Daily Chat Thread



  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Samntha - great progress!

    Dawn - it actually sounds good that you are doing your peak cycle without a meet. More practice!

    Julie - it's funny, I got thick in the thighs as a pre-teen, so spent my whole life being very pear shaped. My fat distribution seems to have changed since having babies though. I'm at the same weight I was prior to getting pregnant, but my waist is definitely thicker than it was then. But anyway, I definitely still have body image issues surrounding my upper thighs. Just now my waist too.

    Bovaryoo - welcome!

    Jo - holy moly you are lean! How long did it take you to get to that stage? Did you do bulk and cut cycles or recomp?

    Supermel - yes, 1200 a day is super low. I can usually make do at about 1500, but much below that and I find myself up in the middle of the night with a rumbly tummy. Not good.

    Anyway, had kind of a crazy weekend. Had to do a bunch of stuff for work, and DH wasn't feeling well (man cold) so he didn't feel up to taking care of the kids by himself. So I missed my Saturday workout. It was probably good as I've been feeling pretty tight in one hip lately and extra rest seemed to help. I did do my 5 mile run yesterday. Then this morning I still took my regular Monday rest day. I feel a bit guilty that I didn't add in another workout, though.

    Eating has been a little tough. Saturday I just did not feel like logging. I didn't eat anything horrible but did have handfuls of crackers with my lunch, split a bottle of wine with DH for dinner, and had seconds of my shrimp risotto that I made. Yesterday was a little better, but today I sort of feel out of control again. It is 9 am and I ate my breakfast and I am just still hungry. It's taking a lot of willpower not to eat my lunch right now. Ugh. I hate you Monday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    great reports, ladies!

    ...I am back from vacation tomorrow. Working again by Wednesday, and back at the gym, lifting, for Thursday.

    I will be on a diet starting tomorrow....I have not figured which "formal" diet to follow...will probably just start with a protien shake for lunch and a reduced-portion supper.

    My clothes don't fit!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    Jo - holy moly you are lean! How long did it take you to get to that stage? Did you do bulk and cut cycles or recomp?


    Gosh, a long time! But a lot of that was not focused on getting 'lean' so much as getting 'thin' so I did a lot the 'wrong' way first. I got to my target weight around 4 years ago and then started lifting, but my focus wasn't on body fat % until maybe the past 2 years. And even then it's just because I like to have goals to work towards. I don't really have a cycle as it has been trial and error. That said, I am cutting now but I could probably still do a lot more - I don't do as much cardio or eat as little as some people. But I like to eat and am not very good at sticking to low cals. I'm at 1500 now (down from 1950) and I pretty much go over by 100-200 a day coz I have crap will power lol.

    Anyways.... not all good news. My shoulder is well and truly buggered at the moment. I am going to have to rest is which SUCKS when I'm enthused for training. Am also worried that not working upper will equal muscle loss as I'm in a cut cycle. So mad. Was all ready to start a revised program in the next week. Sulk.

    Aigre - I'd wanna eat all day after running too - whenever I have a big workout day, the next day I am starved!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    What a lot to catch up on!! I'll go back and read it again properly in a bit.

    I've been chugging away at the food and exercise stuff and doing alright, if I say so myself. We've just had a few days in Norway for a wedding so lots of celebratory feasting and no gym time, but back lifting today.

    I'm in the second cycle of the bodycoach Programme, so more weights, less cardio (yippppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee) and more carbs. Cycle 1 was very good, so I'm looking forward to the next few weeks. Can't fault the food etc so far...living the prep, cooking and eating!!

    Today I did chest and back....10x10 bench presses @25kgs and 10x10 rows @30kgs. By the time I got to set 8 each time I was certainly feeling like it was twice the weight!! Thank goodness I didn't try and do 10x10 with my usual 5x5 weights!!

    Keep going, ladies. You continue to inspire me!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Kimi - good work! Jealous of your trip to Norway. Was there when I was about 16 and what a gorgeous country!

    Jo - wow, amazing accomplishments, though! I think I would be happy at around 20% BF. Or maybe even 25%.

    Beeps - I was thinking of you the other day, glad you are back!

    Today I did Strong, Stage 8, Workout B #4, Combo 1
    Hanging knee raises - 1x8, 1x4. It's not my abs but my grip that gives out on these.
    OHP - 3x5@33 lbs (recovery effort)
    Inverted row - 2x8 TRX
    Reverse lunges - 2x8@55 lbs
    Pushups - 2x8 off bench
    SL hip thrust - 2x8 with 8 lb weight.

    Feeling pretty decent today. With the extra recovery time, a lot of those nagging sore spots and constant DOMS seem to have gone away.
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    All the traveling! Sounds incredible. This weekend, I'm going to take the kids to meet up with my mom and brother at an amusement park for a day. That should be a good time.

    So I didn't do the diet over this past weekend to see what would happen. To recap, I had lost about 4 pounds last week (down to 155.9 from 159.8). After normal eating - and a little indulgent - It went back up to 158. This diet would be easy to do during the week, but hard on the weekends.

    Yesterday I did New Rules, stage 3, workout B.
    Barbell Bent over Row - 1x6@80, 85, 90
    1-leg partial squat - 3x6@10lbs
    back ext. (on machine 3x6@120lbs
    YTWL 3x6@5lbs

    Ran out of time so I didn't do my prone cobras or swiss ball crunches.

    Only two workouts left in Stage 3! I'll finish it this week!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Sam - I don't know how on Earth you can work out with PMS or during that time. My uterus feels like it's trying to escape! I avoid all working out during that time.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Super, it's the beauty of an IUD, no cramps, no bleeding, but all the other fun stuff like PMS and bloating. I'm still useless the days before what would be my period. In fact, I have to go get it changed out soon. NOT looking forward to that but love the freedom of it, and having a more natural cycle (minus the bleeding). Nice numbers Melinator! I do not miss the YTWL.

    @AigreDoux Do you workout at home? I have a TRX too, but I do not often use it. Strong has TRX push ups in stage three. I might just do those at home. I hate taking it to the gym. There's nowhere to use it properly. My hubby has ours wrapped around the support beam in the basement.

    Did S3 WO A1 in Strong:
    Valslide (Sub pushup to plank) Don't have the slides. 2x12
    SA Deadlift: 45lbs (such a weird move)
    Incline DB BP 3x8@30dbs So much harder upright, weird. I did 12 flat on the bench just Sunday, so much easier.
    Elevated Split Squat: 3x8@25dbs Any lunge variation is still my nemesis.
    Half-kneeling cable crossover: 1x8@5# each, 1x8@9# each, 1x8@10.5# each side. Another new and weird move. Will have to try to go heavier next time.

    I can definitely go heavier with the Single Arm Deadlift, just trying to decide if I want to use the bar or the Dumbbell. The four exercises rotation was easier. I felt more rested for each exercise, but I was camped out with more equipment. Luckily the gym was pretty empty at lunch time. That won't be the case when I'm back to work full time and at the gym at 8:00pm.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Wooohoooo..... did the new combat last night - loved it. Learning new choreography certainly made the workout pass quickly as I was NOT in the mood at all. But loved it as always and I reckon it really helped loosen off my tight legs. They are still sore but so much improved. Not lifting today. Will see what happens. Wednesday is always a busy day. Purposely avoiding lifting to see if I feel like a shot at DL PB later this week. Happy lifting ladies!
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    Thanks for the welcome everyone :)

    Well today I did Stage 1 workout 3A. Happy with some gains I made today.

    Squat 25lbs DB (50). 2x12 My legs felt like jelly after this. I was amazed how much it helped if I focused on my breathing for the squat. If I did I was able to "bounce" back up, but if not it was a grind.

    Push-ups 2x12 (okay these are still ugly, on 10 risers)

    TRX Row. 1x12, 1 x11 I used the TRX (45 degree angle) this time instead of the weighted bands and hit failure on the second set. Felt like I was working much harder.

    Step-up 20lbs DB (40) 2x 12. Really happy with progress here as I went up in weights from 15lb and raised my step from 8" to 14" (although there were some wobbly step-ups).

    Prone Jackknife 2x10. I like these but it was a struggle as my arms were shaking by the time I got to these.

    It was nice to go up on weight for both the squat and step-up, but I don't think I'll be able to raise them next time. It's such a big jump with the dumbbells. I do have an oly bar arriving but no weight plates yet, so it's a little piecemeal at the moment.

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Bovaryoo - nice workout! I love trx inverted rows. I always feel them right in the middle of my shoulder blades.

    Jo - looking forward to seeing what your PR is!

    Samntha - I do workout at home. Some day I'll take some picture of my set up. It's a small spare bedroom but it works. I have my TRX mounted to the wall. I also have a power cage and a treadmill in there. I kind of want to move the treadmill to give me a little more space since I usually run outside, but waiting until the winter is over to be sure.

    Supermelinator - it is always SO much easier to stick to diet on the weekdays. Mostly I think cause I'm busier and don't have as much time to think about food and eating!

    Anyway, ran 3.2 miles in the dark this morning. Was a little scared at first but it ended up being peaceful. Have a reflective vest on order to keep myself safe. Busy day at work today!

    Happy hump day everyone!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Great training everyone - you're really putting the work in.

    I am not!!

    Having a hectic time at work, plus study, is leaving no time for the gym :( I'm hopeful that I will get there next week at least a couple of times though.

    Thought I would check in so you know I'm still here with good intentions :)
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    You'll be back in the swing of things before you know it, Stephie.

    Arms day for me today before work - 10x10 barbell curls @ 15kgs and 10x10 skullcrushers @ 10kgs. It felt strange picking up the lighter weights, but after a few sets I could certainly feel it! There were some definite tension shakes setting in!

    Am jealous of those of you with a home gym....I need to evict my kids before I get any sort of space for something like that. (they're 21 and 22 so I keep hinting haha!!).
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Nice to see you again. Welcome back.
    Aigre - Good point on the practice with the peak cycle as I had only done this once before. Nice work on the runs and such. I still need to find a park I'm comfortable running in, probably not in the dark though. Think I worry my parents enough just leaving work at 11pm since it's LA.
    Mel - Have fun finishing stage 3. Weight fluctuations are so easy to have happen but harder to handle at varying times. Especially when focused on the short term ones.
    Jo - Nice the workout went well and hopefully the soreness issue goes away so you can try for that pb dl.
    kimi - I'm jealous of the home gyms too. Would need a home first as the little apartment I'm sharing with sister and other roommate doesn't have near enough space.
    stephie - good to see you and things do come up so we understand. Hope you get some time in the future for the other things you want to do, like lifting.
    bovaryoo - Nice work. Keep it up and have fun with the lifting.

    Well, I didn't lift the last two days but today will be interesting. Don't have work (then I work 5 days in a row, joy joy) so set up for the training session over at anytime fitness. Having a light snack and trying clear pepsi, which is okay but kinda weird, before going at 11 am to see what they have to say. On top of this, since I am shopping around for a different gym in the future on the road driving back from that one I noticed a couple crossfit spots (along with many others in LA), figured that I would maybe see about checking it out. I've even done a tour of planet fitness in the past back when I first started lifting, so decided it was only fair to at least see in person what one of the boxes are like. Well, they contacted back quick and I'm getting their assessment done at 4pm today.

    I'll report back after them both. Since they are over in Tarzana/Encino area will probably not drive home between, though there are enough hours that I could. Think I'll get lunch/snack and maybe spend time on the computer at starbucks. There is an acai place I've been thinking of trying in that area. mmm things I can't pronounce very well.. hehehe Anyways, it should be interesting at least and I'll get a workout for today. Tomorrow will be squats before work as the schedule is all kinds of fun again. 5 days in a row with the first one being evening and the second early morning. At least I work evening on my birthday so I can sleep in instead of leaving for work at 6am. I don't mind working that day as we'll just do stuff on my day off instead, probably tuesday. Be back later!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    ^ dawn, SUPER interested to see what you think of cross fit! If there was one near me I would seriously consider joining
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Honestly, if the gyms weren't usually so expensive (100+ a month) and classes weren't required I'd have a membership to one now. It's one of the few places I've seen (in oregon at least as LA has more options) that has equipment for the olympic lifts. Granted, I can't do them yet but I really want to learn jerk and snatch some day.

    I'm in between session right now enjoying an acai bowl and very large cold brew, plus some turkey jerky cause protein. Going to need fuel. The first one was a challenge as we worked on fatiguing the upper body. So, the second session will be interest but I'll be fueled for it at least.

    And side note, if I could afford them more often I'd have an acai bowl a few times a week even get hemp protein added cause they are delicious. Weird to say but oh so yummy.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Dawn-Ikr? Why are they all so expensive!!? I'm looking a new gym that won't open until November, but it's got a cross fit section outside that intrigues me. Hope round 2 goes well too!

    Kim-interesting about your diet plan...if you don't mind sharing, what's the general overview? And what's with the 10 reps in your workouts? Sounds intense!!

    Stephe-there are seasons for sure...you'll be back at it soon!

    Beeps-woohoo for getting back to lifting! So glad you're feeling better! Yay!

    Aigre-add me to the jealous at the home gym group ;). Good for you running in the dark!!

    Bovaryoo-God job upping the weights! :)

    I'm progressing with SL...not back to my normal lifts but have to admit that the deload and form work has been great! I am so encouraged by my squat and overhead form improvement! :) I add other lifts, and hit 185lbs for my whts today! Working set at that! And felt like I could do more! Eating more is definitely helping my lifts...but the scale is up a few lbs too :(. TOM is here and I hope takes some lbs with him when he goes!

    Off to more volleyball. :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    And I'm back. It didn't take too long but then had traffic on way home plus stopped at Ralph's for a few groceries. Mostly veggies and got some egg whites too at long last. It wasn't what you might expect from crossfit because we didn't do a WOD or anything like that. No kipping pull ups :wink: or even lifting a weight. What it entailed was a general mobility assessment.

    No surprises really. My shoulders need a lot of work cause I never do mobility work really. They are super tight and really should get a lacrosse ball to work on my tricep area too. Also, my core needs work but knew that already. With weights I brace okay and the belt helps me remember to work on bracing but just using a pvc pipe and trying to squat holding it overhead the bracing was minimal, and with some other moves. So those are the top areas to work on with just a little in the ankles and such too. Interesting is my left side is stronger but I'm right handed. However, that is probably affected a little since most of my injuries and issues have been to the right side.

    It was an interesting location. Decent with some of the expected equipment, rings and such. They focus heavily on form at this particular box. They work with a number of people on rehabilitation so mechanics of the moves are a top priority. Classes are there but also a lot of emphasis is put to one on one training as well, which is good but also more expensive. 250-300 a month... It's basically personal training with class bonus packaging and near LA so yeah, high end on the price scale. They also do the dxa scan as part of it, only gym I've seen do anything more than calipers or electronic impedence.

    Nice idea but this cashier won't be affording anything like that any time soon.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Oh yeah, so here is what I did at the first training session: The trainer referred to it as CTE (calibration test execution). First was calibration to figure out the weights on each exercise. We did 2 push and 2 pull so that turned out to be bench, overhead press, bent over row and face pulls. Then was a test how many reps with good form could be done in a minute.

    bench 14 reps @ 75, overhead press 10 @ 50, bent row 15 @ 70 and face pull 15 @ 30

    Execution was half the reps from the test. Sort of a superset so it was bench, overhead press, row, face pull then rest.
    Bench 7 reps
    OHP 5 reps
    Row 8 reps
    Face Pull 8 reps

    Last round (4th I believe) I did 85 lbs on bench for 4 reps (almost 5), ohp still at 50 for 5, 80 lbs for 5 reps on row and 35 lbs for 5 reps on face pull.

    The CTE is interesting and working in fatiguing the muscles in a way that still focuses on keeping proper form but trying to encourage muscle growth. Something I might be utilizing in the future, first with upper body and maybe later with the lower body too.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Yup, achieved. 110kg (242lbs). Pretty ugly on the lock out but knew the whole way up I could do it - shaky leg on the left though!

    That is all.