ONCE you have your TDEE and BMR...next step



  • screening2
    I applied step by step your suggessions and so, i ll report here my progress, Thank you so much.
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    Ok so I have my TDEE 2039 (using katch mccardle BMR formula, using Harris bene its 2064 do much of a muchness really)

    15% cut 1700

    Then I realise I forgot to add the 10% in for digestion!' which brings me up to 1900 cals including the 15% cut. How important is it to add this part in?

    Back to work today so I need to up this to that moderate lifestyle.

    As i said in another post while on holidays i figured i was lghtly active because apart from my workouts i havent done much at all lol
    All week I have pretty much eaten around 1500 cals give or take 100 but only reached BMR net value on 1 of those days.
    The other days once I added in my exercise burn calories using HRM I netted between 1000 & 1200 :(
    It's a learning curve so I need to start looking at my net earlier in the day not before bed!!

    Anyhow fri splurged ate 2030 cals netted 1578
    Yesterday ate 2612 netted 1943 eeeekkkk
    So I figure this should make up somewhat for being under BMR the 4 days.
    Mind you that's not why I ate so much I just didn't add all my cals up as I was going then put them in later in the day and freaked!'
    Thing is I never used to log my splurge day at all, then after splurge would go
    Back to my normal eating.

    Now I am wondering today should I be eating less to try and balance out yesterday's splurge?
    It really is better not knowing the splurge day cals cause now it's messing with my head!
    It's a 12 hour shift and I have only burnt 250 cals through work out so not much at all, mix of sprints push ups, squats, crunches. Work has been fairly quiet and relaxed too, being Sunday and not rushing around helping people get ready by a certain time.

    Or should I be aiming to still net my BMR even after the terrible eating over the last two days?!

    Sorry for all the questions just when I Think I have my head around it all, something confuses me lol

    Holidays are over so Splurge day will be back to once a week ot twice a week and I am going back to not counting cals on
    That day and just enjoying it guilt free, then I can just pick up where I left off the next day.
    It's worked for me so far over the last 12 months, I never really hit a plateau as such, but I also couldn't ignore the other signs to say I needed more food :)
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    You should be fine going back to your one splurge day, & if you find that logging it will make you crazy, don't log that day. Eating more is all about keeping your sanity.

    You should still aim for consistency on the other days by netting BMR or higher. You want to came to a place where your body can trust what it's bottom line is gonna be, so that it can perform all the other functions you'd like it too.

  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    Thank you Kiki!!

    That makes perfect sense! I just told my partner what you said and he totally agreed as well. Sure for some people they need to log their splurge day to be accountable and thats fine, but for me it defeats the purpose of a splurge day. I reckon if i was to keep logging them I would end up not having them and then having big binges which would be worse.
    At least this way i can do the whole i want xxxxxx and know that i can have it on my splurge day if i still want it :)

    I was incredibly tempted yesterday to try and undo the damage by eating only 1200 calories and feeling anxious about how much i had eaten! I had even set out enough food so that i would only eat 1200cals with dinner included when i got home.

    I am proud to report that I WAS HUNGRY!!! but more importantly i LISTENED TO MY BODY!! and ate more!! :D

    Once i logged what i ended up eating to feel satisfied, I chose more protein high foods after dinner I ended up netting BMR :)
    I thought that was pretty amazing really!!

    So when I read your message this morning it was all like a sign to me that I really was on the right track and i know me and my body and listening to it really is the right thing :)

    Thank you Kiki :)
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    sorry forgot to ask how important is it to add the 10% digestion cals in?
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    So, my cut value is 1799. On my non-workout days (which is 1 day per week), I should eat 1799 and on my workout days (I typically burn around 250-300), I should eat 1799 - whatever # of cals I burn? My BMR is 1430, so chances are slim that I will net below my BMR with my typical schedule. I know that exercise is already included in TDEE so I don't need to eat back my exercise calories, but I'm trying to figure out how to do this on MFP with the net calories at 1799. I don't want MFP to tell me I have extra calories left to eat. I guess I could add my exercise in at the end of the night so it doesn't tell me I have extra calories until I'm done eating for the night.
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    When I log my exercise here. I just change the calorie amount to 1 calorie burned, because I too already have my exercise calories built in. (It won't let you put in 0 that's why I use 1)
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Ok so quick question. It's probably stupid. But, How often do you change your calorie intake? How many pounds do you lose before you change it?
  • Tina180130
    Tina180130 Posts: 127 Member
    I have done my calculations::

    1455 BMR
    2260 maintenance
    1921 = 15% of maintenance
    466 = do not eat back (anything over 466 then eat the remainder to net 1455)

    I shall see how I get on with this...I have currently been eating between 1900 - 2000 a day so its not too disimilar - but I like the different calculations...look fair more easier to understand and track. Thank you :))
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Ok so quick question. It's probably stupid. But, How often do you change your calorie intake? How many pounds do you lose before you change it?

    Not stupid. Change whenever you have a change in your age, activity level, or weight (by 5lbs either direction) :wink:
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Ok so quick question. It's probably stupid. But, How often do you change your calorie intake? How many pounds do you lose before you change it?

    Not stupid. Change whenever you have a change in your age, activity level, or weight (by 5lbs either direction) :wink:

    Thank you very much for that. It helps tremendously.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    sorry forgot to ask how important is it to add the 10% digestion cals in?

    Hey Rika,

    Sorry I missed your question. What you're referring to is called the thermogenic effect of foods. Certain foods, particularly proteins, take more energy to burn. Since your body is like a thermostat, it's constantly trying to keep your body at a certain state. Think of a fire burning, some things like a twig or piece of paper will keep the fire burning, but have little impact, while large logs will burn for much longer, before being completely consumed by the fire. This is also the reason why eating more revvs your metabolism. Because your body now has to work harder to process more food. It's also why many people will refer to feeling "hot" when they up their cals (especially protein) because a calorie is literally a unit of heat, and some calories are "hotter" than others. Not sure if that makes sense or not, lol.

    Here's an article that kinda explains the different thermogenic effects of different foods:

    Obviously, as usual, adding the extra cals is up to you, but I always suggest starting w/a higher number and having wiggle room, than starting with the lower #. Why not finagle a few different TDEE calculators and see what they give, and take the average of what they give you. Most calculators will have all factors figured in already.

    Check out:

    or just google "tdee calculator" and see what you come up w/. If the majority of them look like they include that 200, then go for it ;)

  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    Thanks Kiki!!
    As always your responses are ace! :D
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    Is this correct?

    My BMR is 1570

    My TDEE is 1884

    Subtract 15% of TDEE to equal 1600 net calories.

    I am eating 1630 daily w/o exercise. Should I drop to 1600?

    I don't have HRM or bodybugg or anything to figure out exercise calories as I start exercising.

    I have done nerdfitness.com beginners body weight circuit training 3 times....at the minimum requirements. I don't add any exercise calories since it takes me all of 7 minutes to complete. I guess I am just scared to stay overweight. I initially dropped 20lbs eating about 1400-1500 calories for 6 weeks and then upped to 1630.

    My head just spins with all this information!

    Before starting my weight loss journey this January, I was not on any kind of calorie restriction...eating high amounts of calories and fat...with no exercise. I mean I was eating TONS of crap. So, I am not coming from years of restricting my calories.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Is this correct?

    My BMR is 1570

    My TDEE is 1884

    Subtract 15% of TDEE to equal 1600 net calories.

    I am eating 1630 daily w/o exercise. Should I drop to 1600?

    I don't have HRM or bodybugg or anything to figure out exercise calories as I start exercising.

    I have done nerdfitness.com beginners body weight circuit training 3 times....at the minimum requirements. I don't add any exercise calories since it takes me all of 7 minutes to complete. I guess I am just scared to stay overweight. I initially dropped 20lbs eating about 1400-1500 calories for 6 weeks and then upped to 1630.

    My head just spins with all this information!

    It is rare that people qualify for sedentary. That is used for those that hardly move all day long. I bet you don't qualify for that. I would suggest using the "Light activity" calculation instead and eating TDEE - 15% of that daily.

    If you would like to get more into strength training a great book to get you going is New Rules of Lifting for Women. It is great for anyone starting out.
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    I did want to add the following...

    Before starting my weight loss journey this January, I was not on any kind of calorie restriction...eating high amounts of calories and fat...with no exercise. I mean I was eating TONS of crap. So, I am not coming from years of restricting my calories.

    I am sendetary...I work part time at a desk job. I then hang out at home on computer, or watch tv, take the dog out to do his business in the yard. I am pretty low on the activity scale.

    I have zero energy. I have been to doctors about it and the just state chronic fatigue syndrome…which could me anything. I have recently upped my b-12 intake and I don’t feel as tired. There are days I cry because I am so tired. I am just physically drained.
  • kudilein
    kudilein Posts: 8
    I eat at the moment about 1700 calories and do a little exercise about twice a week. I do that now for about 7-8 weeks but I only lost 1.5 kg and I haven´t lost anything for about 4 weeks. I got a hypothyroidism and wondered, if my basic calories required might be lower, than I would calculate with my age and weight etc.?! Do you think I should eat less calories? And I´m not sure, how really to calculate everything, is there anyone out there, who could help? I´m a bit frustrated :(
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I eat at the moment about 1700 calories and do a little exercise about twice a week. I do that now for about 7-8 weeks but I only lost 1.5 kg and I haven´t lost anything for about 4 weeks. I got a hypothyroidism and wondered, if my basic calories required might be lower, than I would calculate with my age and weight etc.?! Do you think I should eat less calories? And I´m not sure, how really to calculate everything, is there anyone out there, who could help? I´m a bit frustrated :(

    It depends. Have you been tested, or do you know if your body is able to adequately digest proteins and fats? As long as you can process them adequately, then increasing your cals slowly can still work for you. You would want to be careful about increasing using foods that don't interfere w/your meds, and supply your body w/enough iodine/thyroid stimulating foods. With care and attention to those things, your body will be able to produce more of the thyroid increasing hormones. As long as you keep up some regular exercise, it will continue to enhance this process.

    Otherwise, yes, under-active thyroid can lower your BMR by as much as 40%. Which would mean that less food is required to keep things running. Without increasing your activity level (along w/the food), it will be much harder to keep your hypothyroidism under control. It may be a bit slower moving, but it can be done.

    Keep your head up ;)

  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'd like to ask for help now :)

    I started eating 1200 calories which was upped from about 800, if that a day - around 3 weeks ago.
    I read about BMR, TDEE and such and realised I should eat more calories.
    Then I upped my cal intake to 1400, since doing that I put on 2 pounds.
    My BMR - 1,585kcal.

    I had a baby 5 weeks ago, I dunno if that could be effecting anything or not?
    Should I be eating more than my BMR weight?
    Help would be appreciated!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I eat at the moment about 1700 calories and do a little exercise about twice a week. I do that now for about 7-8 weeks but I only lost 1.5 kg and I haven´t lost anything for about 4 weeks. I got a hypothyroidism and wondered, if my basic calories required might be lower, than I would calculate with my age and weight etc.?! Do you think I should eat less calories? And I´m not sure, how really to calculate everything, is there anyone out there, who could help? I´m a bit frustrated :(

    It depends. Have you been tested, or do you know if your body is able to adequately digest proteins and fats? As long as you can process them adequately, then increasing your cals slowly can still work for you. You would want to be careful about increasing using foods that don't interfere w/your meds, and supply your body w/enough iodine/thyroid stimulating foods. With care and attention to those things, your body will be able to produce more of the thyroid increasing hormones. As long as you keep up some regular exercise, it will continue to enhance this process.

    Otherwise, yes, under-active thyroid can lower your BMR by as much as 40%. Which would mean that less food is required to keep things running. Without increasing your activity level (along w/the food), it will be much harder to keep your hypothyroidism under control. It may be a bit slower moving, but it can be done.

    Keep your head up ;)


    Well, I can speak from some personal experience here, I had hyperthyroidism and then had it irradiated so now I am hypo...Kiki is right about foods, I found out the hard way that peanuts and soy products will interfere with your thyroid med uptake if you are on synthroid or some other thyroid replacement therapy. Also, and this was BIG for me, I remember I went to the dr to check my thyroid because I just felt so lethargic, and I couldn't lose weight and she insisted that my levels were in the "range"...WELL, she then called me back and said that I fell closer to the lower end of the range and that some people feel better at the higher and she upped my med...Lord have mercy, I felt life again. So, my current dr is totally aware where I need to fall in the range and I can pretty much now tell him where I am at quite accurately based on how I feel. My dr always runs a full thyroid panel because if they just go off the TSH (and mine runs high) and it is high, they think oh your meds are too high, but they have to look at the whole picture...where do the T3 and T4 fall? So that is something else to consider.

    Also, don't take your med with food, it should be on an empty stomach at least half hour before eating and do not eat any diary products within an hour of taking your med. Would you believe I was on the med for over 10 yrs and not one dr told me that. I found that out when they started printing the information labels on the scripts...I found out on the side of a bottle...just UNREAL!!!

    Funny story, I got on the soy bandwagon, soy burger, soy this soy that...then I had a peanut thing going on too, oh my, the dry skin, the weight gain, the lethargy hit me like a ton of bricks....Soy and something in the peanut(I totally can't remember now) blocks uptake...so here I am takiung my meds and feeling just horrible. So, after finding that out, I stay away from soy products and limit peanut products. I am sure I just over did it, but I don't want anything to cause me to ever feel like that again.

    Anyway, if you are meds and still feeling the effects of it, it is not under control...demand the dr give you a full thyroid panel test and ask him to SHOW you were you fall in the "range". If you are at the lower end then ask him to bump you and test in 6wks to see where you are then because you don't feel well. There is no reason to feel any of the hypothyroidism symptoms.