Progress !



  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Yay for Alex !!!

    Today me and my mum practised for the 5K we are doing in July, me jogging, her walking and we did the official race route and even though I couldn't do it all non stop jogging and had to take a bathroom break as well it only took me 38 mins yay !!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Yay for Alex !!!

    Today me and my mum practised for the 5K we are doing in July, me jogging, her walking and we did the official race route and even though I couldn't do it all non stop jogging and had to take a bathroom break as well it only took me 38 mins yay !!

    That's so awesome! Race day will be so exciting!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Week 7 is done and dusted on to week 8 now

    3 x 28 min straight runs !!

  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Week 7 is done and dusted on to week 8 now

    3 x 28 min straight runs !!


    Ooooh awesome!! I have one more day of week 7 :) I planned to run it today, and then woke up this morning to thunder and lightening! So I figured I wouldn't make it this afternoon - but miraculously the sun has come out :) Soooo happy, it better stay now!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Day one of week 7 I didn't run the whole way, I stopped at minute 24 (after 19 minutes of running) cos my hip was hurting, and then after that did two more runs (stopped again and minute 28, and then again sometime during the actual walking bit). Not sure of my actual run time, but it would have been between 20-25 minutes.

    I did Day 2 the next day (no recovery day, what a rebel) with no issues :) ran the whole 25 minutes. It was kind of hard cos I was lacking in energy, I think cos I had had wheat for breakfast - I'm on a low-FODMAP diet, and I've noticed when I eat wheat I feel heavy and lazy and lethargic! So trying to avoid it!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Fantastic progress Alex, week 8 run 1 is done, I was struggling a little bit today, I managed the 28 min run without stopping but my focus was a bit off today ! next run on friday !!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Where has everybody else gone ?:sad:
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    It was still stormy yesterday so couldn't get out (gale force winds, hail), but will try tonight - I had planned both yesterday and tonight so I'll be a bit gutted if I can't make it but we'll see. It's supposed to be raining all day but it's lunchtime now and the sun has come out - so will just see if the weather holds I guess!

    So still have 1 more day of week 7 before I start week 8 :)

    Not sure where everyone is! Everyone seems to go in and out of the group as they start or stop running haha. I'd like to keep the group going because I want running to be a life-long exercise for me, so once C25K is done I want to work on my speed for a couple months, and then do the Hal Higdon training 10k training plan :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey guys! I'm baaaaaaaack! I sort of went MIA on this thread for a bit, sorry! I got to week 7 with Cto5K and , well, fizzled out. What a waste, eh?

    The good news is I'm still running, just doing my own thing. I did 30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill today, and 30 minutes on Sunday.

    If you guys like, I can post the various interval workouts in a thread on here, in case anyone's looking for a way to mix it up?

    Or i could even put them here in progress. Trust me, it feels like progress to actually survive it! :laugh:
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Hey guys! I'm baaaaaaaack! I sort of went MIA on this thread for a bit, sorry! I got to week 7 with Cto5K and , well, fizzled out. What a waste, eh?

    The good news is I'm still running, just doing my own thing. I did 30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill today, and 30 minutes on Sunday.

    If you guys like, I can post the various interval workouts in a thread on here, in case anyone's looking for a way to mix it up?

    Or i could even put them here in progress. Trust me, it feels like progress to actually survive it! :laugh:

    Awesome!! After I finish C25K (2 weeks 1 day to go!) I want to work on speed, and I know interval training is awesome to do this so we can perhaps keep the thread going with this?
    Post your HIIT workouts :)
    I'm also thinking about adding some other form of exercise in (I stopped everything else to focus on running, but I'm in the routine enough now to add something else in) and I can't decide whether to do P90X (which my boyfriend is starting tomorrow), or add daily yoga. I really want to get stronger with P90X, but I also really want to get back into doing yoga every day - I know I won't be able to add both in at the same time or I'll burn out and give up like I did when I was doing this, tone it up, and zombie apocalypse workouts. Also, I'm going to India at the end of the year so I'd like to work on my yoga so I don't look so bad when I go to classes over there haha. Mind you, P90X is 3 months, so I could always do that first to get my strength up, for the months of July-August-October, and then work properly on my yoga for Oct-Nov-Dec. I could even just add a few rounds of sun salutations to my warm up and cool down for P90X while I'm doing that.....hmmmm.....decisions!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Week 8 day 2 is done, I mix it up and use all the equipment at the gym, like the rowing machines, bikes and weights etc. i also use body weight exercises and yoga as a cool down, i think i'd get bored if i did the same thing all the time :tongue:
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Char you're so close to being done! I went on a run that was supposed to be week 8 day 1, but I only ended up running 25 minutes cos I had to stop at lights and then was really close to work so decided to walk the rest of the day. Still deciding whether I'll count it as day one or an extra week 7. I think I'll count it, cos I counted my first week 7 run even though I didn't run the whole 25 minutes (had to stop twice cos my hip hurt).
    II did week 7 day 3 on friday and then the above explained run on Saturday. I didn't run yesterday (Sunday) or today (Monday). Aiming to get out tomorrow but not gonna be worried if I have a couple more days off. I got a sports bra and it has seams in the cups - which rubs on my under-boobs and sliced my boobs! I didn't notice til I hopped in the shower and they stung and were bleeding! That was friday and when I wore my normal bra on Saturday it rubbed the cuts and made them bleed again so I'm just gonna wait til it all heals up again! Hahaha
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Week 8 is done onto week 9 the final week 3 x 30 min runs.
    I ran outside in the rain today I didn't quite get it non-stop as I had to use the bathroom halfway through even though I haven't had a drink this morning, but it only took like a min so I made up for the extra minute. I pushed through and I didn't realistically think I could do this but I can !!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Week 8 is done onto week 9 the final week 3 x 30 min runs.
    I ran outside in the rain today I didn't quite get it non-stop as I had to use the bathroom halfway through even though I haven't had a drink this morning, but it only took like a min so I made up for the extra minute. I pushed through and I didn't realistically think I could do this but I can !!

    Awesome news, Can't believe how close you are! I'm gonna do week 8 day 1 today (thursday) then day 2 & 3 Saturday and Sunday. Soooo excited to start week 9, can't believe the huge improvement the last few weeks, I honestly can't believe it was only a few weeks ago I was struggling to run the 3 & 5 minute intervals!!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    well did week 9 run 1 at the spa hotel i went to on my birthday friday as we had access to all the leisure facilities, it was great, went for a run on sunday and was lucky to make it to 10 mins before i had to stop for a breather!!!

    today i did week 9 run 2 and hit the stop button by accident 20 mins into the run, totally threw me off my stride to complete the final 10 mins but i did it :smile:
    final run on friday then just keep at it, have my first 5K on the 22nd !!!!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Today i finished run 3 of week 9 WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have completed Couch to 5K !!:smile::happy: :laugh: :tongue: :drinker:
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Today i finished run 3 of week 9 WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have completed Couch to 5K !!:smile::happy: :laugh: :tongue: :drinker:

    That is SO AWESOME! Congrats!!!!!!!!

    I've stopped C25K and started a different running program that I read about in a book (Kerre Woodhams "short fat chick to marathon runner") which gets you from not running to running for an hour in 12 weeks, however I'm starting part way through because obviously I can already do half of that!
    I'll post a copy of the plan if anyone wants to do it? It's based on running 4 times per week with one long one per week (Saturday) and the other 3 days shorter or interval running. It also has a strength training program which I'm not doing because I'm doing yoga already.
    If you guys want to do this running program I can post it when I get home? As a sample, here's the first two weeks (from where I've started) runs:

    Monday - (Run 10min, Walk 1min) X2
    Tuesday - Strength
    Wednesday - (Run 10min, Walk 1min) X3
    Thursday - (Run 10min, Walk 1min) X3
    Friday - Strength
    Saturday - (Run 15min, Walk 1min) X2
    Sunday - Rest

    Monday - (Run 20min) X1
    Tuesday - Strength
    Wednesday (Run 12min, Walk 1min) X3
    Thursday - (Run 20min) X1
    Friday - Strength
    Saturday - Can't remember!!! I think it's 45 minutes.
    Sunday - Rest

    I could start later than this since I got up to running 25 minutes in C25K, but I need the overlap a bit because my last run (well, run before last, because I've actually done the first run above already) was really bad, I could only make it about 10 minutes and then had to stop, then could only run about 5 more minutes. I know now that it was because it was my TOM but it really affected my confidence! So I'm just re-doing some of the easier runs while I get used to the new training program. Besides, it's not totally backwards, my next runs are for 30 minutes, which is more than what I've done so far, but split into 3 10 minute runs.