Daily Chat Thread



  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    The big culprit is the 2 glasses of wine. I'm ok for calories, but it seems to take up 50% of my fat.

    Ummm.... what? What the hell kinda wine are you drinking? Carbs yes, fat, no.

    Yeah, it sounds super weird, and I'd never logged alcohol like that! But since wine calories come from carbs+alcohol, the alcohol calories go into either the fat or carb macro space. So you are supposed to count a 6 oz glass of white wine as 140 calories, 8 g fat, and 18 g carbs. So if you have a generous 2 glasses, that's 16g of "fat" which is a lot compared to a 49 g limit per day!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    The big culprit is the 2 glasses of wine. I'm ok for calories, but it seems to take up 50% of my fat.

    Ummm.... what? What the hell kinda wine are you drinking? Carbs yes, fat, no.

    Yeah, it sounds super weird, and I'd never logged alcohol like that! But since wine calories come from carbs+alcohol, the alcohol calories go into either the fat or carb macro space. So you are supposed to count a 6 oz glass of white wine as 140 calories, 8 g fat, and 18 g carbs. So if you have a generous 2 glasses, that's 16g of "fat" which is a lot compared to a 49 g limit per day!

    Says who? Not saying you're wrong, just never heard this. Anyhow, I need more fat.... off to get another glass :D
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jo-we count alcohol usually as fat but there is an option to calculate as carbs. Alcohol is empty calories. If you pull from carbs it's calories divided by four. If you calculate as fat, it's calories divided by 9. AIgre, if you save you wine for super day, you don't have to be as careful of hitting exact macros. Super can be an unofficial "cheat day." Paul even said on Super days, put your macros in the sheets to light your numbers green then put your REAL numbers in your notes. IT's really only important if you're are participating in Untapped.

    I'm doing a second week of 8 days because I have my union cocktail party on Friday and a low day just won't do it. I don't typically drink at the party, because $6 a glass of wine, but the buffet is a dream. I'll try to stick to proteins, but I have to get some pasta in there. Then Saturday will be low and Sunday Super. Boy I can do some damage with that. Funny enough, I was TRYING to eat "bad" at Six Flags on Saturday and I almost nailed my Super macros for the day. I just had to move 2 grams of fat over protein to light up green.

    I had my monthly check in. My weight hit a new low this week as well. I started the program at 166 (max), now I'm down to 157 (min) Most of that is from entering this fat loss cycle. Four more weeks, to get it done. My pants fit better. THat's what really matters. I do miss my PRs though.

    Stage 4 is so weird with the variable weights and sets.
    Back squat 1x10@70, 75, 80
    Chin-up 3x10 @125 assist
    Step-ups 18in, 3x10@25dbs
    DB BP 3x10@25dbs.

    I left it ALL on the floor. I will definitely be going to the gym before 5pm from now on!! Didn't have to wait for ANYTHING!

    Happy lifting ladies!! Have a great rest of the week
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    edited October 2016
    Here's the info on alcohol
    Dr. Brad is the resident exercise/nutrition scientist for ETP. 2dq6xuobkn02.png
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Yeah, mine logs as carbs. But either way it'll still pretty much fit my macros - hurrah!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Awesome! I had been looking at this graphic and was really sad that a martini was 27 grams of fat! Glad I can count them towards carbs instead.

    Nice squats, Sam!

    Out this morning for a chilly 32 degree run in the dark, 3.2 miles. I need to figure out my wardrobe for winter running. Tights, a 1/4 neck zip shirt, a very light fleece jacket, a hat and gloves were too warm after the first mile. But I was having trouble convincing myself to leave my warm house without the jacket. In other news, it turns out my Flipbelt has been holding up my pants all this time. I didn't wear it today (cause the jacket had pockets I could put my phone in), and I was hiking up my pants the whole run.

    Lucky no one else is out to see me so dark and early!

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - lol. I have to make myself do bicep curls but I know the feeling. Sometimes I'm just like umm.... Well, it helps following some lifters on youtube too though. I think a video Omar put up mentioned face pulls to help counter bench pressing. So, that kind of stuff helps me figure out what to do, that and some things I just like to do.

    I have a small cold now. Yeah. It's just a head congestion and feeling tired but a slight nuisance.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    Feel better Dawn. Congestion is no fun.

    Today, I be ti-red.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Hi girls! Sorry I've been mia...newborn is adorable and we love her! But I'm exhausted:( I haven't lifted in 2 weeks :(. Scale continued to climb, but I saw the endocrinologist today and she's prescribed a new med which should help.

    I hope to take a few naps so that I be a bit less exhausted and start working out again! I miss it but can't even imagine dragging my tired tushie to the gym...but I miss it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    Here's my topic of conversation - hubby and I are FINALLY taking a trip, alone; we leave next week. The genesis of this trip was my (benign) diagnosis July 7th.

    The fact it has taken us 4 MONTHS to celebrate my tumor-free status is RIDICULOUS.

    THIS is EXACTLY the sort of "stuff" that was supposed to CHANGE....that tumor was such a SHOCK and we have not done a really good job, as a family, of prioritizing "important" stuff.

    So, last weekend, when my hubby reminded me that our trip to Boston was my "birthday present", I totally SCOFFED....Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, NO, this trip is to celebrate BENIGN.

    And, sure, we can do some "birthday stuff" while we are in Boston, but that is NOT "it".

    Hubby is away on business this week and I am totally over-loaded with driving teenagers EVERYWHERE (hockey, baseball, volleyball, and leadership....gawd, we can BARELY handle this when there are two adults doing transportation....when it is JUST ONE, it is ridiculous). I have NOT been home between the hours of 8 am and 9:30 pm any f*cking night THIS WEEK.

    Soooooooooo, I have NOT had a "chance" to "look forward" to enjoying Boston. To happy anticipation. I just feel completely burned out.

    AND FAT.

    My friggin' trainer that I used to have saw me yesterday - she hasn't seen me since late June. (i.e. just after my tumor surgery) - and SHE SAID "I SEE YOU ARE FAT!!"

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. She then felt my bicep and said, 'hmmm, but your muscles are great!" And I said, "well, Z, at least I DON'T HAVE CANCER!!" And she laughed and said she could see the fat IN MY FACE.


    Kill. Me. Now.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    edited October 2016
    Julie - for sure, newborns are a LOT of work! So wonderful for her that she has you, though.

    Samntha - rest up, lady!

    Dawn - Oh, I always forget to check youtube! I am much more of a print girl than a video person.

    I am dragging today as well. Must be something in the air. I had a late meeting last night, didn't get home until almost 9 pm and hadn't eaten dinner. So I was up late, then the baby and the dog were up during the night. But I did get up and do my Strong Curves workout. SL glute bridges are finally starting to work right, feeling it more in the glutes and less in the hamstrings. One more workout, then on to the second 4 week block.

    ETA - Beeps! How mean of your trainer! What a jerk! Ignore her. Boston is lovely! (I am biased, I live in the suburbs). Enjoy your trip and have a wonderful time. Your weight does NOT matter, your health does.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Here's my topic of conversation - hubby and I are FINALLY taking a trip, alone; we leave next week. The genesis of this trip was my (benign) diagnosis July 7th.

    The fact it has taken us 4 MONTHS to celebrate my tumor-free status is RIDICULOUS.

    THIS is EXACTLY the sort of "stuff" that was supposed to CHANGE....that tumor was such a SHOCK and we have not done a really good job, as a family, of prioritizing "important" stuff.

    So, last weekend, when my hubby reminded me that our trip to Boston was my "birthday present", I totally SCOFFED....Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, NO, this trip is to celebrate BENIGN.

    And, sure, we can do some "birthday stuff" while we are in Boston, but that is NOT "it".

    Hubby is away on business this week and I am totally over-loaded with driving teenagers EVERYWHERE (hockey, baseball, volleyball, and leadership....gawd, we can BARELY handle this when there are two adults doing transportation....when it is JUST ONE, it is ridiculous). I have NOT been home between the hours of 8 am and 9:30 pm any f*cking night THIS WEEK.

    Soooooooooo, I have NOT had a "chance" to "look forward" to enjoying Boston. To happy anticipation. I just feel completely burned out.

    AND FAT.

    My friggin' trainer that I used to have saw me yesterday - she hasn't seen me since late June. (i.e. just after my tumor surgery) - and SHE SAID "I SEE YOU ARE FAT!!"

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. She then felt my bicep and said, 'hmmm, but your muscles are great!" And I said, "well, Z, at least I DON'T HAVE CANCER!!" And she laughed and said she could see the fat IN MY FACE.


    Kill. Me. Now.

    @Beeps2011 I am totally pissed off on your behath. NOBODY, No woman or man should ever say that to a woman. This is a huge contributing factor to women having to overcome negative body image. How dare she dog you like that.

    Best of luck with the kids, and definitely have a blast in Boston. You so totally need and deserve some fun time.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It was a 50/50 kind of day.
    Blew my fat on breakfast (now eating plain tuna on bread for dinner) because I had a turkey sausage honey butter biscuit from Quick Chek. TOTALLY WORTH IT!
    I was all over the damn place at work. PMS lack of concentration. ( I get fuzzy brained) But I left early for OBGYN appointment. I'm in very good health.
    Got home at 2:00 in the afternoon for total chill time, but my 12yo decided to go MIA and didn't report home until 3:30. Grr.

    HAd a great workout though. From now on, I'm getting to the gym by 5:00 pm.
    S4 B2
    Deadlift 2x15@70 (could go heavier.)
    pushups 2x15 military, no stopping.
    Low Cable pull 2x15@22.5 and 24
    Side lunge with touch 2x15@15 Still humbling

    Tell you what, I felt those side lunges the first time I did them for four days. My inner thighs screamed.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    I remember those side lunges, Samntha!

    Ran 3.2 miles this morning. Really didn't want to get out of bed, but I did it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    I am totally "okay", today, that she said I was "fat"....I had warned her by text, post-surgery, that I was "fat and bloated". She is a trainer and she looks AMAZING. Always very lean and muscled. It is all good. I am turning 48, and she is 47. I won't ever have her body and she won't ever have my brain.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I don't like the idea of someone saying another person looks fat but the dynamics different people have with each other, so I can't say it's always wrong either. We also come from different experiences. I don't know what it's like to not be overweight. Even now I'm overweight for my height though at least not obese as I was for a large portion of my life thus far. *shrugs* People vary, which is good, in the end.

    Still recovering from a cold, which is congestion so I could go to gym but with work and everything, too lazy/tired but will be hitting it hard again soon. Though work is discouraging me a little. Had another set-back so will be months before I can have a chance to do anything more than what I already do now. Maybe some day I'll actually move up or find something else.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Having a good day. I love the post-period woosh of the scale. Overnight I dropped 1.5 pounds. It's interesting actually. I maintain scale weight leading up to my period, but I'm actually retaining water. Therefore, When all the water leaves, I can actually see the little bit of weight that I've actually been losing as I was gaining water. As is usually the case, day after my period is new lowest weight. Officially 10 pounds since starting ETP in the beginning of July, but 5 pounds in 5 weeks since I started my fat loss cycle. Down 1.5% BF in five weeks as well, at a best estimate without a bod-pod. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Good workout today.
    S4 A3
    Squat 3x12@85
    Asst. Chin up 3x12@125
    Step up 3x12@25dbs
    DB BP 3x12@25dbs

    And then a 1 mile walk with the puppy on this very weird 80 degree day on October 30th. Seriously, Wednesday I was bundled up like the dead of winter with temps in the high 30s. Today, I'm wearing short and the air is on.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Happy Halloween, everyone!

    Sam - awesome on the scale drop! I'm still a bit confused with ETP. How do you know if it is time to do a fat loss cycle? What does a fat loss cycle entail? I'm basically maintaining, maybe 0.5 lb down in 3 weeks at this point.

    Dawn - sorry about your work set back.

    Beeps - great attitude, but still mean of her to say.

    Finished up the first block of Strong Curves on Saturday. Feeling pretty good. Definitely hitting the glutes now. Can actually feel them more on these light goblet squats than I ever could on heavier barbell work in Strong. Will move on to the next phase tomorrow.

    5.2 mile run yesterday. Love fall running!

    Rest day for me today. Looking forward to Halloween with the kids tonight!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Sam - you're doing great, well done!
    Aigre - Wow that's a long run! Glad you're feeling your glutes, I suspect I'm not using mine properly (at least in squats) so something I need to work on too I'm sure
    Dawn - Sorry about work, it's so frustrating to get stuck. I hope you're feeling better
    Beeps - I would have had a full on meltdown, I'm glad you're feeling ok now, and I hope things are getting better with your husband - hopefully your trip has helped you two.

    Ok, ok, so I know I said last Tuesday that I was starting 5/3/1, and it's now Monday... but at least I did my first day of 5/3/1 today :)

    If anyone is thinking about running this at some point, I would suggest getting the 5/3/1 book and the "Beyond 5/3/1" as he has redone his programming quite dramatically since the original book.

    This week is 3x3 week and today was squat day:

    Squats: 4 warm up sets then:
    3 @ 47.5kg
    3 @ 55kg
    3+ AMRAP @ 60kg (I did 6)
    This was all pretty easy, the AMRAP I wasn't really sure of how far to push it, I guess this is something I can work on in the future weeks

    I'm running the boring but big schedule which means I follow up with 5 x 10 @ 50% max weight with the complimentary big lift, so today was deadlifts.. this is where it went a little wrong.

    So I should have done 5 x 10 @ 40kg, but I am a moron and did my first set using 60kg (and then felt like I was going to die) before I realised my mistake and switched back to 40kg for the remaining 4 sets! OOPS!!!

    Oh well, nevermind. My forearms are shot now though!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    Happy Halloween!

    I read most of my OxYGEn magazine and it kind of re-invigorated me! I can work on the fat-loss, long-term, and likely have to change up my lifting to keep myself interested and to overcome some muscle-memory. I am not making strength-gains.

    And I should be.

    A week away will do me good.