Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Pudding - Nice to see you. I don't know anything about the program but it will be interesting to see how it goes for you.
    Aigre - Thanks but hold that thought, will explain below.
    Sam - Hope your shoulder is okay.
    Julie - Still, that is quite the WHT. Last time I did them, I only used like 90 and I struggled with a little light headed feeling in that workout. Sounds like other things are going well too for you.

    So... I don't have Saturday off now. I went in to work this morning to discover the schedule had changed. Since I worked yesterday morning, it had to have changed yesterday at some point as they didn't even post until Tuesday afternoon for Thurs-Wed. I could have stayed, as the overnight manager mentioned, but I didn't know when I'd then get a day off and how it would mess up coverage, so I went home though was definitely annoyed. Tried to go back to sleep and had a bad headache that lead to not really getting decent sleep at all. Spent the afternoon with my sister, which is one of the pluses in having today off and this way I'm not working 3 days in a row. I still have Sunday off. Also, working 5 days instead of 4 so that means a little more money. Some good points but yeah, someone needs to get their act together with the scheduling.

    Gym went well at least. It was an easy in amount required type of way because the only thing on the program was to get last week's weight for one set but two reps. Workout fueled by In & Out yet again cause it was what my sister wanted. To be hones I don't find it that great, it's just okay but I'm not that into any fast food burgers.

    Squat warm up - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x8 @ 135, and with belt 1x4 @ 175
    Squat - 1x2 @ 205 with belt

    Then for fun I did some low bar squats. 1x5 @ 135, 1x5 @ 155, 1x8 @ 135 narrow stance, which was different and knee kinda wondered what was going on but not too bad really on depth or anything like that.

    I also walked for about 30 minutes. Now to get ready for bed soon cause leave for work at 6 am.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Yes Aigre, the names are atrocious. Almost turns me off but I will give the beginner a go, and probably do the other two (not the body weight one though). I don't mind doing beginner to help refocus on form a bit but I don't see the point of doing body weight (for me) especially as I will have my home gym set up soon and I have a squat rack.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Julie, fat burgled is when they reduce your daily fat macros when you enter a true fat loss cycle. Head coach commented on my sheet yesterday. He's happy with my progress too.

    So I did in fact hit the gym Thursday, and I reduced weight across the board. Got in all of my sets and reps. I was thinking it was the reduction in fuel and a sore shoulder that made my WO suck, but then I woke up Friday sick as all get out.

    Single-armed DL: 45lbs
    DB BP: 25s
    Elevated split squat: 20s
    Half-kneel X: 13lbs
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Sam-(((hugs))) sorry you're sick! But you're making nice progress just the same :). Hope you feel better fast!!
    Pudding-I agree, I'm not a BW routine follower, but I'm sure you can get a good workout that way, I just don't :wink: .hope it works out well for you :).
    Dawn-bummer on the schedule change :(. Hope you have a nice weekend anyway! Good job on your workouts :) thanks! I love whts! Doesn't hurt my back at all and I love seeing progress :).

    Just lifted. Felt pretty good! Squatted 150lbs and DL@ 155lbs -pretty pleased with that! Ohp still at 60-65lbs :( I notice I'm really whipped after these heavier sessions lately. I suppose that's good, right? Not sure I'll be able to keep progressing too much longer. Gonna stick with it a while longer, but I'm missing a split.

    I just reread the SC workouts. Not sure I'm going to do them after all. I may go back to PHUL or try wendlers? Anyone try that? I have some time to decide, but I want something that is easy to follow and stick with, but like the split routine...

    Any, it is fun to look around and consider options. I'm excited that I may be Dling my body weight by the end of the year! With my messed up lower back that'd be quite a feat!

    Happy weekend all!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Way to go Julie!! Remember, not every day is a PR.
    I don't have access to fractional plates, so it's a huge jump from the 30dbs to the 35dbs on my bench press. I'm trying to push extra reps to get to the higher weight.
    Julie, if you are worried about your back, a belt may be necessary if you aren't using one already. Especially when lifting near BW.

    I'm hopped up on cold medicine and bummed that I didn't hit three lifts this week. I'm down another .5, but I'm pretty sure I'm dehydrated from being sick, lol.

    I've heard good things about Wendlers, though I've never tried it myself.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    samntha, cold over her too. Back to school germs, boo!

    So I looked through the Strong Curves book and at the workouts for this week and there are crunches and side crunches involved. I guess I should switch those to planks/plank variations? Also, I'm trying out my home gym for the first time so I'm thinking since I can't do lat pulldowns on a machine, I could improvise with a resistance band looped over my squat rack?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    Julie, I went to bodybuilding.com and pulled off a 12-week split program....I have been sick all week with a terrible head cold, so did not lift. Meaning: i start week 3 of my 4-day split program, tomorrow.

    You lift way more weight than I do....but, it is a strength-building split routine (not a fatloss routine), and i bet you would like it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    ...sorry, "Jim Stoppani's" program....
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Sam, Pudding, Beeps - Hope you all get feeling better very soon.
    Julie - Nice work still. OHP can be quite pesky. I need to decide what to do next after this peak cycle. I was hoping to be at a lower weight and get to do something besides attempting at a deficit and pick a training with that in mind but no such luck at this time.

    Today, I was lazy all day since it was my day off. I slept in then spent a fair amount of time watching anime on hulu. Did get to the gym for the all important deadlift session. Unfortunately, forgot the liquid chalk at home so almost had a slip after lockout but managed to get the set done. Fun having the recent new one rep max now involve 2 reps. Have only one session each for the peak cycle and it'll be over. Going to attempt 10 lb increases on both squat and deadlift. Going to be a tough week.

    front squat - 2x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, 3x8 @ 85
    good morning - 3x10 @ 85

    warm up - 1x8 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185, with belt 1x3 @ 215
    with belt - 1x2 @ 255
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Dawn - TREMENDOUS deadlift, that's awesome!

    Took it easy today so I don't put myself out of commission the day I get back into training!

    Squats: 5x5 @ 40kg
    OHP: 5x10 @ 20kg (I dunno why I did 10, my triceps are on fire right now though)
    Deadlifts: 1x5 @ 55kg

    Did the warm up from redefining strength, and it was really really good. I will ensure I keep doing that


    Linked for anyone interested ^

    Have a good day all, I will be back tomorrow for some cardio (yuck) - any suggestions welcome, otherwise it's probablyjust going to be on the elliptical
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Stephie, good to see you back! Will have a look at that warm up routine. Hope your exam went well!

    Dawn - I could only dream of that deadlift!

    Beeps, Pudding, and Sam, hope you feel better soon!

    Anyway, it's been rough without my DH around, in terms of overall health. Makes me appreciate so much how healthy he keeps me! I was going to start Strong Curves on Saturday but my kids ended up falling asleep in the car while we were doing errands and then wouldn't nap so I didn't get the break I needed. Then yesterday I had company all day (family) and they were going to watch the kids while I ran, but somehow ended up going baby shopping with my brother and sister-in-law instead. I did run 2 miles on the treadmill this morning. I am hoping to start Strong Curves tomorrow.

    Nutrition has also been feeling pretty out of control. I haven't been logging consistently. Have been eating too much unhealthy food and my vegetable consumption has been nonexistent. My kids won't eat them so I have given up on making them for the time being. I haven't gained, but I just feel like I've lost control and need to get back to where I was.

    I'm hoping my DH will be back on Wednesday. It would really make everything better.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Aigre-it's hard to keep all the plates spinning when things are different. Once Dh is home and you're back to your normal routine you'll find that balance again :). Hang in there and do what you can :).
    Stephe-good for you! Taking it easy and listening to your body is hard!
    Dawn-dang! Your DL is crazy!! Go girl! My back got sore just reading that! ;)
    Beeps-thanks! I'll look into that program :)
    Pudding-I'm not a huge fan of lat pulldowns for some reason? What about inverted rows? Just a thought :)
    Sam-sorry you're sick :( but envy your weight loss! I'm still up too high (that nice drop last week was a fluke and came right back :() I can't fit into any of my clothes! I think I am going to take a break from ETP for now. With my thyroid I just don't think I can eat as high calories and even maintain. Hopefully I can come back to it at some point as I love how much better mh lifting is Going! But I look so fat and feel fat too! I'm at an all time high right now and I'm not even up to TDEE yet! I just can't keep going this way. :# and thanks! I have a belt and have been using it lately. It helps me at least remain mindful of my back.

    So, I think I'm going to step away from ETP for now (as I mentioned to Sam above). I started ETP at 170lbs, which is UP from my normal 163-165 while trying to follow ETP before officially joining. I've been weighing in at 175-177 on ETP lately and just cannnot keep that going! They changed (lowered) my targets and macros last weeks for me, and I'm still up in this range :(. Maybe I'm vain and shallow, but I don't want to be stronger and fatter. I'm too big to be doing a bulk, I want to be stronger and leaner!

    I'm SURE it's me, not the program. With my hypothyroidism I've gained 15-20lbs in the past 2-3 months while trying to lose?! :s Not good! I see photos of myself and I hate the way I look! I want to be above the vanity and just lift and get strong and not care about the size I am in (trusting the muscle burns fat concept etc) but I'm not like other people and am built for storage and survival.

    Sigh, I feel like a quitter. But I have to do what it right for me, and fitting into my closet full of clothes is important for me.

    Ok, sorry to be so whiny, it is just hard! And not fair, and crappy. But, I am not giving up! I lift this morning and am looking forward to it!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Just back from the gym:

    The squat racks were full when I got there so I started with WHTs.
    WHTs: 215lbs 2x8!! New record for me! Seriously delighted at this lift lately!!
    Squat: warm ups 2x4@45, 1x5@95, 1x5@12, then 155lbs 5x5!
    Bent over rows: 80lbs 5x5
    Bench: 2x5@45lbs, then hit 80lbs (very heavy for me!) 5x5!!

    Took an hour and a half! :# Not sure I can keep this up. I was whipped and starving afterwards. But thankfully the giant honey crisp apples are back! Delicious!! <3
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    julie, I gained nearly 20 lbs and it turned out it was not my thyroid. :(

    I totally get why it feels terrible and it sucks. I am now losing about 1/2 lb per week, which is a nasty joke, since i am eating very little. But, I am vain enough to lose it....no matterhow long it takes!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Thanks beeps! Misery loves company I guess :( It totally sucks! I was running a serious deficit for months and gaining! And exhausted and losing my hair :(. My meds are helping a little with fatigue but I guess not weight loss-which I've read happens. Sigh. :# The gaining is scary! I'd take 0.5 a week loss! It'll add up over time. Hoping going back to a deficit will help me some. :(
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I also gained ~30lbs after I stopped breastfeeding my daughter for no good reason whatsoever. No thyroid issues here.

    Did 20 minutes on the cross trainer/ elliptical thingy. Wanted to die the whole time, my quads were really hurting from yesterday's paultry squats.

    Then spent 20 mintes or so rolling out and stretching, so now I feel a bit better.

    I forgot to say that I started logging my food again (as of yesterday), I don't particularly have a calorie target in mind right now, just want to see where I am at, and want to keep focused on bringing my own lunches into work and stuff.

    Me and the hubster are trying to save everything we can right now so that we can buy our "forever" house sometime next year. We have been fortunate that the house we bough in 2012 has grown in price a lot, but it's still a big jump to the house we want. Our mortgage will be eye wateringly big, but we both feel like it's worth it to be able to live there forever with space for Kaitlyn and any other children we have.

    Hugs to all those struggling, be glad that although we're struggling, we recognise this and are taking actions to help ourselves even when it doesn't feel that way. The easy option is diving head first into a bowl of cookie dough, every other option is the hard one x
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Stephie - good cardio! Does your gym have tvs or wifi so you can watch stuff on a phone/tablet? I find that makes indoor cardio so much more bearable. I don't know where in England you live, but real estate prices are crazy here too. My brother just bought a house which is not that large and hasn't been updated since it was built in 1950, and the price is astronomical. Price we pay for living near a big city, I think!

    Julie - can you post that ETP link again? It's not working for me.

    Beeps - yeay on the 0.5 lb loss. Like Julie said, it adds up over time! Just keep plugging away!

    Anyway, I got a call yesterday afternoon from DH that he was able to leave and he ended up getting home around midnight last night! Yeay!! Without going in to too many details, this was the best possible outcome of something very stressful for him professionally. And we are so happy to have these bad people gone from our lives. After almost 2 weeks, the kids were so happy to see him, and he them!

    So I got up this morning and started Strong Curves. It should be interesting! I took it really light to just get the form down for these new exercises, plus it's a lot more reps than I'm used to so I wasn't sure how my muscles would react.

    Bodyweight glute bridge - 3x15
    One arm row - 3x8@25 lbs
    Bodyweight squat to box - 3x15
    Bench press - 3x12@44 lbs
    DB RDL - 3x15@15 lbs each hand
    Side lying abduction - 1x15 each side
    Plank - 60 seconds
    Side plank - 30 seconds each side

    I've been shopping lately and am feeling really pretty good about my size at the moment. I could lose more and may maintain a bit of a deficit to slowly lose another 5-10 lbs, but I would really like my focus to be more on performance than weight loss at this point. I'm hoping ETP is the right program for me.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre - I am so glad your DH is back home :smiley::smiley::smiley:

    We're south east - outside of London, but only by about 40 miles. Luckily don't have to deal with London prices, but our next house is likely to be about £600k (which google tells me is $766k). Scary amount of money, so I just won't think about that :smile:

    Glad you've started Strong Curves, I'm excited to see your progress. I'll be starting Wendler 5/3/1 in about a month I think - just going to do Stronglifts to get back into things and then move on.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Wendler seems like a great program for you, strong lady. I think some day I'll get there :)

    South east of London sounds nice. I love England. We're about 20 miles outside of Boston, so commutable distance which drives the prices up. My brother paid $450k (353 pounds) for his 1500 sq ft starter home. It is a nice location but yeah, crazy! Luckily, interest rates are low!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Ha sorry - I meant we're in the South East of England - we're actually West of London :)

    I think after Strong Curves you should definitely have a go at Stronglifts - I never thought I would be "strong" but after having to put more and more weight on the bar you do lift much more than you thought you could!