August Challenge - The Binge vs Me



  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    August 7, 2012

    me: 6
    binge: 1

    Aug 1 mainly Oreos and home made bread. related to stress from crazy kids/lack of sleep due to kids and screwing up a job application deadline.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    As of August 7, 2012

    Me: 4
    Binge: 3 (8/2; 8/3; 8/4)

    I really do a lot better in the evening when I just don't have time to binge. By the time I got home from work, then the gym, and then showering, it's 9:00. I was smart this weekend and pre-made a bunch of food so all I have to do is reheat.

    Has anyone tried Intermittent Fasting?
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    Binge-1 (8/6)

    Feeling better today. Proud of myself that I didn't binge again today. Sometimes I will binge one day and can't stop for 3 or 4 days.
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    Me- 5
    Binge- 2

    Fail again today :(

    A whole bag of combos, several handfuls of mike and ikes, mini reese bites, butterfinger bites, chocolate covered almonds, 2 cheese rolls....i am such a fatty :(
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member

    M, August 6, 2012

    beatrixia: 3
    binge: 3 (8/1, 8/3, 8/5)

    Today was a good day, food-wise. Not having any easily accessible sweets certainly helps when I am vulnerable.

    I hope to break the every-other-day binge pattern tomorrow. :)


    Good luck breaking your pattern today!

    Thanks, danifo0811!
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    T, August 7, 2012

    beatrixia: 4
    binge: 3 (8/1, 8/3, 8/5)

    I broke the every-other-day cycle today, no binge. :)

    But I had an incredibly strong impulse to binge--I wanted to buy a box of Hostess treats and eat the WHOLE thing. I had the presence of mind to at least confide in my husband how I was feeling, and that helped distance the urge a bit. It's just weird to me that the cravings hit every other day--I guess I never noticed before, but keeping track in this thread helped me see it. I'm still trying to figure out what emotional distress is triggering my recent urges.

    I've noticed on days when I eat my first meal in the morning, and then space the others out equally, I tend to do better.
    On days when my first meal is after noon, or like today, late afternoon, I tend to binge more or want to binge more.

    My two goals this week are to chew my food slowly to savor it and to place my utensil on my plate between bites. This helped yesterday. I think maybe it's because by consciously slowing down I am more mindful, and I put a pause between me and a potential binge.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Me- 5
    Binge- 2

    Fail again today :(

    A whole bag of combos, several handfuls of mike and ikes, mini reese bites, butterfinger bites, chocolate covered almonds, 2 cheese rolls....i am such a fatty :(

    I've noticed when I make a binge choice, or even if I overeat at one meal, I almost have an attitude of "why bother?" for the rest of that day. Have you ever felt that way, too?

    I'm trying to be aware of this thinking habit so that I can attempt to improve recovery get back on track sooner, so to speak. Easier said than done, of course, but I'd like to practice. :)

    Good luck tomorrow!

    ps I think we've all berated ourselves at some point or another. (I know I have.) We are often our harshest critics. I encourage you, all of us really, to be patient and gentle with yourself. Change is a process, and I've found there are lots of twists and turns, even moving backward instead or forward, on that road. That's just the process sometimes. It's not always one success after another after another. But, that doesn't mean progress hasn't been made, or won't be made. :)
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Book list that was requested -- Link below:

    There are a host of self help books out on binge eating, compulsive overeating, eating disorders, etc. Just use your library search engines to find what your library have.

    Geneen Roth has a lot of good books on this matter that is not too technical. When I found Bite by Bite, that was not the book I was looking for. I was looking for another one of her books and this was one of the only ones they had on CD so I checked it out. Right now I don't have time to read a book but I have time to listen to them on the way to work or in my car.

    Hope this list helps.

    Oh, this is great.

    It's fun to come across a gem of a book serendipitously, but it's also good to hear others rave about a particular book that was especially helpful. Thanks for starting that thread.

    Everyone, please add to the list if you know of a helpful resource. :)

    (I'm in a reading mood, I guess.)
  • KadenSmile
    KadenSmile Posts: 45 Member
    Me = 6
    Binge = 1

    I think that this challenge is really making me accountable to all the calories that I take in, cause I don't want to admit it to you guys, and my other MFP friends, that I fell of the wagon... So, it is making me do the best that I can. It's truly awesome!
  • Jucinator
    August 8th
    Me: 7
    Binge: 1

    This challenge is great, really gives me the push!
    I can't binge now. I mean, I mustn't - I had bloodwork done and it turned out that I really have to pay attention to my diet. That PCOS med really makes it clear when I eat something sub-optimal. So I have a new, complex goal - avoid binging and not pissing off the meds! These two goes hand-in-hand.
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    Me- 5
    Binge- 2

    Fail again today :(

    A whole bag of combos, several handfuls of mike and ikes, mini reese bites, butterfinger bites, chocolate covered almonds, 2 cheese rolls....i am such a fatty :(

    I've noticed when I make a binge choice, or even if I overeat at one meal, I almost have an attitude of "why bother?" for the rest of that day. Have you ever felt that way, too?

    I'm trying to be aware of this thinking habit so that I can attempt to improve recovery get back on track sooner, so to speak. Easier said than done, of course, but I'd like to practice. :)

    Good luck tomorrow!

    ps I think we've all berated ourselves at some point or another. (I know I have.) We are often our harshest critics. I encourage you, all of us really, to be patient and gentle with yourself. Change is a process, and I've found there are lots of twists and turns, even moving backward instead or forward, on that road. That's just the process sometimes. It's not always one success after another after another. But, that doesn't mean progress hasn't been made, or won't be made. :)

    I can't speak for Meganalva but this is SO me!! My mindset will go to--well I already messed up already. Sometimes it is something I mindlessly eat during the day that really wasn't too bad, but I had it on my list of things I shouldn't eat and then I will binge saying I messed up already. Sometimes I will binge for a few days straight saying "Well I already messed up on____ so what does it matter?" And then there is the GUILT. I really feel I am thinking through things more because I found this group. I don't feel so alone. Now it is only the beginning of my journey, but things already seem a bit clearer to me.
  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    As of August 7
    Me: 5
    Binge: 2
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    Me- 5
    Binge- 2

    Fail again today :(

    A whole bag of combos, several handfuls of mike and ikes, mini reese bites, butterfinger bites, chocolate covered almonds, 2 cheese rolls....i am such a fatty :(

    I've noticed when I make a binge choice, or even if I overeat at one meal, I almost have an attitude of "why bother?" for the rest of that day. Have you ever felt that way, too?

    I'm trying to be aware of this thinking habit so that I can attempt to improve recovery get back on track sooner, so to speak. Easier said than done, of course, but I'd like to practice. :)

    Good luck tomorrow!

    ps I think we've all berated ourselves at some point or another. (I know I have.) We are often our harshest critics. I encourage you, all of us really, to be patient and gentle with yourself. Change is a process, and I've found there are lots of twists and turns, even moving backward instead or forward, on that road. That's just the process sometimes. It's not always one success after another after another. But, that doesn't mean progress hasn't been made, or won't be made. :)

    I can't speak for Meganalva but this is SO me!! My mindset will go to--well I already messed up already. Sometimes it is something I mindlessly eat during the day that really wasn't too bad, but I had it on my list of things I shouldn't eat and then I will binge saying I messed up already. Sometimes I will binge for a few days straight saying "Well I already messed up on____ so what does it matter?" And then there is the GUILT. I really feel I am thinking through things more because I found this group. I don't feel so alone. Now it is only the beginning of my journey, but things already seem a bit clearer to me.
    I get the same mindset when I've made a bad choice on foods. Then, I just keep eating and eating. It happens where there is an abundance of food (bbq, buffet, baby showers, festivals). I need to figure out how to have my one plate and STOP eating. I've even thought maybe I shouldn't attend these gathering, but I hate for that to start happening. :(
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    August 2012

    Diane : 7
    The Binge: 0

    Last night was another difficult night. Feeling emotional. Mostly struggling with guilt because I selfishly do not want to spend so much time with my Mom. If I have a free night I don't want it to be expected of me to spend it with her, but it is. For those that do not know, my poor 53 yr old Mother had a major stroke last Feb and is still completely paralyzed on her left side. She is a larger woman so it takes 2 people to move her and she isn't comfortable in a wheelchair for long. So she has been mostly bed bound and is in a nursing home. It is very difficult some days to find the energy to be emotionally available even if I'm physically available.

    Stopped for gelato on way home from visiting Mom. Bought to go container. Wanted to eat entire thing - and I should know better than to eat out of the container! - but I didn't binge. Many successful days in a row now for me and it feels good.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Note: NEVER buy cereal again.

    I've felt like this. There are certain types of cereal I just simply cannot have in the house. Honey Nut Cheerios for example. Or Lucky Charms. They're not even that tasty but I know the elated and yet stuffed feeling they will give me if I eat a lot. And I cannot buy big boxes of cereal either, cuz then I want to pour bigger bowls. Sucks cuz I'm not saving any $$ buying in bulk, but that is a small price to pay to be healthier. I love cereal too, damn it. The crunch with the cold milk, mmm. I mostly buy calorie dense cereal now, with lots of fiber & protein if possible. And I use small bowls - imagine that! I used to use tupperware containers to eat cereal out of and would eat like 3-4 servings a pop. I never thought in a million years I'd want to eat Raisin Bran or Mini-Wheats. I think my favorite one is the Kashi Honey Almond Flax cereal with a whopping 8g of protein per cup.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I'm always jealous of the people that say "Everything in moderation." My moderation turns into a full-blown binge everytime.

    I strive to be able to do this. I am getting better at allowing myself treat food w/o the guilt - and that is helping. I still try to keep it out of the house, so if I'm gonna have something I would have to go get it. Again, this is not the most cost effective way of eating, but I just cannot shop the way I used to. I used to buy in bulk, I used to buy lots of processed food, I used to buy stuff just because it was on sale. But now it is best to just buy what I'm gonna eat in the next week or 2 and that's it. And if I want something that is only sold in larger quantities I make sure I have a plan to get rid of the remainder - like giving it to my brothers.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Note: NEVER buy cereal again.

    I've felt like this. There are certain types of cereal I just simply cannot have in the house. Honey Nut Cheerios for example. Or Lucky Charms. They're not even that tasty but I know the elated and yet stuffed feeling they will give me if I eat a lot. And I cannot buy big boxes of cereal either, cuz then I want to pour bigger bowls. Sucks cuz I'm not saving any $$ buying in bulk, but that is a small price to pay to be healthier. I love cereal too, damn it. The crunch with the cold milk, mmm. I mostly buy calorie dense cereal now, with lots of fiber & protein if possible. And I use small bowls - imagine that! I used to use tupperware containers to eat cereal out of and would eat like 3-4 servings a pop. I never thought in a million years I'd want to eat Raisin Bran or Mini-Wheats. I think my favorite one is the Kashi Honey Almond Flax cereal with a whopping 8g of protein per cup.

    Same here on cereals but now that I buy less sugary cereals I can control binges as far as cereals go now. I actually use cereal now as a dessert. I love most of the Kashi cereals too. I have never tried the one you mentioned. I usually shy away from Kashi because of calories and cost even though I know they are super healthy depsite the calories. I will buy Kashi when on sale or in bulk with coupon.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Me- 5
    Binge- 2

    Fail again today :(

    A whole bag of combos, several handfuls of mike and ikes, mini reese bites, butterfinger bites, chocolate covered almonds, 2 cheese rolls....i am such a fatty :(

    I've noticed when I make a binge choice, or even if I overeat at one meal, I almost have an attitude of "why bother?" for the rest of that day. Have you ever felt that way, too?

    I'm trying to be aware of this thinking habit so that I can attempt to improve recovery get back on track sooner, so to speak. Easier said than done, of course, but I'd like to practice. :)

    Good luck tomorrow!

    ps I think we've all berated ourselves at some point or another. (I know I have.) We are often our harshest critics. I encourage you, all of us really, to be patient and gentle with yourself. Change is a process, and I've found there are lots of twists and turns, even moving backward instead or forward, on that road. That's just the process sometimes. It's not always one success after another after another. But, that doesn't mean progress hasn't been made, or won't be made. :)

    I can't speak for Meganalva but this is SO me!! My mindset will go to--well I already messed up already. Sometimes it is something I mindlessly eat during the day that really wasn't too bad, but I had it on my list of things I shouldn't eat and then I will binge saying I messed up already. Sometimes I will binge for a few days straight saying "Well I already messed up on____ so what does it matter?" And then there is the GUILT. I really feel I am thinking through things more because I found this group. I don't feel so alone. Now it is only the beginning of my journey, but things already seem a bit clearer to me.
    I get the same mindset when I've made a bad choice on foods. Then, I just keep eating and eating. It happens where there is an abundance of food (bbq, buffet, baby showers, festivals). I need to figure out how to have my one plate and STOP eating. I've even thought maybe I shouldn't attend these gathering, but I hate for that to start happening. :(
    There have defintiely been times I have not gone to events because I did not feel in control enough. But like you said I try not to let this happen too many times but I do not feel guilty when I renege because of my feelings or urge to binge. I have come a long ways when it comes to binging at events and parties. I am now more of a social butterfly and this takes my mind off the food if I float around finding people to talk to and engage in pleasant conversation with. I also find when at a party I stay on the dance floor more to stay engaged instead of doing what I used to do for years and that was binge and eat off my friends plates. Now I never allow myself to eat off anyones plate and my close friends I have told to never allow me to eat off their plates. I made myself a walking garbage can for what others did not want.

    Just keep on trying and being mindful of things that are mentioned above and you can succeed in not letting one bad choice spiral into a slew of bad choices and utilmately a binge. We can do this!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    My two goals this week are to chew my food slowly to savor it and to place my utensil on my plate between bites. This helped yesterday. I think maybe it's because by consciously slowing down I am more mindful, and I put a pause between me and a potential binge.
    Excellent goal!!! Thanks for sharing because I can defintiely work on this too and find it very helpful when I do eat slower and put my fork down. I order me some chop sticks to that will make me eat slower. I am waiting on them to come.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    T, August 7, 2012

    beatrixia: 4
    binge: 3 (8/1, 8/3, 8/5)

    I broke the every-other-day cycle today, no binge. :)

    But I had an incredibly strong impulse to binge--I wanted to buy a box of Hostess treats and eat the WHOLE thing. I had the presence of mind to at least confide in my husband how I was feeling, and that helped distance the urge a bit. It's just weird to me that the cravings hit every other day--I guess I never noticed before, but keeping track in this thread helped me see it. I'm still trying to figure out what emotional distress is triggering my recent urges.

    I've noticed on days when I eat my first meal in the morning, and then space the others out equally, I tend to do better.
    On days when my first meal is after noon, or like today, late afternoon, I tend to binge more or want to binge more.

    You are adoing great by being mindful and trying to figure out what is triggering your urges to binge. This is the hardest thing to do is ask the hard questions of WHY, WHY and WHY? But in order to succeed with BED we have to ask and answer why and then figure out then how to let ourselves feel distress without turning to food. Because whatever is the stressor will still be there if we give in to the urge to binge. Thanks again for sharing!