Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Allow me to sweeten the pot ;)
    https://eattoperform.clickfunnels.com/refer-a-friend-sales-page2?gr_at=c31ccaa551e1df6c96bf89877bb30eee4c7bd9bb&gr_at_email=teachermomnj@gmail.com&gr_at_first_name=Samantha&gr_at_last_name=Vreeland&gr_cs=get-our-newest-book-we-can-fix-that-free&gr_ro=facebook-share Refer a friend link, great deal. My friend Cat just signed up. I actually have the basic membership. I'm pretty self-sufficient. My Team reviews my trendsheet about once a month, but they will do it on request. If you join Elite, the big bosses review your sheets. Everybody does something different. I don't even know what Brad's program looks like. From what I heard, it's mainly strength. They are really pushing three days of strength right now. It's very much "If it fits your macros." so Stephanie, no will power required. Believe it or not, most people have a hard time adjusting to eating MORE. I've NEVER done drastic cal cutting so it was easy for me to just adjust for changes in my macros. Folks who are used to cutting, cutting and cutting, usually have a period of adjustment. LEss, is not more.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm still doing my three days of Strong.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    ...dr opinion is my thyroid is "normal".

    Soooooo, all the pounds gained are pure pounds gained. :(

    My body is so foreign to me right now....forced menopause and basically alien composition. :(

    Pity-party is over....I have been weighing-and-measuring and logging my food for 2.5 weeks, now. Will continue to do so. Want to ditch the poundage by Xmas. Mostly want to find myself, again, feel good in my skin and pit tumor-2016 soooo far in the rear-view mirror...

    i am alive! i have no cancer! life is very beautiful....would like my body to match the beauty around me. :)
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps-((hugs)) I'm sure forced menopause has to be hard on your body! I sympathize with being squishier than you remember or want to be and am joining you in the fight!!! I'm glad your thyroid is ok! I hope the dr tested more than just TSH to be sure :).

    Sam-thanks! I'll check it out!! I lift 3x/week so that's a good fit :). The eating more part is a change for sure, but performance is way better. I like personal recommendations from someone shows seen success. And we're a similar size which is even more motivating!! :smiley: I'd be thrilled with small losses on a regular basis!

    Dawn-now tummy trouble? Bummer! Still getting it done though, impressive!!! Hope you're feeling well today!

    Jo-(((hugs))) sounds like a recovery week is what your body needs!! It's just a week, let your body heal and rest. From all I've heard and read, rest is as important as training for progress! And it sounds like you need some!

    Got in a great workout today!! Feeling so good at the gym lately!!! Who knew eating more was that big of a deal? The real problem is my endless war between getting stronger and putting on some muscle, and wanting to lose some fat and be smaller too.
    I am up a few lbs, and although things still fit and I even got 2 compliments this week on looking slimmer, I don't feel slimmer and the scale backs that up. I feel soft in the middle and hate it.
    I see the endocrinologist FINALLY tomorrow, and hope there will be some magic pills coming my way. Hypothyroid and Hashimoto's combining to make my hair fall out, gain weight in a deficit, have foggy mind and dry skin, and generally run out of energy toward mid afternoon. Not fun! I'm in a busy season of life and could really use a decent reliable memory and energetic body!

    Anyway, off to shower! I'm taking dd(16) to see 5 seconds of summer tonight (belated birthday present) so I need to be ready for a bunch of screaming teenagers! :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - yes, rest. You are a beast all of the time with how you go, go and then go again. A little rest will be good.

    Beeps - Keep pushing and remember, you are beautiful. :wink:

    Well, yesterday had been relatively headache free, even no headache during lifting so only the stomach blah to bring me down. That good aspect ended, however, as I tried to sleep. Not only was it after 2 am but I for some reason felt cold yet not cold. Roommate had someone over so they were listening to loud music that I could hear even with the door closed, along with hearing other things the music didn't quite cover... Yeah, the joy of roommates. Don't know how my sister slept through it as she didn't notice anything and her room is closer to than mine (which is the dining room and I just have a divider up to help separate it as a room from the living room area).

    At least my food was better yesterday. I'm not lifting today, another day off from work but I struggled to get motivation earlier to do anything. I wanted to stay in bed longer but it's hard with sister up and about but around the house. I wish I could have a morning with the apartment empty so I can sleep in since I didn't fall asleep until after 4 am cause of the noise and headache.

    Anyways, going to try and get some writing done and enjoy a little time at starbucks away from the house even though I'm using up 300 calories on something yummy to drink instead of the usual cold brew.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member

    Got in a great workout today!! Feeling so good at the gym lately!!! Who knew eating more was that big of a deal? The real problem is my endless war between getting stronger and putting on some muscle, and wanting to lose some fat and be smaller too.
    I am up a few lbs, and although things still fit and I even got 2 compliments this week on looking slimmer, I don't feel slimmer and the scale backs that up. I feel soft in the middle and hate it.
    I see the endocrinologist FINALLY tomorrow, and hope there will be some magic pills coming my way. Hypothyroid and Hashimoto's combining to make my hair fall out, gain weight in a deficit, have foggy mind and dry skin, and generally run out of energy toward mid afternoon. Not fun! I'm in a busy season of life and could really use a decent reliable memory and energetic body!

    I cannot wait to hear what the endocrinologisy says! As you know, I get "no magic pills". :(

    I am going to personal trainer, today, so she can work-me-out howsoever she chooses. Novelty feels good right now.

    And, I set my mfp daily calories 100 lower (daily) so we will see if that translates to some scale-movement.

    I am going to do my best to try and look at my body as an "experiment"....try some stuff, and if it doesn't work, try some other stuff, etc. It helps to remember how grateful I am about how well things have turned out for me, before, and now, even.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    Dawn, I find "poor sleep" to be very very difficult to cope with.

    ...today I was awake at 5:00 am, but lay there until 7 and then did manage to get one more hour of sleep. Normally I would just get up at 5 and get on with the day, but I decided to take Sunday morning to try something "different".

    I have a headache now....headaches surely come much more often and with more ferocity than ever before.

    I am sure it is all hormonal. I might have to seek HRT if things don't kind of "smooth out" in the next few weeks.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    edited September 2016
    Happy Monday, everyone!

    Beeps - goodness, surgical menopause is not to be messed with! I say take the HRT if you are still having problems. Hope you feel better soon! When I am feeling down about the state of my body, I always fall back on the lucky fact that I am the only one who cares what weight I am. No one else does. Sometimes that helps me.

    Dawn - yuck on the lack of sleep! I'm sorry your roommate was being inconsiderate.

    Julie - good luck with the dr appointment! Glad your workouts have been awesome lately, what a great feeling even if the scale is not cooperating.

    Samntha - thanks for the info on the ETP program. I think I am going to do it. Maybe starting at the beginning of October so that the 3 month membership gets me through the holidays without too much backsliding.

    Jo - feel better strong lady! You know a week off won't hurt you in the long term, but pushing on when your body is too tired could lead to more injury and a longer layoff.

    Anyway, on Saturday I did Strong, Stage 9, Workout C #2
    Substitute ab exercsie - suspended jackknives 2x10
    Deadlifts (drop sets)
    1x5@103 lbs (warm up)
    1x5@147 lbs woohoo, over bodyweight!! Not pretty, but I got there!
    1x5@136 lbs
    1x8@125 lbs
    Bench press - 2x10@55 lbs
    SL RDL - 2x10@55 lbs
    Inverted row - 2x10 on TRX
    RFESS - 2x10@33 lbs

    I think one of the most gratifying parts of lifting weights for me is seeing things that used to be hard become easy. Like I am able to see more progress not in the top amount I am able to lift, but in the fact that 103 lb deadlifts used to feel pretty darn heavy, and now they are "warm up" and seemed pretty easy. Maybe one day 147 will be easy!

    Yesterday I ran 5 miles, which was the toughest run I've done in a while. Not sure if it was because it was hot or I have had a mild little cold going on for a few days and maybe was more run down than I thought. When I got home I weighed myself and was about 3 pounds below where I usually am, so maybe I was dehydrated too for some reason. Anyway, at least it got done. The weather has cooled off today and I am hopeful that we've had the last of the heat and humidity.

    I'm having trouble adhering to my deficit, especially on the weekends. I need to get back at it. I know part of the problem is that DH and I like to split a bottle of wine on Fridays and Saturdays and that tends to send my motivation out the window. But it is so hard to give up!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    edited September 2016
    I got to the gym today - hooray!

    Videos will be up on IG later, but I finally got some leg drive in my bench so that's a win!

    Thursday is my next gym day :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, you have my greatest sympathy. Forced menopause is tough. I wish I had some words of wisdom or awesome advice to offer, but it's out of my experience. I wish Sue was around here. She worked the program after menopause.

    We had a very busy week and weekend. I was back at work this week and it was HOT!! Our students started school Thursday at 90 degrees and a heat index close to a 100 on Friday. Did I mention we don't have A/C in my building? I came home with heat exhaustion on Friday and then just tried to chill out on Saturday...in addition to running the kids everywhere under the sun. Then on Sunday, we had family day. I did go to the gym in the morning, then we went on a 2.3 mile hike with some bouldering...in the heat. My husband was doing some reconnaissance for some trails he'll be building in the Spring. Now I'm sitting in some boring useless workshops today. This week I'll be lucky to get to the gym twice. I have three nights where I have Back to School night, Mine, Older son, younger son. I'm already tired just thinking about it.

    Strong Stage 3 WO B2:
    Alt. Side planks
    Back box squats: 3x8 @ 70, 75, 80 I haven't found my max weight yet.
    Dead stop 3x8@35
    SL RDL 3x8@ 30dbs
    Suspended Push-ups 3x8
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Sam-sounds like a fun weekend :) Hope the heat breaks for you and the week goes better!

    Beeps-(((hugs))) HRT might help? Sleep is critical!! Hope today went well!

    Stephe-good job at then gym!!

    Dawn-Hope the writing went well :)

    I'm off to the endocrinologist shortly, I know it won't be as magical as I'm hoping, but if she prescribes me something good and it finally kicks in (heard at lest a month!) I could feel better! I'm not giving up hope, but not holding my breath either!

    Lifted this morning, moving up on squats and deads...no pain in my back, and didn't have my belt either! Bonus! Ohp did well too :)
    I signed up for the ETP program/group. They have me eating more, which is scary, but I'm gonna try. Scale already up!! :( gonna try not to panic!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Julie - that's exciting - see where they take you.

    Good job everyone - some great workouts happening.

    So I may have done some squats yesterday. But going to the gym was actually good because I trained alongside a chiropractor who then gave me an appointment to look at my injury. I'd not been to a chiro before and it was quite interesting. Apparently, he could even see the muscle spasm in my back before he even touched it - and he got it spot on! Anyway, he reckons that he needs to click one of my ribs back :s But he tried yesterday and it was too tight and sore. It does already feel better today though - the pain is there but it feels less acute and I have more freedom of movement. I will go again on Thurs and have a massage booked Fri so although an expensive week, I'm hoping to be cured!! It's hard to get to though as it's a deep muscle - my anterior and posterior serratus muscle apparently.

    Think I will try and run today - body fat % being measured end of the week so trying to maintain what I've achieved (if anything) until then!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    Happy Monday, everyone!

    Beeps - goodness, surgical menopause is not to be messed with! I say take the HRT if you are still having problems. Hope you feel better soon! When I am feeling down about the state of my body, I always fall back on the lucky fact that I am the only one who cares what weight I am. No one else does. Sometimes that helps me.

    Thank you. I needed that reminder. BOOM!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    I started a new "splits" program, today: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/shortcut-to-size.html?mcid=stoppani_shortcut_to_size_WEEK1&rmid=Stoppani_Trainer_Revamp_Week1&rrid=21573041

    Mostly because I can print out the workouts and just "go"!!

    I did lose 0.6 lbs this week...that is a "win"!! I am lowering my cals by another 100 per day, so hopefully that will help move the fat loss into the "1 lb per week" zone. We shall see!

    Anyway, Wednesday will be my only full day of rest, because this is my workout sched for the next 8 weeks:

    Sunday - boot-camp style "functional fitness" with personal trainer
    Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri - weight-lifting (splits)
    Saturday - cardio

    I am aiming for 8 hours of sleep per night. And I am aiming for 8-10 glasses of water per day.

    With luck, my body will remember that THIS is what used to be my "NORMAL" and it will settle-the-F-down.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Poor sleep certainly doesn't help with much of anything. Hope your headache went away. I'm a little hormonal now, considering "shark week" started yesterday. Nice timing, on deadlift day and start of having 6 work days in a row.

    Aigre - Joys of having roommates. It's me, my sister and one of her friends. Helps with rent but always some drawbacks.

    Stephie - Nice work and yay leg drive. I manage it on occasion when benching.

    Sam - Ick to the no AC.

    Went to the gym last night after working until 11 pm, then had to be at work again at 7 am, which meant leaving home at 6 am. So, I got maybe 4 hours of sleep. Monthly cycle started yesterday too, so that's all kinds of fun. It's not too bad on the cramps so far but we'll see how the next couple of days go. Also, have a job interview tomorrow. It's retail but different than my current one. Gonna go and see what happens. On top of all that, my stepsister is at 40 weeks in her pregnancy and they might end up inducing labor, so might have a nephew very soon.

    front squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 70, 3x6 @ 100
    good morning 3x10 @ 100
    deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185, belt 1x3 @ 205
    belt & liquid chalk 2x4 @ 225 and 2x3 @ 235

    The 235 were on the slow side but I did it.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Thanks girls! Officially diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and the dr was surprised how high functioning I am with such low T3/4 numbers. I took that as a compliment, and validation for how tired I've been lately! She prescribed synthroid for me, and gave me an Rx for T3 to tide me over a little bit until the synthroid/T4 can build up in my body and can start converting it myself. I'll retest in 6 weeks and see what my levels look like then. She was nice and confident it'll work for me, would help me lost the 10 lbs I've put on and make my hair stop falling out...but it remains to be seen. I had to wait an hour to see her so I wasn't too happy about that.

    Beeps-that's a great drop!!! You're dialing it in and doing great! Lots of exercsie in there! Hope you're feeling good with it!
    Dawn-nice lifts! I, unfortunatley, am with you with shark week. A week early too, yay :(. Stupid body, 2, 3, 4 and 5 weeks between these days, random insanity! :(
    Jo-glad the Chiro helped, but weren't you taking a break from exercise? Hmmm...I recall permission to slap you? ;) hope you continue to feel better and that massage will be bittersweet I'm sure!

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Julie - sorry about the diagnosis, but good that the endocrinologist thinks that the synthroid will help! And yeay for lifting without pain!

    Dawn - 235, wow! That's an awesome deadlift. Yeay for a new nephew! Do they live close by?

    Beeps - 0.6 lbs lost is good in my book. Sure, it's a little slower than 1 lb/week but it's still progress which adds up quickly over time.

    Jo - hey, I thought you said no working out for a week! Squats and running count. I vote to go to your chiropractor and get your massage but really rest, lady. You know as well as I do that a few days isn't going to make difference in your body fat, and you are already very lean anyway.

    Samntha - Boo on it being hot! It will cool down soon though. At least here, it will be in the 50s most mornings this week and much less humid. Hope your week calms down.

    Stephie - glad to see you back! Videos looked great!

    Today I did Strong, Stage 9, Workout A #3
    Dumbbell plank rows - 2x10@8 lbs
    Squats (drop sets):
    1x5@33 lbs, 1x5@55 lbs (warm up)
    1x3@88 lbs
    1x7@79 lbs (AMRAP)
    1x10@71 lbs (AMRAP)
    Dumbbell dead stop row - 2x6@35 lbs
    RFESS - 2x6@38 lbs
    Push up - 2x6 off bench
    SL RDL - 2x6@60 lbs

    Went to the mall yesterday and tried on new pants. Fit into some in size 6! Didn't buy them though cause I am worried they are too tight. Still need new pants, since most of what is in my closet are size 10 or 12. I'm not wanting to commit to a size right now though.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Sorry ladies, I haven't had much time lately to check in. My boys went back to school last week and you'd think that would make me less busy but I had a bunch of errands and visits and things I had been putting off, and I've been trying to get them done. As I write this I am sitting at the hair salon, bleaching my dark base and having my magenta ombré freshened up!

    Lifting has been going well. I have two more weeks of Strong left and then I'm done! The deloading is interesting. It always feels like not too much work at the time but the next day, oh, the DOMS! Especially the deadlifts. Even when my form is good, I always get pretty achy in my lower back. Yesterday after the DL warm up I did 5x165, 5x150, and 5x130. I am so sore today! I got up early and went for a quick jog before my appointment though, because it is finally cooling down here and it's so much better for running. I had the best run I've had all summer thanks to the lower temps.

    I did read every post I missed but have already forgotten a lot of what I was going to reply to :wink:

    Aigre, you're one workout ahead of me! What are you going to do when done Strong? I'm also, like you, waiting to shop a bit. I have some pants and tops from last year that were tight that now fit okay, so I don't need a lot. But I've also discovered a few things that no longer fit, like some shirts that are now too tight through the shoulders, and a favorite dress that is suddenly too tight over the bum? Gah.

    Dawn, your numbers are awesome!

    Julie, I hope the meds work for you.

    Beeps, you're always a lady with a plan. I like it. Hope it's going well!

    Jo, I agree with the others, you should probably take it a bit easy! I know that's easier said than done though.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    ...On top of all that, my stepsister is at 40 weeks in her pregnancy and they might end up inducing labor, so might have a nephew very soon.


    That is fun! CONGRATULATIONS!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    Thanks girls! Officially diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and the dr was surprised how high functioning I am with such low T3/4 numbers. I took that as a compliment, and validation for how tired I've been lately! She prescribed synthroid for me, and gave me an Rx for T3 to tide me over a little bit until the synthroid/T4 can build up in my body and can start converting it myself. I'll retest in 6 weeks and see what my levels look like then. She was nice and confident it'll work for me, would help me lost the 10 lbs I've put on and make my hair stop falling out...but it remains to be seen.

    I hope for only good things!