Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome back SuperMel, I love kicking it off with a fun class. They are motivating to at least get you out of the house.
    Holy Volume Jo!! How long did that take?
    Way to get back in there Dawn. Coming off being sick is the PITS!

    Bogus weekend ladies. TOM ALWAYS kills the momentum. I was so good with the Halloween candy in the house, and Saturday I damn near ate the entire bowl. Well, all the chocolate anyway. I was a great big lazy beast. It was awesome. Unfortunately, by Sunday night I was congested again. I really need to invest in a nasal rinse. I swear, my room in the dungeon is making me sick.

    Any-who, I struggled through work, but it was an easy day because we have a short week and it's the close of the quarter. I made myself go to the gym. Boy am I glad I did!!
    The ETP coaches have us doing the monthly challenge, which is awesome, and the bonus round is "Super Meet." You have to give yourself a score for the five main power-lifting moves: Back squat, Bench Press, Snatch, Deadlift, Clean and Jerk. Since I had squat and bench on the agenda tonight, I decided to go for my 1RM. I've never done it before. (On a night I feel like crap, go figure)
    Back squat: 145#
    Bench: 1x5@70 Some dude ganked my bench before I could come back and go for the 1RM. I'll try again later this week.

    I feel bad-*kitten* and energized. And even with all of my binging this weekend, weight stable. Once again, the day after a binge, my weight came in the lowest of the week. Seriously, what is up with that?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Mel - yup, a 17 day diet sounds like a crap idea :D Never mind - onwards and upwards

    Sam - all my workouts are taking 90-120 mins at the moment. That said, the majority is spent resting between sets! I am lucky I am able to fit them in

    Bench today - sucked. Fatigued from combat. Must plan the week better. Though nothing sucks as much as squats. HATE :s
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Oh ladies, I am struggling :(

    I am eating everything, I'm not going to the gym, right now I'm drinking a Starbucks Eggnog Latte for absolutely no reason.

    I don't know what to do to get myself out of this funk. I thought changing up my training would help, but I've kind of lost sight of what I'm doing.

    I want to lose fat, but I don't eat in a manner that would enable that, and I don't train in that manner either!!

    Sorry for the negativity. I'm going to try to pull myself out of this.

    Keep on, keeping on, ladies x
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Stephie - sorry you are struggling! The holidays are a tough time of year for eating, for sure. I have always read it's best to just focus on one thing, one habit, and get that down. Then move on to the next part. Sometimes when I don't want to work out I just tell myself that I will just do the first two exercises, or just run one mile. Then if I still don't feel like it, I can stop. What almost always ends up happening is I end up convincing myself "I already got dressed, I'm already here, I can do a few more sets". And then I'm halfway through and not going to give up. And if I did just run a mile and quit, well, it was still better than nothing! You are so strong, I know you can get back there!

    Jo - that's a lot of time in the gym! What do you do for recovery after all that work?

    Sam - that's an awesome 1RM! Still kind of confused about the whole challenge thing on ETP, but oh well. I don't even know how to snatch and clean and jerk!

    Dawn - strong work as always! Here you go :)https://smittenkitchen.com/2014/11/cranberry-pie-with-thick-pecan-crumble/ So cool you are writing a novel!

    Supermel - glad you are back! I am currently about 6 weeks into Strong Curves. I think it's a good program if you can get past the sort of misogynistic tilt of the book. I can't decide if it's Bret himself or some editor who thought they knew what women wanted to read, but some parts of it are pretty cringe-worthy. But I think the workouts are solid. Much higher rep ranges than most of the phases of Strong/NROLFW, and maybe less variety, but sort of easier in that respect. It isn't the program if you want to go out and blast through 1RM PRs. But I definitely feel like I'm learning to activate my glutes and making progress. The other popular one to look at is Strong Lifts, of course. Stephie and I think Dawn have done that one. It's more strength based.

    Today I did Strong Curves week 5-8 workout A
    Hip thrusts - 3x20@25 lbs
    One arm row - 3x10@27.5 lbs
    Goblet squat - 3x20@27.5 lbs
    Bench press - 3x12@50 lbs
    Barbell RDL - 3x15@50 lbs
    Side lying abduction - 1x30 each side
    Front plank - 1x70s
    Side plank - 1x30s each side

    Have a great Tuesday, everyone!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Aigre, the challenges are posted in the Trendsheet group, under files, bulletin board. Then you post achievements on your personal Trendsheet. I find it to be hugely motivating.

    IT'S USA election day!! I walked 1.77 miles to my polling location in my pantsuit and heels. Suffering for my suffrage! Luckily where I live polling locations are close and we ain't got no stinking lines. Now we wait. Seriously, there are stories pf people waiting 5 hours. It's just wrong.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    *hugs beeps*

    Holiday lattes are a vice of mine. I had a chestnut praline one last night. I used to do two at write-ins before I started focusing on calories and it sucks how many calories are in them. It's tasty though. Wish I had advice. I haven't been able to stick to the deficit to lose weight either.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    God help us all. That's the only thing I can think this morning! And you UK people thought Brexit was bad!

    I went to bed at 9 before things were decided and woke up at 3 and stupidly decided to check my phone and see what happened. Of course, I couldn't fall back asleep after that. I will be tired tonight.

    At the very least, the election result was a distracting thing to think about during my 3.2 mile run this morning. Sigh. God help us all.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    ^ I was up at 4am today watching the coverage (not sure what time that was US time, but it was about the time that it suddenly looked like Trump might be happening).

    Definitely the same feeling as Brexit - like it happened, it got voted in, but I don't know anyone that voted for it/him!!

    I'm sure it'll be alright, he doesn't have the political background or the support of his party so he won't be making his own decisions on things....

    ... me and hubs did briefly discuss a nuclear bunker though...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    God help us all. That's the only thing I can think this morning! And you UK people thought Brexit was bad!

    I went to bed at 9 before things were decided and woke up at 3 and stupidly decided to check my phone and see what happened. Of course, I couldn't fall back asleep after that. I will be tired tonight.

    At the very least, the election result was a distracting thing to think about during my 3.2 mile run this morning. Sigh. God help us all.

    You just described my night. I got up to take some Advil. Really wish I hadn't looked at my phone.

    Exhausting day. I have full-blown laryngitis, tough for a teacher whose it is to basically talk all day. However, it gave me a reason not to speak about the election. Rest day today. Teacher convention tomorrow.

    Stephanie, he doesn't need the support of the party. The party OWNS him. The party won the House, the Senate, AND the Supreme Court. It's scary, but there are those of us who will fight.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    gawd. trump. awful.

    I need to make a plan to my best health....this stuff is wrecking me.


    I also need to love myself. everyday. and my body that takes me everywhere i go.

    I need to empower myself....because women just got knocked back decades-and-decades.
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Prepare for the Great Regression: don't forget to set your clock back 70 years.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    My husband said "well, I just hope he doesn't blow anyone up". Yeah, a low bar for the leader of the free world :(

    Anyway, back to exercise.
    Strong Curves this morning
    SL glute bridges- 3x20
    Chin ups- 1x5, 2x4 with assistance band
    Lunges- 3x12@15 lbs dumbbells
    DB military press- 3x10@15 lbs dumbbells
    Swiss ball reverse hyper - 3x20
    Side lying clam - 1x30 each side
    Swiss ball crunches - 1x20
    Swiss ball side crunches - 1x15 each side

    I think I want a folding reverse hyper machine cause I don't feel like the swiss ball is really working right. Maybe for Christmas.
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Zumba tonight!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    YAy Zumba!

    Had a great day at the teacher convention.It's awesome being surrounded by like-minded people and getting my professional learn on.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yeah... We watched the election unfold that night and umm, I drank a bottle of wine cause ugh. We'll leave it at that.

    Today was okay. I had a mid-shift day at work then made it to part of a write-in at the Coffee Bean. Then went to the gym as it was near the coffee shop for that one. I'm making decent writing progress too as I have 20,000 words so far on the fantasy novel and almost 2,000 on the contemporary that I am handwriting before typing up.

    band pull aparts 3x10
    bench 2x10 @ 45, 1x6 then 3x8 @ 75
    good morning 3x10 @ 95
    low bar squat 2x10 @ 45, 1x10 @ 95, 3x6 @ 135
    deadlift 1x8 @ 135 and 3x5 @ 185
    facepull 3x10 @ 35

    Getting back into the lifting after having the time off from that pesky cold. Will be getting more program focused soon with another peak cycle.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Supermel - yeay for Zumba!
    Samtha - glad you had a good convention!
    Dawn - nice workout and WTG on writing your novel(s)!

    Ran my usualy 3.2 miles this morning. I'm starting to get used to the dark and not quite as scared anymore. Need to figure out a new pants situation though. My current Costco leggings want to fall down unless I wear my FlipBelt. But my phone gets a better GPS signal on my arm. But if I just wear the FlipBelt without the phone it doesn't stay down and therefore doesn't hold the pants up. First world problems, I know.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I ran yesterday too Aigre. 7.5kms (4.6 miles). Swapped the run in for combat as need to bench today and can never do that well after combat. Will see if it makes any difference!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I have been grieving the election. Even as "a canadian", I can see what this means for Americans, for your neighbours, for the world. I need my grief to turn to "anger" so that I have the energy to mobilize and fight for women everywhere.

    Meanwhile, I joined a 12-week challenge. Yesterday was my "day one". It is a real-life challenge, so I do have real people holding me accountable. But with an online fb group, too.

    It is nothing "special". Calorie-counting and writing everything down that you eat. Yesterday's "day one" was successful.

    My work schedule is easing, which permits me three clear lifting days per week. So, I might return to "full-body" workout and give up the splits. One day per week for cardio. Which is today! ZOOM!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Beeps - oh, I'm with you. I live in one of the most liberal states but fear for what is to come. Good luck in the 12 week challenge!

    Jo - nice run! Hope it helps with your recovery!

    Having a rough weekend. Ended up working from 12-4am last night which is just messing up my whole routine. DH is working too so I'm alone with the kids and still have to go back to work in a bit. Eating has been crazy. I think I've eaten half a quiche and a pile of lo mein and that's it today :o

    I did get my workout in, despite being really tired, though. So there's that.
    Strong Curves Week 5-8, workout C
    Hip thrusts - 3x20@30 lbs
    Inverted row - 3x12
    Goblet squat - 3x20@27.5 lbs
    Close grip bench press - 3x12@46.5
    Kettlebell swing - 3x15@25 lbs
    X band walk - 1x30 steps each side
    Swiss ball crunches - 1x30
    Band rotation thingy - 1x30s each side

    Bought a new pair of leggings at Walmart to try to combat the falling down leggings problem above. Size small. Last year at this time I was pushing an XL. They are cheap and thin but we'll see if they solve the issue.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Aigre, hooray for new pants!!

    Beeps, I'm mourning as well, and getting mobilized. There are a number of new FB groups already moving and organizing. I find solace in that and in putting one foot in front of the other.
    "The world is a dangerous place not because of evil, but because of those who do nothing about it." ~ Albert Einstein
    I'll be in Washington Jan. 21st.

    Enough of that. I rejoined the land of the living today. I'm getting over YET ANOTHER sinus infection. I didn't want antibiotics this time, so I muddled through with sinus rinse and decongestant. Rested most of the week and got back to the gym today.

    I complete the ETP SuperMeet:
    Back Squat: 145lbs
    DL: 155 (Body weight HELLO!!)
    C&J: 50
    Bench Press: 85

    I got trapped under the bar. I've been sick most of the week, and other than a quick TRX routine, I haven't been to the gym since Tuesday. Had to get the rest of my #etpsupermeet done. Long story short, I did two reps, and when I went for the third, I could not lift the bar and had to call for help.
    Things that went through my mind while being crushed by 85lbs.:
    1. If I can do 12 reps of60lbs with dumbells, what the hell is the problem?
    2. This is why I use dumbells, you get stuck, you just drop them.
    3. This is why you bench with a spotter. Note to self.
    4. Well, this is embarrassing.
    5. At least the two guys who rescued me were cute and very nice about it. I did complete two reps before tapping out.