Where are my fellow P90xers?



  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    legs and back and abs... just as I thought, was hard as hell... the legs part was very hard for me... the back wasn't hard because I used bands (I can't do a pull up yet)... ab ripper x, still super hard, but I think I might have gotten a few extra reps in there over last time... had a nice calorie burn of over 800 calories for the workout though, which makes me smile :)

    Way to bring it man! You're killin it so far! Legs and back is my LEAST favorite workout. Believe it or not, i'd rather do ab ripper haha! It's amazing how fast you progress with Ab Ripper though. I couldn't believe it. But you'll get there man, i'm in your spot right now. I'm not in shape like I was before. I can't wait to get back in that phase I was in. its a great feeling when you can workout and feel awesome after. There were times I wanted to keep going. Your metabolism rises and your energy comes naturally. Great feeling!
  • ericshofe
    ericshofe Posts: 5
    finished today strong. started out with my girlie and did her jillian michaels 30 day shred with her, then immediately went into cardio recovery of insanity, then immediately went into p90x plyometrics but could only do the first thirty min cause i have guests coming over. i dont have a heart rate monitor, so im entering it as circuit training, although im sure i burn way more calories than it says. this is very hard work, but it will pay off in the end... for all of us. good luck to you all and stay strong!
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Dreading my Kempo X workout today, but then will have earned a day off tomorrow! 1 week down and 12 more to go... Still really sore... hopefully next week some of this soreness works itself out... I am getting sore in a new place every day! The Sore De Jour is at the very top of the front of my legs, almost to my hips, from yesterdays leg workout... i don't think I have ever been sore there before!
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    You guys are motivating me and making me a bit nervous.
    I finish ChaLean Extreme today. I loved that program. Then I thought I wold take a week off of programs and start P90x next Monday.
    Plyo sounds love. I love stuff like that. I am just concerned about how long each workout is. It will be hard for me to workout for an hour on Saturdays.
    Anyways I am sure I will be back here for support once I start. I cant wait!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Ran 5K today in 31 minutes (my best ever ...so far), everything hurts following that and yesterdays leg workout. Might love the kenpo, though I do love kickboxy type workouts. Hmmm.
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    You guys are motivating me and making me a bit nervous.
    I finish ChaLean Extreme today. I loved that program. Then I thought I wold take a week off of programs and start P90x next Monday.
    Plyo sounds love. I love stuff like that. I am just concerned about how long each workout is. It will be hard for me to workout for an hour on Saturdays.
    Anyways I am sure I will be back here for support once I start. I cant wait!

    Welcome! Base your start day off of what day you want your off day to be... if you start on Monday, your off day will be Sunday, which is what most of us here are doing, but if another off day works for you, then do that... The workouts are long, some days its 80-90 minutes, but its worth it. If you do everything that they ask, I can't imagine not seeing results after 90 days.

    Stick around this group, once you start, and we can all motivate each other and give tips... good luck!
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Ran 5K today in 31 minutes (my best ever ...so far), everything hurts following that and yesterdays leg workout. Might love the kenpo, though I do love kickboxy type workouts. Hmmm.

    Great job! I just got done with Kenpo today... in my opinion it was the easiest workout so far, but it was still challenging, and a great calorie burn... if you like kickboxing, you will like the kenpo
  • Chryskk
    Chryskk Posts: 22 Member
    I'm at the end of week 1 of the P90X / Turbo Fire Hybrid schedule.

    I completed P90X Lean last Spring (woo hoo!)

    I got 6 weeks into Turbo Fire this summer before I was sidelined for about 6 weeks with an injury.

    I'm looking forward to completing the P90X/TF hybrid schedule! I took out the Yoga sessions and subbed Turbo Fire Fire 45 EZ sessions and I'm combining the P90X nutrition plan with the calorie counter on here.
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    I'm at the end of week 1 of the P90X / Turbo Fire Hybrid schedule.

    I completed P90X Lean last Spring (woo hoo!)

    I got 6 weeks into Turbo Fire this summer before I was sidelined for about 6 weeks with an injury.

    I'm looking forward to completing the P90X/TF hybrid schedule! I took out the Yoga sessions and subbed Turbo Fire Fire 45 EZ sessions and I'm combining the P90X nutrition plan with the calorie counter on here.

    sweet! Welcome!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Phew, did half of Kenpo, but I'm just too sore after going all out on my run. Still, some is better than none, right?!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I just started this week. I love it!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Ran 5K today in 31 minutes (my best ever ...so far), everything hurts following that and yesterdays leg workout. Might love the kenpo, though I do love kickboxy type workouts. Hmmm.

    Great job! I just got done with Kenpo today... in my opinion it was the easiest workout so far, but it was still challenging, and a great calorie burn... if you like kickboxing, you will like the kenpo

    I find CardioX to be the easiest workout from P90x. Not much of a fan of it. I love Kempo, I do it with weight gloves.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Just did Plyo X... wow... burned 933 calories... I was tired after the warm up!! haha

    Plyo is insane. I couldn't barely jump high enough, my heart rate was high. Great workout though.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    it hurts so bad to walk up and down the stairs! haha

    That's what happened to me the first time I did Legs and Back. The next day my butt and quads were screaming and I had to bend over for something and I barely could. HA!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    yeah i'm hoping it gets easier... hopefully by the end of the 90 days i will be able to complete the whole workout 25 reps each like they do, that would be a huge accomplishment...

    It won't even take you that long, I can do a full 350 ab exercises within about 2 weeks of doing Ab Ripper. (I had a few discs before I officially started).
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    That sounds good to me! I do my workouts at lunch, so I tend to eat a large breakfast to help get me through the workout... I think the key is you just eat something!

    I work out fasted, just on BCAA's and I can get through everything okay. The soreness always makes me feel better about my workout. HA!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I do mine at night around 8:30, it's the only time I really get a chance! After my work out.. I am SOOOO hungry!

    You should save some calories at dinner (which I assume you eat before your workout), for after... Carbs help to refuel and repair muscles and (are supposed to) help with taming soreness and aid in recovery. I would think some after workout fruit would do your body good... But again, I'm no nutritionist :)

    Thanks, I will keep that in mind. I have to really do some meal planning and snack planning before I go grociery shopping this weekend. I made an eggwhite omelet with veggies for dinner last night..... has anyone used the carton eggwhites? are they okay, sometimes I don't have time to sit there and separate the eggs. I think I would do it more if I could pour it out of a carton ha

    I do, they are delicious I do an egg white omelette with coconut oil, spinach and onions, is so filling.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    yeah, it was about an hour and a half... really long... but I did make it through... a few of the things I couldn't do, or do as well as they were doing, but hopefully by the end of 90 days I will be able to do everything... baby steps!

    This is my biggest complaint is the length of the Yoga. At the 45 min mark I'm ready for it to be done, I always feel good once I've done it, my body really thanks me for getting in really good stretches, but still I kind of curse my way through the thing.
  • lpappas76
    lpappas76 Posts: 2
    I'm in week five of p90x with my husband and while I have noticed a huge change in my flexibility and measurements, haven't seen a huge weight loss. I am trying to combine the program with additional yoga and swimming plus a ton of yard work. Praying every day the scale will start to work with me.....
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I'm in week five of p90x with my husband and while I have noticed a huge change in my flexibility and measurements, haven't seen a huge weight loss. I am trying to combine the program with additional yoga and swimming plus a ton of yard work. Praying every day the scale will start to work with me.....

    Are you following the nutrition plan too?

    I have decided to start tomorrow. I am just trying to figure out the right number of calories to eat. I will follow the marcos they say to.