Your preferred date night...?



  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    If we are throwing around general statements and you say that woman don't want like to compete for a mans atrention, why is it when I walk into a bar with a girl I always get way more attention than if I had walked in with a best friend or by myself.? Seen it happen way to often for it to be denied. Doesn't work In reverse for women cause the guys will look anyways, we would stare down an invisible hot girl.

    Women, what they say is often not what they mean.

    It's fine : it's really not, you'll pay for that later.

    Nothings wrong : some **** is def wrong and you better figure that shiz out

    There are so many examples...
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Really I think this topic needs to be seperated into what kind of date you are talking about. Are you talking about a true first date or are you talking about a meet and greet?

    See a true first date could take an hour + time while a meet and greet usually lasts a half hour or less. Those two things would seperate what days I could actually have the time/energy to have the date.

    Nah first dates go for longer than an hour yeah? Sheesh mine have gone for 8hrs lol
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    It's getting hot in here!!

    The more I read some of these guys posts, the more I appreciate that I found a guy who doesn't pretend nor play games. We talked about this the other night actually. He said he's at an age where he knows what he likes/ wants and he has no time for games. He wasn't going to wait 3 days to call me or ask me out again. Whatever he wanted to do, he did.
    So if you like me, you're going to want to see me.. tomorrow or the next day or Saturday night, whenever! It doesn't matter to you because you like me. Same here.

    This thread makes dating sound so much more complicated than it already is.

    To each his own though.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    So the fact that some women are also rude and condescending and believe they know everything a man is thinking at all times makes what I said less true? I don't think so.

    If you want to start a discussion about female misconceptions about men, go right ahead. This discussion was about certain men believing that what a woman says she wants isn't what she actually wants. You do realize this sort of thinking is right in line with "sometimes no means yes," don't you?

    If you really are busy all the time on weekends, good for you. But this thread is full of people pretending to be busy until a person "earns" a weekend date, all on the premise that a woman is just dying to bow down to a "busy" man. Some of us really do mean it when we say we have neither the time nor the inclination to deal with your BS.

    I went back through and saw one person assert something and no one agreeing.
    I don`t see anywhere a bunch of back slapping "you are right dude,this is exactly how women are",not anywhere.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    uhhhh the real reason about weekends though....

    I dont want to give up my awesome weekend with my friends and families for what could potentially be a boring-to-nightmarish evening with a stranger.

    If im going to waste a day - i would rather it be a day where I dont have to give up plans that are guaranteed to be fun. Or a workout. I'd rather give up a mid-week day when I have nothing planned.

    Ideally he will feel the same way. I mean... geez I hope he doesnt have all his weekends free - what a boring dude.

    Once he proves he is fun - guaranteed fun, THEN and only then will I allow him to be part of my weekend. Weekends are fun only. First dates are rarely fun.

    For the record and not picking but this post was from a lady.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Really I think this topic needs to be seperated into what kind of date you are talking about. Are you talking about a true first date or are you talking about a meet and greet?

    See a true first date could take an hour + time while a meet and greet usually lasts a half hour or less. Those two things would seperate what days I could actually have the time/energy to have the date.

    Nah first dates go for longer than an hour yeah? Sheesh mine have gone for 8hrs lol

    I said a true first date goes for an hour + which would include 8 hours.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Fact: Women flake out on dates all the time, yes men do too. I'm not reserving my weekend time for someone that I'm not sure is going to flake out or not.
    Fact: First dates are unpredictable. Saturday is my one night of the week to stay out as late as I want, if my date sucks I don't want to come home early with nothing to do.
    Also, since it has been made abundantly clear that some women only like men that do the pursuing, so I'm assuming I'll be the one that needs to recommend a day for the date. If I recommend Saturday and she says she has plans I'll feel like a loser that has no plans. Also I just assume people will have plans on weekends because most people usually do. I'm not about to make plans with someone 2 weeks in advance just to go out with them on a weekend. Nobody is asking the woman to beg for a weekend date.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    If a woman is telling you plain as day what she wants, take it or leave it, and stop insisting that she's wrong.

    Actually, I think BOTH sexes would be wise to heed this advice, judging "does s/he like me/can this work" discusion we've been having.
  • solman66
    solman66 Posts: 175 Member
    What's your preferred night to go out on a first date? Any certain days that are off limits?

    To answer the original question. I PREFER Thursday. Earlier in the week my mind is still too preoccupied with work and it still leaves the weekend open for either going out and meeting new people or trying to schedule a 2nd date. I (and the women I've dated so far) apparently don't have the awesomely full personal schedules that some of you do, so scheduling a 2nd date with a day or 2 notice is a possibility. I think living in low populated areas kind of makes it easier to have open weekends.
    Holiday weekends are off limits for me, otherwise I'm up for any night or weekend days.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I went back through and saw one person assert something and no one agreeing.
    I don`t see anywhere a bunch of back slapping "you are right dude,this is exactly how women are",not anywhere.
    I'm lonely in life, and lonely on these forums as well! :laugh:

    I guess I said what I wanted to say on this thread anyway, and I'm not in the mood to make people nervous today... So peace and lots of naughty love to all of you! :laugh:
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Wow, yall are playing prison rules today... I like it!! :devil:
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    If a woman is telling you plain as day what she wants, take it or leave it, and stop insisting that she's wrong.

    Actually, I think BOTH sexes would be wise to heed this advice, judging "does s/he like me/can this work" discusion we've been having.

    I think both of you are actually wrong. Asking people what they want/expect/will tolerate is an inherently unreliable means of gathering information about peoples preferences in general. I don't see why it would be otherwise for relationships. Henry Ford said that if he asked his customers what they wanted, the would have said a faster horse. Men and Women frequently say that they would never stay with a cheater and yet several do. People say they expect top-notched service and yet companies that have poor reputations continue to thrive. I've seen women tell a man they expect a proposal or they are leaving only to come back to him in a few weeks or a month. I've seen men say they won't put up with their wife's demands only to do it time and time again. Why is it so appalling to believe people don't mean what they say?
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Asking people what they want/expect/will tolerate is an inherently unreliable means of gathering information about peoples preferences in general. I don't see why it would be otherwise for relationships. Henry Ford said that if he asked his customers what they wanted, the would have said a faster horse. Men and Women frequently say that they would never stay with a cheater and yet several do.
    Why is it so appalling to believe people don't mean what they say?

    Good points. It's not so appalling to believe people don't mean what they say (cuz I have many friends who say they want nice, sweet, hardworking christian women but they usually end up going for the high maintenence loose girls).

    I think it's that some of us are generally very direct about what we want and it frustrates us that people (who are so used to other people not being honest about -or even truly knowing- what they want) won't take us at face value.

    Edit:*always* to *usually* which is more accurate.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    If a woman is telling you plain as day what she wants, take it or leave it, and stop insisting that she's wrong.

    Actually, I think BOTH sexes would be wise to heed this advice, judging "does s/he like me/can this work" discusion we've been having.

    I think both of you are actually wrong. Asking people what they want/expect/will tolerate is an inherently unreliable means of gathering information about peoples preferences in general. I don't see why it would be otherwise for relationships. Henry Ford said that if he asked his customers what they wanted, the would have said a faster horse. Men and Women frequently say that they would never stay with a cheater and yet several do. People say they expect top-notched service and yet companies that have poor reputations continue to thrive. I've seen women tell a man they expect a proposal or they are leaving only to come back to him in a few weeks or a month. I've seen men say they won't put up with their wife's demands only to do it time and time again. Why is it so appalling to believe people don't mean what they say?

    Comparing a girlfriend to a horse, or a car. Hmm.

    Luckily, my lady will tell me exactly what she wants, and I know she's being truthful. There are no games with us, neither of us understands the benefits of playing a game.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.
    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    this is my setup 1000%
    Mine too.
    People... Think about it for 5s (not more!). Say you have 4 friends, when are these 4 friends all available at the same time and ready to get drunk with you? Yep, you get it, on a Friday and a Saturday (at best!).
    There is no way I will be available on a Friday or Saturday for a date with a girl, unless she is ready to wait for 2 weeks - but by the time you increase the risk of having her flaking. So I'll instead offer a weekday.
    And no, I don't want a date to meet my group of friends on the first date - bad setup.
    Also as some have said, weekend days are pretty busy, and you're more likely to wait for restaurants, be standing in a pub, etc.
    On the other hand Monday/Tuesday are pretty crap and very empty (not much is happening).

    Thus yes, Wednesday and Thursday are best - it is usually late enough in the week so that pubs/clubs/gigs start filling and more events are being organised. As an added bonus, it gives a possibility of sleepovers or at least allows to invite the person if you like him/her to your plans for the weekend (without leaving too much time between the two dates).

    It's not really a "rule" as such... It just happens to be the case, so it's an "empirical rule"?

    As for the fact that women like "busy men", while it has been expressed poorly in this topic, it's true.
    It's not about what women say when sitting in front of their computer while replying to this topic and thinking logically, it's about how your brain is conditioned to react to some indicators (being busy on Fri-Sat is an indicator of a busy life, then you can start fantasizing about it all you want).
    What is so incredible in the fact that there are certain traits that are desirable in men for women and vice versa?
    Or are the women saying they prefer someone who is sitting in front of the TV waiting anxiously for them to call because they have no social life? (it's an extreme)
    Is out on Fri-Sat = social, fun, potential for nights out, adventurous, will swipe you off your feet. God I wish this guy would take me out with him, his life looks exciting.
    Is in front of the TV on Fri-Sat (only waiting for dates to call him)? Bah. Such a loser.

    I'll agree to disagree. Plain and simple.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Comparing a girlfriend to a horse, or a car. Hmm.

    Luckily, my lady will tell me exactly what she wants, and I know she's being truthful. There are no games with us, neither of us understands the benefits of playing a game.

    All human interactions involve games. There's what you want, what you'll accept, what you have to give up to get it, etc. I suspect that it's a new relationship since a few weeks ago you were talking about banging an engaged chick on the weekend. I imagine at some point, there will be something you do that she doesn't like that you don't want to change. At that point you'll have to decide how much it means to her, what the likely outcomes of your choices are and which choice is best for you. Asking her what she'll do if you choose A may yield an accurate response but it may not. She may completely believe that the answer she gives is the truth and still not follow through. What people say they are okay or not okay with is not perfectly correlated with their actual feelings or responses when it actually happens.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Really I think this topic needs to be seperated into what kind of date you are talking about. Are you talking about a true first date or are you talking about a meet and greet?

    See a true first date could take an hour + time while a meet and greet usually lasts a half hour or less. Those two things would seperate what days I could actually have the time/energy to have the date.

    Nah first dates go for longer than an hour yeah? Sheesh mine have gone for 8hrs lol

    I'd say it probably started as a first date but after 8 hours your probably at about 3 date level.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Comparing a girlfriend to a horse, or a car. Hmm.

    Luckily, my lady will tell me exactly what she wants, and I know she's being truthful. There are no games with us, neither of us understands the benefits of playing a game.
    All human interactions involve games. There's what you want, what you'll accept, what you have to give up to get it, etc. I suspect that it's a new relationship since a few weeks ago you were talking about banging an engaged chick on the weekend. I imagine at some point, there will be something you do that she doesn't like that you don't want to change. At that point you'll have to decide how much it means to her, what the likely outcomes of your choices are and which choice is best for you. Asking her what she'll do if you choose A may yield an accurate response but it may not. She may completely believe that the answer she gives is the truth and still not follow through. What people say they are okay or not okay with is not perfectly correlated with their actual feelings or responses when it actually happens.
    * nods *

    Although I do hope the best for you Mackeric...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    uhhhh the real reason about weekends though....

    I dont want to give up my awesome weekend with my friends and families for what could potentially be a boring-to-nightmarish evening with a stranger.

    If im going to waste a day - i would rather it be a day where I dont have to give up plans that are guaranteed to be fun. Or a workout. I'd rather give up a mid-week day when I have nothing planned.

    Ideally he will feel the same way. I mean... geez I hope he doesnt have all his weekends free - what a boring dude.

    Once he proves he is fun - guaranteed fun, THEN and only then will I allow him to be part of my weekend. Weekends are fun only. First dates are rarely fun.

    For the record and not picking but this post was from a lady.

    awww you called me a lady :) what'd I do wrong though

    I also went back and specified that if I met someone and we hit it off and couldnt wait to go out together- i wouldnt care what day it was on.

    But blind dates and online-to-RL dates get midweek appointments so I dont have to cancel fun. This is bad?
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Comparing a girlfriend to a horse, or a car. Hmm.

    Luckily, my lady will tell me exactly what she wants, and I know she's being truthful. There are no games with us, neither of us understands the benefits of playing a game.
    All human interactions involve games. There's what you want, what you'll accept, what you have to give up to get it, etc. I suspect that it's a new relationship since a few weeks ago you were talking about banging an engaged chick on the weekend. I imagine at some point, there will be something you do that she doesn't like that you don't want to change. At that point you'll have to decide how much it means to her, what the likely outcomes of your choices are and which choice is best for you. Asking her what she'll do if you choose A may yield an accurate response but it may not. She may completely believe that the answer she gives is the truth and still not follow through. What people say they are okay or not okay with is not perfectly correlated with their actual feelings or responses when it actually happens.
    * nods *

    Although I do hope the best for you Mackeric...

    You too.

    I think people over think things way too much.