage 1, Workout B today. I felt better about it than the first workout. I'm really enjoying it. I watched some videos on bodybuilding.com to try and make sure my form was right on all of them. I'm still learning about using machines. I haven't touched a squat rack yet. I've just been using the lighter barbells on a rack in my gym ( 40 and 50 lbs). For the dumbell exercises I'm using 10 lb weights. I'm also one of the few women using weights, so it's an adjustment to get comfortable.

    I'm still learning some of the lingo in here. If someone writes that they did 2x10 @ 45, is that 2 sets/10 reps/45lbs? I see ya'll will but several numbers behind an exercise, so you do that many sets?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome Leslie. For women is awesome!! Your weights are where I started five years ago. You'll be surprised how fast you gain strength. If your gym does any "free training session", see if you can get one to check form on big lifts. May help you feel more confident. I was straight up with mine. They use those sessions to sell the services. I told him I just needed form check. He was happy to do it. If you squat with a 40-50 weight barbell, then you can totally rock the bar in the rack, it's 45 lbs by itself.

    I neglected to log my workout yesterday.
    Strong: S2 WO A2
    Plank Pull down up to 19lbs.
    Inverted rows 3x12
    Reverse Lunges 3x12@20dbs (Three sets of 12 using the 20lbs dumbbells.)
    No weight increase, but definite form and energy increase.
    RDL (Romanian Deadlift/Stiff leg deadlift) weighted barbell 70lbs
    Pushup (military) 3x12 AND 22 more for the #22kill pushup challenge
    I can now do all 22 on the floor with only brief pauses to catch my breath in plank position.

    We also got in two rounds of mini golf, and an hour+ worth of mall walking.

    Nice numbers as always Dawn. You'll be shocked at the strength gains while eating at maintenance or slightly higher. YOu go girl!

    BBC, I've got the weight and now I'm praying for a recomp. It's shocking to me how much weight and fat I've gained in one year of stress and falling off the fitness wagon. I feel like I'm starting from scratch.

    It's interesting to note that when I've worked with female trainers, the go low weight high rep, and the male trainers are all low rep heavy weight. I still get occasional looks from the dudes in the weight room, but I live in a very heavily populated area and we have a large number of bad-*kitten* chicks moving serious weight. There are one girl and her sister in particular who are powerlifters and they appear so unassuming. THey out lift a lot of the guys by straight weight, not even body-weight comparative.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Seriously, the forum replaces *kitten* with Kitten?
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    Thank you! I do get one free session at my gym.

    I have another question. I really need to lose weight. The calories suggested in the book are pretty high. Should I lower it for more of a deficit if I want to lose?
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Leslie - Welcome! And yes, I usually do it as "sets" then "reps" though I have seen someone do it the other way around.

    Sam - Thanks. I can't wait for strength gains beyond deficit for sure. ;-)

    Long day. Yesterday was fun since I went to Warped Tour, so was out in the hot sun watching different bands perform on stages (sum-41, reel big fish, secrets, young guns, etc). Today, thought I had work at 9 am as that was what it had said at one point. Turns out I didn't have work until 11 am and tomorrow I work at 7 am instead of 9. Had 2 hours to waste and it wasn't worth dealing with traffic, driving home and losing parking spot, so spent it in Starbucks. Busy at work with not having enough people (we've had a few quit and a couple are leaving for school) yet time went by slow. Then went to the gym for deadlift day. Had a guy ask about the rack part way through my first lifts, so tried not to take too long but still got things done.

    front squat - 2x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, 3x6 @ 85
    good morning - 3x10 @ 85

    deadlift - 1x6 @ 135, 1x3 @ 185 and with belt 3x5 @ 205

    cable kickback - 3x10 per leg @ 10

    Deadlift went better this time as I didn't get the 205 for the reps needed last week. Did the belt on all three sets but being consistent will help for sure and I can start building up to hopefully new PRs. Have morning shifts so trying to get some food then it is time for bed.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Leslie - as for calories, it depends on your goals. I didn't follow the book when it came to the nutrition but I'd already gone through 12 weeks of strong lifts while on a deficit through myfitnesspal, so I just kept going with that. You want to get enough fuel to have energy for the workouts but it can be done while eating at a deficit too.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Deadlifts here today too. 3 sets of 5 @ 85 kg (187lbs). 2 sets of 5 @90kg (198 lbs). Not too long ago that 95kg was my PB so pretty chuffed with progress. Hoping to get my 110kg goal in a couple of weeks.

    Was chatting with one of the trainers at my gym - we were watching a dude go for a PB at 142.5kg - he got it. I said "I'll get that one day". Trainer says - you lift that you'll be lifting at national standards - goal is officially set! 140kg (308lbs) - 2.5 x bodyweight.

    Shame my bench and squat are crap - otherwise I could do powerlifting!!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hello all!

    Well, finally back to work after my week off. I actually did quite a few workouts but had trouble getting to the computer to post, so I'll pick up where I left off.

    Jo - holy moly, 308 lbs! Can't even imagine.

    Leslie - welcome! I'm not doing NROLFW, but the sequel Strong. Have been more or less eating at a deficit since I started. Have lost ~25 lbs. Not sure how much that has hindered my progress, but it was/is weight that needed to come off.

    Samntha - awesome progress with the pushups!

    Dawn - fun to go to the concert! Great numbers and glad to see you back more frequently!

    I'm the only girl at my gym because I workout at home :)

    Anyway, today I did Strong, Stage 8, Workout C #2, Combo 2
    Cable horizontal chop - 2x10 with 30 lb resistance band
    Deadlifts - 1x5@83 lbs (warmup), 1x5@127 lbs, 1x4@127 lbs, 1x3@127 lbs. That felt heavy. I am ~12 lbs away from BW, so that is my new short term goal. Still feel like I am pulling too much with my lower back, but phone ran out of memory so didn't get a video.
    Bench press - 2x12@49 lbs
    Single Leg romanian deadlift - 2x12@49 lbs (decided to try out the barbell for these, kind of fun)
    Chin ups - 2x8 with resistance band assist
    Reverse lunges - 2x12@49 lbs

    The weights are all the same (BP, SL RDL, lunges) because apparently I am soooooo lazy about changing them.

    Body weight holding steady around 139-140 ish. Progress has definitely slowed since I am closer to goal. Seems to be two steps forward and one step back. Doubling down on the logging this week and hope to make a little progress on that end.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Aigre, 50 lbs single leg work!! You are my new hero.

    I just spent an hour watching this video, and I was yelling PREACH at my computer. He speaks in depth about how female physiology affects fats loss. I fully intend to tell my husband I TOLD YOU SO after seeing this.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6846ZTBu08k Lyod McDonald. I will totally buy his book.

    Leslie, regarding calories, You really don't want to set too much below .5 a week. With a strength routine, like Dawn said, you need to fuel your workouts. Even if you don't lose oodles of scale weight, you'll lose inches galore. And that scale weight loss DOES get much harder as you get closer to goal. Anyone who gets to watch the video will hear him say that our bodies, especially as women, get heavily resistant to that last bit of fat loss as you get down to below 25% or so. When I first did Women, I lost 15 lbs, but I also lost 21 inches. Dropped from a size 14 to a size 6 pretty much eating at maintenance. (Now I'm trying to do it again, lol)

    I had a really rough day, physically speaking. It was my first day waking up and attending meetings and workshops (even though I don't go back to full time for four more weeks.) I planned my day, made my food. Clothes laid out for my late evening workout (as if I were working full-time.) I ended up getting the shakes in the morning (blood sugar wonky). Then I came home to a tension headache and fell in bed for an hour. Now I'm blowing off the gym and watching the Olympics. I have a Zumba date tomorrow, so hoping for a better day.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Well I sat on my butt being unproductive for a lot of today. Headache here too Sam :-/ Came home and did combat - feeling a little less irritable now. Trying to settle down as have 2 ladies in the community in early labour and guess who's first on call??? Lol. Not much sleep will be had. I have an assignment to write and a birthday cake tomorrow - gonna be ugly!

    PT session booked Friday. And next week, I am going to visit a nearby powerlifting club. Toying with comps or something in my future to set goals around. Shame its only my deadlift that's reasonable. Going to see whether I think it's for me or not
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Samntha - I listened to that video a few months ago. OMG it is so true. Will definitely buy his book too. Hope it comes out soon. Headaches put me in such a rotten mood. Hope you feel better today.

    Jo - cool about the powerlifting club. Personally, don't feel like I need anymore stress in my life so I am happy just chugging it out for my own benefit, but I do get why people like to have an end goal too!

    3.2 miles this morning. Starting to get dark in the mornings.

    A lot of DOMS in my lower back muscles from the deadlifts yesterday. Still doing something wrong, I'm pretty sure.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good luck Jo.
    Go for it Aigre!!
    I'm usually goal orientated. I started to fall off the wagon long before my mom got sick because I was aimless and just didn't have a goal.

    Had a much better day today in workshops and managing my day. My food coach told me to watch my meal timing. Things went much better. Something to really think about when I go back to full-time in a couple of weeks.

    Totally loved my workshops today and I even won a document camera as a door price. BONUS!

    I have a date for Zumba tonight, Woo hoo!