CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    good for you Crystal. I hope you enjoy NROL!! The good thing is come Stage 3 i think, HIIT training is part of the program:)
    I had to give up Hackers diet as well. it was killing me daily knowing what was going on, even when I knew retention was happening. I havent touched the scale since last week and I need to weigh in on Wed and I have no idea what it will praying for a loss..

    Glad you are doing much better:)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Took measurements this morning after a month, and my Hips are down half an inch, chest is down an inch, thighs are either up half an inch or an inch (cant seem to get a good reading).. and everything else is the same.. So happy about the lost inches.. little upset about the gain in the thighs since these are already so large to begin with..

    I managed to make it through the week without weighing in so ill find out tomorrow what the scale says..

    Overall a decent month.. just wish the scale would start catching up now..getting really tired of seeing 237-239
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Awesome about the inches lost Raynn!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'm feeling really discouraged today. I put my scale away for about 2 months. I ate my TDEE for about 2 weeks and then lowered to 2000- 20% cut. I wieghed in for the first time and I am up 5 pounds. My clothes feel a better than when I was eating at my TDEE but still a bit snug.

    I cannot figure out what is going on. I am coming to the end of my second year on MFP and almost 1 entire year now since I have lost any weight. I lost 50lbs my first year before I plateaued. Should I lower my cals again? I was at 1300 before and think that was too low and causing my plateau. Maybe around 17-1800?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I'm feeling really discouraged today. I put my scale away for about 2 months. I ate my TDEE for about 2 weeks and then lowered to 2000- 20% cut. I wieghed in for the first time and I am up 5 pounds. My clothes feel a better than when I was eating at my TDEE but still a bit snug.

    I cannot figure out what is going on. I am coming to the end of my second year on MFP and almost 1 entire year now since I have lost any weight. I lost 50lbs my first year before I plateaued. Should I lower my cals again? I was at 1300 before and think that was too low and causing my plateau. Maybe around 17-1800?

    So if Im understanding this correctly, you ate around 1300 cals for a year or more? Then you ate at TDEE for two weeks, before dropping to a cut?

    Honey, you need to give it some time. Your body has been surviving off of way too little for too long, so two weeks at TDEE, your body just thinks you are on "vacation" so its stock piling everything in case of the next famine. You need to give it longer than two weeks before dropping from TDEE, let alone going to cut.
    Have you read through the stickies? They talk in detail about what repairing your metabolism takes, and why we recommend giving it longer than a few weeks, and definitely consider a TDEE reset. I would highly recommend taking a TDEE reset for at least 6 weeks to allow your body some healing and time to repair the metabolism. Then take a 10-15% cut value and see what happens.

    Keep in mind, this process is not a WEIGHT loss program.. its a FAT loss program. So while you may want the scale to move down, it may be inches that go down long before the scale shows it.. And this is definitely slower than a diet program.. You may not see 1-2 pound losses here.. you may only get a max .5 a week. Everyone is different so its hard to say how things will go for you. But if you truly want to make it work, give yourself some time before dropping cals down again.. Sit at TDEE, or at least stay at a 10-15% cut for a about 4-6 weeks before making any changes..

    Hope this helps
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Well Im hoping I finally found my Cal amount to finally see weight loss and this isnt just a fluke.. dropped 1.8 this week. My highest weight loss drop since I began over 6 months ago. Sadly I am still about 1.5 pounds away from my lowest weight prior to reset, but now its a lot closer:)
    Lets hope this trend comtinues for me!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'm feeling really discouraged today. I put my scale away for about 2 months. I ate my TDEE for about 2 weeks and then lowered to 2000- 20% cut. I wieghed in for the first time and I am up 5 pounds. My clothes feel a better than when I was eating at my TDEE but still a bit snug.

    I cannot figure out what is going on. I am coming to the end of my second year on MFP and almost 1 entire year now since I have lost any weight. I lost 50lbs my first year before I plateaued. Should I lower my cals again? I was at 1300 before and think that was too low and causing my plateau. Maybe around 17-1800?

    So if Im understanding this correctly, you ate around 1300 cals for a year or more? Then you ate at TDEE for two weeks, before dropping to a cut?

    Honey, you need to give it some time. Your body has been surviving off of way too little for too long, so two weeks at TDEE, your body just thinks you are on "vacation" so its stock piling everything in case of the next famine. You need to give it longer than two weeks before dropping from TDEE, let alone going to cut.
    Have you read through the stickies? They talk in detail about what repairing your metabolism takes, and why we recommend giving it longer than a few weeks, and definitely consider a TDEE reset. I would highly recommend taking a TDEE reset for at least 6 weeks to allow your body some healing and time to repair the metabolism. Then take a 10-15% cut value and see what happens.

    Keep in mind, this process is not a WEIGHT loss program.. its a FAT loss program. So while you may want the scale to move down, it may be inches that go down long before the scale shows it.. And this is definitely slower than a diet program.. You may not see 1-2 pound losses here.. you may only get a max .5 a week. Everyone is different so its hard to say how things will go for you. But if you truly want to make it work, give yourself some time before dropping cals down again.. Sit at TDEE, or at least stay at a 10-15% cut for a about 4-6 weeks before making any changes..

    Hope this helps

    Thanks, I will go back up to TDEE. It shouldn't be too hard because I haven't eating under 2000 in weeks! I'm in no rush! I still feel so much better now than I did when I was at 1300. Even IF I was seeing weight lost, I was not happy.

    Could having PCOS make a difference on what I eat. I know with the insulin resistance I had to watch my carbs quite often to see results before, even though I wasn't eating enough..
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I'm feeling really discouraged today. I put my scale away for about 2 months. I ate my TDEE for about 2 weeks and then lowered to 2000- 20% cut. I wieghed in for the first time and I am up 5 pounds. My clothes feel a better than when I was eating at my TDEE but still a bit snug.

    I cannot figure out what is going on. I am coming to the end of my second year on MFP and almost 1 entire year now since I have lost any weight. I lost 50lbs my first year before I plateaued. Should I lower my cals again? I was at 1300 before and think that was too low and causing my plateau. Maybe around 17-1800?

    So if Im understanding this correctly, you ate around 1300 cals for a year or more? Then you ate at TDEE for two weeks, before dropping to a cut?

    Honey, you need to give it some time. Your body has been surviving off of way too little for too long, so two weeks at TDEE, your body just thinks you are on "vacation" so its stock piling everything in case of the next famine. You need to give it longer than two weeks before dropping from TDEE, let alone going to cut.
    Have you read through the stickies? They talk in detail about what repairing your metabolism takes, and why we recommend giving it longer than a few weeks, and definitely consider a TDEE reset. I would highly recommend taking a TDEE reset for at least 6 weeks to allow your body some healing and time to repair the metabolism. Then take a 10-15% cut value and see what happens.

    Keep in mind, this process is not a WEIGHT loss program.. its a FAT loss program. So while you may want the scale to move down, it may be inches that go down long before the scale shows it.. And this is definitely slower than a diet program.. You may not see 1-2 pound losses here.. you may only get a max .5 a week. Everyone is different so its hard to say how things will go for you. But if you truly want to make it work, give yourself some time before dropping cals down again.. Sit at TDEE, or at least stay at a 10-15% cut for a about 4-6 weeks before making any changes..

    Hope this helps

    Thanks, I will go back up to TDEE. It shouldn't be too hard because I haven't eating under 2000 in weeks! I'm in no rush! I still feel so much better now than I did when I was at 1300. Even IF I was seeing weight lost, I was not happy.

    Could having PCOS make a difference on what I eat. I know with the insulin resistance I had to watch my carbs quite often to see results before, even though I wasn't eating enough..

    I would defnitely focus on how you feel rather than the number on the scale. Its great you are feeling so much better eating more. Amazing what food can do eh?:)
    PCOS could make a difference. I would try and keep your carbs down and concentrate on protein and fat and see if it helps..
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    0.5lb on this week but it's TOM and I've eaten out twice this week (eating within my cut %) so I'm pleased with that. Cut level this week 11.13% according to my fitbit.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    Well I had my first official NROLFW strength training workout on Saturday. I'm off to dance this evening. I'm going to try for doing NROLFW/HIIT 2x a week, my dance classes 1x a week, and this Spartacus class at my gym (strength/circuit) 1x a week, and hopefully a longer run 1x a week. Sooooo, we'll see how that goes. Hopefully it's not too much for me, but I really want to try. Right now my struggles are with my food. I'm having trouble logging. I'm working on increasing protein now that I'm running less and starting my strength training. Also, I've learned that more protein is better for hypoglycemia. So I'm going to work on that. I can't afford protein shakes right now, so I can just do what I'm able to do for now. I don't like to do a ton of bars (I prefer real food), but with my busy lifestyle I need things that I can grab and throw into my mouth quickly. So for me nutrition is where I really need to get on track right now. I need to take starting measurements. I weighed in this morning and from here on out I think I'm only planning to weigh in once a month. We'll see how well I stick to that. I do need to get my pics done too - although I don't think they've changed much since last pics.

    Anyways, I hope everyone is hanging in there!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Sounds like a good plan Crystal. Ive been making my own protein bars, but I have been using powders in them. But you could do them without and make them like lara bars.. a little low on protein rather than adding powder, but still a good snack and filling.. Nuts have been my staple for travelling. I always have a little bag in my diaper bag and car for emergencies.

    Im glad to see you have started NROL. I hope you enjoy it!

    AFM - nothing much here. The scale has been up about a pound and a half since my lowest recorded weight last Thursday. I did a lift session on Friday and low and behold, the scale jumped that day, and still hasnt settled back down. I dont think my food intake has been out of the normal either, so I can only assume water is still holding on. today is another weights session so I guess I wont see a change in the scale this week. TOM should arrive by the weekend, and then my retention cycle starts all over, so I probably wont see any changes for a few weeks. So next week is usually the week I start freaking out and hating the process:)
    Im starting STS next week on my own. this week will be going through my 1RM exercises and preparing for it. Then ill print off the cards and give it a shot on my own. I figure its better than trying to find something else to do:)

    Hope everyone is doing well.. Nicole, I hope you had a great trip!!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    Kelly - I'm curious to hear how you like STS. I'll need something after NROL of course!

    AFM - So far I really like it. The workouts in Stage 1 are so short and I think that's perfect for just starting out. Also, I'm working on acclimating my toddler to the childcare room at the Y (he's not a fan of being left), so the timing is great for us. Also, after two weight workouts I think I've joined the water retention club. I know I SAID I wasn't going to step on the scale for a month. It's just such a morning habit. I've done it for the past two days. My weight immediately shot up by 2 pounds after my first lifting session and has stayed there! Why I'm looking at it is beyond me. Ugh! I did get my measurements done and I need to get some pics taken - hopefully today! I do feel like I'm getting back to the frame of mind and energy levels that I had earlier this year. Meds and supplementation make a difference for me! I hope that this will be it for me dosage wise. It feels so nice to be mentally and physically ready to live the healthy lifestyle that I want.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Its amazing how much weight the retention gives you.. mine went up 1.5 and has stayed there.. then I added another weight session yesterday and IM sure it went up even further.. I dont think there will show a loss for my weekly weigh in tomorrow, and I am a bit sad about it, but I know why the scale is up, and Im trying to let it all go.

    I found NROL a great way to start weight training. I eased me in to weights without making it really hard to understand. I would have liked a little bit more on the squats and full deadlifts though. And I have a love/hate on with the step ups:) But I definitely enjoyed the program and was glad I did it. Unfortunately there wasnt much in terms of results for me because I was resetting, figuring out cut and my body wasnt letting go.. SO I am hoping doing STS on my own will give me way better results on the scale and inches..
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    Raynn - I agree with you on NROL as being a way to ease into weights. It was intense, but a good amount for just getting into it. Workout B with the lunges - Oy! Lunges are sooo hard!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Raynn - I agree with you on NROL as being a way to ease into weights. It was intense, but a good amount for just getting into it. Workout B with the lunges - Oy! Lunges are sooo hard!

    JUst wait until you get to the Bulgarian Split Squats:) Definitely go easy on the weights for those ones.. I almost blew out my knee for improper form too..

    It feels like it should be a Friday today..Bah!!
    Nothing much here.. TOM is due anytime so the scale is going the wrong way.. so Im not looking at it anymore:) Finished up STS 1RM testing for Back and Tris, and hopefully this weekend I can get legs finished up. I really want to begin it all next week. Im a little nervous about it, especially since Im doing it on my own and dont quite know the pacing, but I am really looking forward to it as well. Hopefully it will net me some results, even if its not exactly as the discs are:)
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    4 months after reset. Feeling energetic and good as I did before starting MFP. Have completely stopped dieting and counting calories. My urge to binge is finally gone. It`s been tested with lots of good foods and I haven`t drank too much wine (my binge maker) in weeks. Even though I had the chance I didn`t feel like it.

    I kept up with my exercising, logging more than 10-15 miles a week of brisk walking. In addition to my twice weekly hardcore strength training. Plus my dancing for fun. My lifestyle easily revolves around this schedule. I could do it for life and I will. I`d like to add a yoga class on sat. I do everything at home because as a busy mom I don`t have time to go to the gym.

    In weight loss maybe .1 kg in 5 months. still in the overweight bmi category. Inches well, I fit into one size smaller pants and am down about .5 inch overall. Like from my thighs and waist and gut from 2 months ago.

    I`m eating healthy every day. Have a handle on my portions and don`t snack. I probably will never lose the weight. I am good enough and active enough and healthy enough just as I am. If I could look like my insides feel under my flab blanket it would be ideal. If I push through the fat my stomach muscles are hard as a rock. My thighs are tight. I had a lot of fat to lose. It isn`t going anywhere fast. Wish I could lost .5lbs a week. Or even .1 as there are so many weeks where I lose nothing. Atleast I am not gaining.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    4 months after reset. Feeling energetic and good as I did before starting MFP. Have completely stopped dieting and counting calories. My urge to binge is finally gone. It`s been tested with lots of good foods and I haven`t drank too much wine (my binge maker) in weeks. Even though I had the chance I didn`t feel like it.

    I kept up with my exercising, logging more than 10-15 miles a week of brisk walking. In addition to my twice weekly hardcore strength training. Plus my dancing for fun. My lifestyle easily revolves around this schedule. I could do it for life and I will. I`d like to add a yoga class on sat. I do everything at home because as a busy mom I don`t have time to go to the gym.

    In weight loss maybe .1 kg in 5 months. still in the overweight bmi category. Inches well, I fit into one size smaller pants and am down about .5 inch overall. Like from my thighs and waist and gut from 2 months ago.

    I`m eating healthy every day. Have a handle on my portions and don`t snack. I probably will never lose the weight. I am good enough and active enough and healthy enough just as I am. If I could look like my insides feel under my flab blanket it would be ideal. If I push through the fat my stomach muscles are hard as a rock. My thighs are tight. I had a lot of fat to lose. It isn`t going anywhere fast. Wish I could lost .5lbs a week. Or even .1 as there are so many weeks where I lose nothing. Atleast I am not gaining.

    I saw a quote once and I'm going to screw it up, but it was something to the effect of "Live the healthy, active lifestyle that you want and the body will follow." I.e. you can't go for years being active and eating well without it showing in your body. I think it's awesome that you have a lifestyle that you will be able to sustain and that is enjoyable for you.

    Are you taking pictures? If so, do you notice any changes there?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    It sounds like you are in a much better head space Jess, and thats a great thing. I think the inches are starting to change for you and in time the weight will follow. This process is definitely a lot slower and more methodical than the crash diets we all used to be on. As Crystal said, in time the progress will show through and you will be rewarded for all your hard work. You are doing wonderfully!!
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    I've stayed the same for the last couple of weeks which I'm fine about because I've eaten cake/biscuits instead of eating cleanly as normal, and also I've also noticed that although I've eaten above my BMR I've not eaten as close to my cut % as I should have. It's given me a good kick up the bum so I'll be making some changes over the next few weeks and getting back on track.

    I've also recalculated my figures on Scooby too which I've not done since I started EM2LW so hopefully everything will work together :)

    Hope everyone else is doing ok?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Been quiet lately...

    Im managing.. I was doing really well a few weeks ago.. got down to my lowest since I started Reset and was finally seeing some change.. then TOM hit and its been downhill on the retention ever since. I know I havent "gained" any weight, but it still bothers me to see the scale up almost 4 pounds from where it was just two weeks ago, you know?

    I started STS and I am loving it. Even though Im working off of the cards only, Ive been finding it soo great of a workout. I hope there is some great results at the end of it for me.

    Im just plugging along and going with the flow. I think its almost time for a diet break too, so that might help things as well. trying to decide if I should wait until I take my rest week too, or leave that alone so I can see what my results are like on the tape measure and scale then..