Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Kim-yes! Pull-ups are amazing!! One day I'll do one!! You'll have a lovely trip! Hope the weather is good for you!
    Sam-good quote!
    Dawn-nice! Interesting routine. I lol at your rest day!! I think you're doing it wrong?! :open_mouth:
    Aigre-glad the skunk wasn't scared! Wowzers! That would have stunk! (You see what I did there ? ;))
    Stephe-((hugs)) on being sick! Feel better soon!

    Lifted this morning, all went well. Moving up on squats and DLs, back to 95-100lbs where I basically was before my deload in starting SL (and working on form). I felt good during my sets and look forward to moving on with it. Ohp at 50, which is ok. I only ever got up to 60/65 on that lift and failed repeatedly from then on. My weakest lift I think! Added leg press and calf raises-I have freakishly strong calves!
    I'm planning to take a kick boxing class tonight, talked my BFF into going with me too! They only have 1 class each week! Really? Wednesday night at 7pm, so I doubt it'll become a regular thing. But we'll see :)

    That's it. I'm sticking to my goals, nailing my protein and calories and practicing patience. Lifting is much better when well field! Long term deficit not conducive to gaining strength- at least not to me. Doesn't seem like some of you struggle with that, which is impressive!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Julie - Nice workout! And a double workout with the kick boxing too! WTG!

    Samntha - nice quote and very true. If I am completely honest, I don't think anyone in my life cares very much about my weight/shape/body fat % at all. My husband likes it when I work out because he thinks it is good for health, but he doesn't push at all.

    Kimi - sounds like a super fun trip! I've been waiting til my kids are older to go see the mouse.

    Anyway, deadlift day today.
    Strong, Stage 9, Workout C #1
    High cable chop - this wasn't really working with resistance bands cause they are too long or my rack is too short. Will substitute another ab exercise next time.
    Deadlifts - not really getting the drop sets on deadlifts. So I did 1x7@136 lbs, 1x5@125 lbs, and 1x5@114 lbs. I don't think any of the sets were to failure, but since I reset between each pull, I don't think failure would be a good place to be, so I went until I felt like I wouldn't be able to maintain good form. Then I stepped on the scale and weighed in at 138 lbs. So I considered going back out, setting up again, adding fractional plates and doing a pull at 138 lbs just to say I did a body weight deadlift. And get it on video for Stephie. But I didn't. Next week I will hit body weight.
    Inverted row on TRX - feeling strong on these. My son said "that looks hard" :)
    RFESS - 2x6@35.5 lbs
    Pushups - 2x6 on bench, feeling pretty good on these, but not sure where to go since I don't have anything lower than the bench that's not the floor.
    SL RDL - almost substituted hip thrusts, but chickened out. 2x6@55 lbs.

    We're off to the beach for the long weekend tomorrow so may not be around until Tuesday. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    AigreDoux we've been waiting for the kids to get older too....they're now 21 and 22 so.they have been patient!!

    Shoulders for me today. Couldn't get the barbell I wanted so used dumbells. Did 3x10 seated shoulder press @ 10kg dbs and 7x10 @ 8kgs dbs.

    Then lateral raises - did 4kg dbs last week, so upped it and did 8x10 @ 5kg dbs and 2 x 10 @ 6 kg dbs. Will hopefully do all 10x10 at the higher weights next week.

    But now......foooooood!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Julie, the OHP is hard for me too. Great job!
    Aigre, I bet you could do those 6 on the floor no problem. Go for it.
    Today is my high cal day and I'm daunted by the amount of food I need to eat. It's only 2200 cals, but when it's healthy food, it's a lot of volume. I may just sit here and eat marshmallows to get in all my carbs, but, sugar.
    My knee only twinges on the stairs. I"m planning to be back at the Gym Sunday or Monday...if we aren't hit by a tropical storm.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    ...I am very behind on this thread. So, I will just "report in":

    1. I lifted Monday and today. Will try and squish lifting in on Friday and cardio Saturday.
    2. I have kept my daily calories low all week...so, that should help with fatloss.
    3. I am sleeping like crap and seem to be suffering "night-sweats" and "hot-flashes" again. Boo. :(
    4. I am in a 10-week calorie-cutting challenge with a facebook group.

    See ya!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - ugh, no the feeling on the sleep though other reasons. Hope it gets better for you
    Stephie - Get well soon. Hope everyone feels better as that is no fun being sick.
    Kimi - Thanks.
    Aigre - It was interesting. The minute test is different for sure. and You can do it! on the bodyweight deadliest.
    Sam - it's odd to be on the other side, trying to get enough food compared to going for lower. mm to marshmallows

    Been a bit off the past couple of days. Headaches and stomach has been iffy. In fact, I didn't go to sleep until about 6 am this morning. Considered just not trying but in the end dozed off but was up before noon so didn't quite get enough sleep. Went to the gym today instead of yesterday as wasn't feeling up to par then. Stomach being kind of fussy and even today it wasn't always happy during lifting. Had to use the 3rd hole on the belt instead of 4th or 5th so yeah. Next up is 5 days of work too with two mornings, an evening, then a morning followed by an evening shift. Fun times.

    10 minute elliptical warm up
    squats - 1x10 @ 50 (fixed barbell), 1x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95 and 1x6 @ 135 (which felt heavy)
    with belt - 2x4 @ 175, 1x3 @ 185, 1x2 @ 185 (failed 3rd rep attempt) and a stubborn 1x2
    overload - 245 for count of 20
    pause squat - 1x4 @ 125, 1x3 @ 135
    sumo deadlift - 1x6 @ 135 and 3x5 @ 165
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    That home gym is IN.cREDIBLe!!

    And pull-ups!!...Reminds me that i have LOTS of work to do, there.

    My thyroid is being checked....f/up to kookoo spring-tumor and continuing kookoo symptoms. As I have not had a period since Feb, it is more and more likely this is "menopause", for me. Forced into it, or not, it is here. The weight gain is "real". The sleep disruptions.

    Don't let the b-st-rds get you down!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So I've had a rough few days. Emotionally drained - lots of work hours (little sleep), massive study load, youngest child acting up (missing "home" after our move), eating at deficit and yesterday was the nail in the coffin. Went to a powerlifting comp to get a feel for what it would be like - hated it. Really didn't feel like I belonged, not my thing at all. So now I have no gym direction as I thought that a comp was my next goal but apparently not.

    So I went and did deadlifts to make me feel better but it didn't work. Lots of tears last night (must be hormonal too), mass eating of peanut butter and too much wine. Sigh.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Must be in the air ladies. I totally blew my macros today...by like A LOT. I'm ovulating and very unhappy. This too shall pass. I'm getting my *kitten* tot he gym tomorrow. Knee no longer hurts even if it is an ugly shade or purple still.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - It's too bad you didn't enjoy it but there is something else out there that you'll like, I'm sure. PB sounds good and hope you have a better day.

    Sam - Glad the knee doesn't hurt at least.

    Went to the gym today after work. Wasn't too bad though tad tired since it was my second morning shift in a row but did get a little more sleep last night than the previous two days. It was another upper body day.

    band pull aparts 3x10 with yellow band and 3x2 chin ups
    bench warm up - 2x10 @ 45 and 1x8 @ 65

    CTE with bench, face pulls, db shoulder press, bent over row
    bench 80 for 12 reps
    face pulls 32.5 for 20
    db shoulder press 20 for 15
    bent row 70 for 16

    So, 6 reps for bench, 10 on face pulls, 8 db shoulder press and 8 for bent row. 3 sets of the cycle. Then did 3x8 pallof press at 25.

    Here is the link to the guy's youtube video about CTE for anyone who is interested. www.youtube.com/watch?v=khEJuRu749U

    Didn't do cardio this time because didn't bring my running shoes. Oops but oh well. Plan for tomorrow is deadlifts.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks Dawn. No pain working out today, in fact, the workout went very well.

    Strong Stage 3 B1:
    Alternating side planks: harder than it looks 5 each sidex2
    Box Squats: 3x65/70/75 Awesome for improving overall form. I had to bring my butt under me and tighten my abs.
    Dumbbell Dead Stop Row 1x45 (too heavy, I was rotating my torso) 2x30
    SL RDL (my favorite) 3x30dbs
    Suspended Pushups: Saved the three sets for home where my TRX is. Damn, that's hard.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Sam-glad the knee is better and Yorker back at lifting! Good job!
    Beeps-((hugs)) I hear you on the weight gain and insomnia- me too :(. No menopause for me yet, I wish! Just Hashimoto's and hypothyroid while I wait for the endocrinologist. Hope your bloodwork helps figure yours out!
    Dawn-thanks for the link! And good work!
    Aigre-enjoy the beach!!! Great lifting tiny lady! Bw next time!
    Jo-((hugs)) sorry for the rough day! And bummer on the meet, but figuring out what you don't want to do has value. Have you seen the show American Ninja Warrior? That is a dream of mine, that type of training :)

    I'm doing well, lifting this morning went great, tried my weight belt. Still fiddling around with the right position for it, lower or higher...but I'll figure it out. Squats good. Happy with that! :smile:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Have you seen the show American Ninja Warrior? That is a dream of mine, that type of training :)

    Totally, yes! That would be so cool. Unfortunately I lack any form of nimbleness lol. I always wish I could fight too - I love the combination of physical and mental toughness but in reality I'm too scared of getting hurt :D .

    Today I have flogged my body - upper body lifting, squat/ push up intervals, sprint intervals and body combat. Can you tell I have an assignment due?
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-that's my kind of procrastination ;). Great job! I love ninja, but couldn't do the upper body portion, not with my lower body weighing so much!

    I just did my own version of a kettle bell hiit-ish workout! Got good and sweaty, did a lot of one armed swings, deadlifts, squats and 2 hand swings, and tried a sit-up/twist/reach thing...need to research it more. Kimi-Arent you a kettle bell fan? Any advice? I need to look back, I think you posted details before.

    Happy long weekend all!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    So I've had a rough few days. Emotionally drained - lots of work hours (little sleep), massive study load, youngest child acting up (missing "home" after our move), eating at deficit and yesterday was the nail in the coffin. Went to a powerlifting comp to get a feel for what it would be like - hated it. Really didn't feel like I belonged, not my thing at all. So now I have no gym direction as I thought that a comp was my next goal but apparently not.

    So I went and did deadlifts to make me feel better but it didn't work. Lots of tears last night (must be hormonal too), mass eating of peanut butter and too much wine. Sigh.

    I am glad you tried something different. Powerlifting would be a hard thing to enjoy, lol. I hope you find something novel to sink your teeth into. Keep searching!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    A gf talked me into having a joint session with her personal trainer, today. She kicked my *kitten*. So sore I expect no lifting tomorrow.

    But, to change things up, I think I will seek her for hour-long sessions on Sunday. I will still do split-lifts M/Tu/Th/F and cardio on saturdays....but an attempt at Sunday session with a personal trainer is making me excited, again, about the gym.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - learning combat is on my to do list, not really to compete or fight others but to get a little experience with hand to hand and such for fiction writing.

    Julie - nice on the belt. I'm still working on mine, needs to get more "used" me thinks.

    Went to the gym last night after work instead of before, so was doing deadlifts at midnight. Then I worked at 7 am this morning after maybe 4 hours of sleep. Not a lot of staff for morning but it also wasn't needed as it was super slow customer count wise. Though they scheduled people who often cashier all for afternoon and none of the usual people for morning. So, split the shift with someone so we could both get other things done too. However, headache started to develop and now it's blah. I've been trying to hydrate more as I've had headaches almost every day for around a week. Will have to see if it helps soon. Lifting last night was tough but nice to have the basically empty gym and not really much traffic getting there and home again. However, I had to alter the squats as my right hand has been bothering me for the past few days so front squats weren't going to work. Ended up doing goblet squats. Deadlifts weren't easy but made it through.

    front squat 1x8 @ 45, low bar back squat, 1-10 @ 45
    goblet squat 3x8 @ 45
    good morning 3x10 @ 95
    deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185, with belt 4x3 @ 225

    Nothing else as needed to get home and sleep.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Dawn - I do late night deadlifts if I'm in need of mental therapy, lol. Clears the mind.

    Squat day for me. Getting depth well but still not able to increase weight. Will do cardio later just because I'm stressed and it helps.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hi all!

    Back from a weekend away. Boohoo!

    Jo - sorry you are having a rough week. What was it about powerlifting you didn't like? I agree about cardio helping with stress.

    Dawn - Sorry to hear about your hand. Front squats are tough on the wrists. Definitely would be hard to lift on that little of sleep!

    Beeps - Fun about the personal trainer! I used one for a some months before I moved. Actually I had one that I really liked, and then she moved away. And then the one that replaced her was sort of lazy and just had me doing a bunch of machines. So if you've found one that is a good fit for your style that sounds like an awesome motivating thing!

    Julie - nice lifting! I haven't explored a weight belt yet.

    Samntha - glad your knee is feeling better!

    Anyway, since I was away for the weekend I didn't lift. I did do my long run, almost 6 miles, on Sunday. Was a gorgeous day for it, despite all the dire weather predictions.

    Today I did Strong, Stage 9, Workout A, #2
    Plank dumbell row - 2x10@8 lbs
    Squat (drop sets) -
    1x5@55 lbs (warm up)
    1x5@83 lbs
    1x9@75 lbs
    1x12@66 lbs
    All in all I felt a lot better than last week with very similar amount of volume. Woohoo!
    Bench press - 2x10@55 lbs
    SL RDL - 2x10@55 lbs
    Inverted row (TRX) - 2x10
    RFESS - 2x10@33 lbs
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Aigre, too soon to tell if this personal trainer will be my cup of tea! I bought eight sessions. I want to work on squat-form, mostly....but will see what she wants to do. Yesterday it was an all-over DB workout with bursts of cardio in between each set. I hated the bursts of cardio...not gonna lie! When I am lifting, I want ALL my energy/resources to go into my lifts, lol....I wasted all my energy/resources on the cardio.

    Also, I usually don't eat before lifting....going into her sort of fitness-hour fasted might be a mistake.

    But, my sessions with her are at 1:30 pm Sundays.....so, I will have a nutritious lunch in my belly next time.

    Anyway, I lift, today. My lower-body is thrashed from yesterday, so I will do shoulders/bi's/tri's today....maybe some abs and a decent stretch. BOOM!