CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Welcome all new cut members:)

    I am back on track and at it again. Downside is my schedule has been so busy since I got home I have yet to be able to hit the gym. Was planning to today but I had a last minute cake that needed to be decorated before this evening, so that went out the window. Im hoping by the time we get home tonight there might be time to get in a short run. If not, I will take the kids to the gym with me tomorrow morning. Dying to get back at it!:)

    The scale has started to go back down after my vacation, so we'll see what the rest of the week brings for me. Doing fine otherwise and looking forward to posting some nice results in the upcoming weeks:)
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Hi Rosie! Welcome!

    Once again, not much to report. The scale has been playing with me the last two weeks after the initial drop. I can tell that it's going to trend down at some point because the scale highs have gotten lower if that makes any sense, but it's just a matter of waiting for the next drop to hit. My jeans are fitting nicely. Some shorts that were super tight at the beginning of summer are comfortable now. Those are all wonderful things. Who cares what that stupid scale says? At some point I want to measure and take progress pics. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm thinking of measuring once a month. I measured right at the beginning of cut, so maybe I'll measure after next week. And I'd like to take pics then too.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member

    Wow, that's actually some WONDERFUL news!! You are really seeing some tangible results and that is SOMEthing!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to try to AVOID the scale too and stick to measuring.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hi everyone! 3d week of cut for me, still not weighing or measuring, but some of my workout clothes feel looser. I had to go see the Ortho MD for my knees, squats and lunges, and walking down stairs were near impossible to do from the pain. So I wound up getting steroid shots for each knee and some strong NSAID stuff (pennsaid) to put on 4x a day. The first day it felt like both knees were swollen and stiff (typical reaction from the steroids), but I still managed to do New Rules. Now the pain level feels much decreased and can't wait to workout this afternoon! I went to the bookstore last night to check out New Rules For Lifting For Life. Amazon had a descriptor of it being for people with middle age worn bodies from previous injuries....exact same exercises for the most part, with a few more stretching movements and much more confusing!

    Glad to see new folks stepping over to cut...Hello Rosie! Yes I miss the smileys!!!

    Crystal, I think it was Lucia that wrote she didn't see a drop for the first 3 weeks of cut, and someone else posted they go up and down during cut, with a downward trend. It'll happen!

    Ryann, Glad to see you back, hope things settle down so you can get back to your schedule. The breaks we take may be good for our bodies, but the mental thing of feeling we should be doing something...argh!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Wow - you all are motiviating me.

    @Plumsgrl - are you not weighing or measuring for the first 4 weeks of your cut? What percentage cut are you eating? Like I said above, I didn't lose a thing after week one of my cut but I felt leaner. So I might join you in the no August scale....

    @Rosie - girl you don't come over here quietly :tongue: !!!!! You ROCKED the reset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And welcome to the Cutville......

    Happy Graduation from Reset!
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    (some smileys for the Smiley Queen)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Plumsgrl, when do do plan on measuring? Clothes feeling looser is an awesome feeling! I think I would have to measure just so see....although it is nice to not have a number to worry about and just enjoy the feeling!

    Rosie, does the workouts help with the pain at all? I'm so impressed that you still try even though I'm sure some days you don't want to have to do anything! I loved eating so much on reset but I do have to admit I feel better after lowering my calories. I do miss having all that extra room to play with but if this is what it takes to lose a few sizes and feel great, I will happily do it! Simleys are like chocolate, it just makes life better :love:

    Raynn1, glad to hear the scale is going down :bigsmile: This process would be so much easier if life wouldn't keep getting in the way!
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    First week of cut complete! Down 1.2 pounds! This is my first loss since February and I could not be happier!

    It works!!!
    So glad to hear this!!! Congrats!!!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Well I weighed in today since its my official day, and my weight is basically back to where it was when I began my reset. Not only that, but my measurements are almost all up even further... SO I can only hope and pray that I am still bloated and thats the reason for the inches... Honestly it shocked me to see almost every measurement up an inch each...

    Im fighting a hell of a sinus cold now too, so looks like gym work wont be happening today either.. I hate that.. but I know the gym is not where I should be with a head cold.. Hopefully by next week things will have settled down and gone back down again.. Even though I know the reasons for the gain in weight, the inches really hurt my ego..:(
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    I am down 1 lb only from original start weight. However, I gained 5 lb with reset. I am down just a few inches overall, but I feel more compact. And I haven't even started lifting heavy regularly yet. Just 1 time/ wk at gym and added hand weights at home 2x/wk. I feel better overall now, and feel that this will work for me. BEST NSV---I really don't binge anymore. YAY!!!!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    @carriea and TripleJ,
    I started New Rules when I went to cut, so I measured and took pictures then. I'll be doing a check after stage 1- that will be the second week of Sept. (6 weeks). I have a BM core and using a 28 day average for TDEE, I'm using TDEE-300 cals (usually being closer to 250). I decided to try the -300 cal based on this:

    It comes out to be between 10-15%, but I wanted to try it as an experiment. I'm not in any rush to get the weight off, and since I just started lifting, I expected a gain at first (water retention). I'll be done with New Rules round the end of December. Hope to be a few sizes smaller by then, down in inches, not really worried about the scale...I think :wink: :huh:
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Wow - you all are motiviating me.

    @Plumsgrl - are you not weighing or measuring for the first 4 weeks of your cut? What percentage cut are you eating? Like I said above, I didn't lose a thing after week one of my cut but I felt leaner. So I might join you in the no August scale....

    @Rosie - girl you don't come over here quietly :tongue: !!!!! You ROCKED the reset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And welcome to the Cutville......

    Happy Graduation from Reset!
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    (some smileys for the Smiley Queen)

    Awwww:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: shucks:blushing: :blushing:
    Thanks so much for the warm welcome!!

    @ TripleJ:heart: ~ Yes, the workouts have helped. I was diagnosed in 2003 with MS and had to stop working. I made a VOW that I would do whatever it took to STAY OUT of a wheelchair. I started out walking 1 mph on a treadmill for 3 minutes! Then moved on to Yoga and never looked back. Because of that, I have had a decent MS experience so far with only a few "Flare -ups" in the 9+ years.
    I know this sounds crazy, but I feel MUCH better already. I can BEND, my knees feel MUCH better, my back is fine, I took the stairs at my gym today like a "pro" and did NOT get out of breath and I got dressed this morning without any difficulty (putting my bra on was agonizing and exhausting, seriously).:embarassed:

    I also felt like, at times in the Reset, I would just shove ANY thing in my mouth to get the calories up and that is NOT me! My husband would ask "You know what you're doing, right?":noway:

    I'm glad it's over and I truly believe my life is forever changed because of it!:drinker:
  • Pea4jjab
    Pea4jjab Posts: 216 Member
    I did an 8 week reset and began my cut about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I had gained around 5 lbs. during the reset. I'm very happy to say that I've lost the whole 5 lbs. I lost and fully expect to finally break through my plateau weight in the next few days. I couldn't be happier! I feel stronger, more energetic, and just overall fantastic! And the best news is that we're leaving for Disney World on Sunday and I'm not going to worry a bit! I will eat at healthy as possible and I know I'll get some good walking in! I'll call that a diet break and then hop right back on a week later. Just wanted to share :)
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    I think I might skip the weigh-in's until 8/31. At that point, I will have completed 4 weeks at a 10% cut and the first 4 week so P90X.

    And then I will jump up to 1 week at TDEE & then go back to (depending on my results) either 10% or 15% cut for the next 4 weeks.

    For workouts - I think I might head back to the gym for the month of September & then do a month of P90X & keep switiching it back & forth. My cardio increases when I do P90X because I mainly strength train with short warm-ups when I am at the gym

    Although, I might add some HIIT work-outs in there - any recommendations for a newbie?
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Pea4 - that's awesome progress!

    Carrie - That's a smart move to stay off the scale. I'm sure you'll be amazed at your results in 4 weeks of P90x. Good luck!

    I'm still hanging in here waiting for the next drop. My workouts have been nonexistent this week. I have to figure something out. I'm struggling with getting up in time to get out the door for a run and evenings can be so hit or miss. So we'll see what this evening brings. At the very least I will get my long run in on Saturday, but I definitely need to be hitting these weekday runs more in order to gear up for my half in September. I'm actually starting to look forward to putting running on the backburner for a bit. I love it and I love the mental high it gives me, but I'm looking forward to seeing the results that come with strength training. And I know that next race season that strength training will pay off big time!

    I did post some progress pics finally in the progress pics thread- my first progress pics - eek! There's nothing spectacular - I'm very far from obtaining a cut look. But the first pictures were taken back in March and I felt like even with the 8 week reset that I did, there's been a lot of progress for me since then.
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    Well its been a long time since I posted an update, mostly because I didn't want to depress anyone. But, I figure people might need to hear the bad along with the good so here it goes. Today is the end of my third week of cut after the reset and I have gained another pound. I gained 6.9 during the reset and now another whole pound in the last couple weeks. My measurements are the same and my clothes don't fit any differently than when I ended the reset.
    I have been pretty consistent eating at my cut during these last few weeks except for one or two days when I went over. I'm still doing the Insanity workout but really nothing else so my activity level has not changed. If this were "Eat more to Weigh More" I'd have it down, lol!
    Anyway, just feeling a little frustrated with the process right now. Only 6 pounds down from where I originally started on MFP almost a year ago. I had lost 17 but then started gaining it all back when I started EM2WL in April. I'm trying to be patient and let the process work but times like these are when I start to question "why am I doing this again?"
    Everyone else seems to be doing so well, I guess I just wish I could do the same.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    So sorry Opal, that is really hard! Have you re-worked your numbers just to be sure? I wish I knew what to tell you or to suggest. I know I have seen others not see results until they took their diet break then after that they started seeing a positive change. So maybe go to TDEE after your 4th week for a full week. Have you taken a break from your workouts? Maybe during that week try that too.

    I am nearing the end of my week 3 at cut and this week is a bust. I will definitely have to have my TDEE week be the week after TOM because I have been struggling with cravings and over-eating. That is typical and the main reason why I was waiting 6 wks to go up to TDEE again. I might have been ok except theres been some stressful things this week and that makes it so much harder not to cave in. You feel like something has to give and the easiest thing, and sometimes only thing, is allowing myself extra chocolate or nut butter. Or in my case both :blushing: :ohwell:

    Then tonight is my dinner out with a group of girlfriends. Calorie wise my day is planned out but that sodium drives me nuts! It makes eating out not feel worth it. Especially since I feel most of the food is way too salty and they don't even need to use that much in the first place! Then tomorrow is my daughters 3rd bday so there will definitely be cake and my parents want to take us all out to there's more sodium!

    Anyway, there,s my whine for the day and I will let it end there before I get on a roll. I know there will be weeks like this always, I just get worried that I will undo what progress I have had and have to start over. Again!
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    So sorry Opal, that is really hard! Have you re-worked your numbers just to be sure? I wish I knew what to tell you or to suggest. I know I have seen others not see results until they took their diet break then after that they started seeing a positive change. So maybe go to TDEE after your 4th week for a full week. Have you taken a break from your workouts? Maybe during that week try that too.

    Thanks TripleJ3, I did rework my numbers with my new weight when I started the cut. I will plan to take a diet break after next week and maybe a rest week also. Somethings got to give. Hopefully that will do it.
    Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hang in there!
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Second week in & I got NOTHING!!!! I am looking on the bright side though - I feel leaner & stronger and I am really liking eating my 1872 calories a day :wink: .

    BUT the little voice inside my head is a bit disheartened and wonders what I am doing wrong....(WHINE ALERT) I want to be an after too :sad: .

    Okay - picking myself up off the floor and here's the goals for the rest of the month - I am off the scale until Aug 31st when I will measure & take pictures. I am going to pay better attention to my macros and keep my sodium in check. I am going to make sure that I am drinking enough water....especially on the weekends where I tend to forget.

    Keep inspiring me folks!!!!!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Nothing new to report here. PLugging along and doing ok food wise. I finaly got back to the gym yesterday after being sick and im definitely feeling it today with the almost 2 week hiatus.. my body is reminding me what pain is like:).. good pain though;)
    Scale took a huge jump this morning because of the water retention from lifting, but I cant say ive seen such a big jump before.. not too concerned though. I will give it a few more days and see where I am at then. So this would be the end of week 3 this coming weekend, and I have nothing really to show since my vacation in week 2 kind of messed things up a bit. Id really like to see some inches drop away but so far nothing is happening there.. Ill give it another few weeks and then see where I am at. I really hope to share some good results soon..
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    I think I must be doing something wrong.
    Wrapping up a 10 week cut and lost nothing!! Well ok, 2 lbs. But nothing comparable.

    Wondering if I cut too low. I've been eating 1600-1700 most days of the week.

    I have lost some inches (my smaller pants fit) but zilch on the scale.