Challenge starting July 16th. Who is with me???



  • djbrink21
    djbrink21 Posts: 97 Member
    So how did everyone do with Week 1? I have planned to retake all my measurements every Monday just to check progress. So starting measurements were: Weight: 152lbs Waist: 37inches(I go by the biggest part) Hips: 42inches Today's measurements were: Weight: 152lbs Waist: 35.5inchs Hips: 41 inches!!! So even though the scale didn't budge at all the numbers have changed and that is amazing to me in just one week. I can only imagine what it will be like at the end of 60 days! Dig DEEP everyone!!!

    Lost 1.4 lbs after the first week. Planning to measure every other week, so Sunday will be the first measurement day. I can already feel that my HRM chest strap is looser though, so I know there are measurement changes going on. And my wife has even commented that my shoulders feel different; likely do to the Level 1 and 2 drills. Can't wait until Sunday now to see the difference.
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I am really messing up with Insanity. I missed one day, and then I just got behind. That is why I struggle with plans that have the days and exercises mapped out. Ugh, I always do this.

    Does everyone follow it as the DVD has is planned?

    I do, but who cares what he DVD plan says. If you do any of the work (including the Cardio Recovery) once a day then you are doing more than what you would do if you didn't. If you miss a day, who cares, is missing one day going to make the next day that you do work out any less good for you? Just get out there and push play!

    Good point! I am going to get back to it today. I have to remind myself, that whatever I'm doing is a lot better than doing nothing at all.
  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    I ended up being a day behind everyone else so I am on Week 2 Day 2 of workouts. I just did Pure Cardio and plan on doing Cardio Plyo tonight so I am all caught up. Let me tell you trying to do anything on the floor when my 15 month old son is awake is a joke. LOL Everytime I was doing a push up he was trying to give me hugs and kisses. LOL Feeling great though!
  • sonyab76
    sonyab76 Posts: 17 Member
    How is everyone doing? It's my rest day of week 2 today. Tomorrow is fit test #2. I really don't feel like much has changed. The scale definitely hasn't, hopefully I will see it in the measurements. I know that month 2 is when the real results will show. After yesterdays cardio abs though, I am feeling some new muscle pains.
    Is anyone else having a hard time pressing play? I am waking up each morning dreading the workout. I am mostly getting sick of the same warm up every day. I am not going to give up though.......
  • djbrink21
    djbrink21 Posts: 97 Member
    Did second Fit Test today. Below are my results

    Switch Kicks 74 (+4)
    Power Jacks 40 (+10)
    Power Knees 58 (+13)
    Power Jumps 16 (+1)
    Globe Jumps 9 (+4)
    Suicide Jumps 9 (+1)
    Pushup Jacks 18 (+2)
    Low Plank Obliques 30 (+5)

    Measurement Results (in inches and pounds)

    Weight: 233 (-2.6)
    Neck 17.5 (0)
    Chest 43.5 (-1)
    Waist 45.5 (-2)
    Thigh 23.5 (-2)
    Bicep: 14.75 (-0.25)

    After only two weeks, I can feel that my abs are stronger, my pants are fitting better, my legs are much more defined, my shoulders are already starting to look cut, and my arms are much stronger. This is really working and no matter how much I don't want to get out of bed these kind of results are the reason I do.

    Could not feel better about the last two weeks. TWO INCHES off my waist, how could I not be ready for another 2 weeks of this craziness!
  • djbrink21
    djbrink21 Posts: 97 Member
    How is everyone doing? It's my rest day of week 2 today. Tomorrow is fit test #2. I really don't feel like much has changed. The scale definitely hasn't, hopefully I will see it in the measurements. I know that month 2 is when the real results will show. After yesterdays cardio abs though, I am feeling some new muscle pains.
    Is anyone else having a hard time pressing play? I am waking up each morning dreading the workout. I am mostly getting sick of the same warm up every day. I am not going to give up though.......

    I hear you. Cardio abs was NO fun, but I know my abs were working. I have been getting up a little more sluggishly each morning since mid last week, but I"m still pushing play and doing it and that's what counts. The warm up does get a little boring, but at the same time it really is a good warm up so it's worth it. Just gotta keep hitting play and work through it. Even without the scale moving tomorrow when you measure you will probably see results with the tape measure and those are the ones that REALLY count.
  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    Just finished my 2nd fit test and I am so happy with the results! I had major improvements in everything! Here are my results: 1. Switch Kicks 57 2. Power Jacks 35 3. Power Knees 80 4. Power Jumps 10 5. Globe Jumps 10 6. Suicide Jumps 10 7. Push-up Jacks 10 8. Low Plank 40
    I have also come to terms with my scale and it is safely hiding under my dresser until we start Month 2. I have been too focused on the scale and nothing else. I can't wait to see how I improve some more!
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Just finished second fit test! Here are my numbers (first and second since I never got around to posting the first ones anyways)

    (parentheses are week one numbers)

    Switch Kicks (60) 66
    Power Jacks (45) 45
    Power Knees (70) 90
    Power Jumps (30) 30
    Globe Jumps (10) 16
    Suicide Jumps (20) 22
    Push-up Jacks (17) 8 (yeaaa I hate these. a lot.)
    Low Plank (24) 30
  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    How is everyone doing now that we just finished our first 2 weeks? I'm doing great I was thrilled with my Fit Test results and my progress so far. So far I have lost 2 inches from my waist, 2 inches from my hips, and 3.5% body fat. I have gained 3lbs so hopefully that will go away soon. Here are some progress pictures. Please be nice..

    40 Weeks Pregnant 6-12-12

    5 weeks PP Day 1 Insanity 7-16-12

    7weeks PP Day 15 Insanity 7-30-12
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    You are looking great!! and I love your tats :D
  • fitmum2be
    fitmum2be Posts: 49 Member
    About to do pure cardio and cardio abs but thought id post my fit test results as well :S

    Switch kicks (40) 80 +40
    Power Jacks (38) 44 +6
    Power Knees (80) 100 +20
    Power Jumps (20) 30 +10
    Globe Jumps - Don't have enough room
    Suicide Jumps (12) 21 +9
    Push Up Jacks (10) 20 +10
    Low Plank Oblique (40) 20 - 20 ouch

    Chest: -1.5cm
    L Bicep - No change
    R Bicep +0.5
    Waist - 2cm
    Hips - 8cm (that dreaded mummy belly is lifting even more now yay)
    L Thigh - 2.5cm
    R Thigh -2cm
    L Calf +1 (Not happy with this)
    R Calf +1.5 (Again not happy with this)
    Weight -2KG / 4lb so far

    Week and a half till I take photos looking forward to it actually as my clothes are feeling looser.
  • fitmum2be
    fitmum2be Posts: 49 Member
    Okay so i'm impatient lmfao took photos today and really happy i'll still get my partner to take day 30 photos though.
    Plyometric cardio circut today then rest tomorrow but I'll do some stretching anyone elses muscles feel really tight??
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    I'm feeling awesome to be honest. My husband actually said that my thighs look more toned, and he only says something if there's actual / major improvement, haha.
  • djbrink21
    djbrink21 Posts: 97 Member
    Okay so i'm impatient lmfao took photos today and really happy i'll still get my partner to take day 30 photos though.
    Plyometric cardio circut today then rest tomorrow but I'll do some stretching anyone elses muscles feel really tight??

    Tight? I'm not sure my muscles have another state at the moment. The only time they don't feel tight is during the workout and at that point they are tired. Starting week 5 ("rest" week) hoping it helps to relax everything before month 2.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Due to life stuff I have been hit and miss the last two weeks. I'm going to start back hard core hopefully tonight and get into some new routines (my workout buddy is going back to college, so I have to revise my "usual" )
  • orsonwellesfan
    Good evening,
    Hi everyone my name is Michelle and I started insanity on July 16th but I'm new to my fitness pal. So I can say that I feel all of your pain when you are doing the workouts because I am right there with you. Well I'm just going to say that I really do need the encouragement to keep on with this program because as of tomorrow at 8:00 am sharp I will be starting college classes with a very full 18 credit hour load, so if you would like to add me as a friend I would greatly appreciate it and hopefully we can all encourage each other to dig deep and not give up.
  • fitmum2be
    fitmum2be Posts: 49 Member
    Recovery week.... loving it! .... Month two.... looks petrifying hahahahahaha but we can do this!