Like-Minded-Lushes-April 2012



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Monday- 0

    On the subject of box wine (because I am a total wino and buying bottles gets expensive) I have to say my favs are Black Box and the Wine Cubes from Target.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, pre-determined 0

    Wen37, impressive number...

    I have lots to do today and almost don't even know where to begin. I need to get the herbs in planters soon.

    Oh, we had an awesome thunder storm last night, rocked!

    Have a great day lushy friends!!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Tuesday-preplanned 10oz

    Hope everyone had fun watching the game last night!!!

    Kim, thanks for the suggestions!!!! I love the idea of pineapple soaked in vodka...unfortunately I don't have 2wks....maybe I'll start it for my sister in laws engagement party in a couple weeks??!!!!!!

    Think I'm gonna go with vodka and crystal light.......???!!!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Kate, you could also do jello shots. Mardarin orange & lime are very good. You can google tons of recipes. Oh, here's a link for caipirinha...instead of cachaça, you can use a high quality vodka. I had these in a restaurant and had to find the recipe. De-lish :bigsmile:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Kate, you could also do jello shots. Mardarin orange & lime are very good. You can google tons of recipes. Oh, here's a link for caipirinha...instead of cachaça, you can use a high quality vodka. I had these in a restaurant and had to find the recipe. De-lish :bigsmile:

    Thanks Babe!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Kate, you could also do jello shots. Mardarin orange & lime are very good. You can google tons of recipes. Oh, here's a link for caipirinha...instead of cachaça, you can use a high quality vodka. I had these in a restaurant and had to find the recipe. De-lish :bigsmile:

    Thanks Babe!

    Oh and I can't see my parents, in-laws and aunt & uncle doing jello shots on easter, haha!!! But I do love me some!!!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    TOTALLY still lush friends!!! And...I will probably drink more beer then I even anticipated tonight!! My poor boys...they can't make a shot worth ****!!! I need to turn it off! You have the right idea...

    I LOVE How I Met Your Mother!! My hubby and I watch that together...that is one of our "together" shows. LOL. Lame, I know...but it's soooooo funny & I LOVE Barney!

    Ohmygoodness I love, love, LOVE Barney! He totally reminds me of one of my fiancés best friends. I just love the show :smile: it's not lame at all. Kyle watches it when I have it on and I catch him laughing every now and then. We had been watching Breaking Bad together but we reached the last episode that was on Netflix so that's over and we're back onto Madmen. Can't wait for SOA to be back this summer though!
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Kim, that was a nightmare of a restaurant!!!! Def not going to be in biz long like that!!!

    Margarita fairy --- love that!! It hit pretty good last weekend.

    Friend from IL down to visit, we are having a great time! She's not into drinking, so at lunch I had a Marg at Mi Pueblo's and she drove us home. lol!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I love How I Met Your Mother and I didn't watch it in the beginning so I like catching the reruns, just saw the one where they found out about Robin Sparkles-comon' jessica, comon', tori, we're going to the mall you won't sore-ee:laugh:
    Last night I had some box wine, I thought it was about finished but I drank about 8 oz and there might be some left, we'll see.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I love How I Met Your Mother and I didn't watch it in the beginning so I like catching the reruns, just saw the one where they found out about Robin Sparkles-comon' jessica, comon', tori, we're going to the mall you won't sore-ee:laugh:
    Last night I had some box wine, I thought it was about finished but I drank about 8 oz and there might be some left, we'll see.

    I started from the beginning on Netflix, haven't seen any recent ones but as soon as they're on Netflix I'll watch. I watch reruns on FX, it's on right now :smile:

    I love the episode where Lily moves in with Barney for a bit.

    Having some wine right now, too much last night, oh well. Tack another tally onto this being a lushy week haha.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    So much for moderation on a tuesday night....3 1oz shots of blueberry vodka and about to pour 10oz wine.....
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    So much for moderation on a tuesday night....3 1oz shots of blueberry vodka and about to pour 10oz wine.....

    Ya win some ya lose some :wink:

    Having some more wine while the fiancé makes his habanero salsa for our mahi mahi burgers :smile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 0

    Double 00's for me...holding out until Thursday, my son will make his First Holy Communium...I have to drink the wine at the alter and well you know I can't stop at that. :wink:

    Ok, have to go work off the 200 calories I'm over today...potato chips and lemon bars got the best of me today :smile:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    mmm..mahi mahi burgers sound awesome! do you have a recipe? I never think to make them. I need more fish in my life.

    Monday-0 but that's because I was so hungover from the sh!tload I drank on Sunday :glasses:
    Tuesday- some wine. but not going crazy.
    Plan to keep it pretty moderate until the weekend, then all bets are off because we're going out of town. The people we are staying with drink like fish. I can hear the voice in my head already "Sydney, pace yourself" :drinker:

    You're doing good Kim!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Ha, ha, Syndey...I am trying to redeem myself in some sort of way. Have fun with the fishes. Your going to need ibuprofen & Monster lemonade. I was seriously addicted to those Monsters every afternoon. I finally broke the habit.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Tuesday-3oz of blueberry vodka and 10oz of wine....stayed within my calorie goal WOOHOO!!
    Wednesday-10oz of wine and it appears I have some extra calories so maybe some shots :wink:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    The people we are staying with drink like fish. I can hear the voice in my head already "Sydney, pace yourself" :drinker:

    That's just how I am I like to think I can hang with the best of em, and compared to some people I may be able to drink a lot, but we have some friends that I just feel like a huge light weight around. I end up being wasted while there all still going strong!

    I second the request for the recipe for the mahi burgers, I actually have some mahi in my freezer right now!

    Monday- 0
    Tuesday- 0
    Wednesday- will be 0
    Thursday- my 3 day weekend begins and so does my drinking :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Options 3 here for me too and then I'll be indulging on Thursday & Saturday for sure :smile: <<<< yep, that me happy about it

    Katie...I love how you can squeeze in those drinks without going overboard...well done

    I have 8 places to go on my to-do list and 5 mininum to do when I get home...ugh, the pain of adulthood
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    so there was only a tiny bit of wine in the box last night and I did not open a bottle, or a beer, or pour myself a vodka tonic, so can that make last night a 0?
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Hellooo everyone! I'm new here and really like this group's concept, I think it will help me get on track to post here!

    Quick introduction:

    I never used to like the taste of alcohol when I was really young.. tried to drink beer to fit in and my friends would razz me because I'd sometimes use a straw because I hated the taste of it. Same with hard liquor, not my bag.. except maybe for the ultra rare margarita or pina colada. Gradually as an adult I developed a taste for wine.. I started off with dryer wines and didn't like the taste at first.. so would only rarely have any, a bottle would last me a month. Then I discovered sweet wines.. and developed a bit more tolerance, although I'm a lightweight. These days I'm back to the dry wine for carbs sake and in hope of at least some health benefit.. and have at times finished a bottle over the course of a late afternoon/evening but I'm trying to stop that.. I can get away with it if I earn the calories for it but I don't feel great the next morning from it.. and lately as I've lost weight it definitely kicks my butt more when I indulge too much.

    So my current goal/challenge for myself is 2 servings maximum in an evening.. and not every evening.. with a lot more 0 days back to back.

    Monday April 2nd was a 0
    Tuesday April 3rd was a 3 and it kicked my butt pretty hard felt woozy last night and this morning so
    today, Wednesday April 4th will be a 1 (finish off that bottle and be rid of it)

    Thursday I'm scheduled to go to a wine tasting so I expect will be a 2.