Your preferred date night...?

mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
What's your preferred night to go out on a first date? Any certain days that are off limits?

Personally, I don't have a favorite, but Friday/Saturdays usually work for me if it's a night date. Sat/Sun are if it's an all day type thing.



  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I actually like weekdays. First dates should be more of a "Get to know" the person so spending an entire limitless evening seems a bit much. This works both ways, if after we've talked over coffee for three hours and it really is getting late I can make plans to meet again later and feel all warm and fluffy at work the next day... if after ten minutes I want to shoot myself in the vagoo rather than ever have sex with the guy I can beg off saying I have work in the morning (and it's true).
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Who said you had to spend the entire night?
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    My point related to the exit strategy. In my experience most people are willing to cajole you into spending more time because it's friday/saturday. They're less likely to if it's a weeknight.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Hmm, interesting I suppose.

    I really don't have a preference. If Thursday works best for both, let's go. If Friday works best, sure, that's fine. There is no day that means more to me than another. They're all the same at the end of the night. Just another day in the week.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    Based on what reasons?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    In the beginning, definitely weekdays.

    - Less pressure
    - Like Kitsune said, good escape opportunities
    - Still have your weekend for fun stuff with people you already know (no "wasting" a night when you don't know how you feel about the person)
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    How far away does she live?

    If local, then a weeknight, meet for a drink or an early dinner is great.

    If she lives a decent drive away, I'd opt for a weekend night.

    If she lives over 300 miles away, then I'd plan a weekend.

    If she lives on another continent, I'd probably plan a week or so.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    Based on what reasons?

    Really because of the perception that Friday and Saturday are prime social hours, particularly for those who don't have kids. It is not good for a man to give his best hours to an unproven person, plus the woman will know that if he's booking her Fri/Sat night, his other prospects probably are not red hot. Women like a little competition in the early going, keeps them on edge. When they're on edge, there's interested. Interested is way better than complete apathy.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    In the beginning, definitely weekdays.

    - Less pressure
    - Like Kitsune said, good escape opportunities
    - Still have your weekend for fun stuff with people you already know (no "wasting" a night when you don't know how you feel about the person)

    Hmm. I guess I view it differently.

    If I go on a Friday date, and it blows, I can always find something to do.

    I guess I typically get to know the person before the first date as well. Then you have an idea if you'll need to bail ahead of time. Then you're not wasting another night.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    Based on what reasons?

    Really because of the perception that Friday and Saturday are prime social hours, particularly for those who don't have kids. It is not good for a man to give his best hours to an unproven person, plus the woman will know that if he's booking her Fri/Sat night, his other prospects probably are not red hot. Women like a little competition in the early going, keeps them on edge. When they're on edge, there's interested. Interested is way better than complete apathy.

    I can honestly say, none of those things have ever occurred to me when I set up a date night, be it a weeknight or weekend. If I'm interested in the guy then I'm going to be interested every day of the week.

    Of course, I think games are stupid.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    In the beginning, definitely weekdays.

    - Less pressure
    - Like Kitsune said, good escape opportunities
    - Still have your weekend for fun stuff with people you already know (no "wasting" a night when you don't know how you feel about the person)

    Hmm. I guess I view it differently.

    If I go on a Friday date, and it blows, I can always find something to do.

    I guess I typically get to know the person before the first date as well. Then you have an idea if you'll need to bail ahead of time. Then you're not wasting another night.

    This is a good point. Recently I've been meeting people from internet dating sites which is what I based my answer on (stranger danger!). If I know the person then the day doesn't really matter.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    if it's someone i barely know then i'd much rather prefer a weekday date. something like happy hour or after work coffee would be perfect. that way there's less likelihood of meandering . i also find that people automatically plan shorter dates on weekdays than they do weekends. there's nothing more awkward than being halfway through a long date when you realize the you absolute hate the person and need to get out.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    Based on what reasons?

    Really because of the perception that Friday and Saturday are prime social hours, particularly for those who don't have kids. It is not good for a man to give his best hours to an unproven person, plus the woman will know that if he's booking her Fri/Sat night, his other prospects probably are not red hot. Women like a little competition in the early going, keeps them on edge. When they're on edge, there's interested. Interested is way better than complete apathy.

    I'm 28. If I want to socialize on a tuesday, I will. I don't see a reason to act like you're so important that giving up a Friday/Saturday night will cause any change in a social life or relationship. Aside for the fact that you make yourself out to be some social butterfly when in fact most people aren't.

    At what point does a Friday/Saturday become acceptable?
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    Based on what reasons?

    Really because of the perception that Friday and Saturday are prime social hours, particularly for those who don't have kids. It is not good for a man to give his best hours to an unproven person, plus the woman will know that if he's booking her Fri/Sat night, his other prospects probably are not red hot. Women like a little competition in the early going, keeps them on edge. When they're on edge, there's interested. Interested is way better than complete apathy.

    I can honestly say, none of those things have ever occurred to me when I set up a date night, be it a weeknight or weekend. If I'm interested in the guy then I'm going to be interested every day of the week.

    Of course, I think games are stupid.

    Yet you play them yourself??
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    Based on what reasons?

    Really because of the perception that Friday and Saturday are prime social hours, particularly for those who don't have kids. It is not good for a man to give his best hours to an unproven person, plus the woman will know that if he's booking her Fri/Sat night, his other prospects probably are not red hot. Women like a little competition in the early going, keeps them on edge. When they're on edge, there's interested. Interested is way better than complete apathy.

    honestly the only women i know who refuse frid/sat first dates just to give the illusion that she has a full social life are those who are heavy into game playing
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    Based on what reasons?

    Really because of the perception that Friday and Saturday are prime social hours, particularly for those who don't have kids. It is not good for a man to give his best hours to an unproven person, plus the woman will know that if he's booking her Fri/Sat night, his other prospects probably are not red hot. Women like a little competition in the early going, keeps them on edge. When they're on edge, there's interested. Interested is way better than complete apathy.

    honestly the only women i know who refuse frid/sat first dates just to give the illusion that she has a full social life are those who are heavy into game playing

    Men too.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    Based on what reasons?

    Really because of the perception that Friday and Saturday are prime social hours, particularly for those who don't have kids. It is not good for a man to give his best hours to an unproven person, plus the woman will know that if he's booking her Fri/Sat night, his other prospects probably are not red hot. Women like a little competition in the early going, keeps them on edge. When they're on edge, there's interested. Interested is way better than complete apathy.

    I can honestly say, none of those things have ever occurred to me when I set up a date night, be it a weeknight or weekend. If I'm interested in the guy then I'm going to be interested every day of the week.

    Of course, I think games are stupid.

    Yet you play them yourself??

    I'm assuming you aren't referring to my weekly DND campaign :)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I prefer weekends simply because I don't have time on weekdays. I wake up at 4:30AM, arrive at work around 6:00AM, and don't usually get home till 4:30-5:00. I'm normally not done working out, cooking, eating dinner, and showering until around 6:30-7:00. Sleep is super important to me so I'm preferrably in bed by 9:00, sometimes 10:00. That doesn't leave me a huge window to relax/hang with my dogs, so I don't want to spend time getting ready for a date.

    But like OP said, normally I've talked to the person for a good amount of time already, so I generally have a good idea how it's going to go.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.

    Who came up with that lol.

    This goes against everything I've ever done. All my first dates have like always been on a weekend and most usually after 6pm