Where are my fellow P90xers?



  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    I just have to tell everyone there that I am so psyched that you are all checking in here everyday. When I started this topic I never knew what to expect, but didnt think it would have so many responses. It's so awesome to see so many people doing p90x and so determined to get through it. You are all awesome!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I just have to tell everyone there that I am so psyched that you are all checking in here everyday. When I started this topic I never knew what to expect, but didnt think it would have so many responses. It's so awesome to see so many people doing p90x and so determined to get through it. You are all awesome!

    Yep, I push play everyday. I am soo close to graduation I can taste it..lol.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I just have to tell everyone there that I am so psyched that you are all checking in here everyday. When I started this topic I never knew what to expect, but didnt think it would have so many responses. It's so awesome to see so many people doing p90x and so determined to get through it. You are all awesome!

    It helps keep me motivated and honest to see all the other out here putting in the work, it makes me not want to quit you know? Thanks for starting this thread
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    This thread is awesome....except that most of you are ahead of me and kept frightening me off with your tales of p90x kick butticus from future workouts! I like that there are people that I can talk to about what I am doing who actually know exactly what I am doing.

    Legs and back two days after back and biceps??!! My back was still feeling Wednesday! Oh well guess I'll sleep on my stomach tonight!! :tongue:
  • gpcoleman
    gpcoleman Posts: 9 Member
    No getting frightened off here! I just finished week 2 of lean and I keep pressing play to get to where many of you are now. You are keeping me motivated. I'm excited to see where I'll be at the end of 90 days! Next week will be the true test. I've been on vaca the past 2 weeks so I've had lots of time to fit the workouts in. I'm not a great morning person but with work, and then kid's hockey and figure skating starting I'll have to suck it up. Great job everyone. Keep bringin it!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    This thread is awesome....except that most of you are ahead of me and kept frightening me off with your tales of p90x kick butticus from future workouts! I like that there are people that I can talk to about what I am doing who actually know exactly what I am doing.

    Legs and back two days after back and biceps??!! My back was still feeling Wednesday! Oh well guess I'll sleep on my stomach tonight!! :tongue:

    I always find it easiest to sleep on my side when doing back exercises :)
  • Cuhejo300
    This is crazy, 28 day check-in and I’m actually looking sort of fit? I haven’t seen anything that remotely looks like abs since 07’. I would have laughed at you if I was told do pull-ups with the chair, let alone without. The most surprising thing of all, is getting up at 430am every morning (now without the alarm clock) and being functional. Good to stay fired up on here with other individuals getting it done. Down 8lbs, BF @ 17%.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Holy crap! Yesterday was make up day, cause I missed two days this week. So I did Plyo and Yoga. Today I can barely move. All my muscles hurt. JUst bending to get something on the low shelf was too much. Went for a walk to loosen up and that helped immensely. Now a hot bath and soft cotton pjs to make me even better. Yoga kicks my butt every time.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Core synergistic yesterday, today I oped for an elliptical workout as opposed to my rest day (I ate homemade ice cream)
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    What to do? My right arm is much stronger than my left arm. On the weight exercises where you do one arm and then the next I can always do more reps with my right arm. I can actually lift one weight higher with my right arm too. I have decided to leave the weights at what my left arm can do. Should I do the same number of reps? Like if I know I can do 15 with the right and 12 with the left should I just do 12 on both?

    Today was weird. It just felt like I was going through the motions and could not get much intensity. Even though I did not up my weights from last week everything felt too heavy and I ended up with less reps. It showed up in the calories burned...cannot hide from the hrm.

    I am super proud that I managed one tiny, without a ton of range of motion, one armed push up on my right arm! Victory is sweet :drinker:
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    What to do? My right arm is much stronger than my left arm. On the weight exercises where you do one arm and then the next I can always do more reps with my right arm. I can actually lift one weight higher with my right arm too. I have decided to leave the weights at what my left arm can do. Should I do the same number of reps? Like if I know I can do 15 with the right and 12 with the left should I just do 12 on both?

    Today was weird. It just felt like I was going through the motions and could not get much intensity. Even though I did not up my weights from last week everything felt too heavy and I ended up with less reps. It showed up in the calories burned...cannot hide from the hrm.

    I am super proud that I managed one tiny, without a ton of range of motion, one armed push up on my right arm! Victory is sweet :drinker:

    I agree, cannot hide from the HRM!

    Great work on the one armed push up!! I am still a ways off from that, but I am determined!!

    I am the same, stronger on my right side. In an effort to strengthen by left arm and to avoid getting lopsided (my right bicep is already a little bigger than my left according to the tape measure), I do my left side first with a weight I find challenging, then match what I did on my right side.
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    Day 2 of week 6, and continuing with my modified Doubles. That pretty much means that I am doing the regular workouts of a morning, and three evenings a week I add in an extra cardio session. It was pretty tiring last week but I am going to persist for now and use it as an opportunity to test out some of the Insanity workouts to see if I am going to do that next or do another round of p90x. It might be a little crazy, but for some reason since I switched my workouts to the morning instead of the evening, I get the feeling around 4-5pm that I have been being lazy and that I should workout some more. It probably comes from sitting at my desk all day. Plus, I made these delicious brownies that have a 2:1 carb to protein ratio and only 130 calories, I eat 1-2 a day so I think some of it is guilt. But I shouldn't feel guilty because they are homemade from organic ingredients and they fit in both my calories and my macros (for the most part).

    Nice to see you are all working so hard. :)
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Recovery Week of Phase 2. I cannot believe it!

    YogaX done for the day, question, I wasn't a huge fan of Stretch X, do you think it would be fine to do YogaX the day I'm suppose to do StretchX?
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Recovery Week of Phase 2. I cannot believe it!

    YogaX done for the day, question, I wasn't a huge fan of Stretch X, do you think it would be fine to do YogaX the day I'm suppose to do StretchX?

    I don't think it would hurt as long as they are not back to back.

    Day 71 - Plyometrics - It felt great!
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    Recovery Week of Phase 2. I cannot believe it!

    YogaX done for the day, question, I wasn't a huge fan of Stretch X, do you think it would be fine to do YogaX the day I'm suppose to do StretchX?

    I think it would be fine.

    And way to go on getting to the end of Phase 2!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Core Synergistics done. Holy god I forgot how difficult that was, I had to wipe down my mat as I was pouring sweat off of me. I still can't do drea roll so I just do crunches.

    I forgot to post I got one toe off the mat yesterday for Crane!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Shoulders & Arms / Ab Ripper X today

    I was so not motivated this morning. It took everything I had to get through that workout. This started last week and I can't seem to shake it. I feel tired and run down. I suppose this program has gotten the best of me. I will be so happy when these next 18 days are over.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    So I went to search for reviews on P90x2.

    Check out these video clips of the workouts. Craziness!

  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    So I went to search for reviews on P90x2.

    Check out these video clips of the workouts. Craziness!


    Craziness indeed!!!! How on earth does he do the one where he is on 4 balls one for each hand and foot and not have the balls roll away from under him???? I must say something miraculous would have to happen in my last 6 weeks of p90x for me to be able to do a lot of what I saw in those p90x2 videos...I already thought I was doing serious workouts- OMG guess not :grumble:
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    So I went to search for reviews on P90x2.

    Check out these video clips of the workouts. Craziness!


    Craziness indeed!!!! How on earth does he do the one where he is on 4 balls one for each hand and foot and not have the balls roll away from under him???? I must say something miraculous would have to happen in my last 6 weeks of p90x for me to be able to do a lot of what I saw in those p90x2 videos...I already thought I was doing serious workouts- OMG guess not :grumble:

    I know it. I thought the same thing, I would probably have to go through P90x about 3 more times to even be remotely fit enough to attempt this workout.