Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member

    Beeps, you're always a lady with a plan. I like it. Hope it's going well!

    True that.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    Alright, I did not have time to lift, today....so did 20 mins on the elliptical, sort of a 1/2 HIIT and then 1/2 just plain steady-state. And a nice stretch.

    My 4-day splits this week will only be 3 days....which is fine since it looks like the 4-day play has them hitting chest/back twice...and since I am still in the "easing back in" phase, I am okay with only once hitting chest/back.

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Aigre - great NSV with the size 6!

    Yeah I know I said no training. Hmmm.... so I ran yesterday and trained what I could of upper today. Body fat % measured tomorrow so THEN I will chill. Training has only been half effort really, just can't sit around feeling like I'm getting fat at the last minute lol.

    Chiro tomorrow. Massage Fri. My body is costing me some serious $$ this week.

    Just calculated macros for a bulk.... almost 300g carbs! Yikes. Might not manage that.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-Hope your BF reading is rewarding! Then chill!!! You need a break!! :)
    Beeps-glad you're easing back to it a bit more slowly, even if it's a forced slow down ;). Hope you're feeling well too!
    Dawn-any baby news yet? So much fun!!
    Stephe-how exciting on the 6's!!! I live in stretchy things right now as I'm up and hope to fit back into my jeans this year! You're in the opposite boat, and I'm jealous!! Good for you!! Size 4-6 would be a dream I never dared to dream!! :)
    Pudding-nice! Good to hear from you! I know, this is a busy time of year and hope for a slow down soon, but the holidays are coming next!! I'm with you on the soreness in the back after deadlifts, not pain, but sore awareness. Even with perfect form! Drop sets-ouch! I like that SL has only one set of 5 reps of DLs! :)

    Off to lift in a few minutes. Dialing in my calories and macros and working up to my TDEE calories. I think that along with my thyroid meds may eventually get me to the point where I can actually lose some fat, like a somewhat normal person! I've worked for years on it, and never get the results others do. Weighing, measuring etc, to no avail. But, hopefully, in time, I'll be back down to my goal weight again (whatever that is). I also hope to at least be building muscle while I'm maintaining up here in the 170's!!

    Happy Pump Day!!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Julie - hope you notice a difference from the meds soon. Yeay on the lifting!

    Jo - cool it!

    Beeps - good for you for getting a workout in even if it wasn't what you had planned on!

    Pudding - Magenta ombre sounds so fun. I just got burgundy highlights and that's as radical as I can take it at the moment. We are in the same place, I can't believe I'm almost done! I have been going back and forth between doing Strong Curves or Stronglifts after I'm done. I'm leaning towards doing Strong Curves to really learn how to activate my glutes. I will probably do that for 12 weeks. Then start the new year off with Stronglifts for a while and then progress into a more "intermediate" program like Wendler, etc. At least that's the plan at the moment! What are you planning on?

    Anyway, I ran yesterday 3.2 miles but got so busy at work I didn't post. Saw another skunk. That's 3 skunks (or the same skunk 3 times?) in 4 runs. I am changing my route to avoid that road.

    Today I did Strong, Stage 9, Workout B#3
    Substitute ab exercise, Suspended Pike 2x8
    OHP (drop sets)
    1x5@33 (warm up)
    1x3@48 lbs
    1x5@44 lbs
    1x8@40.5 lbs
    Chin ups - 2x4 with 75 lb resistance band assist
    RFESS - 2x6@38 lbs
    Push ups- 2x6 off bench
    SL RDL - 2x6@60 lbs

    Felt a little blah and rushed due to not sleeping well and toddler wanting attention right when I was supposed to start. It's been one of those weeks when the weekend can't come soon enough. Hope you all are doing well!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    Jo - cool it!

    I know I know. I am! No workout today. No time for one tomorrow.

    BF % = unchanged. And I've lost a kilo so that's muscle as well as fat. Sulk. Though while I was initially really pissed, I've had a chat with my trainer(s) and they aren't surprised so I suppose I should be glad it's not worse.

    Really, in hindsight it's a bloody miracle. I have not adhered to my diet, I've been unwell, I have been injured and I've done extra cardio (much to my powerlifting coach's disgust lol). I am disappointed though, yes.

    Time out to heal, rethink and refocus.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    Time out to heal, rethink and refocus.
    I think this is good! You'll be amazed at what some rest will do for you!! Sorry the results weren't what you hoped for, but your perspective on it is good! Now eat :smiley:

    Aigre-good workout! And I'm with you on this week, let's go weekend! I'm exhausted!

    Good workout yesterday! Still progressing with SL but I'll be plateauing on some soon I'm sure. Ohp and bench I'm looking at you! I was surprised my bent over rows seemed hard yesterday, and only at 65lbs. I'm focusing on form which is good, but the last few reps were tough. Squatted above where I left off earlier this year going to the chiropractor for my back/neck. That's encouraging. On target to hit 135lbs by years end, or sooner, which would be lovely. :)

    Off to school my dd(13) who I fear has fallen back to sleep!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    Everybody is working really hard on progressing with their goals. So, that is UPLIFTING, for sure.

    I did go lift, today. Leg/glute/abs day. DOMs to the nines. :(

    I got on the scale - have lost 0.2 lbs since Monday. Big whoop.

    Just kidding...I will take it! My hubby and I are booking a caribbean vacation - with his old roommate (who is turning "50") and wife - for March, 2017....as long as the fat is gone about a month ahead of that, I will consider it 'success'.

    This tumor has wrecked me. This forced-menopause has wrecked me. If I can manage to push the pounds off, then I can look back and say, "Well, I wasn't wrecked for LONG!"

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - eesh on the diagnosis but now you can move forward. I hope things improve quickly for you.
    Aigre - Nice workouts and neat on fitting in the size six. Unfortunately, family doesn't live close. Me and sister live in California but both stepsisters currently live in Colorado. While mom and stepdad live in Wyoming.
    Pudding - Always nice to see you.
    Beeps - Thanks.

    Baby news - Stepsister had labor induced yesterday and spent all day well, not able to have the baby. I woke up at 6 am to finally the text that they had the baby. It was through c-section but her little boy is here and all are doing well.

    I skipped upper body day on Tuesday. I had the interview and hadn't gotten quite enough sleep so by 11 pm, I was tired. Plus it was a rough day at work with us being understaffed again. Yesterday was better work crew wise at least. Food wise it didn't go very well. Ate around maintenance and most of that was in candy. Tasty but not the best choices for sure. On the plus side, last night I did manage to get to the gym for lifting. All of the squat and deadlift sessions are getting questionable just because they are near my last one rep max attempts. Going to be hit or miss as more chance of failure but so far going pretty well.

    Squat - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x8 @ 135, with belt 1x4 @ 165
    then with belt 3x2 @ 195
    Overload - with belt 265 for 20 count
    Pause Squats - 1x2 @ 145
    Sumo Deadlift - 1x6 @ 135, 3x5 @ 185

    I wasn't sure if I'd make it since I had to do the 185 squat session twice after failing on the first attempt. Plus 245 overload had felt so heavy, a 20 lb jump seemed a little intimidating but I managed to move back from the rack and all. Happy with the progress and maybe I'll be seeing a new 1 rep max next week when I am set to attempt 205.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone!

    Dawn - nice lifting! Keep meaning to ask, what does the overload help with? Is it just getting used to weight on your back? A 200+ pound squat is just out of the realm of my comprehension, especially since you are such a small person! Congratulations on the new nephew, hope mom and baby are doing well!

    Beeps - you're doing great with your positive attitude! But you are NOT wrecked!

    Julie - nice work! OHP and bench are my worst lifts too.

    Jo - I'm glad you are going to take it easy for a bit.

    Out this morning for a relatively chilly 3 miles in the dark. No skunks :) Wore a long sleeved top for the first time in a while. It felt SO good.

    DH will be out of town starting next Wednesday and probably gone for 1.5-2 weeks. I'm going to set my calories to maintenance, cause I'm not sure how I will be able to get my workouts in with him gone. But I'm hoping to push through the weekend and early next week and finish Strong before he leaves.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    Congrats Aunty Dawn!!

    Aigre - what program are you wanting to start once you finish "Strong"?

    I did a really long walk, today. It is 25 above and a gf invited me....so, I decided these days won't stick around long - and I went!

    I can keep up with all the gym-stuff when the cold-dark-days of winter are here.

    Means I could not weigh today...which is probably a good thing. I will weigh tomorrow (cardio day at the gym) and Monday and then report into my challenge for end-of-week-3 reporting.

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps-good job! I want to walk too! It's finally a little cooler here in the morning so I may be able to get outside soon!
    And that tumor may have tried to wreck you, but you're strong and resilient and will rebound and kick those lbs to the curb!
    Agre-great job! Hope you're able to get strong finished before Dh leaves. :)
    Dawn-dang! Stinking impressive my friend!!

    No lifting today, planning to go tomorrow. I am so tired! Meds not helping yet, but understandable and expected. Last day babysitting today, then we can catch up on the girls school, housework, and a little more rest!
    Happy weekend all!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Day #3 of no workout. Struggling!

    Back is feeling much improved but still very much injured.

    I have made an apt at the powerlifting club to get a rehab program Monday.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-what's a rehab program? Lol! Glad your back is making progress. KUTG-not work :).

    Just lifted and am really pleased! Finally making some actual strength gains! I've been status quo for far too long and am enjoying some new (to me) numbers finally. I had hoped to reach 135 on my squat and dL by the end of the year, and could actually be there next week!! Hit 125 on squat and deads today and felt great! Like I could really do more!! Definitely the heaviest I've gotten to since before my back went kablooey! So I'm happy! Even my Ohp did well at 60lbs today, which is good for me too! So yay!

    I know, so many can lift more than that, but what I love most about weight training is I only compete against me, and what I used to be able to do :).

    Hope you're all having a great weekend! Rest day tomorrow :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    Julie - as soon as you are "only competing against yourself", you win! And every successive time you make that same choice, you win AGAIN! BOOM!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    Rest day, today.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Julie, that's awesome! And exactly why I like weightlifting so much also. I could never do a Crossfit thing where I had others watching me, even if they were cheering me on.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - Hope your back keeps improving.
    Beeps - Thanks.
    Aigre - Pretty much the overload is getting used to weight. Compared to 265 the attempt at the new PR at 205 won't feel as heavy. Helps with that initial mind set as you want to feel you can do it when stepping back with the weight.
    Julie - Thanks and I agree, it's fun to just compete with yourself and lift more weight.

    I skipped gym yesterday, no upper body again. Food wasn't that great yesterday or today either. In fact, I spent my day off yesterday mostly sleeping and a little time was spent watching anime on youtube. But today, had early morning shift, came home and did a couple of things online including a tiny bit of writing and went to the gym for deadlifts.

    front squats - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 70 and 3x8 @ 100
    good mornings - 3x10 @ 100
    deadlift warm ups - 1x8 @ 135 rdl, 1x5 @ 185 and with belt 1x3 @ 205
    deadlifts with belt and liquid chalk - 3x2 @ 245

    Then I walked on the treadmill for about 30 minutes total. Shin hurt a smidge but wanted to do a little cardio. Now considering bed early as I have another morning shift. We'll see how it goes as I kinda want to write too after listening to music at the gym and pondering stories during cardio.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Dawn-nice work! How do you like the chalk? I've seen evidence of it at my gym, but not in action :wink:
    Beeps-rest is important too! And thanks! It's a good place to be!
    Pudding-I agree! I am self conscious when others watch me too!

    So, I'm in all new territory now, finally!! I looked back and am now squatting and benching and rowing my heaviest weight yet! :smiley: yay! And it felt good! I got all 5 sets at 5 reps! I really felt like I could up the weight on squats again and am looking forward to Friday when I'll finally get to put the BIG PLATES on the bar!! Woohoo! I know, sounds silly, but I've had a few setbacks and never got to 135lb squats! And that is also the highest I go on DLs and I'll be doing that again Friday too. I'm looking forward to it!

    I also felt great afterwards! Really pumped! I've been exhausted so much lately, and am kinda tired now, but right afterwards today I felt amazing! :)

    Weight is up though!!:( I get that eating more to lift more is good stuff, but I'm at the top of my allowable range and will need to do some fiddling around if it stays up this high. I ate late last night so I'm hoping its not a true gain...stupid hormones aren't helping I'm sure. Up 15-20 lbs in 6 months, while running a deficit and working out, really sucks.

    But not gonna stress it! Gonna enjoy some gains and feeling stronger! :)

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - Nice work on the lifting. I like the liquid chalk. Unless you rub your hands on your pants or something there really isn't much evidence left behind and it washes off really easy. Though I don't recommend leaving it in your car all day in the heat as it does separate just a bit. Still works though it doesn't keep from irritating the hands when lifting heavy but helps with the grip so not worrying about sweat or anything causing a slip.

    My weight is up a little too but I not long ago had a day where I consumed like 3000 calories, not the deficit I've been trying to hit. Oops. ;-) I shopped and have veggies and stuff around the house so back to deficit but it's challenging to keep focused on the numbers for that pesky scale. I'd love to bulk but haven't been able to get the number low enough to make that a good option. Considering doing 3 day counts, averaging and such, instead of focusing on a day to day basis. Just need to play around with something. That and actually have food so when I'm working a lot I don't end up tired, not wanting to go anywhere with a box that mostly has candy just lying around... yeah.