Your preferred date night...?



  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Wow no wonder a lot of us are single some of the stuff that comes out of people's mouths with all these little rules is ridiculous.

    haha right on... I've thought that a few times reading some posts... people rule out half the population before they even get started.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Wow no wonder a lot of us are single some of the stuff that comes out of people's mouths with all these little rules is ridiculous.

    haha right on... I've thought that a few times reading some posts... people rule out half the population before they even get started.

    half the population is ugly
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Wow no wonder a lot of us are single some of the stuff that comes out of people's mouths with all these little rules is ridiculous.

    haha right on... I've thought that a few times reading some posts... people rule out half the population before they even get started.

    half the population is ugly

    Get drunk and you can get a 1/4 of that half back to pretty decent! :happy:
  • BelMckenzie
    BelMckenzie Posts: 249
    Wow no wonder a lot of us are single some of the stuff that comes out of people's mouths with all these little rules is ridiculous.

    haha right on... I've thought that a few times reading some posts... people rule out half the population before they even get started.

    half the population is ugly

    Get drunk and you can get a 1/4 of that half back to pretty decent! :happy:

    Good idea:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Wow no wonder a lot of us are single some of the stuff that comes out of people's mouths with all these little rules is ridiculous.

    ^^ this! I really dont think it matters what night. Why do we have to apply rules just to go meet someone? Or why do we not want to give them the time of day? We are all human beings that are looking for love. Treat people like you want to be treated!! If you dont click/match romantically, doesnt mean you cant have a good time together or that you can't bail. I've had some GREAT first dates and never seen the guy again. I just see it as a fun night out :bigsmile: There has been one time when the guy was just arrogant and rude and I left. But I still didnt care what night it was, I just went and met my friends (think it was a Sunday) or if nobody is out, I would just come home and tell MFP what a jerk I just met :laugh:

    My answer Mack, is, when you are both free and able :flowerforyou:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    Based on what reasons?

    Really because of the perception that Friday and Saturday are prime social hours, particularly for those who don't have kids. It is not good for a man to give his best hours to an unproven person, plus the woman will know that if he's booking her Fri/Sat night, his other prospects probably are not red hot. Women like a little competition in the early going, keeps them on edge. When they're on edge, there's interested. Interested is way better than complete apathy.

    This thought has never entered my head!!! Why would anyone judge someone negatively because they have a Saturday night free a week or two in advance?? (Lets assume you're organising the date a week or two in advance) Do people in America always have plans for every weekend in the year?? Dont you guys just play things by ear??
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.
    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    this is my setup 1000%
    Mine too.
    People... Think about it for 5s (not more!). Say you have 4 friends, when are these 4 friends all available at the same time and ready to get drunk with you? Yep, you get it, on a Friday and a Saturday (at best!).
    There is no way I will be available on a Friday or Saturday for a date with a girl, unless she is ready to wait for 2 weeks - but by the time you increase the risk of having her flaking. So I'll instead offer a weekday.
    And no, I don't want a date to meet my group of friends on the first date - bad setup.
    Also as some have said, weekend days are pretty busy, and you're more likely to wait for restaurants, be standing in a pub, etc.
    On the other hand Monday/Tuesday are pretty crap and very empty (not much is happening).

    Thus yes, Wednesday and Thursday are best - it is usually late enough in the week so that pubs/clubs/gigs start filling and more events are being organised. As an added bonus, it gives a possibility of sleepovers or at least allows to invite the person if you like him/her to your plans for the weekend (without leaving too much time between the two dates).

    It's not really a "rule" as such... It just happens to be the case, so it's an "empirical rule"?

    As for the fact that women like "busy men", while it has been expressed poorly in this topic, it's true.
    It's not about what women say when sitting in front of their computer while replying to this topic and thinking logically, it's about how your brain is conditioned to react to some indicators (being busy on Fri-Sat is an indicator of a busy life, then you can start fantasizing about it all you want).
    What is so incredible in the fact that there are certain traits that are desirable in men for women and vice versa?
    Or are the women saying they prefer someone who is sitting in front of the TV waiting anxiously for them to call because they have no social life? (it's an extreme)
    Is out on Fri-Sat = social, fun, potential for nights out, adventurous, will swipe you off your feet. God I wish this guy would take me out with him, his life looks exciting.
    Is in front of the TV on Fri-Sat (only waiting for dates to call him)? Bah. Such a loser.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
    As for the fact that women like "busy men", while it has been expressed poorly in this topic, it's true.
    It's not about what women say when sitting in front of their computer while replying to this topic and thinking logically, it's about how your brain is conditioned to react to some indicators (being busy on Fri-Sat is an indicator of a busy life, then you can start fantasizing about it all you want).
    What is so incredible in the fact that there are certain traits that are desirable in men for women and vice versa?
    Or are the women saying they prefer someone who is sitting in front of the TV waiting anxiously for them to call because they have no social life? (it's an extreme)
    Is out on Fri-Sat = social, fun, potential for nights out, adventurous, will swipe you off your feet. God I wish this guy would take me out with him, his life looks exciting.
    Is in front of the TV on Fri-Sat (only waiting for dates to call him)? Bah. Such a loser.

    See Im smarter than that, in talking about the said date, I would have already made out like I had something on (often do) on a weekend, then be all flexible and shiz when she is dissapointed I couldnt go at her suggested time. Thus making me look easy going, willing to do that little bit more to see her, making her feel special, whislt looking busy. Win, win and win.:laugh:

    My dates usually go for a while, specially when going well.. I dont want to cut that short if Im having a sweet time cause I have to work early in the morning... Weekend dates, planned in advance for the win yo!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.
    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.
    this is my setup 1000%
    Mine too.
    People... Think about it for 5s (not more!). Say you have 4 friends, when are these 4 friends all available at the same time and ready to get drunk with you? Yep, you get it, on a Friday and a Saturday (at best!).
    There is no way I will be available on a Friday or Saturday for a date with a girl, unless she is ready to wait for 2 weeks - but by the time you increase the risk of having her flaking. So I'll instead offer a weekday.
    And no, I don't want a date to meet my group of friends on the first date - bad setup.
    Also as some have said, weekend days are pretty busy, and you're more likely to wait for restaurants, be standing in a pub, etc.
    On the other hand Monday/Tuesday are pretty crap and very empty (not much is happening).

    Thus yes, Wednesday and Thursday are best - it is usually late enough in the week so that pubs/clubs/gigs start filling and more events are being organised. As an added bonus, it gives a possibility of sleepovers or at least allows to invite the person if you like him/her to your plans for the weekend (without leaving too much time between the two dates).

    It's not really a "rule" as such... It just happens to be the case, so it's an "empirical rule"?

    As for the fact that women like "busy men", while it has been expressed poorly in this topic, it's true.
    It's not about what women say when sitting in front of their computer while replying to this topic and thinking logically, it's about how your brain is conditioned to react to some indicators (being busy on Fri-Sat is an indicator of a busy life, then you can start fantasizing about it all you want).
    What is so incredible in the fact that there are certain traits that are desirable in men for women and vice versa?
    Or are the women saying they prefer someone who is sitting in front of the TV waiting anxiously for them to call because they have no social life? (it's an extreme)
    Is out on Fri-Sat = social, fun, potential for nights out, adventurous, will swipe you off your feet. God I wish this guy would take me out with him, his life looks exciting.
    Is in front of the TV on Fri-Sat (only waiting for dates to call him)? Bah. Such a loser.

    I think you should ask the women how they think!!!! This sounds like a PUA rule which is inaccurate :laugh:

    I can't tell you how many guys I've blown off over the years for not being free on a weekend. It's one of my biggest alarm bells!! (You know like when you email and chat on phone a few weeks before you actually meet, so if he goes on about how he did this and that and he's doing that and this......) So it can work in the opposite way as I think you dont have time for a relationship if you have such a hectic/active social life.

    What you gonna do if the ONLY day a woman can make it is a Saturday, cos she works hard and late in the week??

    Also, remember that women are wanting you to themself, so they really dont want to be partying every weekend................again, that hectic social life could go against you......(but I know you want a woman with an equal amount of social ability.......)

    There's no shame in not having anything to do on a weekend........I dont know where you get that from?? I know that YOU are always busy, but I'd say you are the exception to the rule......
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    To each his own... my weekends are typically busy and planned a week or two in advance. I want a man who is equally as social and busy but, as we get to know each other, we work each other into the schedules until we're together more often than not. I've been married to the kind of guy who never had anything going on, who spent all his free time in front of the computer. And that's NOT what I want.

    Also, I'm not interested in paying $10/hour+gas for babysitting (AND giving up my relaxing weekend) for a horrible date with some guy who mis-represented himself in his online profile (happens a lot). For the first date, I'd much rather have a weekday lunch date or a quick weekday early dinner, just to see if we click before taking things up a notch.

    That said, when a guy switches from going out during the weekend, to weeknights that's a pretty good signal that I've dropped in his priority and am only filler.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    So it can work in the opposite way as I think you dont have time for a relationship if you have such a hectic/active social life.
    What you gonna do if the ONLY day a woman can make it is a Saturday, cos she works hard and late in the week??

    Also, remember that women are wanting you to themself, so they really dont want to be partying every weekend................again, that hectic social life could go against you......(but I know you want a woman with an equal amount of social ability.......)
    Which makes me think I might want a woman that enjoys the same things as me so that I can see her sometimes... :laugh:
    Don't mind going out with a woman on some events.

    She can clean my socks if she's not going out to party, sounds like a win-win to me.
    My dates usually go for a while, specially when going well.. I dont want to cut that short if Im having a sweet time cause I have to work early in the morning... Weekend dates, planned in advance for the win yo!
    Yep, it's true that I had a few rough morning by having particularly "long dates" :wink: during the week. Life could be worse though.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Really, you guys have to stop saying what is and isn't true about women. Firstly, you are not women, so you have no idea what you're talking about. Secondly, I say again, women are not all the same. There is not some fantastical set of ideals we all hold about who is the perfect man.

    It is not true that women, as a group, want a man who is always busy or that women like to compete with other women for a man's attention. This is about as factual as saying that Wednesday is men's favorite day of the week. So I find it quite patronizing to read discussions from grown men about how you're really only giving us what we want by pretending to have 12 parties to go to this week or how what we say we want isn't necessarily what we actually want. What are we, little kids who can't decide which color of cotton candy to get?

    Here's a tip: If a woman is telling you plain as day what she wants, take it or leave it, and stop insisting that she's wrong.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Really, you guys have to stop saying what is and isn't true about women. Firstly, you are not women, so you have no idea what you're talking about. Secondly, I say again, women are not all the same. There is not some fantastical set of ideals we all hold about who is the perfect man.

    It is not true that women, as a group, want a man who is always busy or that women like to compete with other women for a man's attention. This is about as factual as saying that Wednesday is men's favorite day of the week. So I find it quite patronizing to read discussions from grown men about how you're really only giving us what we want by pretending to have 12 parties to go to this week or how what we say we want isn't necessarily what we actually want. What are we, little kids who can't decide which color of cotton candy to get?

    Here's a tip: If a woman is telling you plain as day what she wants, take it or leave it, and stop insisting that she's wrong.

    ^^^ You are freakin' awesome.

    Men ***** about how women are so complicated, and I get that there's definitely some crazy *****es, but for crying out loud how much of that do you manufacture yourselves? Take a woman at her word and if she gets mad that it isn't what she meant them dump her and find an adult to date.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I'll put lots of flowers so that you don't think I'm angry while typing this (I'm seriously not, but the tone can feel a bit condescending or angry). :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Firstly, you are not women, so you have no idea what you're talking about.
    This is an absolute joke... But clearly not the main point of your paragraph so I'll ignore this (it doesn't make the rest less valid). :wink:
    Secondly, I say again, women are not all the same.
    True. I don't care about every women, there will always be the odd black sheep.
    If it pleases you to do so, you can think you are the black sheep, but some women, I am afraid, have got to match the main statistics... (If I say "Women have got longer hair than men" go on, prove me wrong, it's easy - yet statistically true).
    There is not some fantastical set of ideals we all hold about who is the perfect man. It is not true that women, as a group, want a man who is always busy or that women like to compete with other women for a man's attention. This is about as factual as saying that Wednesday is men's favorite day of the week. So I find it quite patronizing to read discussions from grown men about how you're really only giving us what we want by pretending to have 12 parties to go to this week or how what we say we want isn't necessarily what we actually want. What are we, little kids who can't decide which color of cotton candy to get?
    I think you're missing the point I am trying to make (not talking for other men here, they're entitled to a different opinion, but that's the idea I was trying to convey with my previous post):
    - Consciously, or if you prefer when asked directly as when you are typing on these forums, you will say that.
    - Subconsciously, when acting but *without realising it*, you will follow some other set of rules.
    It's alright, it's not being a little kid or anything, there is nothing shameful about it. There are triggers to which you cannot resist (or rarely, or by exposing yourself voluntarily to these triggers) - because they are "emotional triggers" (emotions) not "rational triggers" (reason).
    Rationally, think about the last time you were angry at someone and you shouted at them... Was it worth it? Nope probably. Yet you did it.

    The problem also is you give an extreme meaning to "compete" and "busy" for example (but maybe the other men really think - like you said - that a woman is happy if a guy has 12 parties or is seeing 5 women at the same time - I know I don't).
    But sprinkling a *little bit* of "competition" and "busy-ness" on a relationship isn't a bad thing - but this is a fine line, and some people over-interpret those rules or PUA stuff.
    E.g. your man is being "harassed"/ by women at a party :smooched: (they are hitting on him) yet when you arrive in the group to see "what's going on here?" he holds you by the hand, kisses you and say "See, this is the woman of my life!" and then you can see the angry looks in the eyes of the other women, and feel valued, respected => you crushed the competition and you came out victorious.
    Which makes me think, I guess, that when challenging the woman (competition/busy) you still need to make her win in the end (as Natx83 was saying, he says he is busy but still sees the woman in the end).

    A lot of these things are true of men as well by the way.
    Here's a tip: If a woman is telling you plain as day what she wants, take it or leave it, and stop insisting that she's wrong.
    Here is my answer to this:
    I've dealt with women from the other side of the fence (the man's side), so I'm the one putting my balls on the line, the one who takes risks and might jeopardize the relationship depending on my actions, as are all the men here (or most). I have no interest in lying about my *experience*. I haven't date crazy women - just normal ones (which might mean crazy *poke* *poke*).
    While I understand your points and your point of view (a very valid, logical one), when it comes to relationships (and economy) - people in general, I think reality and experience are more important.

    One last thing, when I say I'm busy to a girl, I'm genuine. If I get hit on by women, but go and see my woman instead, I'm genuine. You don't have to be playing games to be like that if you're with a girl you appreciate (which echoes my other topic: I only want to be with a woman I really want to be with, so this worries me for my independence).
    Most people (men as much as women) appreciate this, and feel valued if you still put them at the centre of your life when you can.
    (But you can also act like that on purpose and play games to make a girl/guy believe you appreciate her/him).
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Really, you guys have to stop saying what is and isn't true about women. Firstly, you are not women, so you have no idea what you're talking about. Secondly, I say again, women are not all the same. There is not some fantastical set of ideals we all hold about who is the perfect man.

    It is not true that women, as a group, want a man who is always busy or that women like to compete with other women for a man's attention. This is about as factual as saying that Wednesday is men's favorite day of the week. So I find it quite patronizing to read discussions from grown men about how you're really only giving us what we want by pretending to have 12 parties to go to this week or how what we say we want isn't necessarily what we actually want. What are we, little kids who can't decide which color of cotton candy to get?

    Here's a tip: If a woman is telling you plain as day what she wants, take it or leave it, and stop insisting that she's wrong.

    Yet nearly 100% of the ladies here will insist that they know what a man wants (sex) ALL the time and it is the ONLY thing he wants.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I'll put lots of flowers so that you don't think I'm angry while typing this (I'm seriously not, but the tone can feel a bit condescending or angry). :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Firstly, you are not women, so you have no idea what you're talking about.
    This is an absolute joke... But clearly not the main point of your paragraph so I'll ignore this (it doesn't make the rest less valid). :wink:
    Secondly, I say again, women are not all the same.
    True. I don't care about every women, there will always be the odd black sheep.
    If it pleases you to do so, you can think you are the black sheep, but some women, I am afraid, have got to match the main statistics... (If I say "Women have got longer hair than men" go on, prove me wrong, it's easy - yet statistically true).
    There is not some fantastical set of ideals we all hold about who is the perfect man. It is not true that women, as a group, want a man who is always busy or that women like to compete with other women for a man's attention. This is about as factual as saying that Wednesday is men's favorite day of the week. So I find it quite patronizing to read discussions from grown men about how you're really only giving us what we want by pretending to have 12 parties to go to this week or how what we say we want isn't necessarily what we actually want. What are we, little kids who can't decide which color of cotton candy to get?
    I think you're missing the point I am trying to make (not talking for other men here, they're entitled to a different opinion, but that's the idea I was trying to convey with my previous post):
    - Consciously, or if you prefer when asked directly as when you are typing on these forums, you will say that.
    - Subconsciously, when acting but *without realising it*, you will follow some other set of rules.
    It's alright, it's not being a little kid or anything, there is nothing shameful about it. There are triggers to which you cannot resist (or rarely, or by exposing yourself voluntarily to these triggers) - because they are "emotional triggers" (emotions) not "rational triggers" (reason).
    Rationally, think about the last time you were angry at someone and you shouted at them... Was it worth it? Nope probably. Yet you did it.

    The problem also is you give an extreme meaning to "compete" and "busy" for example (but maybe the other men really think - like you said - that a woman is happy if a guy has 12 parties or is seeing 5 women at the same time - I know I don't).
    But sprinkling a *little bit* of "competition" and "busy-ness" on a relationship isn't a bad thing - but this is a fine line, and some people over-interpret those rules or PUA stuff.
    E.g. your man is being "harassed"/ by women at a party :smooched: (they are hitting on him) yet when you arrive in the group to see "what's going on here?" he holds you by the hand, kisses you and say "See, this is the woman of my life!" and then you can see the angry looks in the eyes of the other women, and feel valued, respected => you crushed the competition and you came out victorious.
    Which makes me think, I guess, that when challenging the woman (competition/busy) you still need to make her win in the end (as Natx83 was saying, he says he is busy but still sees the woman in the end).

    A lot of these things are true of men as well by the way.
    Here's a tip: If a woman is telling you plain as day what she wants, take it or leave it, and stop insisting that she's wrong.
    Here is my answer to this:
    I've dealt with women from the other side of the fence (the man's side), so I'm the one putting my balls on the line, the one who takes risks and might jeopardize the relationship depending on my actions, as are all the men here (or most). I have no interest in lying about my *experience*. I haven't date crazy women - just normal ones (which might mean crazy *poke* *poke*).
    While I understand your points and your point of view (a very valid, logical one), when it comes to relationships (and economy) - people in general, I think reality and experience are more important.

    One last thing, when I say I'm busy to a girl, I'm genuine. If I get hit on by women, but go and see my woman instead, I'm genuine. You don't have to be playing games to be like that if you're with a girl you appreciate (which echoes my other topic: I only want to be with a woman I really want to be with, so this worries me for my independence).
    Most people (men as much as women) appreciate this, and feel valued if you still put them at the centre of your life when you can.
    (But you can also act like that on purpose and play games to make a girl/guy believe you appreciate her/him).

    Sir, I tip my hat to you.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Really, you guys have to stop saying what is and isn't true about women. Firstly, you are not women, so you have no idea what you're talking about. Secondly, I say again, women are not all the same. There is not some fantastical set of ideals we all hold about who is the perfect man.

    It is not true that women, as a group, want a man who is always busy or that women like to compete with other women for a man's attention. This is about as factual as saying that Wednesday is men's favorite day of the week. So I find it quite patronizing to read discussions from grown men about how you're really only giving us what we want by pretending to have 12 parties to go to this week or how what we say we want isn't necessarily what we actually want. What are we, little kids who can't decide which color of cotton candy to get?

    Here's a tip: If a woman is telling you plain as day what she wants, take it or leave it, and stop insisting that she's wrong.

    Yet nearly 100% of the ladies here will insist that they know what a man wants (sex) ALL the time and it is the ONLY thing he wants.

    Boom. There is no denying that one friends.

    I also tip my hat to you.

    If it was battle od the sexes it would be 2 - 0 in favour od the males.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    So the fact that some women are also rude and condescending and believe they know everything a man is thinking at all times makes what I said less true? I don't think so.

    If you want to start a discussion about female misconceptions about men, go right ahead. This discussion was about certain men believing that what a woman says she wants isn't what she actually wants. You do realize this sort of thinking is right in line with "sometimes no means yes," don't you?

    If you really are busy all the time on weekends, good for you. But this thread is full of people pretending to be busy until a person "earns" a weekend date, all on the premise that a woman is just dying to bow down to a "busy" man. Some of us really do mean it when we say we have neither the time nor the inclination to deal with your BS.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Really I think this topic needs to be seperated into what kind of date you are talking about. Are you talking about a true first date or are you talking about a meet and greet?

    See a true first date could take an hour + time while a meet and greet usually lasts a half hour or less. Those two things would seperate what days I could actually have the time/energy to have the date.