August Challenge - The Binge vs Me



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Really questioning every little craving and asking whether it is truly hunger.

    This is Excellent!!! Good work!
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    I am pretty new to the group and since joining a 2 weeks ago, have not had a binge. Well I did this evening and I am so mad at myself. It was pretty mild compared to how it could be but to just get it off my chest I ate about 600 calories worth of junk (ice cream sandwiches with carmel sauce, another piece of banana bread and some fried rice) AND the kicker is I weighed in this morning and had lost 1.2 pounds this past week. GRRRR!!!

    Binge-1 (8/6)
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    August 6, 2012

    me: 5
    binge: 1

    Aug 1 mainly Oreos and home made bread. related to stress from crazy kids/lack of sleep due to kids and screwing up a job application deadline.

    I am now back at my pre binge weight. I can't imagine how easy my weight loss would be if I didn't sabotage myself.
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    August 6, 2012

    me: 5
    binge: 1

    Aug 1 mainly Oreos and home made bread. related to stress from crazy kids/lack of sleep due to kids and screwing up a job application deadline.

    I am now back at my pre binge weight. I can't imagine how easy my weight loss would be if I didn't sabotage myself.

    I think this all the time!!!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    As of August 6, 2012

    Me: 3
    Binge: 3 (8/2; 8/3; 8/4)
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    I was doing so well :(

    Aug 6, 2012

    Me- 5
    BInge- 1

    Binge consisted of 75 mike & ikes, 2 mini york pepp patties, several handfuls of goldfish, several handfuls of raisinets, big peach (that's the only healthy part, lol)

    I'm so mad at myself. I was doing so well. An evil coworker returned from vacation and screwed it all up when I got stressed out from her. Hoping I can handle it better tomorrow.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    ^Meganalva, you are still doing well--5 binge-free days is a great accomplishment. :)

    I think you will be able to get back on track tomorrow, especially since you can anticipate your possible binge trigger at work. (I know how stressful it can be to have an "evil coworker," too!)


    M, August 6, 2012

    beatrixia: 3
    binge: 3 (8/1, 8/3, 8/5)

    Today was a good day, food-wise. Not having any easily accessible sweets certainly helps when I am vulnerable.

    I hope to break the every-other-day binge pattern tomorrow. :)

  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Mollie, I was hoping to get a hold of _Bite by Bite_, so I checked my local libraries for either a paper or audio copy. Alas, none of them has that particular title. :(

    Would anyone like to make another book recommendation about binge eating, something that has really helped you? I think I could benefit from some reading about now, and perhaps my library will have _something_ that you all recommend. :)
  • Ugh.

    Me: 3
    Binge: 3

    Note: NEVER buy cereal again.
  • KadenSmile
    KadenSmile Posts: 45 Member
    This is an awesome challenge... I know I'm a little late joining, but I am here now nonetheless.... After a great spree of not binging, I fell off the wagon yesterday, so it is...

    Aug 6/12
    Me - 5
    Binge - 1

    Time to get back on track
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member

    M, August 6, 2012

    beatrixia: 3
    binge: 3 (8/1, 8/3, 8/5)

    Today was a good day, food-wise. Not having any easily accessible sweets certainly helps when I am vulnerable.

    I hope to break the every-other-day binge pattern tomorrow. :)


    Good luck breaking your pattern today!
  • I, too, want to break the every other day cycle. I feel like I am just bingeing out of habit sometimes.

    One day at a time.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    August 2012

    Diane : 6
    The Binge: 0

    Last night was difficult. I was very wound up too and couldn't fall asleep until after midnight. But I did well. No binge.
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    As of 8/6:
    Me: 6
    Binge: 0 (!)
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    I have binged around 5 times this month already and was feeling hopeless. I realized that that I needed support and found this group!. I have gained all the 5 lbs I had lost on my new diet program.

    Hoping to get some help and support & provide the same.
    As of 8/6:
    Me: 1
    Binge: 5 ;(
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Once you get off track with binging it is so hard to re-group and but the breaks on. I did the one thing I know will put the brakes on my self-destructive binge cycles and that is getting on the scale again. So for now I am back to dialy weigh in's until the urge to binge goes away. I am very thankful seeing the scale go up stops me from continuing down a slippery slope.

    Yesterday was a questionable day. Not sure I really had a binge binge but I definitely had some of the behaviors last night. I was proud that I did maintain some control for sure in 2 instances where I was able to stop myself. One was ordering one item instead of 2 and another one was going thru a drive thru and deciding not to order a thing and go home since I was already full. The lady let me out of the line and even if she had not I had told her I changed my mind and was just going to sit in line until I could get out of it. So that was success for sure because I did not eat until I was sickening full.

    I see I have some catching up to do.:grumble: But that is OK, I know I will catch up with The Binge :wink:

    One day at a time!

    As of August 1, 2012: - Goal not to binge more than 7 days.

    Me - 1
    The Binge - 5 (8/1, 8/2, 8/3, 8/4, 8/6)

    “None of us can change our yesterdays but all of us can change our tomorrows.” ~Colin Powell
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    Me: 3
    Binge: 3

    Note: NEVER buy cereal again.

    This is why I don't buy it!! The Krave double chocolate cereal is my biggest downfall. I can easily eat the entire thing in one sitting and still go looking for more. :-/ I'm always jealous of the people that say "Everything in moderation." My moderation turns into a full-blown binge everytime.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I have binged around 5 times this month already and was feeling hopeless. I realized that that I needed support and found this group!. I have gained all the 5 lbs I had lost on my new diet program.

    Hoping to get some help and support & provide the same.
    As of 8/6:
    Me: 1
    Binge: 5 ;(

    Welcome to the group Shimmergal! It is never hopeless. Just keep getting back on the stick and never give up! Hope the group helps you. We have a lot of more support this month than the last couple of months with new ones finding us. Check in often and stay honest to yourself. Even though it appears as a contest it is about being mindful of our actions daily and hopefully not feeling helpless.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Book list that was requested -- Link below:

    There are a host of self help books out on binge eating, compulsive overeating, eating disorders, etc. Just use your library search engines to find what your library have.

    Geneen Roth has a lot of good books on this matter that is not too technical. When I found Bite by Bite, that was not the book I was looking for. I was looking for another one of her books and this was one of the only ones they had on CD so I checked it out. Right now I don't have time to read a book but I have time to listen to them on the way to work or in my car.

    Hope this list helps.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Diane and anyone please feel free to add to book list so people can just copy the list.......Thanks!