CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    I second Lucia's suggestion of Katch McArdle. I was gaining on reset and redone my numbers using this formula. Due to having a high bf% (around 40%) it meant my original BMR figure was too high. After adjusting the weight levelled out.

    On other fronts, another 2lb loss this week. :-)

    I'm almost seeing the opposite to some people that the scales are moving but not much on the tape. Although I think bits are getting smaller on my stomach but just not the line I'm measuring. Might have to start taking measurements in a few places.
    Belly is getting softer though which from experience is usually a good sign that some disappearing act is due to happen soon.

    Low carb is still going well. Getting easier as I find and try new recipes, just a matter of adjusting the norm really. Now rather happy to skip the potatoes and have a slightly larger protein portion, a big bucket of veg and drown them in butter. Cheese sauce has become a regular thing too to add calories and fat, and let's face it, what doesn't taste better smothered in a creamy cheese sauce?!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Glad to hear things are finally working out for some of us. Seems we have found the groove. I think we definitely need to write a book on Resetting and cutting so people know what to expect:)
    I am enjoying a bit of a rest period here. Its Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, so there is a lot of family visiting and not a lot of gym time. But even on my two rest days in a row, I was still logging over 10,000 steps on my fitbit and still averaging a 2900 calorie burn.. I have been eating at 2500 for close two weeks now and it seems to be my target number. Weight loss has been happening, and this morning I finally saw a number on the scale I havent seen since I was gaining on reset. So it was wonderful to finally see the scale moving down in a nice trend. Im actually scared to log it as a true loss since its not my official weigh in day and Im afraid it will be gone before Wednesday...

    On a side note, I have been working on changing my outward appearance, and buying clothes that help me look less like a frumpy SAHM and more like a well put together mother. I finally got with "the times" and bought myself some leggings, skinny jeans and sweaters to wear with both.. and I got to say, I had the skinny jeans on yesterday and I was shocked at how much it thinned me out and made me look so much nicer looking. I never would have expected it. It was so nice I actually felt really good in them, something I dont noremally feel when I get dressed. SO that was a really nice plus:)

    I am about to begin Stage 7 of NROL. Its 6 more workouts with a max of 12 if I like and then I need to find something new to do. I really want to try Cathe, but funds are tight so I need to pick something good for a full body workout. Im going to ask hubby for STS for christmas, but I think its still out of our budget,...

    And thats my update:)
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    I had a TDEE week this week so it's a STS for me this week.

    Back to cut on Tuesday :)
  • snafuing1
    snafuing1 Posts: 16 Member
    I did a very short reset, only about 2-3 weeks, and now I'm at a 15% cut for about 3 weeks. I think I've lost a pound or two of fat, maybe built some muscle, and I just bought new jeans at size lower (size 6 instead of 8)! My weight is down from a consistent 147-148 to about 145-146. This might be working guys...
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    It sounds like so many are doing amazing. Congrats all around on great progress!

    AFM - Well, I'm not yet in that boat, but it's to be expected for me right now. I had an appt. with my dr. on Monday. My thyroid levels are not what they should be. Despite several raises in meds in the last year and a half, my body doesn't seem to be absorbing my meds. Dr. added some T3 only to my Armour (that has all of the T's). :) Anyways, he also added a few supplements. So I'll be starting with that. While he said I shouldn't throw healthy exercise habits out, he also said I need to take it easy right now and reduce stress in my life until my body gets to a more optimal energy level.

    I could've laughed out loud about the reducing stress part! We're in the middle of hubby's first semester in an RN program. I started homeschooling my kindergartner and one of my daycare kiddos in August. I work 50+ hours a week running a licensed home daycare. And we have A LOT of marital dysfunction. Stress is my middle! Anyways, I do have my weekly dance classes that I'm enjoying oh so much.

    I want want want to start NROL4W so badly, but I know I'm not ready. I know I'll completely crash and/or not be able to give it enough oomph to get the results I want. So for now I'm sticking with dance and working on my response to stress and allowing my meds to hopefully do their thing. I'm hoping that maybe in a month or so I can start NROL4W. I want to join the body reshaping party very soon!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Sweatpants, I'm sorry that you are dealing with so much that is causing you stress. I really hope and pray that the dr's can get your meds sorted out nicely and get you moving forward. I also pray that your home life stress can be reduced, managed, and resolved, so that you can get to a point where you can do the workout you want. It's good that you are listening to your body and where you are at emotionally so that you can do what is right for you.

    AFM, I had a complete meltdown yesterday when the scale hit an all time high during a week where I should be at my lowest. However, with the help of my EM2WL friends, I am seeing things in a better perspective today. My stressing point right now is an impending tropical vacation. Seeing that number on the scale three weeks away from a week in a bathing suit sent me spiraling down into misery. There are many factors that could have caused that gain- stress, water retention, bloating from a high sodium/carb weekend, lean muscle growth (had serious DOMS last week), etc, etc. Who knows - but that doesn't mean I'm moving backwards. In order to keep myself from melting down again, I'm finally going to reduce my weigh-ins to just once a week (every Wednesday). At least I'm planning to TRY and stay off the vicious thing.

    Keep up the good fight....stay strong, motivated for all the right reasons, and grab on to patience like it's a life boat in the middle of a stormy sea. And when you feel like you're drowning under the pressure, let us know so that we can help you hold on until your strength comes back. I needed my friends yesterday more than I can possible express...and they held on to me when I couldn't hold on myself.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Crystal, Im glad your doc is working hard to figure out how to make things better for you. I hope he can get you on the right path shortly and things will get much better for you. Definitely work on destressing.. make sure you carve out at least 30 mins a day to yourself.. take a bath or a walk or something for you..Hugs

    Nicole, glad you are doing a bit better today. I know how rough it is when you hit that "rock bottom" and think its all for naught... but you know this is right. I hope you can relax and just enjoy yourself on your trip in a few weeks

    AFM - I had another drop on the scale today, so I think thats two or three weeks in a row the scale has gone down.. however minute. Next week will be impacted by TOM, so im sure there will be nothing good then. Im definitely in a better place the last few weeks than I had been.. definitely want to see the scale drop more, but I am embracing the changes my body is making now.. sometimes I surprise myself with how I look in the mirror.. even though I am still obese:)
    I look forward to starting a new workout program here shortly. I am on the last few workouts of NROL and I have enjoyed it.. I will admit, I wish there was a bit more than 5 exercises a workout, but you definitely get everything in with those.
    I would love to get a Cathe one, but I need a download one so I can take it to the gym on my phone.. STS would be great but I cant afford that yet.. maybe in the new year.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Raynn, I'm SOOO excited for you. You have been a warrior through this whole process, and you are now getting rewards. Just so happy that the scale is dropping for you. Well DONE!!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Raynn, I'm SOOO excited for you. You have been a warrior through this whole process, and you are now getting rewards. Just so happy that the scale is dropping for you. Well DONE!!

    Aww thanks:) Its nice to know I have so many cheerleaders in my corner:)
  • RJ74
    RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Ladies (waves)- I just wanted to ask a quick question of those of you who have been at your cut for a while. I did a 6 week reset, gained 5 lbs. in the first 3 weeks and then leveled off. Decided to do a 10% cut last Thursday. I weighed myself this morning (scale=evil, I know). Anyways, I lost 1.5 lbs. this week. Is that normal?? That seems like a lot to me, I wasn't expecting anything. I have about 20 lbs. to lose, so I'm not complaining, just want to make sure it doesn't mean I'm doing something "wrong". I guess I'm still in shock that I could lose weight eating 1950 calories a day... Thanks and have a fabulous day! :flowerforyou:
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Lol.. there is no normal in here:)...
    Sounds like a nice loss and I would probably stay where I was at and see how things go from there. Most people have been finding that a 10% loss is netting losses where a 15% cut wasnt..
    Keep it up!
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Lol.. there is no normal in here:)...

    Love that! :laugh:
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Hey all!! I'm just checking in. I just started a diet break and exercise break for a week probably? It's time for a much needed break and a chance to step back and see where i've been, where i'm headed and where I want to be. Enjoying it so far.

    RAYNN: So happy things are looking up for you. You soooooo deserve a break. :flowerforyou:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    It sounds like so many are doing amazing. Congrats all around on great progress!

    AFM - Well, I'm not yet in that boat, but it's to be expected for me right now. I had an appt. with my dr. on Monday. My thyroid levels are not what they should be. Despite several raises in meds in the last year and a half, my body doesn't seem to be absorbing my meds. Dr. added some T3 only to my Armour (that has all of the T's). :) Anyways, he also added a few supplements. So I'll be starting with that. While he said I shouldn't throw healthy exercise habits out, he also said I need to take it easy right now and reduce stress in my life until my body gets to a more optimal energy level.

    I could've laughed out loud about the reducing stress part! We're in the middle of hubby's first semester in an RN program. I started homeschooling my kindergartner and one of my daycare kiddos in August. I work 50+ hours a week running a licensed home daycare. And we have A LOT of marital dysfunction. Stress is my middle! Anyways, I do have my weekly dance classes that I'm enjoying oh so much.

    I want want want to start NROL4W so badly, but I know I'm not ready. I know I'll completely crash and/or not be able to give it enough oomph to get the results I want. So for now I'm sticking with dance and working on my response to stress and allowing my meds to hopefully do their thing. I'm hoping that maybe in a month or so I can start NROL4W. I want to join the body reshaping party very soon!

    Oh wow so sorry to hear things are so crazy around you. I pray things get better soon.
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    Judgement day again and this week lost another pound.

    And even better than that, I've lost 1/2 inch of my waist. :-D

    I've been putting off buying new work trousers for a while as its a pain finding places that do larger sizes but I don't think I can afford to leave it much longer. Not if I want to avoid an embarrassing incident at work! ;-)
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    0.5lb on this week after eating at TDEE for a week. I'm finding that I'm a lot less obsessed by food and don't have any cravings since starting EM2WL which is one of the major bonuses for me :)
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    Hi Ladies (waves)- I just wanted to ask a quick question of those of you who have been at your cut for a while. I did a 6 week reset, gained 5 lbs. in the first 3 weeks and then leveled off. Decided to do a 10% cut last Thursday. I weighed myself this morning (scale=evil, I know). Anyways, I lost 1.5 lbs. this week. Is that normal?? That seems like a lot to me, I wasn't expecting anything. I have about 20 lbs. to lose, so I'm not complaining, just want to make sure it doesn't mean I'm doing something "wrong". I guess I'm still in shock that I could lose weight eating 1950 calories a day... Thanks and have a fabulous day! :flowerforyou:

    the weight u gained on the reset is most likely water, so when u cut, it was the water coming off.

    very normal
  • RJ74
    RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the reassurance! I am not expecting another loss like that this week, but it was kind of a nice surprise! :)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Heya all.. plugging along here.. weekend was pretty out of normal for me. we had our youngest's birthday party, and we went travelling on sunday to visit family, so high salt, travel, not eating enough protein and of course TOM arrived all at once, the scale is not showing anything pretty.. so it went away for a few days:) Hopefully after this week ill be able to get a better read of where I am again.
    hope all is doing well!