how much weight have you gained



  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I was feeling really down about my weight gain until I read this thread. I'm 26 weeks and up roughly 22 pounds. I only gained 4 pounds in the first trimester - it all came on in the second. My doctor isn't happy and will send me to a nutritionist after my next visit, if I have gained any weight since my last appt.

    I started out in the healthy BMI range. I eat at maintenance and move around a lot during the day. I walk as much as I can for exercise. My food choices are healthy and I drink tons of water. I think my body is just intent on gaining weight, which makes me sad, but it's nice to know there are others in the same boat as me.
  • Schuyler
    Schuyler Posts: 78 Member
    I was feeling really down about my weight gain until I read this thread. I'm 26 weeks and up roughly 22 pounds. I only gained 4 pounds in the first trimester - it all came on in the second. My doctor isn't happy and will send me to a nutritionist after my next visit, if I have gained any weight since my last appt.

    I started out in the healthy BMI range. I eat at maintenance and move around a lot during the day. I walk as much as I can for exercise. My food choices are healthy and I drink tons of water. I think my body is just intent on gaining weight, which makes me sad, but it's nice to know there are others in the same boat as me.

    Wow. Your doctor sounds very harsh. I've actually never heard of a doctor "sending" anyone to a nutritionist unless they have GD. 22 lbs at 26 weeks sounds pretty reasonable and actually it's very common to pack on a lot in a month in the 2nd trimester. I'm 34 weeks and have gained 36 pounds now. I gained 10 lbs in a month in my 2nd trimester and 7 lbs in 3 weeks between 30-33 weeks. One appointment I had lost a pound... I never changed what I was doing or eating, it's just what the body does. I'm sorry if your doctor made you feel bad, that's just terrible. Keep up the good work.
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    hi all I lost 7lb in the 1st triester due to morning sickness up to about 10/11wks i have put that back on so am now back where i started im 16 wks and am scared now im at the eating stage:tongue: as I had gained 5st (70lb) by the time i got to my due date with my 1st son but I did eat a hell of a lot then :blushing: i know im eating healthier than I was so fingers crossed
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    I'm 19 weeks and only gained 3 pounds so far. My doctor told me not to freak out because he says that I am losing bad fat while at the same time gaining belly and boob due to my diet change.

    I used to be a heavy beer drinker and the first time I quit drinking I lost 16 pounds in two weeks. So my doctor believes that my overall life change is why I'm losing weight in certain parts of my body but gaining it at the same time where I need it.

    I still worry sometimes that I only gained 3 lbs, but I have to keep reminding myself that I am much healthier now than I was 19 weeks ago. I think now that my body has adjusted to my healthy lifestyle I am going to begin gaining more weight.
    Yes. This is me, too. I have gained about 4 pounds and am 18 weeks. I was at the gym last week and someone who I was doing body combat with prepregnancy was complimenting me on my weiht loss. Then I turned around and they saw my belly. So it is good to know the weight is going to the right places and not to my butt.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Am I the only one who has gained a lot?

    23w 5d and up 28lbs :sad: My OB said he isn't concerned (however at last app he did remind me that I need to be getting in more exercise and at the same time told me to stay off my feet for the swelling. Confusing much???) and that I may be "one of those" who just gains no matter what. But I am SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED. I truly feel like I am the only one counting calories, trying to exercise, trying to keep under and still gaining like a hippo! DH swears he notices a huge difference from last pregnancy and last night we even compared belly shots. I do look a lot thinner (I had lost 62lbs from last pregnancy to when I got preggers this go), but 28lbs? at 23w 5d!?!?!?! I was only supposed to gain 25lbs this time.

    I am swelling A LOT and never did with my others. But seeing this thread...I think I am the only one with this much gain :cry:
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Am I the only one who has gained a lot?

    23w 5d and up 28lbs :sad: My OB said he isn't concerned (however at last app he did remind me that I need to be getting in more exercise and at the same time told me to stay off my feet for the swelling. Confusing much???) and that I may be "one of those" who just gains no matter what. But I am SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED. I truly feel like I am the only one counting calories, trying to exercise, trying to keep under and still gaining like a hippo! DH swears he notices a huge difference from last pregnancy and last night we even compared belly shots. I do look a lot thinner (I had lost 62lbs from last pregnancy to when I got preggers this go), but 28lbs? at 23w 5d!?!?!?! I was only supposed to gain 25lbs this time.

    I am swelling A LOT and never did with my others. But seeing this thread...I think I am the only one with this much gain :cry:

    Honestly on the path that i have been on its looks like i will be right up there with you I seem to be gaining a lb a week if not more. I still exercies ALOT and eating under calories. I quite honestly feel like theres not much to do unless i starve myself
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I'm 15 weeks and I've gained 4lbs. The problem with that is it probably hides the true fat gain, because I stopped exercising for several of those week meaning my muscle will have dropped a lot, and I've probably gained more fat :(

    Ah well, not too worried, now I'm feeling better I'm starting to watch what I eat more carefully, logging my food diaries again, and am going to start exercising again this week.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I'm 15 weeks and I've gained 4lbs. The problem with that is it probably hides the true fat gain, because I stopped exercising for several of those week meaning my muscle will have dropped a lot, and I've probably gained more fat :(

    Ah well, not too worried, now I'm feeling better I'm starting to watch what I eat more carefully, logging my food diaries again, and am going to start exercising again this week.
  • x4mygirlsx
    x4mygirlsx Posts: 129 Member
    Im 30 weeks and have gained 30-33lb so far. Some due to being hypothyroid (i have hashimotos) the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Lost 50lbs before i got pregnant so not quite back to square one yet and feeling quite positive that no matter how much i gain i can lose it once my hormones are back to normal and i can exercise more. Just trying not to stress about it because its not good for baby and i will deal with the damage once baby is here. good luck everyone with your pregnancies xxx
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Am I the only one who has gained a lot?

    23w 5d and up 28lbs :sad: My OB said he isn't concerned (however at last app he did remind me that I need to be getting in more exercise and at the same time told me to stay off my feet for the swelling. Confusing much???) and that I may be "one of those" who just gains no matter what. But I am SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED. I truly feel like I am the only one counting calories, trying to exercise, trying to keep under and still gaining like a hippo! DH swears he notices a huge difference from last pregnancy and last night we even compared belly shots. I do look a lot thinner (I had lost 62lbs from last pregnancy to when I got preggers this go), but 28lbs? at 23w 5d!?!?!?! I was only supposed to gain 25lbs this time.

    I am swelling A LOT and never did with my others. But seeing this thread...I think I am the only one with this much gain :cry:

    Honestly on the path that i have been on its looks like i will be right up there with you I seem to be gaining a lb a week if not more. I still exercies ALOT and eating under calories. I quite honestly feel like theres not much to do unless i starve myself
    That is how I feel too. Unless I starve myself I seem doomed to gain. I am thinking about taking a week break from logging foods because it is stressing me out. I haven't been going over and I am not eating as much because my tummy has no room, but just the act of logging has me in a tizzy. I was crying yesterday about it. Probably more hormones.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Am I the only one who has gained a lot?

    23w 5d and up 28lbs :sad: My OB said he isn't concerned (however at last app he did remind me that I need to be getting in more exercise and at the same time told me to stay off my feet for the swelling. Confusing much???) and that I may be "one of those" who just gains no matter what. But I am SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED. I truly feel like I am the only one counting calories, trying to exercise, trying to keep under and still gaining like a hippo! DH swears he notices a huge difference from last pregnancy and last night we even compared belly shots. I do look a lot thinner (I had lost 62lbs from last pregnancy to when I got preggers this go), but 28lbs? at 23w 5d!?!?!?! I was only supposed to gain 25lbs this time.

    I am swelling A LOT and never did with my others. But seeing this thread...I think I am the only one with this much gain :cry:

    Honestly on the path that i have been on its looks like i will be right up there with you I seem to be gaining a lb a week if not more. I still exercies ALOT and eating under calories. I quite honestly feel like theres not much to do unless i starve myself
    That is how I feel too. Unless I starve myself I seem doomed to gain. I am thinking about taking a week break from logging foods because it is stressing me out. I haven't been going over and I am not eating as much because my tummy has no room, but just the act of logging has me in a tizzy. I was crying yesterday about it. Probably more hormones.

    I feel like we're in the same boat - I'm up 11 pounds and I'm only 10 weeks so I'm SUPER panicked. I'm only supposed to gain 25 for the entire pregnancy and I'm almost halfway to 25 only 1/4 of the way through. I'm trying to stay calm, but every time I step on the scale I get upset. Which leads to my question - how often are y'all weighing? I find that if I weigh a few times a week, it keeps me on track better, but at this point I get upset most times I step on the scale so I'm not sure what I should do.
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    i work in a doctors office so there are several scales throughout the building. :( i have done both- weighed a few times a week and weigh only once a week. the prob i run into is my weight can fluctuate 2-4 pounds within a week. it is really confusing. and i still dont know exactly how i am going to log/ keep track of it. of course i like to go with the lowest # but is that really correct?? i would love to hear what everyone else is doing too...
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    i work in a doctors office so there are several scales throughout the building. :( i have done both- weighed a few times a week and weigh only once a week. the prob i run into is my weight can fluctuate 2-4 pounds within a week. it is really confusing. and i still dont know exactly how i am going to log/ keep track of it. of course i like to go with the lowest # but is that really correct?? i would love to hear what everyone else is doing too...

    Stick to 1 scale only and track the numbers only from that scale. It's going to get way too confusing if u keep weighing yourself on several different scales...
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Am I the only one who has gained a lot?

    23w 5d and up 28lbs :sad: My OB said he isn't concerned (however at last app he did remind me that I need to be getting in more exercise and at the same time told me to stay off my feet for the swelling. Confusing much???) and that I may be "one of those" who just gains no matter what. But I am SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED. I truly feel like I am the only one counting calories, trying to exercise, trying to keep under and still gaining like a hippo! DH swears he notices a huge difference from last pregnancy and last night we even compared belly shots. I do look a lot thinner (I had lost 62lbs from last pregnancy to when I got preggers this go), but 28lbs? at 23w 5d!?!?!?! I was only supposed to gain 25lbs this time.

    I am swelling A LOT and never did with my others. But seeing this thread...I think I am the only one with this much gain :cry:

    Honestly on the path that i have been on its looks like i will be right up there with you I seem to be gaining a lb a week if not more. I still exercies ALOT and eating under calories. I quite honestly feel like theres not much to do unless i starve myself
    That is how I feel too. Unless I starve myself I seem doomed to gain. I am thinking about taking a week break from logging foods because it is stressing me out. I haven't been going over and I am not eating as much because my tummy has no room, but just the act of logging has me in a tizzy. I was crying yesterday about it. Probably more hormones.

    How do your sodium and protein intake look? I had a lot of swelling and more weight gain with my 5th pregnancy, and my midwife kept tell me "less salt, more protein, and more water!" Now that I am tracking on MFP, I can really see how sodium affects the number on my scale. At this point, I am not so much concerned with calories. But I'm watching my carbs, trying to keep my sodium and sugar in check (also trying to avoid another 9lb6oz baby--ouch!), and trying to reach my protein goals.

    But it's hard to eat well during the first trimester with the nausea! Lean protein does not sound good at all, but starchy carbs sound edible. :laugh: So far, at 14 weeks, I have gained 11 pounds. Now that the nausea is starting to dissipate, I'm going to work on eating more reasonably.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm at 8 weeks now...and I've gained 5-6 lbs already :) I'm not worried though, because I'm not a very big lady to begin with.
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    i work in a doctors office so there are several scales throughout the building. :( i have done both- weighed a few times a week and weigh only once a week. the prob i run into is my weight can fluctuate 2-4 pounds within a week. it is really confusing. and i still dont know exactly how i am going to log/ keep track of it. of course i like to go with the lowest # but is that really correct?? i would love to hear what everyone else is doing too...

    Stick to 1 scale only and track the numbers only from that scale. It's going to get way too confusing if u keep weighing yourself on several different scales...

    sorry to have sounded confusing in that 1st line- i do only weigh on one scale
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I weigh in every Monday. If I do more than that I go crazy because like Amanda said I see lost of fluctuations and it gets confusing and discouraging.

    Bush - My sodium is a hard one. I try very hard to keep it low and it seems like I only succeed half the time. Sugars I have no problem with. Water...I am drinking 12 cups a day, sometimes more depending on the heat levels. First time being preggers in the summer and not liking it so much!
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm 13 weeks and have gained 14pounds already, but that still puts me at a healthy BMI so I'm not too worried. And I'm now the weight that I was at the start of my first pregnancy. With my first I gained about 45 pounds...but my little girl weighed 9.2 pounds! So I lost a lot of weight pretty quickly after I had her; i then continued to lose and ended up losing over 55 pounds in total; I think my second will also be a big baby (runs in the family despite me not being that big!) I know it can be disconcerting and hard seeing the scales increase, but I would really not worry too much about it, and if you're able to resist try not to weigh yourself until at least 6months after the birth.

    Not sure if this helps anyone, but as a guide this is where some of the weight goes:

    Baby: 7-8 pounds
    Placenta: 1-2 pounds
    Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
    Uterus: 2 pounds
    Maternal breast tissue: 2 pounds
    Maternal blood : 4 pounds
    Fluids in maternal tissue: 4 pounds
    Maternal fat and nutrient stores: 7 pounds

    So even an overall weight gain of 30-35 pounds can be considered healthy; I needed the extra weight to support my daughter as I put it on on my hips, this was to ease the pressure that my back was taking.

    As long as you remember to eat sensibly once the baby is here and take baby out for plenty of walks; the weight will come back off :-)

    Please try not to worry and enjoy the weird and wonderful things pregnancy brings :-)

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy pregnancy
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I personally weigh myself every morning after i use the restroom. I don't usually get too upset because I understand it fluctuates (except for 4lbs in 2 days!). It is just some weird OCD thing I do. And It think it has helped me in some ways, because if I see a big increase I will try really hard the next day to stay within my goal, keep sodium low, and drink extra water (I usually drink 10-14 cups a day) I am offically up 16lbs at 20 weeks.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm 13 weeks and have gained 14pounds already, but that still puts me at a healthy BMI so I'm not too worried. And I'm now the weight that I was at the start of my first pregnancy. With my first I gained about 45 pounds...but my little girl weighed 9.2 pounds! So I lost a lot of weight pretty quickly after I had her; i then continued to lose and ended up losing over 55 pounds in total; I think my second will also be a big baby (runs in the family despite me not being that big!) I know it can be disconcerting and hard seeing the scales increase, but I would really not worry too much about it, and if you're able to resist try not to weigh yourself until at least 6months after the birth.

    Not sure if this helps anyone, but as a guide this is where some of the weight goes:

    Baby: 7-8 pounds
    Placenta: 1-2 pounds
    Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
    Uterus: 2 pounds
    Maternal breast tissue: 2 pounds
    Maternal blood : 4 pounds
    Fluids in maternal tissue: 4 pounds
    Maternal fat and nutrient stores: 7 pounds

    So even an overall weight gain of 30-35 pounds can be considered healthy; I needed the extra weight to support my daughter as I put it on on my hips, this was to ease the pressure that my back was taking.

    As long as you remember to eat sensibly once the baby is here and take baby out for plenty of walks; the weight will come back off :-)

    Please try not to worry and enjoy the weird and wonderful things pregnancy brings :-)

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy pregnancy

    This is exactly what I needed to read today - I thank you for taking the time to write it all out :)