Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Sam-thanks, the discouraging part was how rare, I'm told, it is to get the meds optimized. I'm glad to hear they're doing well though! So many hypo patients are never able to lose weight. But I'm hoping good meds and careful diet and exercise will help me succeed. It's just rough adjusting my expectations to reality.
    Aigre-good job on all green!! That seems to be the key!!
    Dawn-that's right, holiday chaos will hit you soon :(. Bummer!
    I just always worry with those jerk moves...I am too scared to do them with any decent weight.
    Stephe-you're doing great! In a parallel world I too struggled with knee cave this week. And am stuck at 65lb OHP...but go girl on your DL!!! I have to rack pull mine because of my low back, and am feeling it at 165lbs. 200 seems unattainable to me! Go girl!!

    I missed the gym Friday, but for a good reason! We got our first foster placement! A baby girl, 12 days old, she's an a loser doll and we're all in love!! So I've been busy with many other things and hope to lift again Monday.
    Some reading I've done on hypothyroidism suggests scaling back workouts to not over stress your system...I don't want to, but have noticed significant fatigue. So, 2 good lifting sessions and some walking may be a good idea while I'm adjusting meds, but we'll see. :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Stephie - Nice lifting. I try to brace but need to work on it though will admit to getting some products for during the lifting meet to make sure no issue came up cause ugh yeah. ;-)
    Aigre - Thanks. I'm really considering it. Though I've seen some that lift in that federation and they got strength, plus the juggernaut meet being the closest one intimidates me just a little.
    Julie - Yep, we have Christmas stuff in the stockroom already.

    Yesterday was blah. I didn't do anything on my day off but ended up eating over maintenance between protein snacks and candy bars. Yep. Kinda delicious but not the best choices. Today was decent at work though and I helped with the receiving of truck, so organizing the totes when we first get them before getting ready to bring them out. Did some things at home after work too, dishes and made a decent dinner. Weight was up this morning, but aside from today's spike from well yeah, the average is down a little from last week, so that's good.

    I went to the gym and tried again at the deadlift max but it was a no go. I guess for now my max on deadlift is 255 for 2 reps. If I do the meet in January, my goal is going to be to get that 2xbw deadlift.

    front squat 2x10 @ 45, 3x8 @ 65
    good morning 3x10 @ 65
    warm up - 1x8 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185, with belt 1x3 @ 205 and 1x2 @ 235
    belt and chalk - 265 fail and 260 fail

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    edited October 2016
    Julie - congrats on the foster placement! Wow, that would be really tough emotionally, but so wonderful for the child to have a safe place.

    Dawn - nice numbers! Christmas stuff already, jeez!

    Yesterday I did Strong Curves, workout C.
    Glute march - 3x20
    Inverted row - 3x10
    Goblet squats - 3x17@25 lbs
    DB BP - 3x12@17.5 lbs
    DB SL RDL - 3x15@17.5lbs
    X band walk - 1x20 each side
    RKC plank - 1x30s
    Side plank - 1x30s each side
    It doesn't look like much written out, but having some good DOMS from SC, so I am happy for that!

    Today I ran 5.83 miles. Was sort of aiming for 6 but got back home and decided to be done, will plan better next week. Set up for a "low" day on ETP. Oddly, having trouble keeping my protein in check and eating enough carbs.

    Procrastinated putting away a mountain of laundry by making a batch of split pea soup to take for lunches. 327 cal/41C/5F/33P. 10 lunches made for < $5. But now really need to go put laundry away.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,941 Member
    I lifted, today! Chest, triceps...and I threw in some WHT. BOOM!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Great lifting ladies!
    Aigre-good job on strong curves! WTG!
    Dawn-gah! Christmas? I guess it's true, I've seen it out in stores already! Sorry the DL isn't happening yet, you'll get there!!
    Beeps-Good lifting!!

    No lifting yet for me, very tired and distracted...but loving this little baby!!! I've got appointments with her all week and meetings, and we're taking a car in to be worked on this week, so I'm calling a rest week. I need one emotionally and likely physically too.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Just work today for me. Yep to the Christmas but we don't really have anything for Thanksgiving so after the Halloween stuff is clearanced or taken away, then it's Christmas so they send stuff early and we have to keep it in the stock room for a while, though we have some of the toy stuff out.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Dawn - they had all sorts of Christmas stuff up at Costco last weekend. Crazy. And it's supposed to be 80 today!

    Julie - oh, I remember the days with a newborn! Are you waking up much at night? That is the hardest.

    Beeps - yeay for lifting!

    Strong Curves, workout A today
    Glute bridges - 3x20@17.5 lbs
    One arm row - 3x10@27.5 lbs
    Box goblet squat - 3x15@25 lbs
    Bench press - 3x12@46.5 lbs
    DB RDLs - 3x15@20 lbs DBs
    Side lying abduction - 1x30 each side
    Plank - 1x65s
    Side plank - 1x30s each side

    As predicted, weight is up since starting ETP. Have requested a review, so we will see where it goes from here. Trying very hard to take it all in stride :)

    Happy Tuesday, everyone!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Well I totally wrote out a long reply yesterday that I clearly didn't post. Gah.

    I am suffering from another cold - one of the perils of living with a toddler at nursery - so I didn't lift yesterday or today. Will take as much time off as I need as I do not want to push anything quicker than I should do.

    Julie - that is a wonderful thing to foster a newborn. Although good lord, as Aigre says, those wakeups! After about 3 weeks I was just about ready to kill everyone around me. Will you be taking care of the little one until permanent adoptive parents are found? I don't know if my little heart could take it!

    Beeps - good job getting it in

    Dawn - YAY sign up, sign up, sign up

    Aigre - good work on the lifting and running. I would try not to be overly concerned about the weight increase. I'm sure it will settle down.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Stephie, hope you feel better soon! Those daycare colds are the worst.

    Out in shorts and a tank top this morning for 3.2 miles. Probably for the last time dressed like that for a while, since the weather is set to turn cold! Will enjoy this indian summer while it lasts, though.

    Happy Wednesday, everyone!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Stephie - Need to earn some money for the side job first. Main paycheck has to go to bills unfortunately. But really thinking of signing up for the meet and joining USAPL. Nice job with the lifting. Scale is frustrating and hope things get going for you on that front. I was a little down then had one day of over maintenance and it's like starting over again. I envy those that can have a high day and be back down after just a couple of days, just a little.

    Aigre - We finally had a chilly day where it was a bit gray. Now we're back up to hot weather. Was warm enough to start melting the vegan "butter" before had turned on the stovetop. Haven't run outside yet but did get the pepper spray in so maybe soon.

    Went to the gym today after handling some errands (adult bleh). Had to take my car in because the right turn signal wasn't working and it needed a new bulb. Should have probably just figured out how to change it myself as that would have been cheaper since the warranty ended after two years, so it ended in August. Also took about an hour as I went in without an appointment since trying to get one online would have meant waiting almost a week. Did leg day at gym as don't have a set plan yet. Need to decide if I'm going to try for the meet in January or not.

    squat - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x8 @ 135 and with belt 3x3 @ 185
    sumo deadlift - 1x8 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185 and with belt 3x3 @ 205 (very slow as haven't done these in a while)
    cable kickback - 3x10 @ 15
    treadmill for 30 minute jog

    Went fine. Had a woman who does training there comment on my deadlift about it being a heavy weight. She mostly trains some of the older clients, from what I've seen, so she made a comment about how won't be able to do that when I get older. However, later she came over and asked me about the stance so I talked briefly about conventional versus sumo and she did a few deadlifts with the pre-fixed bars because I inspired her to do them. On the extra plus side, used the 5th hole in my belt instead of the 4th. Usually I'm on the 4th one except occasional more bloated type days where it's just out of range so go with the looser 3rd one. I've been in the 5th just a couple of times so always kinda nice when I get there, though spots on my hip ache at times when I use the belt since it's a 4 inch one. No weight loss but I'll take a good moment with a belt any day.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey all, just a quick check in from me. New PL program going well - workouts take ages, but they are fun and I'd never normally push myself to do so much - lots of volume. This is week 3 and each week I am doing 5x 12 on the big lifts, plus 4 x 12 on a variation (i.e. 5 x 12 back squat and then 4 x 12 front squat). Then accessories. The reps have not decreased yet so the weight has gone up each week. I've been surprised with how I've been able to manage it actually - not done hypertrophy for a long time. Strengthening my mid back is a lot of the focus for the accessories and I can definitely feel it working, so am excited to think progress might actually happen!!

    Life at home still crazy - but the end of the uni semester is in sight. Hoping for a small amount of reprieve.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Seems everyone is very busy and glad to see IK'm in good company for missing workouts. I was lazy yesterday and missed my workout. I totally should have gone because today my hypersomnia flared. I was falling asleep in the car on the way home, walked in the door, went straight to bed for an hour nap. Now I'm waiting for dinner. Boy am I cranky. I tend to have better workouts on low carb days (after three days of loading up) and on the weekends when I have more energy in general.

    Finally Started stage 4 on Monday:
    Half-kneeling chop 2x10@25lbs
    Back Squat 2x15@65
    Chin up 2x12@135 assist
    Step ups 2x15@20dbs
    DB BP 2x15@20dbs

    These weights felt low to me but the 15 reps were killer.

    Yesterday was also an emotional day at work. We had a parade for one of our students with terminal cancer. He's on hospice right now, but he loves coming to school. It's his favorite part of the day. Since he only lives at the end of the street, He comes to school for an hour. When he gets tired, he goes home. My friend does home instruction with him. She goes to his house every day to spend time with him and read him stories. This will be the second student she loses. Check out the news story. The Police department and emergency service really went all out for him to give him and his family the best day ever.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    edited October 2016
    Dawn - yeay on using the smaller hole in the belt!

    Jo - glad things are going well in the gym. That's a lot of volume! I hope things calm down at home soon.

    Samntha - oh how sad. Life is so unfair. Will be sending good wishes to your student and his family.

    On ETP, do you do the 7 day rhythm or the 8 day rhythm? I started on the 8 day one based on the fact that it was "preferred" but sometimes low days fall where I don't want them to, so wondering if I should switch.

    Yesterday I did another Strong Curves workout. I'm about 3 weeks in, I think, and still enjoying the difference from Strong, though it is definitely a bit less intense at this stage. But still get sweaty and sore, so still a good workout!

    Today I ran 3.2 miles. It was horribly foggy, which I didn't enjoy. But I had a full 25 minutes to myself when I got back home before the family woke up. I drank coffee and looked at Facebook without interruption. Unheard of!

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I typically do the 7 day rhythm. I like having consistent days too. Sometimes I'll throw in an 8 day because I need to move things around for my schedule. It's totally OK to be flexible. This week I did I so I could move my Super day to Saturday. Tomorrow is the theme park, Fright Fest and I intend to EAT!

    Did Stage 4 WO B1
    Low kneeling chop 2x10@17.5
    DL 3x12@75 (I could have gone heavier)
    Military push ups 3x12
    SA Low row 3x12@
    Side Lunge with touch 3x12@15
    The side lunge is a humbling exercise.

    Tomorrow I am crazy busy. Sunday I will make like broccoli and veg.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio Day for me. Had a 10k walk related to work as we had a team take part in AIDS Walk LA. It was fun. Oddly gray, cloudy day but that was nice since we had to walk that far in the city.

    Was a bit of a rest week for me, since the peak cycle ended. I have a couple of weeks before the next one starts so it's going to be getting back in the groove of lifting again this week.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Dawn - How do you do your programming? Do you just do it yourself? How did you learn to do that?

    Samntha - thanks! I have been good all week, then struggling on weekends. The big culprit is the 2 glasses of wine. I'm ok for calories, but it seems to take up 50% of my fat. Ugh. So I am ending up eating very very low fat all day on weekends in order to have a somewhat normal dinner. So hard to give up that wine though. Hope you had fun at the theme park! Great workout!

    Kind of dead here lately.

    Saturday I did Strong Curves workout C, #3. I was so sore after this workout, despite not really progressing a lot since the last time I did it. Goblet squats@25 lbs 3x20 just killed my legs. I don't know if it's that I'm getting weaker, or that this new nutrition is off (see above about eating fat free all day).

    Yesterday I had a super busy day, my brother is moving to his new place and since I have been lifting, I am now considered a valuable asset for moving! Ha! So we moved really big and heavy stuff like washer/dryer, bookcases, boxes of books, couch, etc. I think it ought to have counted as an extra strength workout. Still have more to go next weekend. I still did manage to get in my 5.2 mile run, averaging about 10 min/mile pace, so happy with that.

    Still sore and tired today. Much needed rest day.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - I found a peak cycle online, so just plug in the numbers for the main lifts in the excel sheet and it figures out what I have to do each week. I did add some of the accessories because at the commercial gyms I don't have some of the equipment the ones on the worksheet would call for usually. Wish I could have a coach but can barely afford the cheap commercial gyms so anything else is out of the range and I have to just do what I can myself.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre - yeah it is a bit quiet around here lately, I shall take partial blame for that :)

    Woke up yesterday and felt much better so had plans to go to the gym at lunch, but for some reason lunch came and went and I didn't go. Have been thinking this over since then and I think I am a little burnt out from stronglifts 5x5 (it's hard to motivate yourself when you know you have to do 5x5 of heavy squats as soon as you get there).

    So today I am starting Wendler 5/3/1! It's supposed to be an "intermediate" program, I am not an "intermediate" lifter by any of the numbers, but I don't care! I will take slower progress (you only add weight to your max every month) over fast but boring programming!

    I need to figure out what accesories I'll be doing, but I'm happy to mess around for the first cycle to see what works for me (and how much time everything takes).

    Will check in later after I have done my first session!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hi all!

    Stephie - not just you! Feel like we haven't heard from Kimi, pudding, and Supermel in a while either! Hope they are all doing well, though.

    Interested to see how you will do with Wendler. At some point when I looked at it, it reminded me of the last few stages of Strong, which I did enjoy. I think I will probably do Stronglifts for a little while after I do this cycle of Strong Curves, though.

    Dawn - cool! I admire your ability to program yourself, even if it is following something online. I would probably just stare at the wall and do a few bicep curls if I didn't have a program to follow.

    Anyway, I did Strong Curves workout A #4 this morning
    Glute bridge - 3x20@27.5 lbs
    One arm DB row - 3x10@27.5 lbs
    Box squat - 3x20@25 lbs
    Bench press - 3x12@46.5
    DB RDL - 3x12@27.5 DBs
    Side lying abduction - 1x20 each side
    Front plank - 70 seconds
    Side plank - 30 seconds each side
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    The big culprit is the 2 glasses of wine. I'm ok for calories, but it seems to take up 50% of my fat.

    Ummm.... what? What the hell kinda wine are you drinking? Carbs yes, fat, no.