April Progress



  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Workout 4 complete.

    Squat-115 lbs (I felt I really got my form down today. I love squats. They are my absolute favourite to do)

    OHP-50 lbs (second week stuck at 50 lbs. I was alright until the last set and I had no juice and couldn't do it. I went down to just the bar for the last set. I guess I'm stuck at 50 lbs for one more week :( )

    Deadlift-115 lbs (These are also one of my favourite moves)

    did you give yourself enough rest time on the ohp? Between sets I mean? I find an extra minute or 2 can make a difference.

    I would have liked more time but I had a couple waiting for it and felt rushed.
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    My gym has like a half rack if that makes any sense... its not tall like the ones in Mehdi's videos at all its inclined and then square at the bottom... I feel like I am too big to squat in the area given so I stepped out of it and couldnt go all the way down with the bar... How can I break this?! My squats were going SO well! I was increasing and increasing!
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    You need to deload on the squat. Smith squats are way easier, when you convert to free bar you will have to deload to get the full range of motion and keep your form
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    Right... I tried it with the bar for one set and then I went back down to body weight but now every time I do a squat I feel like I am tipping like a tea pot!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Interesting... I had no idea that squats in smith machines were that different. Definitely keep practicing and if you can, take a video of your squats and see what needs to be fixed. This really helps me a lot.

    One thing I find I am not increasing are my overhead presses. I don't know if it's because I am sitting down for them or if I really am not strong enough for these yet, but I couldn't even do a full set of 5 this time. So I did worse this time around. Could be partially because my chest is still sore from bench presses on Monday, but I don't think that's all of it. Any ideas? If they really are more difficult sitting down or I'm just not strong enough yet, then I will suck it up and switch to DB presses for a while because I don't feel like I'm benefiting from these...
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Does anyone know off hand why we are suppose to do only 1 set of the deadlifts?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    oh but ignore that 300 lb squat nonsense, that's more of his sweaty man crap. Just at the point where squats start getting heavy you're already putting a lot of load on some of that so you don't want to risk stressing it, but at low weights you're probably fine to do more. but why risk it? You know the program will work if you follow it as written, don't risk hurting yourself (unless you're sure you won't) and having to take a week off from the program because of injury.
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Hi! I just posted in the introductions page, so I apologize if this is a repeat for any of you! I'm new to this group. Looks like this is the thread I should've posted my progress in.

    So - here's where I started on 3/12/12 with this program and my progress as of this week:

    - Squat: 75lbs --> 140lbs
    - Bench Press: 45lbs --> 75lbs
    - Barbell Row: 65lbs --> 95lbs
    - Overhead Press: 45lbs --> 75lbs
    - Deadlift: 95lbs --> 155lbs

    If I can pull off my squats tomorrow at 145 lbs, I'll set a personal best. I'm very excited about that! I already set a personal best with deadlifts. I don't know what the heaviest I've ever lifted on the other exercises was, but I'm sure it wasn't this heavy.

    I'm really enjoying this program and have definitely made strides in gaining strength!!! Workout 15, end of week 5, is tomorrow!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Until I get more of a handle on my new running routine, I am going to hold my weights progression for awhile. I will stay at 100 lbs on squat and just refine form, play with low bar/high bar/etc. I am actually looking forward to it. I will stay at 70-75 lbs in bench/rows and 50-55 in OHP. Deads, after much mulling over because I feel like I *could* keep going up in weight but I think the same thing applies. My body is needing more rest and I have stuff I want to do in addition to lifting (for once!) so I am going to put myself in a holding pattern for about a month, I think.

    I could change my mind about it all tomorrow, mind you!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Until I get more of a handle on my new running routine, I am going to hold my weights progression for awhile. I will stay at 100 lbs on squat and just refine form, play with low bar/high bar/etc. I am actually looking forward to it. I will stay at 70-75 lbs in bench/rows and 50-55 in OHP. Deads, after much mulling over because I feel like I *could* keep going up in weight but I think the same thing applies. My body is needing more rest and I have stuff I want to do in addition to lifting (for once!) so I am going to put myself in a holding pattern for about a month, I think.

    I could change my mind about it all tomorrow, mind you!

    I'm considering the same thing. I'm at a point where everything is really ****ing hard, I'm failing on every move. But part of me hates to stop progressing especially since my lifting partner won't (and doesn't have to, stupid boy).
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member

    Thanks! I was doing 5x5 and then saw it mentioned in another thread or earlier in this one that we were suppose to do only 1 set. I went down to one set but was curious as to why. Thanks again :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Until I get more of a handle on my new running routine, I am going to hold my weights progression for awhile. I will stay at 100 lbs on squat and just refine form, play with low bar/high bar/etc. I am actually looking forward to it. I will stay at 70-75 lbs in bench/rows and 50-55 in OHP. Deads, after much mulling over because I feel like I *could* keep going up in weight but I think the same thing applies. My body is needing more rest and I have stuff I want to do in addition to lifting (for once!) so I am going to put myself in a holding pattern for about a month, I think.

    I could change my mind about it all tomorrow, mind you!

    I'm considering the same thing. I'm at a point where everything is really ****ing hard, I'm failing on every move. But part of me hates to stop progressing especially since my lifting partner won't (and doesn't have to, stupid boy).

    *cries* Boys suck. My husband feels terrible that he's benching less than me right now because he started the program so much later, so he'll do stuff like "Im going to do my last set with 95 lbs just to prove I can" and he'll pump it out, and then try to console me that no, no, it was super hard, honestly! and I'm like WAAAAAH I couldn't do 95 for my FIRST set let alone my LAST set.

    The sad thing is he's like "no this is getting really strenuous, I don't think I'll get up very high on this" but its just because he hasn't actually lifted anything HEAVY yet, he has no idea what strenuous is, he just thinks I'm some kind of crazy grunty strainy lady that needs to learn not to vocalize when she is lifting weights. (ok I mean I AM some kind of crazy grunty strainy lady but he thinks that the fact that his face starts to flush a bit red shows how hard he's working)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yeah, my partner had never lifted weights in his life and started lower than me on everything (really couldn't do my weights) and now he's past me on everything but deadlifts and I think that's just because he can't get his form down.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    I've never had that issue with the app on deads - it shows 1 set of 5 for me. I wish it had warmups built in frankly, but I tend to just do a set of romanian deadlifts with a curl bar for a warm up.

    It was me! I was saying lift when I meant to say REP. I'm a hot mess, but anyways, the app is fine it was just me and my awesome communication skills! I'm back in business. Thanks for following up with my crazy *kitten* ladies! :glasses:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ouch, deadlifts today were hard. I was really rushing because I was late to a call with India (sigh) and I don't think my form was the best. Lower back isnt' PAINFUL but it feels a little stressed and that's wrong. Then again it was feeling a little stressed at the end of squats too so maybe not.

    I was an idiot today and wore the shoes that looked BEST with my outfit even though they are the shoes that put a lot of strain on my back and knees and THEN I went for a walk in them and THEN I went to the gym and squatted heavy and THEN I deadlifted soooooo yeah.

    Now I remember why I haven't' worn those shoes in a month.

    But the GOOD news is that today was the first day in ages I a) felt strong b) had that feeling reflected in my lifts. I broke through the 130 squat (which is where I'd stalled) and the 145 lb deadlift.

    I just need to insist on later calls with India so I don't have to rush.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    But the GOOD news is that today was the first day in ages I a) felt strong b) had that feeling reflected in my lifts. I broke through the 130 squat (which is where I'd stalled) and the 145 lb deadlift.

    I just need to insist on later calls with India so I don't have to rush.

    Congrats on your breakthrough! Awesome. I had that stiff lower back on my deads last week and it went away. I did a lot of back stretches just to keep it loose. I also did what you did (ran to and from gym before and after) so I'm sure that didn't help! Sometimes I just need to tell myself to slow down.

    Looking forward to my workout today. Overhead Press is my fave!
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    I've never had that issue with the app on deads - it shows 1 set of 5 for me. I wish it had warmups built in frankly, but I tend to just do a set of romanian deadlifts with a curl bar for a warm up.

    I agree - I wish the iPhone app had warm-ups built in! I always have a little sticky note that I carry down to the basement with my phone that breaks down my warm-ups. It would be SO nice if those were in the app, too - one less thing to think about! :wink:
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    But the GOOD news is that today was the first day in ages I a) felt strong b) had that feeling reflected in my lifts. I broke through the 130 squat (which is where I'd stalled) and the 145 lb deadlift.

    Great job! I'm so excited for you - after following your news updates, it's so awesome to see you break through!!! I'd high five you if I was there. :wink:

    Way to continue in your bad-assness! Yes - that IS a word. OK - maybe not, but it SHOULD be!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I don't have an iphone so I use Jefit and I do program my warm ups into that. :D