Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    @AigreDoux try this: http://www.eattoperform.com/refer-a-friend/. Not sure that'll work? If it doesn't, a few pages back Sam posted a link too, the one I used to sign up. Try her link. :) for you, not wanting to lose more right now, I think it'll be a perfect fit for you! Love the fueling your lifting aspect, but I just can't keep gaining :(.

    Stephe-glad Dh is home and whatever was challenging at work is resolved! And you're off on strong curves! Woohoo! I followed GG for a while earlier this year and liked it. I still love WHTs and always credit Bret with that! My Dh does 5/3/1 and loves it! I'm considering it too :). Hopefully we'll all be successful in losing some fat while we continue to get stronger!

    I'm doing fine. Good session yesterday at the gym so I'm sore and resting today. :) so tired of being tired! I didn't appreciate my natural level of energy until it was gone! Really hoping to regain more of that! Dropped my cals to 1600-1700 to see if I can stop the gaining and possibly start shedding some of this lovely new weight...sigh. Dang efficient storage machine that I am! :p:(

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    edited October 2016
    Here is my code if Julie's doesn't work. https://gr3f.co/c/16324/eYAE0
    Julie, did you increase your macros all at once when you signed up, or did you build up to the new calories level? Also, did you tell the coaches about your thyroid issues? The weight fluctuations with the thyroid I know can be insane. My mom suffers terribly with it and then she ballooned 30 lbs with all of her various medications. So frustrating because she left the hospital at Christmas a size 10, which she hadn't been since I was born.

    I'm still getting over being sick :( I hope to make it back to the gym by the end of the week. At least I'm still hitting my macros.

    Beeps, anything more than a half pound loss per week, would be really unhealthy. Take care of yourself. You'll get it back.

    Aigre, glad hubby is home and things are looking up. Less stress is always good.

    Stephanie, best of luck saving and getting your dream house. I think it is a dream we've given up on :(

    Happy lifting ladies.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Aigre, I started Strong Curves today too. I had had five days off with no working out at all, so I think I'll feel it tomorrow even though it didn't feel too challenging at the time. It was the first workout in my new home gym too, which I loved!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Sam-I did. I did the gradual recommended macros for 2-3 weeks, then they adjusted them for me a little last week and I just kept gaining. :( I have hit the macros every day. I put my weight gain struggle and thyroid stuff on my trend sheet "get to know me" part for the coaches. I just can't keep gaining. I was already up when I joined, having gained 20lbs in the past few months while in a deficit. It just sucks! :s I just don't think mh body can do it right now :(. It's a good plan and I love having more fuel for my lifts. I wish I didn't care about my weight and size but I do and can't let that regain happen. I'd love the thyroid meds to actually help me! We'll see, I've heard various things, with different levels of success. Sigh.
    Glad you're feeling a bit better!good for you letting your body rest!

    I'm feeling pretty good despite dropping cals down a bit. I'll likely throw in a high day once a week to help my body not get used to low cals...down a bit today, which is much better than up!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Pudding-enjoy SC!! Work those glutes!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    So much to catch up on.

    Stephie - Thanks. :smile: Nice on the warmup and good that you can ease into things some. I kinda like cardio but I listen to music while I do it and think about stories (and other things).

    Aigre - Some day. I remember when 200 was too difficult. Tough when things get off kilter but you'll get things re-situated soon, I'm sure. Great workouts you have going and will be interesting to see how strong curves goes.

    Julie - :blush: Deadlift doesn't usually bother my back much, which is impressive since I have arthritis in my lower back. When I fail it feels like it's my legs saying "no, put that down". lol As for stepping back, sometimes you have to go a different route and that's okay. Weight is an annoying challenge at times. I have been trying to deficit all summer/fall but keep getting distracted. Pesky scale.

    Pudding - Have fun with strong curves!

    Managed to go do upper body day after work since I was lazy and stayed in bed far too long this morning. I wasn't feeling it but went and did the lifting anyways.

    band pull apart - 3x10
    bench press - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65 and 3x6 @ 85
    overhead press 1x8 @ 45, 3x5 @ 65
    one arm db row - 3x8 @ 35
    cable bicep curl 3x8 @ 35
    face pull 3x8 @ 35

    Lower calories today though didn't seem like it would be since I ate most of them before going to work. Since I'm going to do the last squat session of the peak cycle tomorrow, will have to eat closer to maintenance. Will be trying 215 for one rep. That one I look forward to but am also nervous about. Will have to wait and see how it goes.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    edited October 2016
    Back from the gym - had a good one today.

    Squats: 5x5 @ 50kg (if everyone could ignore the fact I jumped 10kg from Monday that would be tremendous)
    Bench: 5x5 @ 30kg
    Rows: 5x5 @ 35/40kg somewhere around that mark on the smith machine

    Feeling good again, have brough my lunch in again (it's the little victories for me) and generally looking forward to getting back into training.

    Sam/ Julie/ Aigre I think I might also sign up for ETP! Although maybe not until next month. Julie I hope everything calms down for you weight wise, it's so frustrating to see it going in the wrong direction.

    ETA: I also slammed a bench into my shin while I was trying to manouver it and it hurt like hell. I was trying not to draw attention to my idiot-ness but equally it really f#ing hurt and I was trying to examine the damage without being discovered. No one noticed (well no one said anything) but I'm back at my desk now and it's still stinging!!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Stephie - nice workout! I think you get a pass on the enormous weight increase because you are coming back from a break, and that's not your first time at that weight.

    Dawn - 215 is enormous, strong lady! Good luck!

    Julie - I really admire your patience and tenacity in keeping with logging/deficit while you were unfairly gaining weight. I think I would have said "screw it" and gone for the spoon in the peanut butter jar long ago. I hope things turn around for you soon!

    Pudding - yeay, I love my home gym too! I am feeling slightly sore in the hamstrings from my first SC workout, but nothing too bothersome. I think I'll add a little weight to some of the bodyweight stuff next time.

    Sam - I hope you feel better soon!

    Ran 3.2 miles this morning - I think. I got a fancy new phone (iphone 7 plus) and for whatever reason it was telling me that my route was 3.85 miles versus 3.2 miles like my old phone had said. Weird. I'm pretty sure the old one was right and I wasn't suddenly running 8:30 min miles, though I'd love that to be true! Will have to play with the settings some day when it is not so so dark.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey all..... crazy week.

    Had family staying with us, loads of work and uni stuff. Hubby is not going well - has finally realised he's depressed and had complete mental breakdown..... not aided by discovery of the powerlifting coach 'issue'...... marriage has kind of imploded this week. No sleep. Lots of wine. Lots of fighting. Lots of trying to hold my *kitten* together at work/ for the kids etc.

    Aside from that, started my power lifting program. It's hypertrophy. Massive volumes.... 108 squats on squat day, 108 deadlifts on DL day, 108 bench on bench day (2 x per week).... you get the picture. Am enjoying the change so far. About all I'm enjoying this week!

  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I'm sorry Jo - I hope things get better for you and your hubby x
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Jo - I know you didn't ask for advice, but drop the PL coach if it's an issue in your marriage. Marriage > powerlifting, I swear.

    Did the second workout of Strong Curves today.
    Bodyweight single leg glute bridges- 3x12 each side. Still feel this mainly in the hamstring, which is wrong.
    Chin ups - 3x4 with band assist (program called for lat pulldowns, but I find those funny with resistance bands instead of a real cable machine)
    Bodyweight step ups - 3x10 each side
    Dumbbell military press - 3x8@15 lbs each hand
    swiss ball hyperextension - 3x15
    Side lying clam - 1x20 each side
    Crunch - 1x20
    Side crunch - 1x15 each side

    Concentrating on form. Still not feeling much glute activation but trying! Hoping it will come.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    Yikes, jo, that is serious! Take care.

    No lifting for me since Monday. Schedule too jammed. Returns to a more regular pace next week. I am going to keep my friday appt with personal trainer, though. And hopefully squeeze in saturday cardio.

    We are having our thanksgiving supper on saturday. 12- or 13- for supper. Anne, from kijiji, is coming to cook our turkey and all the trimmings! My hubby thinks I am nuts....but I have to work all weekend. Oh, my parents arrive Friday and I hope they like our thanksgiving "adventure". If they don't, I actually don't give a f---.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Stephie - Oww on the shin. I managed to bruise my shin at work once with one of the tall ladders and didn't even hit it that hard. Yay for bringing in lunch. I should do that some time.

    Aigre - Nice run. Keep saying I'm going to get back into that...

    Jo - Sorry to hear about the troubles as well and take care of yourself. And holy volume, batman. That's a lot of reps. *.*

    Beeps - I hope it goes well for your thanksgiving. Enjoy yourself even with work.

    As for me... Well, I'm tired and cranky. Last night, after working until 11 it took 30 minutes just to get to the 101, so made for a long commute to the gym. It took me longer to drive there than do the squats. Then had to be at work by 7 am, which meant about 4 hours of sleep. Got in only to find out we were short and none of the usual cashiers were scheduled so I got stuck up at the register all shift. None of my stuff can get done cause most days I have been the "breaker" so had to cashier for a few hours every shift and was supposed to not have that issue today and instead it was worse. Today is a lower calorie day too which meant I doubly couldn't spend lunch eating candy. Le sigh.

    But I did do squats last night.

    warm up - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x8 @ 135 and with belt 1x3 @ 185

    1rm set with belt - 1x1 @ 215

    Struggled at the sticking point on the way up where I had a little doubt but managed to push past it. Not ATG from the video but still, think it's decent enough. Nice to improve since before moving I failed at 205. Granted it's only 15 lbs but moving my way up. Next is to get that 225. #goals.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Jo-(((hugs))) that is a bad week. I'm so sorry! I'm sure things will settle down with dh but I'm sure it's hard! Hang in there and just try to take out you your stress in the gym. Wow! That's some serious reps!
    Beeps-I forget you're Canadian! Enjoy your thanksgiving!! I'm sure it'll be great!
    Dawn-sorry about the rough work day and lack of sleep! but nice squats my friend! Good luck with your deficit! I'm trying to rotate mine and nailed it today!
    Aigre-the glute activation thing is tricky at first, at least it was for me. Weighted hip thrusts got me, and the back extensions when I really focused on squeezing helped too. The one leg things were hard, but ineffective for me. And thanks! Its occurred to me that the gaining has been such a bummer on many levels-among them that it wasn't cake and ice cream driven :(.
    Stephe-I thinK you'll do well with ETP. It's good for performance fueling and Sam is losing well on it!

    Lifted Wednesday- dropped to 3x5 for SL and it was good! I wasn't dying, and even added accessories! Yay!
    Squats-155lbs, felt good, better depth.
    Bench-80lbs - no spot!
    Dls- 135x5 twice from the ground, the cage was full so I couldn't do my rack pulled dls. With my low back disc compression I stopped myself from pulling my 165 when I felt my back complain. I could have (and will) do it from the rack. But pulling from the ground just puts that disc in such a vulnerable position it's not worth it.
    Lateral raises 2x10@10lbs
    DB flyes 2x10@20lbs
    Tripcep cable press downs 2x10@35lbs.

    No gaining the last few days!! Yay!
    Lower cals and low carb today. Not hungry, no workout, 125g protein (less than normal day but pretty good for low day) hoping to make some progress :)
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    ETP people - I signed up on Wednesday and got an email with my macros/TDEE. I got an email that my "trendsheet" had been upgraded to automatically pull from MFP/Fibit. But I cannot find this mythical trendsheet? I am so confused. Help?

    Julie - Nice squats and bench! You're right not worth putting yourself in a bad position, and 135 is still pretty good for DLs!

    Dawn - Nice squats!

    Beeps - happy Thanksgiving! LOL at Anne from Kijiji! I happen to like cooking but if I didn't I would totally outsource. Goodness knows I outsource a ton of stuff (cleaning, grocery shopping, yard work, etc.)

    Out at 5 am this morning for 3.2 dark miles. Nice and cool. Phone/GPS is still messed up though, which makes me angry, but it's overestimating so that makes me less angry than if it were underestimating.

    I really want to get this ETP thing to work and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

    Happy weekend all!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Thanks Julie and Aigre.

    I slept way too much as I had a headache last night so went to bed way early, not that I slept all the way through but over the tossing and turning plus staying in bed since didn't work today, it was quite a lot of sleep. Headache was this morning too and a good portion of today. Did get to the gym and jogged on the treadmill. Jog was 45 minutes with a 5 minute warm up and 10 minute cool down. Treadmill said it was just over 4.5 miles.

    Calories were a little better today. Yesterday was bad but the other way as I didn't eat even the minimum I have set for the not great days. I had bought taco bell cause sister wanted it but since I'd eaten a sushi roll at work for lunch instead of candy, figured I'd do veggies and healthier option for dinner. Well, headache and bed meant I didn't eat. Oops. I ate the burritos today, which isn't the best as it's not that great of a calorie/protein ration even though they were just bean burritos with no cheese. Dinner was chicken and veggies, which rounded out the day better and I finally got 80 grams of protein. I have a few pieces of the grocery store non-fried chicken left and I'm going to slow cook some chicken and veggies at work. Should get my protein better this week with all of the chicken but can't have that all of the time. Been having days of like 60 grams of protein based off the MFP database, so it's obviously something I need to work on. Calorie deficit and protein.

    Have a couple of weeks on my calendar now of weigh ins and am tracking daily rounded up calories (not going to put like 1432, so doing more like 1450 and such). Should help with my focus but without obsessing on the single day as I am waiting to see how things trend. Data, data, data. The weigh-ins aren't the same time every day cause I have work at 7 am part of the time and I'm not waking up at 5:45 on days it isn't necessary. Though next three days, I have the morning shift. Hopefully it will be less cashiering cause I might have to post a complaint if I get stuck like that again. Work is good to have but retail can be draining on the spirit at times.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Aigre-mine was supppsed to automatically update, but never did. I would copy and paste mine from MFP. There is a link on the sheet somewhere (first page maybe?) that will tell you about the logging. I watched a few videos and followed the directions. You'll figure it out, there is s bit of a learning curves there. Running in the dark? Go girl! I am thinking I'll need to add some cardio to my routine to actually get some fat off :(.

    Dawn-good job cracking down on the tracking! And good job running too!!! Am I the only one who doesn't do much cardio? I want to believe the experts who say you don't need it :) but I suspect I need to add some more in :(.

    I didn't lift Friday. Shark week and hitting me hard this time. I'll lift tomorrow :) should add some cardio I guess. Love walking but not much else. I'll see what I can do.

    Weight not climbing anymore, working back down a little. Lost 1.5 of the new gain this week, which is a relief :).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    i like cooking. i hate entertaining. And I really like playing cards....Anne made us the most delicious holiday feast I may have ever had!

    I invited Anne back to do our xmas eve....she may not be in town. :(

    Tomorrow, I lift! BOOM!

    ...am watching the presidential debate....Trump is such a turd.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - thanks. I have often liked some forms of cardio though not quite to the extent of running and or biking for distance in the past. It's not really for weight loss but I found something I enjoy where I can listen to music and think about my novels. Outside is better but I ordered a pepper spray thing so maybe I'll brave the parks soon here in LA.

    Beeps - nice that you had a good holiday. mmm feast

    Today was a fail. Work at 7 am quickly became me at the register, only this time it was in the liquor department. We were so short staffed and one of the two people on the floor to help with breaks and if we had long lines was under 21. So, yeah, another long day and not able to do any of my stuff. I did eat okay, even brought food to work for once. Got about 1500 calories today with chicken as main protein source but even fit in a candy bar as allowed some dairy today. However, I still am a bit tired and the deadlits were heavier feeling. I almost considered going for a little higher because I'm so close to 2xbw, but glad I didn't. Weigh in this morning was 132.8 so 265 deadlift is like .6 below 2x that. However, I didn't succeed.

    front squat 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 70 and 3x5 @ 85
    good morning 3x10 @ 85

    warm-up - 1x8 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185, with belt 1x3 @ 205 and 1x1 @ 235
    chalk and belt 265 - fail

    The 185 felt heavy but 235 went okay. I attempted 265 twice. I could get it off the floor but struggled past that point, though got a little further the second time. I might try again on a day off when I don't get up at 5:45 in the morning. Eat at least 1500 again or even a little more and keep the before deadlifts warm-up moves light.

    It was also awkward because there was a guy there behind me the whole time, from front squats to deadlift. He spent most of it sitting on the floor occasionally looking on his phone and sort of stretching. Though he looked down obviously when I was squatting as could see him in the mirror that was right in front of me. It was just weird with him not doing anything really that entire time but chilling on the floor in the gym.

    I have another morning shift tomorrow (really going to be pissed if I cashier again). New schedule is up and it's the same as this week. 4 morning shifts and one evening. But I'll get Friday off again. Writing wise, at least I finished chapter 13 of BRR and started chapter 14, so can say something got done today.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Training day at work so up at 5am to do my (currently 90 mins) squat day first. Home at 5pm to walk dog and go to taekwondo (new). Hubby just gone to work and it's now 8.30pm, all the kids are up, I need to make my dinner and I have assignments to write. Sulk!