CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have a question... I didn't see the issue of reset when I started EM2WL.... I've been eating my BMR plus my excercise. I've lost nothing.. But now I'm wondering if I should be eating more The reset amount would be what??? I just looked on the Scooby calculator and it said my TDEE would be 2408 with a 15 % cut Cal to 2046 my BMR is 1411 ... I've been eating around 1700 cal per day average. .. Is this too low... That's with the workouts and excercising?? Am I supposed to eat around 2400 to reset?? Than cut to 2046 with excercise?

    Resetting means eat at your TDEE for a period of 4-8 weeks. However not everyone needs a reset. A lot of people have had success eating right at their cut value and been able to get the scale moving. It s personal choice. You can just go right up to TDE and do a reset for 4 weeks, then take a 10-15% cut and see what happens.. or you can go to your 15% cut now, and hope its enough to get things going. You can always decide to do a reset after if things arent going well.

    Make sense?
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks Rayn!!! Yes that helps tremendously!!!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    today is a much better day for me. I am thinking clearer, feeling better and the scale has dropped all of my water weight from the past few days events. I honestly did not think it would drop that quick since yesterday it was showing a 3 pound gain.. but its all gone this morning and I have a loss compared to last week:)
    I took measurements this morning and there were a few that had a very small change, and many stayed the same. It does appear my natural waist took another inch loss, (if I am measuring correctly, of course) and my "belly button" waist has a .25 of an inch change. Hips had a .5 change and thighs are unchanged.
    Im pleased there is some progress now, but My measurements still arent back to where they were when I began EMTWL, they are a lot closer though:)
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    That is so awesome Raynn! Here's to more good days on your horizon! :drinker: :drinker:
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    I am on week 3 of a 15% cut after eating TDEE for about 5 weeks. Before that I was at a plateau for a while and needed a jumpstart. I have to say I loved eating at TDEE - I maintained perfectly (didn't gain or loose anything) and never was hungry and felt comfortable eating all the calories I needed. I upped my protein when I started my cut (40 prot/30 carb/ 30 fat) but still worked out, etc. I have lost 3 lbs in the 3 weeks of my cut! I lost a pound the first week and 2 the second! I couldn't believe it! I am status quo for this week, but I have no problem with that! I have one more week of cut, then I think I will go back and eat at TDEE for a week. I've been using the Hackers Diet site and trending my weight (I weigh every day) and I love all the information it gives me.

    I also want to thank everyone here for the information and support! There is no way I would have been brave enough to eat 2100 calories a day without being armed with lots of knowledge!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Yay for you Raynn! I am so glad you are in a better place today and are seeing some of the results of your hard work pay off!

    I measured yesterday and had no change, but I had just measured less than 2 weeks ago. I wanted to get measurements right after TOM because I think that is the week I want to measure every month from now on. So I will wait another month now and see where I am.
    I feel like I am getting no where on the scale, but my tracking on the Hackers website shows a steady decline, so something is happening. I will re-evaluate that in a month also even though I do weigh daily.

    Feeling pretty good about things right now, even though not all my clothes fit like I would like them to or like they did 6 months ago. I just get this feeling that things are happening and changing for the better.
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi Everyone! So it has been a LONG time since I have checked in. September was a rough month...I just didn't have my head in the game & was starting down the path of eating whatever I wanted (which was more often than not unhealthy choices) and while I was working out, I wasn't pushing myself. I stopped tracking & just went into the "this is so not going to work for me" mode.

    BUT I picked myself up and met with the trainer at my gym and had him look at my diet & workout plans. He gave me some tips on my diet - more protein & fat & less carbs. He follows the paleo style of eating which is definitely not sustainable for me in the long-term but I am incorporating some of the ideas into my diet. I am having a tough time making it to my full calories every day but am giving myself some time to get there.

    He shook up my workout - I am following a "cross-fit-esque" style work out with building rounds of short bursts of cardio with strength training moves. And I finally learned how to do a dead-lift. :smile: The workouts are shorter and only take about 45 minutes but I am moving the entire time. He has convinced me to try this out for 3 months & then make changes from there so if EM2WL has taught me nothing else - it has taught me to give things time to work. :laugh:

    Oh and he took my BF% and it is higher than I thought - 28.8% so that is my measurement that I am going to work on. My goal is to reduce that number & fit in a smaller size. I have these jeans that are going to be my measuring stick....

    So...I am still going through the process & figuring out what works best for me. I have finally accepted that this is going to take time & trying a bunch of things and stopped fooling myself that this is a "quick fix". And that I am going to have to change my diet & fitness plan until I figure out that magic place.

    Sorry for the long check-in and if you have made it this far - thanks for reading! It has been cleansing to post this. Expect to see me on this post a lot as I think I need some support as I figure it out......
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Sounds like things are going well for you carriea! a good solid 3 month plan in place. I understand how hard it is when we want to see change, and its just not coming fast enough. I had to send my pictures to Kiki this week so someone else could show me where there was change, even though I had nothing on the scale or tape measure to show it..
    I hope things improve for you!

    AFM - doing good. Im at my new cut value, and instead of dropping to 2300 (15% - less 2700) I decided to cut to 2500, since my last few weeks on fitbit have me now over 2900 cal average instead of 2700.. so at least at 2500 there is a deficit of either 200ish, or 400ish:)
    Ill give that a good for 4-6 weeks and then reevaluate:)
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Hmmm, sounds like we are all in "give it some time and re-evaluate" mode!

    @carrie, are your calories still looking about the same with this 3 month plan? Just curious what your trainer had to say about that. Also, I was falling into the same trap you were about eating whatever and doing whatever at the end of summer, but I think I have pulled myself out of it for the most part. I still have my days, but for the most part I am doing well. Yes, keep posting so we can all motivate each other to stick it out for the long haul.

    @raynn, I am envious of your calories!!!!! I think I have just convinced myself to re-up my bodybugg account as much as I don't want to, but then there is not so much guessing and waiting and hoping. You are at -15% now, remind me what you were before?

    As you can tell by all my questions, I am still tweaking, unsure of myself.
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for the support ladies!

    @rayann - I am also jealous of your calories. Do you like your fitbit? I keep going back and forth about getting one and am not sure if it would put me into analysis paralysis with all that data.

    @jomatho - my trainer said calories look good. So I am still at 1800 which is about a 10% cut. He actually said - I am so glad that I don't have to convince you to strength train and eat more...he is not a fan of 1200 calorie diets. But frankly not reducing carbs and increasing veggies fills me up but they are such low calories that it's tough. He did say to eat when you are hungry. He's a fan of the basics and keeping it simple.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Lol, I would much rather be eating about 1900-2000 cals, if that meant I was under 200 pounds:)
    @jomatho when I first started using the fitbit, my first three weeks gave me a 2700 daily burn... and of course that is when I decided to take a TDEE break, so I jumped up to it (My reset I was eating 2800).. then my next two weeks from fitbit have given me an average of 2900 and 2950 respectively..
    So after my initial reset and began cut, I dropped to about 2440 for 15% cut. 7 weeks and maybe hovering the 3 pounds lost. .. jumped up to 2700 for a break, and my first week had me a .6 gain (but TOM had just arrived) and then this week I had a .4 loss. So basically a .2 gain from before I did my break.
    So now I am eating at 2500 cals, which is about 200-400 cal deficit. After going through the first round and seeing that at what I thought was my cut, and not really getting results.. then doing a break, and seeing my numbers should be higher, its likely the reason the first time didnt work, is because 2400 cals was TOO LOW for me. ( I think jyska is doing a trial and error with s 250 cal deficit over a larger one right now too..) It was likely a 500-600 cal deficit for me..

    WHo knows.. I could totally be talking out of my *kitten*:)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I love my fitbit.. its a pedometer on crack:) It has really made me see just how much higher of a burn I have in a day, much higher than I thought I would be. I was certain that even though I was working out 5 days a week, I was still sedentary:) So it really helped to show me I am in fact at moderately active and "deserve" to be.

    I would have taken a Body media fit as well, but I couldnt afford the monthly cost for that as well as the cost for the unit.. my fitbit was actually given to me for my birthday from soem really great friends..

    As a side note, my poor fitbit went through the wash this afternoon... I am hoping beyond hope that fitbit will replace it
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    .... ( I think jyska is doing a trial and error with s 250 cal deficit over a larger one right now too..) It was likely a 500-600 cal deficit for me..

    yeah, I have changed my deficit from 650 to 250ish (it ranges from 150 - 400). (so I eat on average anywhere from 2250 - 2650) The first four days were great....lost weight every day. Then TOM hit and I'm waiting it out before I'll have any accurate readings. :grumble:

    it's amazing how attached you can become to those fitness bmf is like my underwear...I don't go anywhere without wearing it and I'd feel very weird leaving it behind! :laugh:
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hello, time for an update I suppose!

    I've been at cut for about 3 1/2 months with zero change in my weight or measurements. :grumble:

    It's a hard pill to swallow, but I am seeing increased muscle definition which is a plus.:drinker:

    At this point, while the scale is irritating, I'm more focused on the measurements and body fat. I want to cut this layer of fat, so I bought a Fitbit 2 days ago. I'll keep you updated. Good luck everyone.

    Hi Everyone,

    Congrats to those having success! Way to go.

    I wanted to update you guys and let you know I was diagnosed with my ups and downs with EM2WL probably have more to do with that then the program.

    I felt like something has been wrong for years, yet was told it was stress related....... So, take care of yourselves and remember you know your body best......listen to it and trust it.

    PS still loving the Fitbit :love:
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Well my fitbit came out of the wash, and it was working... slightly. I actually managed to sync it, and it apparently a tumble through the wash is a "high level" calorie burn!:laugh:
    it is still very wonky and randomly wont show me anything, so its definitely not 100% working. I threw it in some rice and hopefully that might help.. and fingers are crossed fitbit might help me out..
  • HealthyEllie98
    Hi everyone!
    So today marks the end of my 6th week of cut.... and all my measurements are back down to what they were before I did the reset, and my weight is within about one pound. I've lost 5 pounds total. It’s slightly more than it was then because I have actually gained muscle!!! My body fat % is the same, but I weigh about a pound more… meaning I have one extra pound of lean body mass! YAY!
    I am soooo happy. Next week I am going to take a diet break, and eat at my TDEE all week. Then I'll keep going... and that'll be the real test: whether or not I'll break through my pre-reset weight that I plateaued at.
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone thanks for the support about Mum - we're coping much better this week and have eaten to my numbers :). I've been teaching her how to eat healthy because it will help her with her treatment and recovery and introduced her to new foods such as pumpkin seeds, blueberries and almonds and eating little and often - not bad for someone who's lived on micro meals and massive plates of pasta for years. I got some wholemeal pasta for her which we might try this week.

    Have lost 2.5lbs this week on my 4th week of cut. I'm eating at TDEE this week before starting the cut again :)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Glad there is some nice progress going on in here!
    I am hoping this week will show a loss for me. God knows I certainly deserve to see one for once.

    October is up, and the weather is getting cooler so there will definitely be more gym days in my future. I might bring out Jillian Michaels again for something to do at home on days I dont feel like going. Im interested in trying the Cathe dvds everyone keeps talking about, but I would need to take them to the gym, so Im looking into the downloadable ones. Plus cost is a huge factor so Ill have to see what I can do about it...

    After Kiki showed me in my pics where my changes were happening, I have been able to be a little bit more at peace with the extremely slow pace I have been on. Its still hugely frustrating to still not have the scale drop on me, especially being as heavy as I am, but I am working hard to ty and let that feeling go a bit. I know Im doing things the right way and hopefully one day it will all catch up to me..

    I hope you are all having a great weekend!
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    Just finished first week on cut ..... and dropped 3.6lbs!!

    Don't quite know how that happened exactly but I'm not going to argue. I'm only on a 15% cut.

    Last two days my carbs level didn't even reach 10% and felt good. I wasn't really hungry at any point during the day. I def think it's helping things. (for me anyway)
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Congrats on the losses ladies!

    And @Raynn - my fingers are crossed about your fitbit. I hope it drys out & gets back to working fully. You have convinced me to order one for myself. Do you wear it while you work-out?

    AFM - I am plugging goal this week is to make my calorie goal with healthy choices. I found some veggie soup in the freezer that I am going to start eating along with my salad for lunch. I am still maintaining my 1 pound loss from Friday so yeah! I still need to get on the ball and take some pictures.

    I love when the first of the month happens at the beginning of the's like a "fresh" start and I always feel like I can conquer the world :).