August Challenge - The Binge vs Me



  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    August 9, 2012

    me: 8
    binge: 1

    Aug 1 mainly Oreos and home made bread. related to stress from crazy kids/lack of sleep due to kids and screwing up a job application deadline.

    I'm feeling like I could just eat but I keep telling myself it is boredom because the kids are eating so slow. I just need out of the kitchen!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Yay -, my belt and I agreed on the 6th hole today! I was at 6 holes last January when I got down to the lowest I've been at 234 and although I'm not down to that weight yet again, I'm pleased about the belt. All this strength training is making a difference on my body shape!

    Yay! That's awesome!!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    As of August 9, 2012
    Goal: to binge no more than 8 days.

    Me: 6
    Binge: 3 (8/2; 8/3; 8/4)

    I'm a little over today but not sweating it too much since I'm under for the week. I like seeing all of the green bars on the phone app graph. :wink:

    I'm a little worried about the upcoming weekend. I have the "It's Friday, time to eat!" mindset that I need to break.
  • meesapanda89
    Just had a big binge.

    Me: 5
    Binge: 4

    My stomach feels awful. I had a horrible day yesterday and woke up today feeling like crap. I feel sick.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    As of August 1, 2012: - Goal not to binge more than 7 days.

    Me - 2
    The Binge - 7 (8/1, 8/2, 8/3, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8, 8/9)

    “None of us can change our yesterdays but all of us can change our tomorrows.” ~Colin Powell
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    August 9, 2012

    me: 7
    binge: 2

    Aug 1 mainly Oreos and home made bread. related to stress from crazy kids/lack of sleep due to kids and screwing up a job application deadline.

    Aug 9 small binge. I could feel it all day. I finally gave in when I was cleaning up and heating supper for my husband at 9pn
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    day 10
    binge 3
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    Had a strong urge to binge yesterday at 8pm. I warmed up three mini vegetable egg rolls in the microwave. Ate HALF OF ONE and threw the rest. I know, I know, I shouldn't be throwing food away but that was the only way I was able to overcome the feeling and it has been really strong lately. I can't figure out why I'm having that strong urge almost every day. Maybe it's because I binged last Saturday and it takes a while for the feeling to decrease. I don't know, but yesturday was success for me!!

    Well, here comes the weekend. :/ Love the weekends but hate that my chances of binging increases and to top it off, my friend is having a gathering for his bday at his house Sat night which will include food and alcohol. Good luck to you all! Here we go...........

    As of 8/10
    Me: 8
    Binge: 1(8/4)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    August 2012

    Diane : 9
    The Binge: 0
  • primrosehill
    primrosehill Posts: 84 Member
    Me: 8
    The Binge Chimp: 2

    Keep going everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    August 10, 2012

    me: 7
    binge: 3

    Aug 1 mainly Oreos and home made bread. related to stress from crazy kids/lack of sleep due to kids and screwing up a job application deadline.

    Aug 9 small binge. I could feel it all day. I finally gave in when I was cleaning up and heating supper for my husband at 9pm

    Aug 10 ate a full pack of my daughter's cookies that I don't even like while writing my cover letters for 2 jobs.
  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    As of August 10
    Me: 7
    Binge: 2
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    Me 8
    Binge 2 (8/6 and 8/10)

    Boo :( DOn't even know what the deal was today, just trying to reboot and not keep eating the remainder of the day. What a vicious cycle but I feel so much better b/c I am not alone. This group is helping me so much!
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    Me- 6
    The Binge- 4 (8/6,8/7,8/8,8/9)

    Broke the binge cycle today :D:D
  • meesapanda89
    The binge keeps winning. I am realllllly struggling right now emotionally and know I'm just numbing it and punishing myself, but it just makes me feel worse. Tomorrow I will break the cycle.

    Me: 5
    Binge: 5
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    As of August 1, 2012: - Goal not to binge more than 7 days.

    Me - 3
    The Binge - 7 (8/1, 8/2, 8/3, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8, 8/9)

    “None of us can change our yesterdays but all of us can change our tomorrows.” ~Colin Powell
  • imtriagain
    imtriagain Posts: 104 Member
    Starting from Monday this week.

    Me. 3
    The binge 3
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    As of August 10, 2012
    Goal: to binge no more than 8 days.

    Me: 7
    Binge: 3 (8/2; 8/3; 8/4)

    Forgot to log this last night.
  • SarahJane0691
    SarahJane0691 Posts: 25 Member
    Really wish I saw this post earlier
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    August 2012

    Diane : 10
    The Binge: 0