Where are my fellow P90xers?



  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Hi. I just joined the beachbody group today. I have been working out to get in shape to do p90x. I did the fit test yesterday and passed with flying colours (when I bought the dvd set a few months back I was not able). I plan to start it next Monday, July 30th. Yesterday I also did the plyo and cardio x dvd's just to see what the pacing and such is. I was surprised that I was able to keep up with everything and only had to modify one of the jump moves in plyo (I was getting dizzy doing the 180 squat jumps where you also touch the floor, had to stop touching the floor and just focus on the jump to prevent nausea). This week I am finishing another program then right into p90x next week.
    stats to come, will re-do my measurements and weight on Sunday when I complete Body revolution and then do my before pics for p90x.

    Awesome! That's the way to do it... I said before I wish I would have done an easier 30 day program before jumping into p90X, so you should do just fine! If you can do the Plyo X workout and keep up, you will do just fine! IMO, Plyo X is the hardest one ( that and Yoga).

    Good luck!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Oh my lordy - I have put on 7lb in what can only be water weight since Day 1. I am eating at 1700 (my TDEE is around 2100) so I can't be gaining actual weight.

    *glugs down the water*

    I feel good though, so that is the main thing. :-)

    A run and some plyo tonight - going to try and get fell hours exercise either way.

    Happy X-ing folks!
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Oh my lordy - I have put on 7lb in what can only be water weight since Day 1. I am eating at 1700 (my TDEE is around 2100) so I can't be gaining actual weight.

    *glugs down the water*

    I feel good though, so that is the main thing. :-)

    A run and some plyo tonight - going to try and get fell hours exercise either way.

    Happy X-ing folks!

    yup i gained some too, but like you said, its got to be water weight...we just need to give it some time... there is no way you can gain actual weight on this program, it's too hard!
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Just did my Plyo X workout for the week... glad that is over!! anyways, I think I was able to a bit more than the first time... so that is progress... hopefully someday we will be able to breeze through these things :)
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Thanks for your supportive comments znm100.

    Do any of you know how you figure out the weight that you should start lifting? I printed off the sheet and there are all these areas for the weight you will lift and the reps- I really do not know what I can lift at this point as I have not done a lot of it. Or will Tony explain this in the dvds?
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    You need something you can only do about 8 reps of, so the first week or two and kind of trial and error. :-) you work it out as you go along. :-)
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Thanks for your supportive comments znm100.

    and yes - thank you znm100 - it is really appreciated.
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Thanks for your supportive comments znm100.

    Do any of you know how you figure out the weight that you should start lifting? I printed off the sheet and there are all these areas for the weight you will lift and the reps- I really do not know what I can lift at this point as I have not done a lot of it. Or will Tony explain this in the dvds?

    Honestly, I am a grown *kitten* man, and I use the resistance bands... I have heard that the best thing that you can get, is those adjustable dumbells, but those are really expensive... I got the bands on amazon and they were only like 25 bucks and came with a pull up bar as well... The bands give you a great workout for the arms and shoulders workout in my opinion... Not as great for the back (using them instead of doing pullups), but I will have to continue to use them until I can actually do a pullup :)
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Thanks for your supportive comments znm100.

    and yes - thank you znm100 - it is really appreciated.

    no problem! That's why BryGuy started this thread, so we can all support each other since we are all on the same page... its helped keep me motivated!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Thanks for your supportive comments znm100.

    Do any of you know how you figure out the weight that you should start lifting? I printed off the sheet and there are all these areas for the weight you will lift and the reps- I really do not know what I can lift at this point as I have not done a lot of it. Or will Tony explain this in the dvds?

    On the discs they say if you want to bulk you do 8 reps, so you would want heavy, if you go lighter and want more of a lean look and do more reps. I am currently lifting a 10 lb weight and doing between 15-20 reps depending on the exercise. I will move up from there, he says the last 3 reps you should be struggling, so obviously if you are only doing 8 reps, you are lifting pretty heavy.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Week 2 of Phase 1 started today. I thought I would be a big shot and attempt a regular pushup rather than the "girlie" ones on my knees, well 5 pushups in I tweaked something in my neck/shoulder area and it killed, so needless to say the remainder of the workout I was doing my pushups on my knees. So disappointing, I hate when I get that tweak and no idea why. Slathered myself with Tiger Balm! Plyo tomorrow, I have to say, not looking forward too it. It's my least favorite of the workouts but I'm gonna get er done!
  • jenneal89
    jenneal89 Posts: 243
    On Day 45 of the lean program and loving it! I wanted to burn some fat off before I started building more muscle. I STILL have some tummy flab after having my baby 19 months ago even tho I'm thin everywhere else. I've started adding a couple of extra cardio sessions during the week as well. Gong to do doubles next :)

    Age: 23
    Weight: 122lbs
    Height: 5' 6"
    BMI: 19.7
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Thanks for your supportive comments znm100.

    Do any of you know how you figure out the weight that you should start lifting? I printed off the sheet and there are all these areas for the weight you will lift and the reps- I really do not know what I can lift at this point as I have not done a lot of it. Or will Tony explain this in the dvds?

    On the discs they say if you want to bulk you do 8 reps, so you would want heavy, if you go lighter and want more of a lean look and do more reps. I am currently lifting a 10 lb weight and doing between 15-20 reps depending on the exercise. I will move up from there, he says the last 3 reps you should be struggling, so obviously if you are only doing 8 reps, you are lifting pretty heavy.

    Just my opinion but I've done a lot of reading around this and it seems to be understood that the "lean" phase doesn't actually make you lose any more fat than classic. My understanding is that it was introduced purely to get more women to use the system (women typically being scared to bulk up). I believe the classic will have more of an effect, lifting a weight for lots of reps builds endurance not muscle and muscle burns fat (the more muscle you have the more calories you burn just doing nothing), so why not build that from the start with heavier weights while burning the fat off with the cardio on those days?

    I don't know, will just have to see how it goes. :-)
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Week 2 of Phase 1 started today. I thought I would be a big shot and attempt a regular pushup rather than the "girlie" ones on my knees, well 5 pushups in I tweaked something in my neck/shoulder area and it killed, so needless to say the remainder of the workout I was doing my pushups on my knees. So disappointing, I hate when I get that tweak and no idea why. Slathered myself with Tiger Balm! Plyo tomorrow, I have to say, not looking forward too it. It's my least favorite of the workouts but I'm gonna get er done!

    It's ok, I do 'girlie' pushups... its the only way that I can get a good enough workout throughout... i figure it is better to do more at less resistance (using knees), then to only be able to do a few at higher resistance (standard) before my form fails... Even doing girlie pushups, my muscles are at failure by the end of the workout... Hopefully by the end of the 90 days I can do more manly man pushups :happy:
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Hey Moran, welcome to P90x, this program is awesome! Plyo is intense, but glad to see you made it through. It's my favorite workout because it burns so much and its not boring haha!

    As far as weight lifting, Tony will explain what he recommends, which is basically what works best for you. If you are looking for lean muscle toning you want to do 10-12 reps of whatever weight helps get the job done. You should be struggling with the last 2-3 reps. If you are looking for bulk, 8-10 reps with the same concept. Again, he will go over this in the dvd's. He does a tremendous job explaining the workouts. After you get used to the workouts, you have the option to Mute his talking during the workouts, haha!
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    This is exactly why I started this thread. I want those who are looking to start, starting or graduated from p90x or even any BeachBody program to help motivate, support and encourage each other to meet their goals. So thank you znm for your comments and support. You are killin it with the program.

    I also had to use resistance bands when I first started as I didnt have dumbells, and I now have the adjustable bells. However, they are a pain in the ars and I have to switch the weight which takes time. So i said screw it and got individual bells for the weights I need. I am looking for bulk and do 8-10 reps at a hight weight. I also use the resistance bands for pullups since none of my doorways support my pull up bar.

    The thing I love about this program is that it's designed to work for anyone at any level. You have the option to modify your form or your equipment to help you get that workout. So don't beat yourselves up if you cant do full pushup, pull up or run-stance-squat. Modify, and you will work your way up.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    I started this thread, because I love p90x. I started this program back in late 2010 and had awesome results. I spent countless hours planning ahead and it was worth it. I didn't finish a full 90 days, but I brough it hard and got into great shape. The main focus on this thread is to help support each other and share each others knowledge and opinions. I am very knowledgable about the program, BeachBody, nutrition and fitness in general. So please feel free to come to me with any questions.

    Please feel free to ask any question, and please come on here if you get discouraged. We all can meet our goals and i'm sure most of us have been in many similar situations that you have been in and can offer support. I'd like to eventually start a group if we can get enough people involved. I can't tell you how excited I am to see so many people checking into this thread. I wasn't sure how many people would join in, but this is exactly what I wanted and it pumps me up!

    Keep checking in this thread each day, message me, post on my wall... Tell me your small success, or goals met. Whatever it is. Something that you did that you are proud of. I love to hear these. I don't care what it is.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Just my opinion but I've done a lot of reading around this and it seems to be understood that the "lean" phase doesn't actually make you lose any more fat than classic. My understanding is that it was introduced purely to get more women to use the system (women typically being scared to bulk up). I believe the classic will have more of an effect, lifting a weight for lots of reps builds endurance not muscle and muscle burns fat (the more muscle you have the more calories you burn just doing nothing), so why not build that from the start with heavier weights while burning the fat off with the cardio on those days?

    I don't know, will just have to see how it goes. :-)

    Honestly, the only real difference between the two is that the lean version has a couple more cardio days than the classic which has more strength training. So for those who prefer more cardio based workouts than lifting, you can't go wrong that way. Maybe people have wrist issues, or for whatever reason cannot lift, or suffered an injury and this is a way to work up to the classic version. Either way, the mixture of cardio and strength training helps to build that muscle which will burn off the fat. This is well known everywhere and I lost 13 lbs in 8 weeks of the classic version. So i'm living proof that works.

    Just go into this knowing you wont see immediate physical results. You will notice a change in your stamina, strength and measurements, but I didnt notice results unil about 6-7 weeks in. So don't get discouraged, it takes time. But the number ONE, most important part of this program is nutrition. Without proper and consistent nutrition, these workouts are pointless.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Just my opinion but I've done a lot of reading around this and it seems to be understood that the "lean" phase doesn't actually make you lose any more fat than classic. My understanding is that it was introduced purely to get more women to use the system (women typically being scared to bulk up). I believe the classic will have more of an effect, lifting a weight for lots of reps builds endurance not muscle and muscle burns fat (the more muscle you have the more calories you burn just doing nothing), so why not build that from the start with heavier weights while burning the fat off with the cardio on those days?

    I don't know, will just have to see how it goes. :-)

    Honestly, the only real difference between the two is that the lean version has a couple more cardio days than the classic which has more strength training. So for those who prefer more cardio based workouts than lifting, you can't go wrong that way. Maybe people have wrist issues, or for whatever reason cannot lift, or suffered an injury and this is a way to work up to the classic version. Either way, the mixture of cardio and strength training helps to build that muscle which will burn off the fat. This is well known everywhere and I lost 13 lbs in 8 weeks of the classic version. So i'm living proof that works.

    Just go into this knowing you wont see immediate physical results. You will notice a change in your stamina, strength and measurements, but I didnt notice results unil about 6-7 weeks in. So don't get discouraged, it takes time. But the number ONE, most important part of this program is nutrition. Without proper and consistent nutrition, these workouts are pointless.

    I chose to do classic as well despite still needing to lose weight. I love the way lifting weights makes me feel.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    I chose to do classic as well despite still needing to lose weight. I love the way lifting weights makes me feel.

    I'm with you on this. I love the feeling of lifting weights. My favorites are Lawn Mowers and Back flys :happy: