Progress !



  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    i finished week 4 and feel confident enough to move onto week 5 on monday !!

    I find that if i focus on a spot in the distance i don't think about the running much, more on the thing in the distance, try that Smiles x
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    week 5 day 1 done so happy !!:smile:
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member

    Hiiii sorry this is late again! I've been having mind-set trouble - this running thing is definately a mind game!! I ran 20 minutes, and although my legs were sore, my breathing wasn't as heavy as the last run when I did the 8 minute runs. I think thinking about other things really helps. When I went out for my run I had a list of things that I wanted to think about (mostly to do with India) and even though a lot of the time I would lose my train of thought, it was good because when I started thinking about how sore my legs were I would instead turn my mind to something else.

    Anyway, starting week 6 tomorrow! Excited!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member

    Hiiii sorry this is late again! I've been having mind-set trouble - this running thing is definately a mind game!! I ran 20 minutes, and although my legs were sore, my breathing wasn't as heavy as the last run when I did the 8 minute runs. I think thinking about other things really helps. When I went out for my run I had a list of things that I wanted to think about (mostly to do with India) and even though a lot of the time I would lose my train of thought, it was good because when I started thinking about how sore my legs were I would instead turn my mind to something else.

    Anyway, starting week 6 tomorrow! Excited!

    I coudln't agree more! I find that it also helps to have a mental list of things to focus on. Or a good podcast or great music. The trouble comes when the mind is bored or there's room for that sabotaging voice. Well done guys! Thanks for posting this today.

    I'm gonna psych myself up and do the first run of week 7 today. It's a straight 25 minute jog.
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    week5 run2 is done, i did it outside today, just dropped my son to school then went for a run, then on to cycling everywhere for my errands today :happy: , now to pick my son up from school
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    week 5 run 3 the dreaded 20 mins straight is done, and i am so happy it is definatly mind over matter :smile:
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Did week 6 run 1 today outside with a little wind, it was hard but i did it! !:happy:
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Did week 6 run 2 today was fine apart from an achy leg and it was like a week between runs, on to run 3 on Monday :happy:
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Char we are matching now! I did week 6 day 1 and 2 last week/weekend and then we had a crapload of snow (really unusual for where I live, it was our coldest day on record!) and I'm starting again today, after exactly a week off. I thought about re-doing week 6, but I think I will just pick up where I left off, cos it is just mind over matter really I think, I can't have lost that much fitness in a week haha.

    About to post an inspiration!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Char we are matching now! I did week 6 day 1 and 2 last week/weekend and then we had a crapload of snow (really unusual for where I live, it was our coldest day on record!) and I'm starting again today, after exactly a week off. I thought about re-doing week 6, but I think I will just pick up where I left off, cos it is just mind over matter really I think, I can't have lost that much fitness in a week haha.

    About to post an inspiration!

    I missed the gym this last week with it being the school hols and lack of childcare !!, but we decorated his room so i kept busy hehe, but i definitely felt it not being there for a week, Week6 run 3 on monday :smile:
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Char we are matching now! I did week 6 day 1 and 2 last week/weekend and then we had a crapload of snow (really unusual for where I live, it was our coldest day on record!) and I'm starting again today, after exactly a week off. I thought about re-doing week 6, but I think I will just pick up where I left off, cos it is just mind over matter really I think, I can't have lost that much fitness in a week haha.

    About to post an inspiration!

    I missed the gym this last week with it being the school hols and lack of childcare !!, but we decorated his room so i kept busy hehe, but i definitely felt it not being there for a week, Week6 run 3 on monday :smile:

    I didn't end up going today because I got home from work too late, and won't be able to do it tomorrow cos it's family dinner night - so will have to do it Wednesday! Seems like such a big break but hopefully it'll be ok! Good luck for your 22 minutes!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Week 6 run 3 the 25 min straight run is done was good although i have a tweak in my Achilles tendon so hopefully rest and elevation will help, then back to it friday on to week 7
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Week 6 run 3 the 25 min straight run is done was good although i have a tweak in my Achilles tendon so hopefully rest and elevation will help, then back to it friday on to week 7

    Awesome, congrats! Will be doing mine today, with any luck! Work has been taking over my life lately, but not willing to let it take away my running - so going to get out and run as soon as I get home, THEN dinner THEN work. Instead of work - get home from work - work at home - eat chocolate for tea. Haha.
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Still haven't been able to get my week 6 day 3 run done, nearly 2 weeks off! Work and weather has been in the way, neeeearly joined a gym so I could run there and also nearly brought a treadmill but the weather has cleared up and I'm back on top of work so should be sweet to run this afternoon. I'm going to try do the 22 minute run, but if I don't make it the whole way I won't be too upset with myself since I've had so much time off. If I make it I'll carry on to week 7, and if I don't then I'll re-start week 6.

    Hope you guys have been having a good week!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Week 7 Run 1 is done its the same as week 6 run 3 for me but 3 runs of the same this week, my legs were achy today but have been back on the weights so hopefully after a weekend rest monday's run will be fine :smile:
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Week 7 Run 1 is done its the same as week 6 run 3 for me but 3 runs of the same this week, my legs were achy today but have been back on the weights so hopefully after a weekend rest monday's run will be fine :smile:

    Awesome - congrats on making it so far! Tomorrow we're supposed to be having a cloudy but shower free day so will finally be able to get out there tomorrow! Today I decided that no running doesn't have to mean no exercise haha so I just did a bollywood workout (so silly but so much fun - you'd think there'd be way more of them!) and now about to do P90X abs!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Re-did week 6 day one yesterday - felt great! Decided to re-do week 6 just in case.

    Today is raining, forecast for tomorrow is raining, and the day after is showers - so just going to see how it goes the next couple days - if we get a dry patch I'll try get out, I'll take my ipod instead of my phone and wrap it in gladwrap so if I get wet it's not such a big deal haha I'll just have to jump straight into the shower when I get home! Haha.

    It looks like it might clear up today, hopefully it does because I really feel like a run today!!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    week 7 run 2 is done, practised different breathing techniques today and found that singing or rather mouthing the words as i went along helped with my breathing and mental focus !!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    week 7 run 2 is done, practised different breathing techniques today and found that singing or rather mouthing the words as i went along helped with my breathing and mental focus !!

    Awesome will def try this because I find singing along to music in my head (without mouthing the words) already helps me - I just need to turn my brain off and I can run and run :)
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Week 6 day 3 done!!! Wooo!