Where are my fellow P90xers?



  • RobJSoccer
    RobJSoccer Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, I look forward to being at the 2 month mark, how are your results so far? Keep it up!
    Well, just knocked out Day 4, Yoga X. I got up earlier than usual because I knew this workout would take a long time. Well, my son woke up early again but, my wife was gracious to watch him while I completed the workout. I completed an hour then I called it quits. I felt fine to keep going; in fact, I felt great because my knees feel so much better once I stretch out my hamstrings (I am extremely tight in my legs). I would have kept going but, I wanted to spend some time with my son before I left for work because I have school tonight but, I'm still pleased with my effort and, I am very happy to be improving my terrible flexibility. Day 4 DONE!

    Good to see everyone else is going strong, let's keep it up!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I honestly think even 1 hour of yoga is good for you. I am also tight in the legs and have tendonitis in my knees and ankle, so yoga helps to stretch them and relieve them of that inflammation and tightness. Congrats on day 4! Keep bringin it!
  • Cuhejo300
    I disrespected Yoga when I first started P90x. In fact, I couldnt wait to get to the dvd since the previous 3 workouts had me lying on the floor at the end. I thought Yoga would be some what of a little break.. I stretch pretty well, use to play basketball in HS. I think the time on my DVD player read 25:13 when Yoga X defeated me. So Im pretty proud that I can make it through the entire 90+ mins of the dvd now, and especially fired up that I can do Half Moon to Twisting Half Moon without falling out.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I disrespected Yoga when I first started P90x. In fact, I couldnt wait to get to the dvd since the previous 3 workouts had me lying on the floor at the end. I thought Yoga would be some what of a little break.. I stretch pretty well, use to play basketball in HS. I think the time on my DVD player read 25:13 when Yoga X defeated me. So Im pretty proud that I can make it through the entire 90+ mins of the dvd now, and especially fired up that I can do Half Moon to Twisting Half Moon without falling out.

    You rock, I cannot do Half moon or twisting half moon yet, nor can I do Crane. I push myself each time but haven't mastered those yet. However in the first few weeks I couldn't do plough so I'm doing better.
  • RobJSoccer
    RobJSoccer Posts: 21 Member
    Day 5 in the books! I had to switch Kenpo X with Shoulders & Arms because my triceps were still really sore. On Day 6, I will be hitting Shoulders & Arms/Ab Ripper X. Feels good. I've already lost a few pounds this week. I don't know if most of it is water weight (Probably is) but, I didn't really expect to lose any weight until about 3 weeks in due to gaining muscle weight while decreasing fat weight. I figured it would be an even trade for a while but, it looks like I've lost about 2.5 lbs. We'll see if that really is the case going forward. I have a feeling I will plateau on weight the next couple of weeks, then see some dramatic drops after that.

    Keep bringing it everyone! I’m encouraged when I see everyone’s progress and desire to stick with this program here!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Rob, it could be water weight, but hey, its still something! Keep up the awesome workout. There is not problem in switching workouts. All that matters is you stay focused, get what you can in and log in!

    Keep up the awesome work!
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Second time through core synergetics went much much better. I think that is true of most of the dvd's. The first time you are messing around with weight choices and learning how to do the movements. Second time you are mastering it!!! I was still unable to do a drea roll- but that is now my goal, I will do these by the end of p90x!!!

    My friend got p90x2 cause we thought it would be fun to do it next and there is a dvd called plyocide!!!! Ab Ripper X2 is 24 minutes :noway:
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I'm having a tough time right now with my nutrition. This week has been awful. If it isn't nailed down I want to eat it, I don't care what it is. I can't seem to get the hunger beast under control.

    I feel like I hit a great goal (finally being in the 100's) and then the eating monster took over.
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    I'm having a tough time right now with my nutrition. This week has been awful. If it isn't nailed down I want to eat it, I don't care what it is. I can't seem to get the hunger beast under control.

    I feel like I hit a great goal (finally being in the 100's) and then the eating monster took over.

    I'm sorry to hear you are struggling this week! How many calories are you eating a day? And are you feeling hungry or Are you struggling more with self control? Perhaps with all the progress you have been making your body genuinely needs a little extra right now? When I have those empty days when I feel genuinely hungry, I eat 200-300 extra calories, maybe more if I need to. I figure my TDEE has to been 2500+ doing p90x so I would need to binge pretty hard for a few days to negate my progress so far.

    I don't know how helpful that it really is for you, but I wanted you to know that you're not alone. And congratulations on hitting the 100s, that really is awesome and you should be so proud!!
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    I'm having a tough time right now with my nutrition. This week has been awful. If it isn't nailed down I want to eat it, I don't care what it is. I can't seem to get the hunger beast under control.

    I feel like I hit a great goal (finally being in the 100's) and then the eating monster took over.

    I'm sorry to hear you are struggling this week! How many calories are you eating a day? And are you feeling hungry or Are you struggling more with self control? Perhaps with all the progress you have been making your body genuinely needs a little extra right now? When I have those empty days when I feel genuinely hungry, I eat 200-300 extra calories, maybe more if I need to. I figure my TDEE has to been 2500+ doing p90x so I would need to binge pretty hard for a few days to negate my progress so far.

    I don't know how helpful that it really is for you, but I wanted you to know that you're not alone. And congratulations on hitting the 100s, that really is awesome and you should be so proud!!

    So many typos! Damn iPhone.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Thanks Nicole. I'm at 1744 a day for food. I don't know what it is, I feel like a bottomless pit.

    Honestly I feel like this happens whenever I reach a significant goal. This is me speculating of course. I feel like I totally need a reset or something.
  • RobJSoccer
    RobJSoccer Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks Nicole. I'm at 1744 a day for food. I don't know what it is, I feel like a bottomless pit.

    Honestly I feel like this happens whenever I reach a significant goal. This is me speculating of course. I feel like I totally need a reset or something.

    Great job on reaching the 100's! That is fantastic. I agree with Nicole maybe just get what you body needs to break even for a few days to satisfy the hunger and, then, continue after that with the calorie deficit. I hear it is good for a small period of time to come out of a calorie deficit and reach equilibrium to stoke your metabolism. I don't know if this is true but, I would definitely listen to your body. Great work everyone keep it up!
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    NSV!!! I did crane with no toes on the floor for 15 whole seconds!!!:happy:
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Ok finished the first 30 days tonight so I took my measurements to see how it all went.
    Age 37
    Height 5'7"
    I lost 5lbs and 3.5 inches
  • Cuhejo300
    NSV!!! I did crane with no toes on the floor for 15 whole seconds!!!:happy:

    Nice!!! I'm still busting my big head on my pillow...I learned the hard way the first time.. keep up the great work.
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    NSV!!! I did crane with no toes on the floor for 15 whole seconds!!!:happy:

    Holy cow! That is super impressive! That is one of my two big challenges to conquer in this program (the other being those dang pull ups). Great work, and congrats on your phase one results!
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    The judges have tallied their scores, and my Phase I p90x results are in!

    I have only lost 0.4lb, but I have shed 1.5" from my waist, 1" from my hips, 0.5" from each thigh and 0.5" from my chest, and my BF% using calipers is down somewhere from an awesome 1.7% to an incredible 2.9% depending on which method of calculation I use.

    My Phase II goal is to lift heavier weights, and I am going to add in some running a few days a week before it gets too cold outside to leave the house. Thanks for everyone's support on the journey so far! :D

  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    The judges have tallied their scores, and my Phase I p90x results are in!

    I have only lost 0.4lb, but I have shed 1.5" from my waist, 1" from my hips, 0.5" from each thigh and 0.5" from my chest, and my BF% using calipers is down somewhere from an awesome 1.7% to an incredible 2.9% depending on which method of calculation I use.

    My Phase II goal is to lift heavier weights, and I am going to add in some running a few days a week before it gets too cold outside to leave the house. Thanks for everyone's support on the journey so far! :D


  • gpcoleman
    gpcoleman Posts: 9 Member
    OK P90Xers help me out here by telling me what you do. I have finished week 1, round 1 of lean. I started without looking through the nutrition guide. I know its important but I just needed to get started on something while the motivation was there. At the same time I joined MFP and made the mistake of entering a seditary lifestyle which would be true if I hadn't started P90X. This made my cal goal 1200 given that I want to lose 12 pounds. I have eaten anywhere between 1100 - 1500 each day. So today I finally worked out what I should be eating according to the X guide - 2400. OMG! That's double what I've been eating! I totally get it. I understand why I need to and what could happen if I don't but still super nervous that I'll put in the time and effort and not see the results ending in disappointment/frustration and quitting. I am eating really well - fruit, veg, chicken, tuna, whole wheat etc. The only thing I'm struggling with is keeping my sugar within MFP goal (mostly from fruit).
    Anyway here's what I'm wondering, has anyone had to alter the suggested intake much? Are you following the meal plans in the guide or just doing your own thing in terms of eating healthy? Am I setting myself up for disappointment by not following the guide?
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    OK P90Xers help me out here by telling me what you do. I have finished week 1, round 1 of lean. I started without looking through the nutrition guide. I know its important but I just needed to get started on something while the motivation was there. At the same time I joined MFP and made the mistake of entering a seditary lifestyle which would be true if I hadn't started P90X. This made my cal goal 1200 given that I want to lose 12 pounds. I have eaten anywhere between 1100 - 1500 each day. So today I finally worked out what I should be eating according to the X guide - 2400. OMG! That's double what I've been eating! I totally get it. I understand why I need to and what could happen if I don't but still super nervous that I'll put in the time and effort and not see the results ending in disappointment/frustration and quitting. I am eating really well - fruit, veg, chicken, tuna, whole wheat etc. The only thing I'm struggling with is keeping my sugar within MFP goal (mostly from fruit).
    Anyway here's what I'm wondering, has anyone had to alter the suggested intake much? Are you following the meal plans in the guide or just doing your own thing in terms of eating healthy? Am I setting myself up for disappointment by not following the guide?

    I don't use the P90x nutrition it seems pretty high to me, feels more like something you would do if you wanted to put on weight. I worked my calories out with another website, and ended up around 1744 a day. There are a ton of good recipes in the P90x nutrition guide however.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    NSV!!! I did crane with no toes on the floor for 15 whole seconds!!!:happy:

    I can only dream! That is awesome, great job!