Daily Chat Thread



  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Hi all! About to head to the gym for Stage 3, workout B of NROLFW. I'll estimate what I think I'll get on the lifts:

    BB bent over row - 3x6@75. might try 80 on the last set. maybe.
    partial 1-leg squat - 3x6@10 or 15 - this one is more like a step up for me. I just can't seem to hack it.
    wide grip lat pulldown - 2x6@45, 1x6@47.5
    back ext. - 3x6@15
    YTWL - 3x6@5lbs (even after watching tons of vids still not sure it's right... :P)
    swiss ball crunch - 3 x 10 @ 35lbs
    hip flexion/lateral flexion - will skip these because I don't know what the hell they really do and I feel like a *kitten* doing them.
    prone cobra - 90 sec x3

    I haven't been doing intervals during this stage since I've been biking so much, but I really should.... hrrmmmm.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Yes, most people eat 200+g of carbs most days. I was a LCer for 12 years...20-40g/day, lost 120 lbs in that first year, and maintained pretty well with that for the past 13 years. Some people just do better on lower carbs, I had tried losing weight for 17 years with low fat, low calorie, high cardio and never could budge it. LC just worked well for me, and I felt great on it.
    These days I feel better on more carbs, but can't seem to lose weight on them. I've been hoping for recomp for the past few years, and some has happened, but I'm still kinda fluffy in the middle :(. Just bought the Eat to Perform Ebook and am excited to look into Sam's plan. I'm not in a huge rush but like the idea of cycling! I'm also hoping good thyroid meds will help budge this stubborn storage!

    Need to lift today, but keep getting hijacked! If not today, tomorrow morning isn't too bad :)

    You're all doing great!! KUTGW!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I tried LCHF for two weeks but it is way too difficult for me as a vegetarian. And personally, I feel like it's silly to be avoiding healthy foods (in reasonable amounts) like pulses, quinoa, fruit. Those things are good for you, and if I don't feel icky when I eat them, why should I cut them out? Anyway, I just try to stay away from the simple carbs (for the most part. I still have some treats cause, LIFE!) and I feel good.

    Halfway through Strong Stage 8 (of 9 total) and have never had such intense DOMS, I don't recall. It's exciting
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - I'll let you know on the fluff. I think will make it tomorrow for lunch as I have work 3-11.

    All this carb talk. I honestly barely pay attention to carbs but just had a german pretzel twist as part of dinner so probably not gonna be low today. :wink: The pretzel alone was 60 grams of carbs. Oh and lunch may have been a free vegan cupcake from Sprinkles. mmm carbs

    Went to Gold's Gym to check out the one that is close to the apartment. It was a little more space than where I lift now and a fair amount of equipment put in that space. Did have three places to squat, two that were fixed safety and one not. Fair amount of people since it was 11 am. Down side is that it's not 24 hours but they do have pretty long hours, which is good. The price point is similar but I can't do anything official until get out of contract. I'm going to look around and not just jump right away into something.

    Squat Day

    squats - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 135 and with belt 4x4 @ 165
    overload - 235 for 25 count
    pause squat - 2x4 @ 115
    sumo deadlift - 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 155, with belt 3x5 @ 175

    Not bad. The squats were super slow, however, while the overload seemed crazy cause it was a 20 lb jump, it didn't feel that bad and I ended up going a little longer than the normal 20 count. So busy at the gym and kind of wonder what goes through people's minds when they see short female me put up over 200lbs on the bar but I don't squat it, I just stand there for a while with it on my shoulders than put it back. Not that it matters, just a random curiosity.

    Today did some driving work too, delivery. Went fine though it seems people assume we get paid more (as I've seen the "fees" when ordering through the site), which is a downside cause it doesn't make a whole lot but it's spare money for my student loans and such. Feeling a little better at least and working on things to get where I want to be, which isn't where I'm at now. It'll take time but just have to keep doing things to work towards changing for what I want.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I just looked at my carb amount - approx. 150g per day. I get 130g protein a day though. I could not do low carb - and wouldn't want to! I go with macros at 40:30:30 carbs/fat/protein. Often don't eat that much fat - there's just not that much in foods I eat! I love nuts but have no self control with them - so don't include them much. Being gluten free I don't eat carbs in the form of bread/ cake/ biscuits/ pasta. I also don't eat potato so my carbs are veggies, gf weetbix, wine and rice noodles. I'm cool with that.

    Great day today - which I hardly ever say on bench day! Increased weight, wasn't too sore and did combat also. Smashed out an assignment and nearly finished another.

    Tomorrow I have my bf% measured again. Hmmm...... really have no idea how that's going to go. Fingers crossed!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Jo - glad you had an awesome workout!
    Dawn - I saw your cupcake on Instagram. Yum!!!
    Pudding, stage 8 is killer, right? I am on the last (recovery) week and was so thankful for that this morning.
    Julie - that's an amazing weight loss and even more amazing maintenance. I definitely believe that there are individual differences in which diets work best for each of us.
    Supermel - nice workout!
    Stephie - I took a video today even though it was a deload!

    Today was stage 8, workout A #4, combo 2 (recovery week)
    Suspended jackknife 1x10, suspended pike 1x8
    Squat 2x5@66 lbs
    Bench press - 2x12@50 lbs
    SL RDL - 2x12@50 lbs
    Chin ups - 2x10 assisted
    Reverse lunges - 2x12@50 lbs

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Can't figure out how to edit the last post on my phone but jo, how are you getting your body fat measured?
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-you've been killing it so I predict a happy BF tomorrow!
    Aigre-good workout!! Almost done Strong!! Wtg!
    Dawn-I lol at the looks you just get! Im usually pretty oblivious to those around me, but that I'd notice! ;)
    Pudding-you're almost done strong too! Wtg!! And I think LC and vegetarian would be nearly impossible! I eat plenty of meat, without that I'd struggle big time! If it ain't borke, don't fix it! :)

    Feeling good, lifting well, and eating well too. Funny how a week off junk can really help. Adding back good carbs is going well, weight holding steady, lifts going well. I even had a guy help me put away my WHT bar and plates today. That's the biggest pain with that lift, setting it all up, enduring the lookeelous, then cleaning it all up again. I hate taking the 45 lbs plates of the OLY bar on the ground, so annoying! I was thankful for the help :). Still at 175 on these, working sets, but ready to add weight next time I think :).

    Nice quiet day here, gonna cook, clean and enjoy some peace before the chaos begins again. Both girls are playing volleyball for school, older dd on varsity, so it's hijacking life again. Fun, so good for them, but VERY time consuming!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    Can't figure out how to edit the last post on my phone but jo, how are you getting your body fat measured?

    Annoyingly now I've moved it's callipers. Prior to that it was DEXA. I need to add 3-4% to my calliper % to get a DEXA comparison. When I moved here my DEXA was 19% ish and the callipers said 16%. So got to remember that today!

    Wooohoooo, today is DEADLIFT day, PARTY day and FRIday. <3
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ugh, PMS fatigue strikes again. I haven't lifted since Sunday. OF course my husband said, "Why are you tired? You didn't do anything today." Ugh, MEN! Because I'm a girl. Today I'm just aiming for calories. I only have one WO of stage 2. Then on to Stage 3.

    The BF% measurement on my scale is crap. I'd love to get something more accurate, but right now I'm really relying on my tape measure. I measure the day after my cycle.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    edited August 2016
    Julie - nice workout! and how nice to get help!
    Jo - Either 16% or 19% is really quite awesome! My bio-impedance scale says I'm around 30%, I know they aren't accurrate though.
    Samntha - woohoo for Stage 3!

    Ran 3 miles this morning. Weather has cooled off and it was so much nicer (and faster too).

    Bought some new clothes for work. Size 8 in a pencil skirt was the right size in the waist but a little loose in the hips. Trying to decide if I should chance returning it for a 6 hoping I'll lose a few more pounds.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Aigre - If it were me, I'd do the size 8 just so I know I'd be comfortable in it for sure. You can always take in the seams a little for the hips if you know how to sew.

    I have heard no bf% measurement method is 100% accurate but I don't know much about it in general. My PT uses calipers so I just stick with that. As long as it keeps going down, I'll be a happy lady :)

    Started the 17 day diet on Monday - not sure if I mentioned that. I've lost 3 pounds since Monday morning. Started at 158.8 and weighted in this morning at 155.8. It's the first time I've seen the scale move in MONTHS. I know it's probably water weight, since the first cycle is no carb, low fat, low sugar, and those things hold onto water, but it just feels good to know that the scale a) isn't broken lol and b) that I'm really truly not just STUCK at 160. Also I haven't been completely true to the diet. The first day I had half a donut, the second day I had a handful of cereal, the third day I had a glass of sweet tea, and yesterday I had two incredible spoonfuls of peanut butter. And also, I don't like chicken breast or fish - man I'm picky - so I've been using steak, chicken thighs, canned tuna (which I oddly like) and pork chops. And when I eat dairy, I eat full fat/sugar, not no fat or reduced fat or sugar free because I'm convinced artificial sugars are not good for you and I don't like the natural sugar substitutes.

    I've been logging MOST of what I've been eating, and I have to say it's been REALLY hard to meet even just 1200cals a day. I get hungry sooner, even though I eat more and that's been challenging too, especially at work. Ugh. The kids and husband have been gone all week and will be back this evening. I'm not sure how I'm going to do this when they get back. 12 days of cycle 1 left.

    Did better in my last workout than I thought I would, but remembered I had a work meeting 3/4 of the way though and had to drop everything and rush out lol :)

    Today is stage 3, workout A of Women.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Mel - I know this is only a temporary thing, but low carb/low fat isn't a good combination - your body needs one of those for fuel (it can't live off protein alone). That's why low carb high fat is so popular within the low carbers :)

    Hope the scale continues to drop for you!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    That's a good point, @StephieWillcox. My body is clearly craving fats. I've never done a "diet" before, so this is all new to me. I really don't think I'll be able to do it for 17 days. Cravings aside, it's been a pretty tough week calorie-wise, which I'm not digging. You can only eat so many broccoli crowns and green beans lol I will look into maybe modding this to include some healthy fats so it's better for my bod. :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Just be careful when you go back to 'normal' eating Mel as you don't wanna be one of those people who loses and then stacks it all on again. That's why I tend to avoid such diets and pick a way of eating which has longevity. If I change anything, it tends to be quantities of food or quantity of exercise.

    And thus far, plan seems to be working! My BF% with callipers was 14% - so add 3% to make it similar to DEXA (see my previous post) and that's 17%. Down 2% in 3 months with 4 weeks of holiday in that time. So really, only 8 weeks. My body weight is only 1lb different. The weight has been lost on my thighs mostly - I knew I could see more quad definition, lol. So last night I had cake and a few drinks to celebrate. Back on the bandwagon today.

    Have heaps to do so prob no workout today. Am surprised I'm not sore from DLs yesterday - had to pull 6 sets of 3 x 95 kg (210lbs). That was pretty hard work. Followed by squats (going to do them every leg workout until the new cues become habit), rack pulls and calf raises.

  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hello! I hope it is okay to post a question here as the stage 1 thread seems a little dead.

    I just finished workout 2B and as I don't have access to a cable system I've been using my TRX to do the lat pulldown. I've been trying to do them like in this video https://vimeo.com/108542425. However, I can't maintain the hinge in my hips. As I pull with my arms, I end up with my body in a straight (albeit diagonal) line. I'm wondering if I am still working the right muscle groups. Is anyone familiar enough with the muscles involved in these moves? I don't mind if the issue is I need to build up strength I just want to make sure I'm not turning this into a different exercise.

    On a side note, I've been making my way through the stage 1 thread and there is so much good info. I already learned I was doing the step-up lunge wrong (I wasn't keeping the working leg on the bench).
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @Bovaryoo - I'm no expert and honestly, that looked quite different. Based on the video linked it looks like a bodyweight style alternative. I've only used the cable and you sit down when doing the lift so there isn't much of a hinge in the hips since the focus is on upper body for that lift. The lat pulldown I do believe helped me in working towards a pull up, similar muscle groups, but the exact details are known by others. Either way. Welcome and of course you can post in here. Many of us went through the stages at different times but we all post our varying workouts here.

    Super - Good luck. I could never do a diet like that as I don't even go low carb, at least not on purpose. But low fat too, my head feels all blah when I've accidentally not gotten enough fats for too many days in a row, so definitely not for me. Does seem like one of those quick fix, maybe for an event, type more so than sustainable. Long as you take care of you then keep trucking.

    Jo - Great on the measurement. Oh those elusive quads. I hope to one day see them too. :wink:

    Went to gym after being lazy all morning. Ate just over half of my calories at lunch cause eh, it happens. mmm trail mix. Needed fuel for workout right? Did some upper body lifting then talked to gym person. No one had contacted me so finally I just set up the day with the trainer there. I have wednesday off from work so that will be the day and we'll see what they say about things to do during maintenance/very very slow bulk. Curious what the anytime fitness trainer thinks on that topic. Will be interesting at least. After that I did a 45 minute jog on the treadmill.

    band pulls - 3x10
    bench press - 2x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, 1x5 @ 85, 3x5 @ 95 (grind at the end)
    chin ups - 3x2
    cable bicep curl - 3x8 @ 35
    face pull - 3x10 @ 35
    pallof press - 3x10 @ 20

    5 walk, 45 jog and 10 walk on treadmill

    Working on some youtube stuff. I am going to do a video first from the Aug 7 Warped Tour, once I get all of the clips onto my laptop. Then I have a Q&A from members of a writing site. Trying to get more going though still have a long ways to go for building my online presence. Only 2 subscribers of my youtube channel, so yeah, long way to go overall. Content will be helpful so I'm working on it now. Plus might write before bed. I have morning shift tomorrow then it's evening shift, morning shift and evening shift. Fun weekend indeed.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-woohoo! You're killing it and so lean!! Amazing!!i mpressive my very busy friend! Wtg!! I'm a pear and would love my thighs to lean out...eventually!

    Mel-nice! I get sacrifice for weight loss, I'm there with you. I've done lots of drastic things over the years, but I'm glad it's temporary for you. It messed with my mindset and I ended up regaining a lot of my quick losses. But, like you're saying, I got lower than I'd ever been before, so I know it's a possibility. Lol at remembering the meeting at the gym!

    Welcome Bovaryoo! We're all over the place with lifting, feel free to hang around and join in! :)

    Dawn-I'll admit it makes me feel a little better to hear your bench is a grind at some point. Oddly encouraging to me!! :p You're amazing! Hope the trainers are helpful :)

    Aigre- love a loose 8!! And in the hips? Woohoo! That's my trouble area, so I'm jealous!!

    Got in a good workout today, progressing with SL, heading back up to where I was before deloading. Added hack squats and back extensions too. Feeling good! Not worrying about the scale, I look good and everything fits...cycling calories lower on rest days and focused on protein. All good :)

    Happy weekend!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @Julieboolieaz :wink: Well, upper body in general is slow. I have more fails on bench than the other lifts where I just can't complete during a rep. It's tough but keep on pushing.

    Today was up and down so far. Did eat food before lifting this time since today is deadlifts but the bread thing got from the hispanic grocery store made me a bit nauseated. I was a little bloated today too, could tell since squat day I used the fifth hole on the belt which is bit newer to use. Today the 4th was tight. Course, I'm also smart and ate more of the bread after lifting... yep. Anyways, I work 3-11 pm today (probably wont' eat anything during work) then tomorrow have to be there at 7 am. Going to be tiring and I'm already tired today. Watching the cat nap and wishing I could do that instead.

    front squat - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 75, 3x6 @ 100
    good morning - 3x8 @ 100
    deadlift - 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185, belt 1x4 @ 205 and 1x4, 2x3, 1x2 @ 225

    Thinking I put my goal a little high on deadlifts. Probably going to adjust a little as 4x4 @ 225 is a little much at this time. I have time to work it out and keep working up but might fix the "peak cycle" excel just a little. Now to get ready and go to work. blah
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    HEy ladies, finished off a lazy week with some exercise. PMS and the beginning of my cycle always seem to end up being a rest week. At least since I'm doing ETP, I"m not sleeping through it. That's new and I'll take what I can get energy wise.
    On the very bright side, weight fluctuations are now down to less than a pound and my bottom weight is down another whole pound. Two pounds in two months (.25/week) is exactly where I want to be and progress is good. I'll take progress pics and measurements at the end of my cycle.

    I made it to the gym for my last Stage 2 Workout B. On the second day of my cycle, my strength was a bit low and I was disappointed in my performance, especially in Front Squats. My front squats have kind of sucked lately. I even reached out for a form check. I'll do better next time.
    No weight increases, but here are my numbers:
    Side-Plank Pulldown: 2x12@19#
    SL-RDL (I Love these) 3x12@30dbs
    DB BP 3x12@30dbs
    Front Squat 3x12@65 (STILL GRRR) I can only do 10@70
    SA-Cable Row 2x12@35# (I honestly forgot to do the last set because someone wanted my rack and I got distracted. They are great for the core.

    Tuesday Satge 3 for the entirety.